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Synopsis of Committee Missions for the
FNAL Diversity Council

The Diversity Council for Fermilab will foster organizational equity through programs carefully designed to increase the diversity of the Laboratory and to increase the participation of employees. The Council will develop, implement, and maintain strategic programs with established goals for the Laboratory. It will organize teams that will develop initiatives in three areas:

  • Work force recruitment, retention, and development
  • Educational outreach
  • Community involvement and outreach

Diversity Council Structure (Chart)

The Workforce Recruitment, Retention, and Development Team

Committee for Hiring and Retaining Scientific Staff: This committee has as its first assignment to implement the action plans for increasing diversity among the scientists that the ad hoc CHRSS and the Directorate will agree upon.

Committee for Hiring and Retaining Technical Staff: This committee will use the Succession Plan and other demographic indicators to develop an action plan for addressing FNAL needs in its diversity profile in engineering, computing, safety,

Committee for Hiring and Retaining Non-Scientific and Non-Technical Staff: This committee will use FNAL demographics and turn-over data to develop initiatives to address diversity concerns in various exempt and non-exempt job categories.

University Liaison Committee: This committee will work with URA Universities to address pipeline issues and the numbers of minorities they recruit.

The Educational Outreach Team

FaST Teams Group: This committee will work to identify research opportunities throughout the Laboratory appropriate for faculty and their students who come from minority-serving institutions.

Committee for Educational Programs and Internships: This committee will be charged with developing a recruitment schedule for summer internships, cooperative education opportunities, and other college recruiting at institutions with strong diversity profiles. This group will also make recommendations for new college advertising media.

Team for Local and Community College Partnerships: This committee will investigate opportunities to partner with local schools, such as NIU, COD, CSU, UIC, etc. to develop a pool of college trained candidates who would enter our workforce as technicians and engineering technologists. The schools mentioned have strong diversity profiles.

The Community Involvement and Outreach Team

Planning Group for Multicultural Events: This group will organize affinity groups and plan celebrations for the diverse heritage of FNAL.

The Employee Resource Group Organization: This group will communicate with senior management, champion professional development, and serve as advocates for advancement.

last modified 07/23/2007   M.Smith -
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