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The Facts About Health Care Reform

Congressman Carson's Online Health Care Forum is a one-stop-shop for facts and figures on health-care reform and the current health-care legislation being debated in the House.  It also provides an opportunity for you to share your personal stories, thoughts and opinions about our current health care system.

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Congressman Carson Joins President Obama on Air Force One

Congressman Carson was invited to join President Obama as he flew to Elkhart, Indiana for his first town hall meeting on the state of our economy.  On Air Force One, Congressman Carson had an opportunity to discuss the Indianapolis economy with the President.

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Congressman Carson Visits Hoosier Troops

On a recent trip to the Middle East, Congressman Carson met with Hoosier troops stationed in Iraq and Kuwait.

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Congressman Carson Visits Indiana Black Expo

Congressman Carson visited Indiana Black Expo's 39th Annual Summer Celebration where he had a chance to speak with many 7th District residents.  He set up a booth that provided information about his legislative work in Congress and the services provided by his office.

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Congressman Carson Discusses Consumer Protection Bill

Congressman Carson speaks with constituent Jeremy Warriner, who lost his legs after an accident involving his Chrylser Jeep.  Jeremy's liability claim has been eliminated by the Chrysler bankruptcy, but a bill filed by Carson would ensure that Jeremy and other consumers have their day in court.

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$181 Million Headed to Indy to Kick-Start Production of New Battery, Hybrid Technology
August 5, 2009
INDIANAPOLIS, INCongressman André Carson issued the following statement after President Barack Obama, while visiting Indiana today, announced a $2.4 billion infusion of Recovery Act funds to support the production of next generation battery and electric vehicle technology. More than $181 million will be invested in Indianapolis, including a $118 million grant award to EnerDel, Inc. for the production of new lithium-ion batteries and a nearly $63 million infusion directed to Allison Transmission to expand its manufacturing operations of hybrid engine systems for commercial trucks.
“With President Obama’s landmark announcement today in Indiana, it’s clear that our great Hoosier state and its skilled workforce are in a prime position to help lead our nation out of this recession.
“As the President said, the Recovery Act was designed to not only create jobs in the short-term, but make investments in innovation and technology that will lead to long-term prosperity and growth for decades to come.
“That’s what this multi-billion dollar investment represents. This infusion of Recovery Act funds will create ten-of-thousands of well-paying, 21st Century jobs, including many right here in Indianapolis. These are the kind of jobs that will put Hoosiers back to work and lay the foundation for a stronger United States of America to arise from this economic recession.
“I’d like to thank the President for reinforcing a fact I often tout—that Indianapolis and Hoosiers across the state are some of the most skilled, hardworking people on the planet; and we stand ready to lead the nation out of this economic slump. Thanks to President Obama’s leadership, we have that opportunity, and I’m confident we’ll take advantage of it.” 
Carson Votes to Continue Successful 'Cash for Clunkers' Program

July 31, 2009


Contact: Justin Ohlemiller – 317-283-6516 or 317-468-5167


Washington, D.C.Today, Congressman André Carson issued the following statement after voting to provide an additional $2 billion to the “Cash for Clunkers” program, which provides vouchers to consumers who trade in old, inefficient vehicles for new, fuel-efficient ones:


“This week, I was amazed to witness the extreme popularity of the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program.  So many Americans have chosen to take advantage of this program that it has surpassed early expectations and run out of funding just one week after taking effect. I am pleased that thousands of Americans have been able to purchase new vehicles, and I believe that this unexpected success clearly illustrates the need for an immediate expansion of funding that would allow the program to continue.


“In this difficult economic climate, as unemployment rises and incomes drop, it has become very difficult for many families to replace their old, gas-guzzling automobiles. By passing this legislation, the House has maintained a critical program that provides American consumers with the assistance they need to purchase new vehicles—helping to bolster our struggling auto industry, promote fuel efficiency, and create and protect American jobs.


“In the coming months, I look forward to the continued success of the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program and to the widespread benefits it will bring to our economy and environment.”




