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  1. Topping D.J., D.M Rubin, J.M Nelson, P.J. Kinzel III, I.C. Corson. Colorado River sediment transport 2. Systematic bed-elevation and grain-size effects of sand supply limitation. Water Resources Research, v. 36, p. 543-570. [Journal Article]
  2. Breedlove M.J., C.S. MaGirl. Generating Virtual Shorelines for the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon using Outputs of a One-Dimensional Hydraulic Model and a Digital Elevation Model. In Prep. [Technical Report]
  3. Breedlove M.J. Fine-Grained Sediment Inventory and Change Detection in the Grand Canyon River Corridor using Airborne Digital Imagery. In Prep. [Technical Report]
  4. MaGirl C.S., R.H. Webb, P.T. Griffith. Changes in Water-Surface Profiles of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon between 1923 and 2000. Submitted for publication. Contributor. [Technical Report]
  5. Breedlove M.J. Colorado River Cross-Sections for Hydraulic Modeling: 3054 cross-sections extending to 100 feet above the river surface constructed from the May, 2002 ISTAR digital elevation model and the 8000 cfs water-surface elevation long profile. [Database Spatial]
  6. Breedlove M.J. Colorado River Cross-Sections: Approximately 5,000 cross-sections constructed at 80-meter increments from Glen Canyon Dam to Diamond Creek to an elevation of 200 feet above river-surface elevation and to the extent of the May 2002 ISTAR digital elevation model. [Database Spatial]
  7. Breedlove M.J. 8000 cfs Water-Surface Elevations of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon: line, point and grid coverages constructed at 5-meter increments, Arizona State Plane Central, NAD83 ellipsoid. Line and point coverage created from GCMRC centerline. Grid coverage extends to the limits of the May 2002 ISTAR digital elevation model. [Database Spatial]
  8. Breedlove M.J. Virtual Shorelines of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon at Discharges of 25,000, 31,000, 45,000 and 97,000 cubic feet per second. Polygons generated using outputs of a one-dimensional hydraulic model and a May, 2002 digital elevation model (DEM). [Database Spatial]
  9. Breedlove M.J. Campsites on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Point and polygon coverages delineating the location of primary and secondary river campsites and related attributes. [Database Spatial]
  10. Breedlove M.J. Fine-Grained Sediment (Sand) Distribution for Areas of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon above the 8,000: May, 2002. Polygons delineated from May, 2002 4-band digital imagery. [Database Spatial]
  11. Fenn, Dennis, Whit Gibbons, Gary Meffe, Scott Wright, Steven P. Gloss, Robert H. Webb, William S. Vernieu, John Loomis, Theodore A. Kennedy, Barbara E. Ralston, Mark K. Sogge, Robert H. Webb, David A. Harpman, Helen C. Fairley, Matt Kaplinski, Jeffrey E. Lovich, and others. 2007. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium 2005. [Training/Workshop]
  12. Wiele, S.M., P.R. Wilcock, and P.E. Grams. 2007. Reach-averaged sediment routing model of a canyon river. Water Resources Research 43, W02425, doi:10.1029/2005WR004824. [Journal Article]
  13. Randle, T. J., J. K. Lyons, R.J. Christensen, and R.D. Stephen. 2007. Colorado River Ecosystem Sediment Augmentation Appraisal Engineering Report. Denver, Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 78 p. [Technical Report]
  14. Van Haverbeke, David R. 2007. 2005 Grand Canyon Long-Term Fish Monitoring Colorado River, Diamond Creek to Lake Mead : 2005 Annual Report, . Cooperative Agreement Number 04WRAG0011, 21 p. [Technical Report]
  15. Hornewer, Nancy J., and Wiele, Stephen M. 2007. Flow velocity and sediment data collected during 1990 and 1991 at National Canyon, Colorado River, Arizona: . U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 246. [Technical Report]
  16. Melis, Theodore S., David J. Topping, David M. Rubin, and Scott A. Wright. 2007. Research Furthers Conservation of Grand Canyon Sandbars. U.S Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3020. [Fact Sheet]
  17. Voichick, Nicholas and Scott A. Wright. 2007. Water-Temperature Data for the Colorado River and Tributaries between Glen Canyon Dam and Spencer Canyon, Northern Arizona 1988-2005. U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 251. [Technical Report]
  18. Draut, Amy E. and David M. Rubin. 2007. The Role of Aeolian Sediment in the Preservation of Archaeological Sites in the Colorado River Corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona : Final Report on Research Activities, 2003-2006. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1001. [Open-File Report]
  19. Douglas, Marlis R. and Michael E. Douglas. 2007. Genetic Structure of Humpback Chub Gila cypha and Roundtail Chub G. robusta in the Colorado River Ecosystem : Final Report -- May 2007. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, GCMRC Contract 051884, 99 p. [Technical Report]
  20. Hazel, Joseph E. Jr., Matt Kaplinski, Rod Parnell, Keith Kohl and David J. Topping. 2007. Stage-Discharge Relations for the Colorado River in Glen, Marble, and Grand Canyons, Arizona, 1990-2005. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1243. [Open-File Report]
  21. Ralston, B.E., M.V. Lauretta, and T.A. Kennedy. 2007. Comparisons of water quality and biological variables from Colorado River shoreline habitats in Grand Canyon, Arizona, under steady and fluctuating dishcarges from Glen Canyon Dam. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1195 []. [Open-File Report]
  22. Ralston, B.E. 2007. Scale effects on interpretation of riparian vegetation monitoring data from the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. Annual Ecological Society Meeting, 2007, San Jose, CA. [Poster with Abstract]
