FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 97-54 COMMUNIQUE ON RESULTS OF COSRA 1997 ANNUAL MEETING Washington, D.C., June 30, 1997 -- The Securities and Exchange Commission released a communique describing the results of the sixth annual meeting of the Council of Securities Regulators (COSRA) of the Americas, held in Santiago, Chile, June 26-27, 1997. COSRA adopted principles for oversight of independent auditors and developed plans for an investor education campaign to be launched on a hemisphere wide basis in early 1998. COSRA also agreed upon a future work program that will establish ways to enhance investor protection in and facilitate the safe custody of collective investment scheme assets. SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt said, "COSRA's efforts to improve the effective oversight of independent auditors ehances the reliability of financial information used by investors to make investment decisions. Moreover, its work in investor education will further strengthen investors' abilities to make informed decisions, and encourage widespread participation in the region's capital markets. Through these efforts, COSRA continues its commitment to investor protection and market integrity throughout the Americas." # # #