Contact André
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Home Contact Form

Thank you for participating in our nation’s representative government.  As your Representative in Congress, I use your thoughts and opinions to make decisions on legislation that affects the lives of over 680,000 residents of Indiana’s Seventh Congressional District.  Please review the following information which I have provided to help you better communicate with me and keep me up to date on issues of concern to you and your family.

Mail Delay Warning
Due to precautions enacted by Congress, all mail addressed to my Washington, D.C. office must undergo extensive security screening before being delivered.  These precautions can result in a 2-3 week delay.  To ensure that your concerns and requests receive a timely response, I encourage you to contact my office by phone at (202) 225-4011 or by fax at (202) 225-5633.  For your convenience, you can also contact me by email through the form below.

Assistance with Federal Agencies
This web form is intended for use by constituents wishing to contact me with their thoughts and opinions.  However, I am also able to assist you with problems involving Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security, immigration and visas, the Veterans Administration, and most other issues involving federal agencies.  For these concerns, please visit my Assistance with Federal Agencies page.  This page provides more in depth information on the types of services that I am able to provide and the process you must follow to receive assistance.

Privacy Note: Please do not send sensitive information (social security numbers, credit card numbers, etc.) through this web form.  Before reaching my office, emails are transferred through a constituent mail server.  While it is closely monitored, my office and the House of Representatives are unable to guarantee its security.  As a precaution, please visit my Assistance with Federal Agencies page for the best methods of transferring confidential information.

Outside of the Seventh District
Unfortunately, I will be unable to respond to correspondence received from individuals who live outside of Indiana’s Seventh Congressional District.  Congressional courtesy dictates that all Members of the House of Representatives be given the opportunity to assist their own constituents.   To find your Representative, please visit the House of Representative website.

Overseas Constituents
If you vote in my district but live overseas or serve in the military and vote absentee, please use your voting address when submitting a message.  In your message please note that you reside at a different address overseas.

I would like to sign up for the newsletter.
By subscribing to my e-mail updates you are authorizing me to send regular e-mail updates from my office to your e-mail account.


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Washington Office
425 Cannon HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515-1407
Phone: 202-225-4011
Fax: 202-225-5633
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District Office
300 E Fall Creek Pkwy N Dr.
Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46205-4258
Phone: 317-283-6516
Fax: 317-283-6567
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