  23. Magirl, Christopher S., Griffiths, Peter G. and Webb, Robert H. 2006. ADV Point Measurements within Rapids of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon,. in Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2006, May 21-25 Omaha, NE, 10 p. [Proceedings]
  24. Coggins, Lewis G., Jr., Pine, William E. III, Walters, Carl J., Haverbeke, David R., Ward, David, and Johnstone, Helene C. 2006. Age-Structured Mark-Recapture Analysis: A Virtual-Population-Analysis-Based Model for Analyzing Age-Structured Capture-Recapture Data. North America Journal of Fisheries Management 26: 233-245. [Journal Article]
  25. Coggins, Lewis G., Jr., Pine, William E. III, Walters, Carl J., and Martell, Steven J.D. 2006. Abundance Trends and Status of the Little Colorado River Population of Humpback Chub. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26: 233-245. [Journal Article]
  26. Paukert, C.P., L.G. Coggins, Jr., and C.E. Flaccus. 2006. Distribution and Movement of Humpback Chub in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Based on Recaptures. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:539-544. [Journal Article]
  27. Paukert, C.P., D.L. Ward, P.J. Sponholtz, and K. Hilwig. 2006. Effects of Repeated Hoopnetting and Handling on Bonytail Chub. Journal of Freshwater Ecology: 20 (4) : 649-653. [Journal Article]
  28. Melis, T.S., S.J.D. Martell, L.G. Coggins, W.E. Pine III and M.E. Andersen. 2006. ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE COLORADO RIVER ECOSYSTEM BELOW GLEN CANYON DAM, ARIZONA: USING SCIENCE AND MODELING TO RESOLVE UNCERTAINTY IN RIVER MANAGEMENT. American Water Resources Association, proceedings of Specialty Conference on Adaptive Management in Water Infrastructure, June 2006, Missoula MT. [Proceedings]
  29. Draut, A.E. and Rubin, D.M. 2006. Measurements of Wind, Aeolian Sand Transport, and Precipitation in the Colorado River Corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona: January 2005 to January 2006. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1188. 88 p. [Open-File Report]
  30. Wohl, Ellen, James P. Bennett, Michael D. Blum, Gordon E. Grant, Daniel M. Hanes, Alan D. Howard, David S. Mueller, David H. Schoellhamer, and Francisco J. Simoes. 2006. Protocols Evaluation Program (PEP-SEDS III): Final Report of the Physical Resources Monitoring Peer Review Panel. 25 p. [Technical Report]
  31. Collins, Brian D. and Robert Kayen. 2006. Applicability of Terrestrial LIDAR Scanning for Scientific Studies in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona . U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 2006-1198. [Open-File Report]
  32. Korman, Josh, Matt Kaplinski, and Joseph Buszowski. 2006. ects of Air and Mainstem Water Temperatures, Hydraulic Isolation, and Fluctuating Flows From Glen Canyon Dam on Water Temperatures in Shoreline Environments of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon : Final Report. Cooperative Agreement No: 04WRAG00006, Modification 1, 57 p. [Technical Report]
  33. Hoffnagle, Timothy L., Anindo Choudhury, and Rebecca A. Cole. 2006. Parasitism and Body Condition in Humpback Chub from the Colorado and Little Colorado Rivers, Grand Canyon, Arizona. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 18 : 184-193. [Journal Article]
  34. Rubin, David M., Henry Chezar, Jodi N. Harney, David J. Topping, Theodore S. Melis, and Christopher R. Sherwood. 2006. Underwater microscope for measuring spatial and temporal change in bed-sediment grain size :. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2006-1360. [Open-File Report]
  35. Ralston, B.E. and T.A. Kennedy. 2006. GIS-based Estimates of Above-ground Biomass and Terrestrial Vegetation Inputs for the Colorado River Ecosystem. International Conference on Riverine hydroecology: advances in research and applications. 10th International symposium on regulated streams (TISORS II) and 2nd International symposium on wood in world (ISWWRII) rivers. [Poster with Abstract]
  36. Gushue, T.M. and Kohl, K. 2006. Accuracy Assessment of Digital Orthophotography of the Colorado River Ecosystem in Grand Canyon, AZ. 26th Annual ESRI International User Conference, poster presentation, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, August 2006. [Poster]
  37. Gushue, T.M. 2006. Modern-day surveying and mapping in Grand Canyon. Western Association of Map Librarians, Fall 2006 Meeting. Invited speaker. September 13-16, 2006. [Presentation]
  38. Rubin, D.M., Topping, D.J, Wright, S.A., and Melis, T.M. 2006. Incorporating bed-sediment grain size in predictions of suspended-sediment concentration: Three approaches tested using 20,000 bed-sediment grain-size measurements from the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 87, n., 52, CD-ROM Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract OS31A-1631. [Abstract]
  39. Gushue, T.M. and Kohl, K. . 2006. Accuracy Assessment of Digital Orthophotography of the Colorado River Ecosystem in Grand Canyon, AZ. 26th Annual ESRI International User Conference, poster presentation, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, August 2006. [Poster]
  40. Topping, D.J. 2006. Collection of more accurate high-resolution sediment-transport data using laser diffraction and multifrequency acoustic instruments. Invited presentation at the USGS-WRD Central Region Science Workshop, Lakewood, Colorado, June 8, 2006. [Presentation]
  41. Glick, Daniel; Gushue, T.M. 2006. Glen Canyon Revealed: A Dry, Red Season. National Geographic, Vol. 209, No. 4. [Map/Digital Map Product]
  42. Magirl, Christopher Sean. 2006. Bedrock-Controlled Fluvial Geomorphology and the Hydraulics of Rapids on the Colorado River. A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with a Major in Hydrology. The University of Arizona. October 2006. [Thesis/Dissertation]
