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Real Progress in Food Code Adoptions

The Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO), under contract to the Food and Drug Administration, is gathering data on the progress of FDA Food Code adoptions by States, Territories, Local and Tribal Nation agencies. Adoption of the Food Code represents a successful federal/state/local partnership in improving food safety. FDA and AFDO's goal is the prevention and reduction of foodborne illness and death from food produced at the retail level. Adoption of the Food Code by all food safety agencies at the federal, state, local and tribal levels establishes a sound regulatory foundation and legal framework for uniformity in achieving such a reduction.

Developments Since Last Quarterly Report

Since the last quarterly report, the state and territorial retail food agencies were surveyed by the revised "FDA Food Code Adoption Survey", OMB #0910-0448 to gather detailed information pertaining to obstacles encountered during rulemaking, determining whether state agency codes are lacking FDA Model Code elements, and soliciting feedback on assistance that FDA can provide in order to support state rulemaking processes. Fifty state agencies, representing 42 of the 50 states, responded for an 84% response rate.

State and Territorial Adoptions

AFDO reports that 48 of the 50 States (96%) and 3 of the 6 Territories (50%) have adopted codes patterned after the 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001 or 2005 versions of the Food Code. Those 51 states and territories represent 95.7% of the US population. Of the remaining 5 States and Territories:

  • 2 States (NC and KY) and Guam are actively pursuing Food Code adoption Rulemaking
  • American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands did not respond to the survey.

Fourteen of the 56 States and Territories have adopted the 1999 Food Code, representing 15.2% of the US population.

Twenty of the 56 States and Territories have adopted the 2001 Food Code, representing 57.7% of the US population.

Nine of the 56 States and Territories have adopted the 2005 Food Code, representing 11.0% of the US population.

Tribal Nations Adoptions

For a helpful summary of American Indian Food Issues, please see a PowerPoint presentation, The Indian Health Service, Food Safety Briefing, given on May 6, 2003 by Alan Dellapenna, Deputy Director of Environmental Health Services, Indian Health Service.

The following information, current as of November 2007, is provided by the Indian Health Service:

Out of the 560+ federally recognized tribes, 343 have food service operations on their lands. The agencies that perform food inspections for the 343 tribes are shown below.

Chart A: Agencies Responsible for Inspecting Food Establishments on 343 Tribal Lands

Pie Chart of Agencies Responsible for Inspecting Food Establishments on 343 Tribal Lands with percentage responsibilities as follows: IHS - 59%, Tribes - 21%, and States - 19%.

Of the 343 tribes with food service operations, the majority have not adopted a tribal food code. This is depicted below.

Chart B: Status of Codes for Tribal Governments Having Food Establishments

Pie Chart of Status of Codes for Tribal Governments Having Food Establishments. Of these, 16% (53) have a Tribal Food Code and 84% (290) do not.

Of the fifty three (53) tribes that have a tribal food code, the majority are based on a version of the FDA Model Food Code as shown below.

Chart C: Code Status for the 53 Tribes Having Tribal Food Codes

Pie Chart of Code Status for the 53 Tribes Having Tribal Food Codes. Of these, 72% (38) have codes based on the FDA Model Code and 28% (15) are not.

Of the thirty eight (38) tribes whose codes are based on the FDA Model Food Code, the years of the editions are depicted below.

Chart D: Status of the 38 Tribes Whose Codes Are Based on the FDA Model Code

Pie Chart of Status of the 38 Tribes Whose Codes Are Based on the FDA Model Code. The versions of the code (year), percentage of total and number adopted follow. 2005: 34%, 13; 2001: 29%, 11; 1999: 21%, 8; Pre-1999: 16%, 6.

Map A: States and Territories That Have Adopted The Food Code

U.S. Map of States and Territories That Have Adopted The Food Code

Adopted the Food Code means that one or more of the retail food program agencies in the state modeled its code after the 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, or 2005 version of the FDA Model Food Code.


