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Jeremy Warriner Consumer Protection Act; Online Health Care Forum - July 10, 2009 Print
Dear Friend,
Thank you for reading another edition of my e-newsletter, the Carson Courier.  For additional information on these and other topics, please visit my website at
In this week’s Carson Courier:
Protecting American Consumers While Building a Stronger GM and Chrysler
Online Health Care Forum
I recently introduced the Jeremy Warriner Consumer Protection Act, which will require that the newly restructured Chrysler and General Motors to purchase liability insurance for claims arising from defective vehicles manufactured prior to their bankruptcies.
I introduced this legislation in response to a Chrysler restructuring plan that would eliminate its liability for past and future injuries resulting from vehicles purchased before the bankruptcy.  As GM was considering taking up a similar plan, the elimination of product liability posed a safety risk that was clearly unacceptable to American drivers.  Currently, there are an estimated 10 million Chrysler and 30 million General Motors vehicles currently on the road that are subject to safety recalls and on average, 500 to 1,000 of these will be involved in serious auto injuries or fatalities every year.  Sadly, many of these innocent victims will be left struggling to pay massive medical bills while potentially being unable to work.
During last week’s July 4th District Work Period, I was proud to join Jeremy Warriner—an Indianapolis resident for whom this bill is named—for the first public announcement of this important piece of legislation.  During this event, Jeremy discussed losing both of his legs in a traffic accident that caused his Jeep’s faulty brake fluid container to catch fire.  Following the accident, he filed a lawsuit against Chrysler yet had his mediation date cancelled when Chrysler filed for bankruptcy.  Together we discussed how important this legislation will be for Jeremy and thousands of others like him, who currently have no recourse against the companies that may have produced the defective vehicles that led to their injuries.
Today, it appears that the importance of this issue is taking root across the United States as we witness GM exiting bankruptcy several weeks after agreeing to accept liability on new claims for vehicles purchased before bankruptcy was filed.  However, this does not eliminate the need for legislative action.  The newly restructured GM has no liability for claims left pending before filing for bankruptcy and there is still no relief for individuals who have been or will be injured by a Chrysler vehicle produced before its bankruptcy.  I look forward to working with my House colleagues to pass this important legislation in Congress and bring much needed legal recourse to thousands of suffering Americans.
Health care costs are out of control. Statistics have shown this year that the average individual will be charged more than $5,000 for health care, while families will pay more than $12,000 to receive medical treatment. These costs are more than double what they were just a decade ago. Yet, despite all the money that we are spending, 47 million Americans are without health insurance—a fact that is not only negatively impacting the health of these families and individuals, but also crippling our economy.
Congress is currently working to create a comprehensive plan to overhaul our broken health care system.  While my colleagues and I review data and talk to health care leaders about the reforms that are needed, the best and most informative input I can gain comes from you, my constituents.
That is why I have created a new online health care forum.  I want to hear your story about the experiences you have had with our current health care system—both good and bad.  I also need to hear your ideas about what we can do to improve health care.
Thank you for reading the Carson Courier.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with your thoughts and concerns.  I value your views and your input which help me to better represent the people of Indiana's 7th District in Congress.

Post-9/11 GI Bill
The Post-9/11 GI Bill, passed by Congress last year, is the most extensive educational assistance program authorized since the original GI Bill was signed into law in 1944. These benefits provide every eligible Veteran, Service member, Reservist, and National Guard member an opportunity to receive an in-state, undergraduate education at a public institution at no cost. Provisions of the program include payments for tuition and fees, housing, and a books and supplies stipend.
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