  43. Kearsley, M.J.C, N.S. Cobb, H.K. Yard, D.C. Lightfoot, S.L. Brantley, G.C. Carpenter and J.K. Frey. 2006. Inventory and Monitoring of Terrestrial Riparian Resources in the Colorado River corridor of Grand Canyon: An Integrative Approach. Cooperative Agreement Number 01-WRAG 0034/0044. [Technical Report]
  44. Ralston, B.E. 2005. Riparian Vegetation and associated wildlife. Gloss, S.P, Lovich, J.E., and Melis, T. eds. 2005 The State of the Colorado River Ecosystem in Grand Canyon, U.S.Geological Survey Circular 1282 220 p. [Book Chapter]
  45. Ralston, B.E. 2005. Riparian vegetation and associated wildlife. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium 2005: October 25-27, 2005 [Presentation with Abstract]
  46. Gloss, S.P., J.E. Lovich, and T.S. Melis, editors. 2005. The state of the Colorado River ecosystem in Grand Canyon: A report of the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center 1991-2004. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1282, Reston, Virginia. [Book]
  47. Kennedy, T.A, Finlay, J.C., and Hobbie, S.E. 2005. Eradication of Invasive Tamarix Romosissima along a Desert Stream increases Native Fish Density,. Ecological Applications 15(6):2072-2083. [Journal Article]
  48. Melis, Theodore S., Korman, Josh, and Walters, Carl J. 2005. Active Adaptive Management of the Colorado River Ecosystem Below Glen Canyon Dam, USA : Using Modeling and Experimental Design to Resolve Uncertainty in Large-River Management,. in Proceeding of the International Conference on Reservoir Operations & River Management, Guangzhou, China, September 18-23, 2005 p. 1-8. [Proceedings]
  49. Andersen, Matthew E. and Coggins, Lewis G. 2005. USGS/SBSC/GCMRC hosted workshop at the USGS Flagstaff, AZ campus. 6-8 December 2005. Workshop conducted to provide advice to GCMRC and Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program regarding invasion potential and control options for warm water nonnative aquatic species that may pose a threat to native fishes in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon. [Training/Workshop]
  50. Gushue, T.M. and Gwinn, D. 2005. Determining spatial relationships of shoreline habitat to awuatic resources along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. 25th Annual ESRI International User Conference, poster presentation, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, July 2005. [Poster]
  51. Gushue, T.M. 2005. Status of DASA. Oral presentation made at the Fall 2005 Southwest Biological Science Center All-Hands Meeting, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  52. Gushue, T.M. and Kohl, K. 2005. Advancing the GCMRC Oracle Database and Assuring Spatial Data Integrity: Geodetic Control, Spatial Data Acquisition, Accuracy Determinination and GIS Spatial Analysis. Fall 2005 Science Symposium poster presentation, Fiesta Inn, Tempe, AZ. [Poster]
  53. Topping, D.J., Rubin, D.M., Schmidt, J.C., Hazel, J.E., Wright, S.A., Melis, T.S., and Kpalinski, M. 2005. Comparison of sediment-transport and bar-response results from the 1996 and 2004 controlled-flood experiments on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 86, n., 52, p. F906. [Abstract]
  54. Breedlove, M.J., Hazel, J.E., Kaplinski, M.A., Schmidt, J.C., Topping, D.J., Rubin, D.M., Fuller, A.E., Tusso, R., and Gonzales, F.M. 2005. Using an integrated, remote-sensing methodology to evaluaet the effects of dam operations on fine-grained sediment storage and sand bar restoration in Marble Canyon. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, V. 86, n., 52, p. F614. [Abstract]
  55. Grams, P.E., Schmidt, J.C., and Topping, D.J. 2005. A comprehensive history of bed degradation and channel adjustment for the Colorado River within Glen Canyon National Recreation Area downstream from Glen Canyon Dam. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, n. 7, p. 331. [Abstract]
  56. Melis, T.S., Jain, S., Topping, D.J., Pularty, R.S., and Eischeid, J.K. 2005. Critical climate controls and information needs for the Glen Canyon Adaptive Management Program and environmental assessment in the Grand Canyon region. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 86, n., 52, p. F627. [Abstract]
  57. Schmidt, J.C., Topping, D.J., Grams, P.E., and Hazel, J.E. 2005. System-wide changes in the distribution of fine sediment in the Colorado River corridor of Grand Canyon Natiional Park. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, n. 7, p. 331. [Abstract]
  58. Schmidt, J.C., topping, D.J., Rubin, D.M., Breedlove, M.J., Hazel, J.E., Kaplinski, M.A., Wright, S.A., Fuller, A.E., and Melis, T.S. 2005. High releases from Glen Canyon Dam cause short-term eddy-bar aggradation if timed to coincide with significant input of sediment from tributaries. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 86, n. 52, p. F913. [Abstract]
  59. Wright, S.A., Bennett, G.E., Anderes, T., Melis, T.S., and Topping, D.J. 2005. Development of a generic system for real-time data access and remote control of multiple in-situ water quality monitoring instruments. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. [Abstract]
  60. Gushue, T.M. and Kohl, K. 2005. Advancing the GCMRC Oracle Database and Assuring Spatial Data Integrity: Geodetic Control, Spatial Data Acquisition, Accuracy Determination and GIS Spatial Analysis. Fall 2005 Science Symposium poster presentation, Fiesta Inn, Tempe, AZ. [Poster]
  61. Topping, D.J. 2005. First results from the November 2004 controlled high-flow experiment in Grand Canyon: High-resolution monitoring of suspended-sediment concentration and grain size in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon using a laser-acoustic system. Invited Chief Hydrologist's Seminar at USGS headquarters in Reston, Virginia, January 26, 2005. [Presentation]
