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Emergency Management Performance Grants


The events surrounding Hurricanes Katrina and Rita highlighted the critical importance of effective catastrophic all-hazards planning. As part of this effort, State and local jurisdictions must engage in comprehensive national and regional planning processes that seek to enhance emergency management and catastrophic capabilities through strengthened national and regional relationships and the allocation of resources toward all-hazards planning, including maintaining current hazard mitigation plans.  

As authorized by the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007 (P.L. 110-28) and appropriated by the Fiscal Year 2008 (FY 2008) Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act (P.L. 110-161), the FY 2008 Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) provides $291,450,000 million to assist State and local governments to sustain and enhance all-hazards emergency management capabilities.  Emergency management must be able to coordinate in the context of natural and man-made hazards, as well as technological events, that threaten the security of the homeland and the safety and well-being of citizens.  An all-hazards approach to preparedness, including the development of a comprehensive program of planning, training, and exercises, sets the stage for an effective and consistent response to any threatened or actual disaster or emergency, regardless of the cause.

EMPG Funding— FY 2002 through FY 2008
FY 2002 $134,693,410
FY 2003 $170,312,798
FY 2004 $204,710,257
FY 2005* $173,828,342
FY 2006 $177,655,500
FY 2007** $244,000,000
FY 2008 $291,450,000

* Prior to FY 2005, EMPG grants were not managed by the FEMA Grant Programs Directorate.

** The FY 2007 total includes $194 million for FY 2007 EMPG funds announced in November 2006, as well as $50 million in FY 2007 EMPG Supplemental funds.

FY 2008 Emergency Management Performance Grant

The principal priority for the FY 2008 EMPG funds is to sustain and enhance catastrophic planning capabilities, to include addressing the findings of the FEMA gap analysis program and similar capability assessment efforts, and assisting state and local jurisdictions to address national and regional catastrophic planning needs.  State and local jurisdictions should also continue to focus on addressing state-specific planning issues identified through the 2006 Nationwide Plan Review.  In FY 2008, specific planning focus areas of evacuation planning, logistics and resource management, continuity of operations (COOP) / continuity of government (COG) planning, and recovery planning have been identified as national planning focus areas.

Total Funding Awarded in FY 2008: $291,450,000

Allocation List (PDF 15KB, TXT 2KB)

Purpose: The EMPG program provides resources to assist State and local governments to sustain and enhance all-hazards emergency management capabilities. States have the opportunity to use EMPG funds to further strengthen their ability to support emergency management activities while simultaneously addressing issues of national concern as identified in the National Priorities of the National Preparedness Guidelines.  EMPG has a 50 percent Federal and 50 percent State cost-share cash or in-kind match requirement.

Eligibility:  FY 2008 EMPG allocations are determined as authorized by the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007.  All 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico will receive a base amount of 0.75 percent of the total available grant funding.  Four Territories (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) will receive a base amount of 0.25 percent of the total available grant funding.  The balance of EMPG funds is distributed on a population-share basis.  Pursuant to the Compact of Free Association, funds are available for the Federated States of Micronesia and for the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Emergency Management Performance Grants FAQ

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Last Modified: Thursday, 04-Jun-2009 12:14:05 EDT
