GovPay Process

Keep track of your bottom line – on-line- with GovPay™

What is GovPay? GovPay is an electronic invoicing system that allows submission of invoices as well as review, approval, and tracking over a secure web-based interface. In short, GovPay is designed to streamline the flow of invoices without the added administrative burden of a paper-driven system. Some advantages of using GovPay include:

  • 24/7 accessibility via the Internet
  • Quick, paperless invoice routing
  • Real-time approval and verification of invoice status
  • E-mail confirmation of completed transactions
  • On-line invoice reporting with export options

When can I begin using GovPay?
GovPay is active now.

Who can use GovPay?
Vendors who have an established contract with the National Business Center (NBC), Acquisition Services Directorate (AQD), assigned Contracting Officer Technical Representatives (COTRs) and the Contracting Officer all use GovPay.

When can vendors begin using GovPay? And, is there a registration?
Please begin using GovPay today! Follow instructions for GovPay Registration located off of the GovPay homepage. You will need your CCR (Central Contractor Registration) information and DUNS number in order to register.

When will GovPay start for me? I have been a customer for three years.
Until you are notified and given your GovPay account access information, please continue to provide and approve paper invoices.

Will I be able to continue using paper invoicing instead of GovPay?
We are striving to achieve the objectives outlined in the Paperwork Reduction Act and ask that our clients and vendors use the GovPay system in lieu of the traditional invoicing process.

Is training be offered?
Yes. You can access the training module from the GovPay homepage. If requested, a training manual is also available.

Is it difficult to use GovPay?
GovPay is a very simple and intuitive system designed with the end-user in mind including access to on-line help on every page.

Is there a help desk for me to call if I have trouble logging in or using GovPay?
Yes, we have a team of people available to answer questions via e-mail at or (703) 964-8802.

With GovPay, is the entire invoice process electronic?
Yes, the invoice development, review, certification, and approval phases are completed on-line. Clients and vendors have the ability to print and export data for use in external reports and records.

If I am away from the office, how can I make certain someone will take care of my invoice process?
GovPay offers flexibility through 24/7 accessibility from any internet connection. If necessary, an interim contact person can be assigned to complete transactions in your absence.

Thank you for your review of these anticipated questions! Contact with any additional questions you may have regarding GovPay.