  62. Topping, D.J. 2005. High-resolution monitoring of suspended sediment concentration and grain size in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon using a laser-acoustic system. Invited presentation to the Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project Technical Committee, Reno, Nevada, April 14, 2005. [Presentation]
  63. Topping, D.J. 2005. Sediment transport during the Grand Canyon flood of 2004. Invited lecture in the Department of Geography at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, May 6, 2005. [Presentation]
  64. Davis, Philip A, Gonzales, F. Mark, Brown, Kristin M, and Melis, Theodore S, . 2005. Evaluation of the SHOALS 1000T Bathymetric LIDAR System for Monitoring Channel Sediment Within the Colorado River in Arizona,. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract. [Poster with Abstract]
  65. Brown, Kristin, Noble, Tommy A., Matthews, Neffra, Collins, Brian, Kayen, Robert, . 2005. 3D Laser Scanning (LiDAR Surveying) and Oblique Photogrammetry Assessment during the 2004 High Flow Test, . Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium 2005, p.52, Abstract. [Presentation with Abstract]
  66. Brown, Kristin, Fritzinger, Carol, Wharton, Emma,. 2005. Grand Canyon and Monitoring and Research Center Partners with Grand Canyon Youth for Youth-In-Science Program, . Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium 2005, p.72, Abstract. [Poster with Abstract]
  67. GCMRC, compiled by Brown, K M, . 2005. Photo Sequence of 30 Mile Sandbar Before, During & After the November 2004 High Flow Test, . USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, Internal document. [Digital Image/Slide]
  68. Speas D.W., C.J. Walters, D.LO. Ward, R.S. Rogers. 2004. Effects of Intraspecific Density and Environmental Variables on Electrofishing Catchability of Brown and Rainbow Trout in the Colorado River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:586. [Journal Article]
  69. Rogers R.S., C. Paukert . 2004. Factors Affecting Condition of Flannelmouth Suckers in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:648-653. [Journal Article]
  70. Ambler Devon T. 2004. SBSC "contact us" database driven personnel listing application. [Web Page]
  71. Davis, Philip A. 2004. Review of results and recommendations from the GCMRC 2000-2003 remote-sensing initiative for monitoring environmental resources within the Colorado River ecosystem. USGS Open-File Report 2004-1206. [Technical Report]
  72. Paukert, Craig, Rogers, R. Scott. 2004. Factors Affecting the Condition of Flannelmouth Suckers in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24: 648-653. [Journal Article]
  73. Grams, Paul E., John C. Schmidt, David J. Topping, and Sara Goeking. 2004. The Degraded Reach: Rate and Pattern of Bed and Bank Adjustment of the Colorado River in the 25 km Immediately Downstream from Glen Canyon Dam. Submitted in partial fulfillment of cooperative agreement 1425-98-FC-40-22640 and modifications between Utah State University and the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. [Technical Report]
  74. Paukert, C.P. 2004. Comparison of electrofishing and trammel netting variability for sampling native fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 65: 1643-1652. [Journal Article]
  75. Schmidt, J.C., D.J. Topping, P.E. Grams and J.E. Hazel. 2004. System-wide Changes in the Distribution of Fine Sediment in the Colorado River Corridor between Glen Canyon Dam and Bright Angel Creek, Arizona. Cooperative Agreement Number 1425-98-FC-40-22640. [Publication]
  76. Gushue, T.M. and Kohl, K. 2004. Development of a Photo-Identifiable Fixed Point Database for Determining Accuracies of Airborne Remote Sensing Data in Grand Canyon, Arizona. 24th Annual ESRI International User Conference, poster presentation, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA. [Poster]
  77. Akahori, R., Schmeeckle, M.W., and Topping, D.J. 2004. Erosion characteristics of fine-grained, beach-building sediment along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 85, n. 47, F906. [Abstract]
  78. Draut, A.E., Rubin, D.M., Dierker, J.L., Fairley, H.C., Hunter, R.E., Lleap, L.M., Nials, F.L., Topping, D.J., and Yeatts, M. 2004. Sedimentology and stratigraphy of three archeologically significant areas of the Colorado River corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, n. 5, p. 514. [Abstract]
  79. Jain, S., Pulwarty, R.S., Topping, D.J., and Melis, T.M. 2004. Climate-related flood and sediment transport from the Paria River to Grand Canyon: The role of multiple time scales. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v., 85, n. 47, F906. [Abstract]
  80. Melis, T.S., topping, D.J., Wright, S.A., Rubin, D.M., Schmidt, J.C., Hazel, J.E., and Kaplinski, M.A. 2004. Sediment studies refute EIS hypothesis, while most fundamental process questions remain unanswered: An update on experiments in Grand Canyon. EOS, Transacitons, American Geophysical Union, v. 85, n. 47, F906. [Abstract]
  81. Gushue, T.M. and Kohl, K. 2004. Development of a Photo-Identifiable Fixed Point Database for Determining Accuracies of Airborne Remote Sensing Data in Grand Canyon, Arizona. 24th Annual ESRI International User Conference, poster presentation, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, August 2004. [Poster]
  82. Topping, D.J. 2004. Evaluation of a laser-acoustic system for continuously monitoring suspended-sediment concentration and grain-size in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Invited presentation at the 2004 USGS Hydroacoustics Workshop, San Diego, California, Marcy 22-26, 2004. [Presentation]
