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Division of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (DAIDS)

Vaccine Research Program (VRP)

The discovery and development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine for the prevention of HIV infection is one of the top priorities at the NIAID. As such, the DAIDS Vaccine Research Program (VRP), which is divided into the Preclinical Research and Development Branch and Vaccine Clinical Research Branch, supports basic, preclinical, and clinical research of candidate vaccines through the following activities:

  • Oversees grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements that support preclinical and clinical vaccine research, including the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) and Center for HIV/AIDS Immunology (CHAVI)
  • Fosters evaluation of the safety and efficacy of vaccine candidates
  • Promotes research programs to discover novel vaccine strategies for the treatment of HIV
  • Coordinates research activities in consultation and/or collaboration with other government agencies, international organizations, and other Institutes at the National Institutes of Health.
  • Works with the pharmaceutical industry and the Food and Drug Administration to facilitate the evaluation and approval of new vaccines
  • Provides scientific guidance to grantees and contractors

For more information on NIAID’s HIV vaccine research efforts, visit the HIV/AIDS Vaccine Research Area.

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Dr. Carl Dieffenbach Appointed Director of the NIAID Division of AIDS
Feb. 1, 2008

News Releases

Scientists Learn Why Even Treated Genital Herpes Sores Boost the Risk of HIV Infection
Aug. 3, 2009

Bulletin: Study Suggests Immune Systems of Untreated HIV-Infected Individuals May Deteriorate Faster than Previously Thought
July 29, 2009

Bulletin: NIAID Invites Applications to Conduct Basic Research on HIV Persistence
June 16, 2009

Media Availability: New Strategy Proposed for Designing Antibody-Based HIV Vaccine
June 14, 2009

Special Announcements

  • Status of NIAID Adenovirus-based Vaccine Studies
  • Considerations for HIV Vaccine Clinical Trials in Adolescents
  • Guidance regarding HIV anti-retroviral treatment in developing countries
  • See Also



    Dr. Carl Dieffenbach Appointed Director of the NIAID Division of AIDS
    Feb. 1, 2008

    News Releases

    Scientists Learn Why Even Treated Genital Herpes Sores Boost the Risk of HIV Infection
    Aug. 3, 2009

    Bulletin: Study Suggests Immune Systems of Untreated HIV-Infected Individuals May Deteriorate Faster than Previously Thought
    July 29, 2009

    Bulletin: NIAID Invites Applications to Conduct Basic Research on HIV Persistence
    June 16, 2009

    Media Availability: New Strategy Proposed for Designing Antibody-Based HIV Vaccine
    June 14, 2009

    Special Announcements

  • Status of NIAID Adenovirus-based Vaccine Studies
  • Considerations for HIV Vaccine Clinical Trials in Adolescents
  • Guidance regarding HIV anti-retroviral treatment in developing countries
  • See Also