Map B: States and Territories That Have Adopted The 1999 Food Code

U.S. Map of States and Territories That Have Adopted The 1999 Food Code

Adopted the 1999 Food Code means that one or more of the retail food program agencies in the state modeled its code after the 1999 version of the FDA Model Food Code. See Map C for States and Territories that have adopted the 2001 version of the Food Code.


Map C: States and Territories That Have Adopted The 2001 Food Code

U.S. Map of States and Territories That Have Adopted The 2001 Food Code

Map D: States and Territories That Have Adopted The 2005 Food Code

U.S. Map of States and Territories That Have Adopted The 2005 Food Code

Graph A: Population of States and Territories That Have Adopted The Food Code

Bar Graph of Population of States and Territories That Have Adopted The Food Code 2001-2006
Status of State and Territorial Food Code Adoptions, Listed Alphabetically
State or Territory 2000 Census Retail Food Program Agency Agency Food Code Status Rule Making
Alabama 4,447,100 Department of Public Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 Yes - 2007
Alaska 626,932 Dep't of Environmental Conservation Has adopted the Food Code - 2005 No
American Samoa 57,291   Did not respond to survey  
Arizona 5,130,632 Department of Health Services Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 Yes - 2007
Arkansas 2,673,400 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
California 33,871,648 Department of Health Services Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 Yes - 2009
Colorado 4,301,261 Dep't of Public Health and Env Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 Yes - 2008
Connecticut 3,405,565 Department of Consumer Protection Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 No
Department of Public Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1997 Yes - 2008
Delaware 783,600 Dep't of Health and Social Services Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 Yes - 2007
District of Columbia 572,059 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 No
Florida 15,982,378 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 Yes - 2007
Dep't of Bus and Prof Regulation Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Georgia 8,186,453 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Department of Human Resources Has adopted the Food Code - 2005 No
Guam 154,805 Department of Public Health Has not adopted the Food Code Unknown
Hawaii 1,211,537 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1997 No
Idaho 1,293,953 Department of Health and Welfare Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 Yes - 2008
Illinois 12,419,293 Department of Public Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1995 Yes - 2007
Indiana 6,080,485 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Iowa 2,926,324 Dep't of Inspections and Appeals Has adopted the Food Code - 1997 Yes - 2007
Kansas 2,688,418 Dep't of Health and Environment Has adopted the Food Code - 2005 No
Kentucky 4,041,769 Department of Public Health Based on 1976 Model Foodservice Code Yes - 2008
Louisiana 4,468,976 Department of Health and Hospitals Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 Yes - 2007
Maine 1,274,923 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 Yes - 2007
Department of Human Services Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 No
Maryland 5,296,486 Dep't of Health and Mental Hygiene Has adopted the Food Code – 1997 Yes - 2008
Massachusetts 6,349,097 Department of Public Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 No
Michigan 9,938,444 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2005 No
Minnesota 4,919,479 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 1995 No
Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1995 No
Mississippi 2,844,658 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2005 No
Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2005 No
Missouri 5,595,211 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 Yes- 2008
Montana 902,195 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 No
Nebraska 1,711,263 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2005 No
Nevada 1,998,257 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1993 Yes - 2007
New Hampshire 1,235,786 Department of Health and Welfare Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 Yes - 2008
New Jersey 8,414,350 Dep't of Health and Senior Services Has adopted the food code - 2001 No
New Mexico 1,819,046 Environment Department Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 No
New York 18,976,457 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 Yes - 2008
Department of Health Based on 1976 Model Foodservice Code Yes - 2008
North Carolina 8,049,313 Department of Agriculture Has adopted 21 CFR, Part 110 No
Dep't of Env and Nat'l Resources Based on 1976 Model Foodservice Code Yes - unknown
North Dakota 642,200 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 Yes - 2008
Northern Mariana Islands 69,221   Did not respond to survey  
Ohio 11,353,140 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 Yes - 2008
Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 Yes - 2008
Oklahoma 3,450,654 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Oregon 3,421,399 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 Yes - 2008
Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 No
Pennsylvania 12,281,054 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Puerto Rico 3,808,610 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2005 No
Rhode Island 1,048,319 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2005 No
South Carolina 4,012,012 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1993 Yes
South Dakota 754,844 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1995 Yes - 2007
Tennessee 5,689,283 Department of Agriculture Based on 1982 Model Retail Foodstore Code No
Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 No
Texas 20,851,820 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
US Virgin Islands 108,612 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Utah 2,233,169 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 Yes - 2007
Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 Yes - 2007
Vermont 608,827 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Virginia 7,078,515 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Washington 5,894,121 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
West Virginia 1,808,344 Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 Yes - 2008
Wisconsin 5,363,675 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2001 No
Department of Health Has adopted the Food Code - 1999 No
Wyoming 493,782 Department of Agriculture Has adopted the Food Code - 2005 No