  83. Topping, D.J. 2004. Coupled changes in sand grain size and sand transport driven by changes in the upstream supply of sand in the Colorado River. Invited presentation at the "From Particle Size to Sediment Dynamics International Workshop" held April 15-18, 2004, at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany. [Presentation]
  84. Topping, D.J. 2004. Evaluation of a laser-acoustic system for continuously monitoring suspended-sediment concentration and grain size in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Invited lecture presented at the office of the USGS-WRD Nebraska District, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 22, 2004. [Presentation]
  85. Brown,K M, Fritzinger, C, Wharton, E,. 2004. Populating a Control Point Database: A cooperative effort between the USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center and the Grand Canyon Youth,. Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstrac. [Poster with Abstract]
  86. Brown, Kristin . 2004. Development of a Control point Database. USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, Internal document. [Poster]
  87. Davis P.A. 2003. Review of Results and Recommendations from the GCMRC 2000-2002 Remote Sensing Initiative for Monitoring Environmental Resources within the Colorado River Ecosystem. Review of Results and Recommendations. [Technical Report]
  88. Fairley H. 2003. Changing River: Time, Culture and the Transformation of Landscape in the Grand Canyon. A Regional Research Design for the Study of Cultural Resources along the Colorado River in Lower glen Canyon and grand Canyon, National Park, Arizona. Statistical Research Inc. Technical Series No. 79. SRI Press, Tucson. [Technical Report]
  89. Fairley H. 2003. Restoration and Cultural Resources. In Ecological Restoration of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests. Peter Friederici editor. pp. 387-401. Island Press, Washington. [Book]
  90. Fairley H. 2003. Holocene Terraces, Sand Dunes, and Debris Fans along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. In Grand Canyon Geology (Second Edition), edited by Stanley S. Beus and Michael Morales, pp. 352-370. Oxford University Press, London. (With Richard Hereford, Kathryn S. Thompson, and Kelly J Burke). [Book]
  91. Fairley H. 2003. How Much Change is Acceptable? The Dilemma of Monitoring and Managing Changing Conditions at Non-Renewable Archaeological Sites. Paper presented at the Colorado Plateau Biennial Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 7, 2003. [Presentation]
  92. Weber R. M., P.A. Davis, B.E. Ralston, J.M. Rundall. 2003. Development of a vegetation inventory database for the Colorado River ecosystem in Arizona. 7th Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau, Flagstaff, Arizona. Poster. [Poster]
  93. Ralston B.E., M. Kaplinski, J.C. Schmidt. 2003. Changes in Riparian Habitat Patches within Two Discharge Zones Along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona From 1965 to 1992. Annual meeting of American Botanical Society. Poster. [Poster]
  94. Gushue T.M. 2003. Channel Geometry Mapping on the Colorado River. 23rd Annual ESRI International User Conference, poster pesentation, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, July 2003. [Poster]
  95. Mietz S., C. Flaccus, C. Lochridge, T. Gushue, M. Breedlove, T. Andrews. 2003. Building an Integrated Ecological Spatial Database for Grand Canyon using SDE, IMS, and Oracle. 23rd Annual ESRI International User Conference, poster presentation, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, July 2003. [Poster]
  96. Vernieu W.S. 2003. Effects of reservoir drawdown on Lake Powell and Glen Canyon Dam release water quality. Oral presentation at American Fisheries Society Western Division Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. March 1-4, 2004 Oral presentation at Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium, Tucson, AZ. October 30, 2003 . [Presentation]
  97. Vernieu W.S. 2003. Main channel and near-shore warming of the Colorado River under low steady flows. Grand Canyon Research and Monitoring Center, Flagstaff, AZ. (In progress) Oral presentation at Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium, Tucson, AZ. October 29, 2003 Oral presentation at American Fisheries Society Western Division Meeting, San Diego, CA. April 15, 2003 . [Presentation]
  98. Yard M.D. 2003. Light availability and aquatic primary production: Colorado River, Glen and Grand Canyons, AZ. Ph.D. Dissertation, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. 205 pp. [Thesis/Dissertation]
  99. Yard M.D., L.E. Coggins Jr., M. Caron, E. Tietjen. 2003. Diet and incidence of predation for rainbow and brown trout near the Little Colorado River, Grand Canyon. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium. October-2003, Tucson, AZ. [Presentation]
  100. Korman J., M.D. Yard. 2003. One-fish, two-fish, red-fish, blue-fish: An evaluation of the utility of snorkel surveys for estimating population size and tracking trends in relative abundance of rainbow trout in the Lees Ferry reach of the Colorado River. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium. October-2003, Tucson, AZ. [Presentation]
  101. Coggins L.E., M.D. Yard. 2003. Mechanical removal of non-native fishes in the Colorado River within Grand Canyon: An update on 2003 operations and results. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium. October-2003, Tucson, AZ. [Presentation]
  102. Yard M.D., G.E. Bennett, S. Mietz, L.E. Coggins Jr., L.E. Stevens, S. Hueftle, D.W. Blinn. . 2003. Influence of topographic complexity on aquatic ecosystems: solar insolation estimates for the Colorado River. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium. October-2003, Tucson, AZ. [Poster]