Carson Votes to Protect Taxpayers, Shareholders Through Increased Oversight of Executive Compensation
July 31, 2009
Contact: Justin Ohlemiller– 317.283.6516 or 317.468.5167
WASINGTON, D.C.Congressman André Carson gave the following statement on the House floor today before voting to protect American taxpayers and shareholders from the types of excessive and risky corporate compensation practices that contributed to the collapse of the financial markets last fall.
Carson joined his colleagues in passing the Corporate and Financial Institution Compensation Fairness Act, a bill that requires federal regulators to monitor inappropriate or risky compensation practices and compels large financial firms to disclose any compensation structures that include incentive-based elements. The bill also gives shareholders at public companies a say on pay for top executives.
Carson is an original co-sponsor of the bill and serves on the House Financial Services committee that drafted the new regulations.
Mr. Speaker, today, I’ve heard a number of interesting accusations about what this legislation would do if passed.
I have heard that the government will sit in board rooms and set caps on pay.
But my constituents are accustomed to hearing these kinds of false arguments from those who seek to maintain the status quo. My constituents sent me to Congress to move beyond the status quo of a broken financial regulatory structure.
They sent me to enact common sense reforms like those included in the legislation we are discussing today. They know that average families have cut back, worked longer hours and saved their money during this economic crisis.
Meanwhile, Wall Street executives acted irresponsibility and enjoyed lavish compensation packages as their companies failed. 
I am proud to be an original cosponsor of a bill that will bring about a new era of responsibility on Wall Street. 
Carson: Agreement Reached in House Energy & Commerce Committee 'Waters Down' Health Care Bill
July 30, 2009
Contact: Justin Ohlemiller – 317.283.6516 or 317.468.1563
Washington, D.C. – Congressman André Carson issued the following statement after joining his fellow members of the Progressive Caucus on a letter sent today to House leadership addressing the negotiated health care reform agreement reached in the Energy and Commerce Committee:
“We are closer than ever before to finally transforming our current ‘disease care’ system into a true health care system that cuts costs, provides real options for care, and works for all Americans across the socio-economic spectrum.
“For the first time, we’ve got the American Medical Association on board with health-care reform. The pharmaceutical companies have come to the table to generate tens-of-billions-of dollars in savings. And we’ve got the American people squarely behind a health-care overhaul, with poll after poll showing more than 2/3 of the public supporting major changes being made to our current system.
“Given the momentum behind reform, I was disappointed to see the health-care debate take a step backward yesterday in the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
“The agreement reached between conservative members and committee leadership waters down the original legislation that offered true, comprehensive health-care reform.
“Simply put, the changes being discussed in committee would lead to higher costs for a public health insurance plan and would do little to keep private insurance companies honest and bring down skyrocketing rates.
“This negotiated agreement calls for a reduction in subsidies for low- and middle-income families, requiring them to pay more for insurance premiums; and it would impose an unfunded mandate on states, forcing them pick up a larger tab for health care costs.
“Make no mistake—I remain very optimistic about reaching a deal that will pass the House, but this agreement points to the fact that there is still more work to be done. I look forward to joining with my fellow members, conservatives and progressives alike, to shape a bill that will deliver the true reform that so many in my district and across this great nation demand and deserve.” 
Carson to 7th District Constituents: Tell Me Your Health Care Stories
July 16, 2009
INDIANAPOLIS – Congressman André Carson has launched an online health care forum where people can submit their personal stories and opinions on the nation’s health care system, as well as review submissions by fellow Indianapolis residents.
The announcement comes as the debate on health care reform in the U.S. House of Representatives picks up speed. This week, House leaders unveiled America’s Affordable Health Choices Act, a comprehensive reform bill that focuses on providing quality affordable health care for all Americans and controlling health care costs.
Carson encouraged constituents to utilize his online forum to give their opinions about the current bill and share their personal stories about interactions they’ve had with the current system.
“Health care costs are out of control,” said Carson. “Despite all the money that we’re spending, 46 million Americans, including 766,000 Hoosiers, are without health insurance; and due to the ongoing economic downturn, an additional 36,000 Indiana residents, or 700 a week, will lose their health insurance between now and 2010.
“This crisis is not only negatively impacting the health of families and individuals—it’s also crippling our economy.
“Congress is currently debating a comprehensive solution to overhaul our broken health care system. While statistics pointing to the need for reform are plentiful, the best and most informative input I can gain comes from the people of the 7th District.
“That’s why I have created this online health care forum.  I want to hear your story about the experiences you’ve had with our current health care system—both good and bad.  I also need to hear your ideas about what we can do to improve health care.”
How to submit your story
Residents can submit a video or written testimonial of their health care experience. Constituents should email their story or video to
Some of the responses will be posted on Carson’s official House website,
Floor Statement on Executive Compensation - July 31, 2009
FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2009
Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, today I've heard a number of interesting accusations about what this legislation would do if passed. I have heard that the government will sit in board rooms and set caps on pay. But of course my constituents are accustomed to hearing these kinds of false arguments from those who wish to maintain the status quo.

My constituents sent me to Congress to move beyond the status quo of a broken financial regulatory structure. They sent me to enact commonsense reforms like those included in the legislation we're discussing today, Mr. Speaker. They know that average families have cut back, work longer hours, and have saved their money during this crisis. Meanwhile, Wall Street execs have acted irresponsibly and enjoy the lavish compensation packages that have allowed their companies to fail.

