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Thank you for reading another edition of my e-newsletter, the Carson Courier.  For additional information on these and other topics, please visit my website at
In this week’s Carson Courier:
Growing Businesses and Creating Jobs for Hoosiers
Promoting Quality Health Care for All Americans
Growing Businesses and Creating Jobs for Hoosiers
This week, President Obama made his third trip to Indiana since taking the oath of office. The President took the opportunity while traveling to Elkhart County—a community in Northern Indiana that has been one of our nation’s hardest hit by the economic recession—to announce our nation’s largest-ever investment in advanced battery technology.
The $2.4 billion infusion of Recovery Act funds is expected to create tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs across the United States, including many in the 7th Congressional District thanks to $181 million being invested in two local companies. More than $118 million was awarded to EnerDel, Inc. for the production of new lithium-ion batteries and nearly $63 million went to Allison Transmission to expand its manufacturing operations of hybrid engine systems for commercial trucks.  Both of these grants can be expected to create thousands of jobs for working Hoosiers across our city while also expanding the green industries that will play a critical role in our economic recovery. Click here to read more.
Promoting Quality Health Care for All Americans
Today, as the cost of health care skyrockets and nearly 46 million Americans are forced to live without the security of health insurance, I believe that it is critically important for me to facilitate an open dialogue with the local residents about the reforms being proposed by House Democrats in H.R. 3200, the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act.  That’s why I will be spending this August District Work Period traveling the 7th Congressional District and listening to those residents who will be most affected—working families, seniors, and others who are concerned about the rising costs and diminishing access to quality care. 
Over the last month, I have asked concerned individuals to send me stories about their experiences in the health care system and ideas about how to improve it.  The response has been remarkable with individuals from all backgrounds writing in.  To share some of the great questions being asked on the forum, I’ve highlighted a few stories below that address important aspects of the current effort to reform health care:
Tom from Indy wrote:
“I was turned down for health insurance because I had prostate cancer.  It was one of the most anxious times of my life, comparable only to when I was told I had the cancer in the first place.  Please reform health insurance. Health care is a right not a commodity.”
Tom is right. Health care is not a commodity.  Americans who are sick and injured are rarely able to fully cover the cost of their medical bills without health insurance.  They, more than anyone else, desperately need the assistance that health insurance provides.  Under H.R. 3200, health insurers will be prohibited from excluding coverage based on preexisting conditions.
Georgine from Indy wrote:
“I am a Registered Nurse with 47 years of experience, how can folks with little medical knowledge understand the process as it stands now or even with the President's new plan.”
After carefully reading H.R. 3200, it is clear that in order to promote transparency and clarity in the legislative process, local residents need access to resources that make this important bill easier to understand.  That is why next week I will be updating my website to include the full bill text, summaries, explanations of some of its most important provisions, and clarification about misinformation that has been distributed by opponents of health care reform.  To read this information as well as many additional stories from local residents, visit my Online Health Care Forum.
Thank you for reading the Carson Courier.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with your thoughts and concerns.  I value your views and your input which help me to better represent the people of Indiana's 7th District in Congress.

Post-9/11 GI Bill
The Post-9/11 GI Bill, passed by Congress last year, is the most extensive educational assistance program authorized since the original GI Bill was signed into law in 1944. These benefits provide every eligible Veteran, Service member, Reservist, and National Guard member an opportunity to receive an in-state, undergraduate education at a public institution at no cost. Provisions of the program include payments for tuition and fees, housing, and a books and supplies stipend.
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