  103. Topping D.J., J.C. Schmidt, L.E. Vierra Jr. 2003. Computation and Analysis of the Instantaneous-Discharge Record for the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona -- May 8, 1921, through September 30, 2000. U.S .Geological Survey Professional Paper 1677, 118 p. [Technical Report]
  104. Melis T.S., D.J. Topping, D.M. Rubin. 2003. Testing laser-based sensors for continuous, in-situ monitoring of suspended sediment in the Colorado River, Arizona. Proceedings of the ICCE/IAHS Oslo Workshop on Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement: Technological and Methodological Advances. [Proceedings]
  105. Topping D.J. 2003. Stratigraphic constraints on the style and magnitude of extension in the southern Black Mountains, Death Valley, California - 10.5Ma to present:. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, n. 6, p. 347. [Abstract]
  106. Kaplinski M., J. Hazel, M. Manone, R. Parnell, J.C. Schmidt, S. Goeking, D.J. topping, D. Rubin, T.S. Melis. 2003. A fistful of sand: Monitoring the fate of fine-grained sediment in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, n. 6, p. 314. [Abstract]
  107. Snyder N.P., J.R. Childs, M.A. Hampton, D.M. Rubin, C.N. Alpers, L.E. Flint, J.A. Curtis, S.A. Wright, D.J. Topping. 2003. The history and future of sediment deposition behind Englebright Dam, Yuba River, northern California. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, n. 6, p. 351. [Abstract]
  108. White M.A., J.C. Schmidt, D.J.Topping. 2003. Wavelet analysis of the hydrologic effects of Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v 84, n. 46, p. F602. [Abstract]
  109. Schoellhamer D.H., N.K. Ganju, J.W. Gartner, M.C. Murrell, S.A. Wright. 2003. Seasonal and longitudinal homogeneity of suspended sediment in San Francisco Bay, California. Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, Seattle, Washington, September 14-18, 2003, p. 119. [Proceedings]
  110. Wright S.A. 2003. Comparison of direct and indirect measurements of cohesive sediment concentration and size. Proceedings of the Sediment Monitoring Instrument and Analysis Research Workshop, Flagstaff Arizona, September 9-11, 2003. [Proceedings]
  111. Wright S.A. 2003. Density stratification, suspended-sediment transport, and downstream fining in large, low-slope, sand-bed rivers. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Minnesota, 154 p. [Thesis/Dissertation]
  112. Wright S.A., G. Parker. 2003. Grain-size specific suspended sediment transport and flow resistance in large sand-bed rivers. In Sedimentation and Sediment Transport, Proceedings of the Symposium held in Monte Verita, Switzerland, from September 2-6, 2002, pp. 221-228. [Proceedings]
  113. Gray J.R., E. Patino, P.P. Rasmussen, M.C. Larsen, T.S. Melis, D.J. Topping, C.F. Alamo. 2003. Evaluation of sediment surrogate technologies for computation of suspended-sediment transport. Proceedings of the 1st International Yellow River Forum on River Basin Management, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China, the Yellow River Conservancy Publishing House, Vol. III, pp. 314-323. [Proceedings]
  114. Gray J.R., T.S. Melis, E. Patino, M.C. Larsen, D.J. Topping, P.P. Rasmussen, C. Figueroa-Alama. 2003. U.S. Geological Survey research on surrogate measurements for suspended sediment. in, Renard, Kenneth, G., McElroy, Stephen A., Gburek, William J., Canfield, H. Evan, and Scott, Russell L., eds., Proceedings of the 1st Interagency Conference on Research in Watersheds: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, October 27-30, 2003, Benson, Arizona, pp. 95-100. [Proceedings]
  115. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis, P.G. Griffiths. 2003. Debris Flows and the Colorado River. in, S.S. Beus and M. Morales (editors) Grand Canyon Geology, p. 371-390, Oxford University Press, New York. [Book Chapter]
  116. Cole K.L., S. Arundel, J. Cannella, T. Andrews. 2003. Modern Climate Surfaces for North America. Temperature and precipitation values modeled for North America on a 1 km grid. [Web Page]
  117. Melis T.S., D.J. Topping, D.M. Rubin. 2003. Testing laser-based sensors for continuous in situ monitoring of suspended sediment in the Colorado River , Arizona , Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement in Rivers: . Technological and Methodological Advances , IAHS Publ. 283, p. 21-27. [Book Chapter]
  118. Gray J.R., T.S. Melis, Eduardo Patiño, M.C. Larsen, D.J. Topping, P.P. Rasmussen, Carlos Figueroa-Alama. 2003. U.S. Geological Survey research on surrogate measurements for suspended sediment. In , Renard, Kenneth, G., McElroy, Stephen A., Gburek, William J., Canfield, H. Evan, and Scott, Russell L., eds., Proceedings of the 1st Interagency Conference on Research in Watersheds: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, October 27-30, 2003, Benson, Arizona, pp. 95-100. [Audio]
  119. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis, P.G. Griffiths. 2003. Debris Flows and the Colorado River. in , S.S. Beus and M. Morales (editors) Grand Canyon Geology , p. 371-390, Oxford University Press, New York,. [Book Chapter]
  120. Wyse Stephanie. 2003. "The GCMRC Library Scanning Project.". Presentation at The Colorado River: An Ecosystem Science Symposium, October 28-30, 2003. Tucson, Arizona. [Presentation]
  121. Melis T.S., D.J. Topping, D.M. Rubin. 2003. Testing laser-based sensors for continuous in situ monitoring of suspended sediment in the Colorado River AZ, Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement in Rivers: technological and Methodological Advances. OAJS Publ. 283. [Publication]