So I am proud to be an original cosponsor of this bill that will bring about a new era of responsibility on Wall Street. I encourage my colleagues to do the same.
Floor Statement on the Urgency of Health Care Reform - July 30, 2009




Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, I rise today to speak to the urgency of health care reform. I want to share the story of Holly, an Indianapolis woman who has courageously fought and won two bouts with breast cancer. Thankfully, Holly's medical costs were largely covered by insurance. While she praises the care and treatment she received, Holly is rightly worried about the future.

Due to her history of recurring cancer, Holly will be uninsurable if she ever loses her job and, with it, her employer-based health insurance plan. Holly and thousands of people across my district know that the status quo will leave millions more uninsured, in some cases even fighting for their lives.

We must push forward with overhauling our health care system, not only for the 47 million who are uninsured but for the millions more who will be added to these rolls unless we act. Now is not the time for fear-mongering. Now is not the time for political posturing or for narcissistic behavior. We must be Representatives in the true sense of the word and act on behalf of the American people.

Floor Statement on the Young Adults Financial Literacy Act - July 16, 2009
Madam Speaker, I come to the floor to discuss the Young Adults Financial Literacy Act, which I introduced last week to help community organizations provide better financial education to young adults.
As our recession drags on, it is clear that many of the problems we now face could have been avoided by better educating people about the financial system.
Today, across our country, thousands of young people are getting their first credit card, taking out loans for college and renting their first apartments.
Yet statistics show that many of these young adults never learned basic financial skills like budgeting, saving and maintaining manageable debt.
My bill will help young people receive the financial education they need—before they take these critical first steps.
It will provide grants for the development and implementation of effective education programs—empowering a young generation of consumers at this critical economic time.
So, I encourage my House colleagues cosponsor the Young Adults Financial Literacy Act.
Floor Statement Honoring the Life of Senior Airman Ashton Goodman - June 16, 2009
Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor a fallen hero who was laid to rest in my district earlier this month.
Senior Airman Asthon Goodman was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan on May 26.
Her ultimate sacrifice is a stark reminder of the human cost of war. 
However, it is her life that should serve as the shining example of American achievement in Afghanistan.
While tasked with protecting vital reconstruction teams, she also worked to win over the hearts and minds of the Afghan people.
She regularly mentored Afghan women, providing the tools they needed to stand up against oppression and violence.
Because of Ashton, many women are now combating the economic and social conditions that breed terrorism.
I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring Senior Airman Ashton Goodman. 
Through her support of Afghan women and her sacrifice for the American people, she has represented the best our nation has to offer.
Floor Statement on the Recidivism Reduction Act - June 12, 2009
Madam Speaker, yesterday I introduced the Recidivism Reduction Act, a bill that will quickly restore federal disability and health benefits to eligible individuals after they are released from incarceration.
As a former law enforcement officer, I’ve seen the public safety risks that exist when ex-offenders leave prison without the tools or resources they need—only to commit further crimes that return them to the criminal justice system.    
Currently, these benefits are regularly suspended or terminated upon incarceration and take considerable time to be reinstated after an individual is released.
Without the health coverage they so desperately need, many newly released individuals cannot fully focus on securing gainful employment and developing a supportive home life.
My colleagues should rest assured that this legislation will not provide new benefits to recently released individuals. 
Rather, it ensures that individuals receive the timely benefits they need to begin breaking the cycle of recidivism.
Join me in supporting H.R. 2829, the Recidivism Reduction Act.
Congressman Carson on Executive Compensation

Congressman Carson on Executive Compensation – July 31, 2009

Congressman Carson on the Urgency of Health Care Reform

Congressman Carson on the Urgency of Health Care Reform – July 30, 2009

Congressman Carson on the Young Adults Financial Literacy Act

Congressman Carson on the Young Adults Financial Literacy Act – July 16, 2009

Congressman Carson Honoring Senior Airman Ashton Goodman

Congressman Carson Honoring Senior Airman Ashton Goodman – June 16, 2009

Congressman Carson on Recidivism Reduction Act

Congressman Carson on Recidivism Reduction Act – June 12, 2009



Post-9/11 GI Bill
The Post-9/11 GI Bill, passed by Congress last year, is the most extensive educational assistance program authorized since the original GI Bill was signed into law in 1944. These benefits provide every eligible Veteran, Service member, Reservist, and National Guard member an opportunity to receive an in-state, undergraduate education at a public institution at no cost. Provisions of the program include payments for tuition and fees, housing, and a books and supplies stipend.
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