Securing the Border & Enforcing Our Nation's Laws

Securing the Border & Enforcing Our Nation's Laws

Securing our borders and stopping the flood of illegal immigration into the United States must be the first priority of this Congress. The American people understand that securing our borders is critical not only to prevent terror attacks but also to re-establish basic respect for upholding our illegal immigration laws. We need to have stronger border protections and full enforcement of our immigration laws. America is a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws – those laws must be obeyed and enforced.

We must also ensure that taxpayer-funded benefits do not go to illegal immigrants.  I will continue to fight against any attempts to give illegal immigrants benefits that are paid for with your tax dollars.

Related Documents:

Blog - Fewer Illegal Immigrants Making It Across Our Borders – But More Work is Needed 5.20.2009

Weekly Column - The Change America Deserves 5.16.2008

Weekly Column - ASK BOEHNER: Illegal Immigrants Not Eligible for Tax Rebate Checks 2.1.2008

Press Release - Boehner Supports GOP Proposals to Deny Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants 11.14.2007

Weekly Column - August Break May Provide Cooling Period for Congressional Tension 8.3.2007

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