  122. Topping D.J., T.S. Melis, D.M. Rubin. 2003. Evaluation of a laser-acoustic system for continuously monitoring suspended-sediment concentration and grain size in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Poster presented at the Fall 2003 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Poster with Abstract]
  123. Kearsley M.J.C., N. Cobb, H. Yard, D. Lightfoot, S. Brantley, G. Carpenter, J. Frey. 2003. Inventory and Monitoring of Terrestrial Riparian Resources in the Colorado River corridor of Grand Canyon: An Integrative Approach. . [Technical Report]
  124. Fairley, Helen C. 2003. Changing River: Time, Culture, and the Transformation of Landscape in Grand Canyon. A Regional Research Design for the Study of Cultural Resources along the Colorado River in lower Glen Canyon and Grand Canyon, National Park, Arizona. Statistical Research, Inc. Technical Series 79. [Technical Report]
  125. Topping, D.J., Melis, T.S., Rubin, D.M. 2003. Evaluation of a Laser-Acoustic System for Continuously Monitoring Suspended-Sediment Concentration and Grain Size in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v 84, n. 46, p. F763. [Abstract]
  126. KOHL, KEITH A. 2003. Evaluation of Accuracy of Control Networks Used for Spatial Positioning of Scientific Data Within the Colorado River Ecosystem, Grand Canyon, Arizona . INTERNAL USGS DOCUMENT. [Presentation with Abstract]
  127. KOHL, KEITH A. 2003. Evaluation of Accuracy of Control Networks Used for Spatial Positioning of Scientific Data Within the Colorado River Ecosystem, Grand Canyon, Arizona . INTERNAL USGS DOCUMENT. [Database Spatial]
  128. Topping, D.J. 2003. Recent sediment studies in Grand Canyon refute key hypotheses in the 1995 Glen Canyon Dam EIS and motive the continuous monitoring of sediment transport in the Colorado River using new technologies. NRP seminar presented at USGS headquarters in Reston, Virginia. [Presentation]
  129. Brown, Kristin, Lochridge, Cory,. 2003. Establishing a Control Point Database. Colorado River Science Symposium 2003, p.39 Abstracts,. [Presentation with Abstract]
  130. Brown, Kristin, Gonzales, Mark, . 2003. Multibeam Hydrographic Mapping Technology Used on the Colorado River Channel In Grand Canyon, . USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, Internal document. [Poster]
  131. Fairley H. 2002. Geoarchaeology of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. In Culture and Environment in the American Southwest: Essays in Honor of Robert C. Euler, edited by David A. Phillips, Jr. and John A. Ware, pp.39-48. SWCA, Albuquerque. (With Richard Hereford). [Book]
  132. Fairley H. 2002. Springs and Humans: An Anthropological and Historical View of Ecosystem Management. Invited paper presented at the Ecological Society of America meeting, Tucson, Arizona, August 6, 2002. [Presentation]
  133. Gushue T. 2002. ArcGIS Instructional Seminar for Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. USGS Field Campus, Flagstaff, AZ, June 2002 . [Presentation]
  134. Coggins L. G. 2002. The Fish Community in Grand Canyon: Past, Present, and Future. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Tucson, AZ. [Presentation]
  135. Yard M.D., G.E. Bennett, D.W. Blinn. 2002. Autotrophic response to varying physical and biological factors in an altered riverine ecosystem. Ecological Society of America. Tucson, AZ. [Presentation]
  136. Melis, T.S., D.J. Topping, D.M. Rubin, Y.C. Agrawal. 2002. Recent innovations in monitoring suspended-sediment mass balance of the Colorado River ecosystem below Glen Canyon Dam: A laser-based approach. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. [Abstract]
  137. Rubin D.M., D.J. Topping. 2002. Predicting sediment transport on the shelf: Lessons from Grand Canyon. 2002 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting. [Abstract]
  138. Schoellhamer D.H., S.A. Wright. 2002. Continiuous monitoring of suspended sediment in rivers by use of optical backscatterance sensors. Proceedings of the IAHS workshop on Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement: Technological and Methodological advances, Oslo, Norway, June 19-21, 2002. [Proceedings]
  139. Hueftle S.J. 2002. Use Of Continuous Monitoring For Detection Of Small Scale Dynamics During A Low Release Experimen. North American Lake Management Society, Anchorage, Alaska. [Presentation]
  140. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis. 2002. Observations of environmental change in Grand Canyon. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigation Report #02-4080, 33 p. [Technical Report]
  141. Breedlove M.J., S. Mietz. 2002. A Map Guide to the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. U.S. Geological Survey, September, 2002. [Technical Report]
  142. MaGirl C.S., M.J. Breedlove, R.H. Webb, T. Melis. 2002. One-Dimensional Hydraulic Model of the Colorado River Updated to May 2002. In Prep. [Technical Report]
  143. Breedlove M.J. 2002. May, 2002 8,000 cfs Shoreline for the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Polygons constructed from May, 2002 4-band digital imagery. [Database Spatial]
  144. Rubin D.M., D.J. Topping, J.C. Schmidt, J. Hazel, M. Kaplinski, T.S. Melis. 2002. Recent Sediment Studies Refute Glen Canyon Dam Hypothesis. Eos, American Geophysical Union , v. 83, no. 25, p. 273, 277-278. [Journal Article]
  145. Wiele S.M., J.E. Hazel, T.S. Melis. 2002. Efficient use of water and sand in the maintenance of sand bars in the Colorado river below Glen Canyon Dam. Annual meeting of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Prescott, AZ. [Abstract]
  146. Korman J., C. Walters, T.S. Melis. 2002. Challenges in assessing the effects of experimental flow regimes from Glen Canyon Dam on fine-sediment storage and native fish populations - Colorado River in Grand Canyon. poster presented at the Fall 2002 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Abstract]
