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Klein Calls for Hearing on Iran's Growing Influence in Latin America

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Ron Klein (FL-22) today released a letter to his colleague, Congressman Eliot Engel, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere. Klein wrote to Engel to call for a hearing on what he described as a “disturbing trend in our region” -   the efforts of the government of Iran to influence events in Latin America.  

Klein partnered with Republican Congressman Connie Mack to author H. Res. 435, which called attention to Iran’s current and potential footholds in the region and urged the State Department to work with other countries on counter-terrorism and diplomatic measures that would reinforce the United States’ role in the region and the mutual threats that the United States and neighboring countries face. The resolution passed the U.S. House unanimously in November of 2007.

In his letter, Klein writes that since the passage of H. Res. 435, other developments of concern have arisen in the region. Klein urges the Chairman to call a hearing which will “spotlight this issue and determine what future action Congress and the administration should take as we move forward.”

The full text of the letter follows.

Chairman Eliot Engel

House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere

2161 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515


Dear Chairman Engel:

I am grateful that you have made it a priority for the House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere to examine how we can improve our relationships with countries in our region. It is clear to me that for many years, through the past several administrations, the United States has not been sufficiently engaged with our neighboring countries. This has led to a power vacuum, too easily filled by countries who may be opposed to U.S. interests.

When I began my first term in Congress in 2007, I noticed a disturbing trend in our region: the Iranian government was seeking to establish inroads in the Western Hemisphere. In the 110th Congress, I authored H. Res. 435 with Representative Connie Mack in order to spotlight the growing trends of Iran’s influence in Central and South America. This resolution called attention to Iran’s current and potential footholds in the region, and urged the State Department to work with other countries on counter-terrorism and diplomatic measures that would reinforce the United States’ role in the region and the mutual threats that the United States and neighboring countries face. My office worked with your office and our Republican counterparts to craft language that would send a strong message to the State Department and to other countries, and I thank you for your assistance. As you know, the House of Representatives unanimously passed H. Res. 435 in November, 2007. 

Since passage of this resolution, several developments have occurred in the region. Just in the last few months, Secretary Clinton called Iran’s push to expand ties in Latin America “disturbing” and not in U.S. interests; reports surfaced (and were later denied) that Venezuela and Bolivia were shipping uranium to Iran; and, Iran’s President Ahmadinejad planned, and later cancelled, a visit to Venezuela and Brazil. Additionally, Iran and Venezuela recently established weekly direct flights between their two capitals. The State Department 2008 Country Reports on Terrorism noted that “Venezuelan citizenship, identity, and travel documents remained easy to obtain, making Venezuela a potentially attractive way station for terrorists,” and the US Transportation Security Administration took the unusual action of warning travelers of the security deficiencies. 

You have been a leader in Congress in fighting terrorism and promoting initiatives to stop Iran’s destabilizing efforts throughout the world, and I know you share my concern of Iran’s growing influence in the Western Hemisphere. I understand that a hearing may be planned to update the subcommittee on Iran’s ties in Latin America and the State Department’s efforts to reinforce the United States’ important relationships there. I write to convey my thanks for your leadership and urge you to continue all of your efforts to draw attention to this topic.

I firmly believe that we must strengthen our relationships in the region, based on mutual respect and common understanding. I hope that we can work together to spotlight this issue and determine what future action Congress and the administration should take as we move forward.

Kindest regards,


Member of Congress


CC: Chairman Howard Berman, House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Ranking Member Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Ranking Member Connie Mack, House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere