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U.S. Department of Health & Human
National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities
NPA HomeFor Community GroupsFor State AgenciesFor PartnersFrequently Asked Questions

Promising Practices

Here's where you can find out what’s happening around the country with health disparities elimination efforts that can inspire you and provide ideas for action.

Have a story to tell?

Our goal is to learn from each other. You know all the hard work that a particular organization is doing and the great results and impact that it has in the community. Wouldn't it be great if the whole world knew about it? Send it to us. Feel free to send us a story or the information about a particular organization, program or initiative.

E-mail us at or fax it to 301-251-2160.

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 In The Spotlight
Doctor testing a girl with a stethoscope
The Minority Role in Clinical Trials
When it comes to creating an accurate picture of what it takes to cure diseases and develop vaccines, a few pieces of the puzzle are missing. Read the full story...
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Community and State Promising Practices

Content Last Modified: 07/27/2009 10:55:00 AM