Descriptions of Maps and Graphs

 Map A: States and Territories that have adopted the Food Code

Description: Color coded map of the United States and its territories depicting which states have adopted a version of the FDA Food Code, which states have not adopted the food code but have rulemaking in progress, and which states did not respond to the survey. States and territories that have adopted a version of the food code are California, Maryland, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia, the District of Columbia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. States and territories that have not adopted the food code but have rulemaking in progress are North Carolina, Kentucky, and Guam. The North Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and Guam did not respond to the 2004 survey.

 Map B: States and Territories that have adopted the 1999 Food Code

Description: Color coded map of the United States and its territories depicting which states have adopted the 1999 FDA Food Code, which states have not adopted the 1999 FDA Food Code, and indicates which states did not complete the survey and therefore it is unknown if they have adopted the 1999 FDA Food Code. Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Oregon have adopted the 1999 Food Code. The North Mariana Islands and American Samoa did not respond to the survey and adoption of the 1999 FDA Food Code is unknown. All other states and territories have not adopted the 1999 FDA Food Code.

 Map C: States and Territories that have adopted the 2001 Food Code.

Description: Color coded map of the United States and its territories depicting which states have adopted the 2001 FDA Food Code, which states have not adopted the 2001 FDA Food Code, and indicates which states did not complete the survey and therefore it is unknown if they have adopted the 2001 FDA Food Code. California, New York, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Colorado, Idaho, Texas, Alabama, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Dakota, Vermont, Ohio, Indiana, Arkansas, Washington, and the Virgin Islands have adopted the 2001 Food Code. The North Mariana Islands and American Samoa did not respond to the survey and adoption of the 2001 FDA Food Code is unknown. All other states and territories have not adopted the 2001 FDA Food Code.

 Map D: States and Territories that have adopted the 2005 Food Code.

Description: Color coded map of the United States and its territories depicting which states have adopted the 2005 FDA Food Code, which states have not adopted the 2005 FDA Food Code, and indicates which states did not complete the survey and therefore it is unknown if they have adopted the 2005 FDA Food Code. Georgia, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, Wyoming, Alaska, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and Puerto Rico have adopted the 2005 Food Code. The North Mariana Islands and American Samoa did not respond to the survey and adoption of the 2005 FDA Food Code is unknown. All other states and territories have not adopted the 2005 FDA Food Code.

 Graph A: Population of States and Territories That Have Adopted the Food Code

Description: A bar graph indicating the percentage of the U.S. population that reside in states that have adopted codes patterned after either the 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, or 2005 versions of the FDA Food Code. The Y axis scale goes from 0 to 250 million and indicates the number of persons in the United States and the X axis scale indicates Survey Year 2001, Survey Year 2002, Survey Year 2003, Survey Year 2004, Survey Year 2005 and Survey Year 2006. The bar for 2001 indicates 72% of the population resided in a state that has adopted a version of the FDA Food Code. The bars for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 indicate that 76%, 80%, 79%, 79%, 79% and 96% respectively, of the population resides in a state that has adopted a version of the FDA Food Code.
