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Environmental Planning

The followings steps walk you through the process of creating an environmental management plan for your business.

Before you begin, download the Small Business Environmental Management Plan Workbook. The actions below reference pages in this Workbook.

STEP 1. Write a company environmental policy.

  • Learn why and how to draft an environmental policy statement.
  • Use the Environmental Policy Worksheet on page 6 of the Workbook.
  • Refer to guidelines and samples prepared by EPA's Design for the Environment (DfE) Program.

STEP 2. Assign and communicate environmental responsibilities to employees.

  • Find samples and learn how using pages 9 - 15 of the Workbook.

STEP 3. Assemble an Environmental Manual to help implement the EMP.

STEP 4. Set environmental goals and objectives.

  • Find examples and worksheets on page 32 of the Workbook.

STEP 5. Keep records of your environmental management activities.

  • Determine which records your business needs to keep and how to develop a Master File List by reading pages 36 - 41 of the Workbook.
  • Learn how to keep track of your records by using the Document Control Worksheet on pages 42 - 46 of the Workbook.
  • Compile a Master Schedule of Reports, Notifications and Permits using the instructions and examples found on pages 47 - 53 of the Workbook.

STEP 6. Communicate your EMP to your employees, customers and community.

STEP 7. Train your employees to carry out their environmental duties.

  • Set up an effective training program using the instructions, worksheets and examples on pages 59 - 66 of the Workbook.
  • Develop a strategy to engage your employees.

STEP 8. Monitor your environmental compliance.

STEP 9. Measure your environmental performance.

  • Learn how to determine whether the goals in your EMP are being met by reading the information starting on page 67 of the Workbook.
  • Learn how to measure your environmental performance and translate environmentally friendly practices into profits.
  • Locate environmental management accounting resources.

STEP 10. Report your environmental results.

STEP 11. Conduct an environmental management review.

  • Review your environmental reports and update your EMP using the Management Review Worksheets on pages 74 - 75 of the Workbook.

STEP 12. Identify problems and take corrective action when necessary.

  • Follow the steps outlined in the Corrective Action Worksheet on page 76 of the Workbook.

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