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Photo of Walter M. BastianInternational Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

Walter M. Bastian

Deputy Assistant Secretary for
the Western Hemisphere

As Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Bastian is responsible for developing programs, policies and strategies designed to strengthen the United States' commercial position in the Western Hemisphere.

Prior to his current assignment, Mr. Bastian headed the Office of Latin America and the Caribbean and established and directed the Latin America/Caribbean Business Development Center. The Center was responsible for transforming the Caribbean Basin Initiative, the Andean Trade Preference Act and the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative into business opportunities for U.S. firms.

Before joining the Department, Mr. Bastian worked in the corporate trust department of a Washington bank and served as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Air Force.

Mr. Bastian graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., with a B.S. in Foreign Service and received an M.A. from Creighton University in Nebraska. Mr. Bastian has received numerous awards for his work, including the Department's Silver Medal for his work in designing economic reconstruction programs following hurricanes in Central America and the Caribbean. More recently, Mr. Bastian received the Presidential Rank Award, which recognizes his exceptional service to the American people over an extended period of time and his relentless commitment to excellence in public service. This award is the most prestigious recognition afforded to career professionals.