  147. Rubin D.M., D.J. Topping, J.C. Schmidt, J. Hazel, M. Kaplinski, T.S. Melis. 2002. Recent Sediment Studies Refute Glen Canyon Dam Hypothesis. EOS, American Geophysical Union, v. 83, no. 25, p. 273, 277-278. [Popular Publication]
  148. Wiele S.M., J. Hazel, J.C. Schmidt, T.S. Melis. 2002. The significance of discharge in the replenishment of sandbar deposits along the Colorado River through Grand Canyon. Poster presented at the Fall 2002 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Poster with Abstract]
  149. Melis T.S., D.J. Topping, D.M. Rubin, Y.C. Agrawal. 2002. Recent innovations in monitoring suspended-sediment mass balance of the Colorado River Ecosystem below Glen Canyon Dam: A laser-based approach. Poster presented at the Fall 2002 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Poster with Abstract]
  150. Fenn D.B., T.S. Melis. 2002. The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center's Role in Colorado River Ecosystem Science Below Glen Canyon Dam: An Overview on Science-Based River Management. Oral Presentation made at the Fall 2002 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Presentation]
  151. Korman J., C. Walters, T.S. Melis. 2002. Challenges in assessing the effects of experimental flow regimes from Glen Canyon Dam on fine-sediment storatge and native fish populations--Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Poster presented at the Fall 2002 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Poster]
  152. Topping, D.J. 2002. Recent sediment research in Grand Canyon refutes key hypotheses in the 1995 Glen Canyon Dam EIS. Presentation made at the Joint BRD-WRD Research Committee Meeting in Fort Collins, Colorado, May 21, 2002. [Presentation]
  153. Melis, T.S., Topping, D.J., Rubin, D.M., and Agrawal, Y.C. 2002. Recent innovations in monitoring suspended-sediment mass balance of the Colorado River ecosystem bedow Glen Canyon Dam: A laser-based approach. EOS, Trnasactions, American Geophysical Union. [Abstract]
  154. Brown, Kristin . 2002. Survey Operations Web Page and related links, . USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, Internal document. [Web Page]
  155. Brown, Gonzales, Kohl, . 2002. Survey Operation in Grand Canyon,. USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, Internal document. [Poster]
  156. Fairley H. 2001. Geoarchaeological Research in Grand Canyon, Arizona. Paper presented at the 74th Pecos Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona, August 2001 . [Presentation]
  157. Fairley H. 2001. Cultural Historical Implications of Geoarchaeological Research in Grand Canyon, Arizona. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2001. . [Presentation]
  158. Ralston B.E. 2001. Development and Implementation of Biological Monitoring along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. 6th Colorado Plateau Biennial Conference. Invited speaker. [Presentation]
  159. Ralston B.E. 2001. Using historic data to develop trends in Grand Canyon Fisheries. American Fisheries Society 131st annual meeting. Phoenix, AZ. August, 2001, Session Chair. [Presentation]
  160. Gushue T. 2001. Assessing Landscape Effects of the Jasper Fire. Forest Service Geospatial Conference, Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 2001. [Presentation]
  161. Gushue T. 2001. Analyzing the Jasper Fire in the Black Hills National Forest. ArcNews Vol. 23 No. 1, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.(ESRI) . [Journal Article]
  162. Coggins L.G. Jr., D.R. Van Haverbeke. 2001. Fisheries Monitoring Activities in the Little Colorado River within Grand Canyon During 2000. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Fishery Resources Office – Flagstaff, Document Number: USFWS-AZFRO-FL-01-003, Pinetop. [Technical Report]
  163. Coggins L.G. 2001. Trends in the Recruitment and Abundance of Humpback Chub (Gila cypha) in the Little Colorado River. National American Fisheries Society Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. [Presentation]
  164. Coggins L.G. 2001. Results of Fish Monitoring Activities in the Little Colorado River during 2000. Colorado River Aquatic Biologists Meeting. Laughlin, NV. [Presentation]
  165. Yard M.D., D.W. Blinn. 2001. Algal colonization and recolonization response rates during experimental low summer steady flows. NAU CA:98-FC-40-0540, LSSF Final Report. 60pp. [Technical Report]
  166. Yard M.D., D.W. Blinn. 2001. Primary production rates under varying light, temperature and biomass. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium. April-2001, Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  167. Yard M .D., D.W. Blinn. 2001. LSSF Experiment: phytobenthic colonization. River Ecosystem Science Symposium. April-2001, Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  168. Meitz S., M.D. Yard, S. Wyse. 2001. Using habitat mapping for fish sampling design in Glen Canyon. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium. April-2001, Flagstaff, AZ. [Poster]
  169. Rubin D.M., G.M. Tate, D.J. Topping, R.A. Anima. 2001. Use of rotating side-scan sonar to measure bedload. Proceedings of the 7th Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conference, v. 1, p. III-139 through III-143. [Proceedings]
  170. Neary V.S., S.A. Wright, P.J. Bereciartua. 2001. Sediment transport model study of geomorphic channel, Napa River. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 127(11), 901-910. [Journal Article]
  171. Wright S.A., G. Parker. 2001. Why density stratification effects are important in large, low-slope sand-bed rivers. Proceedings of the 2nd IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, pp. 47-60. [Proceedings]
  172. Hueftle S.J., W. Vernieu, B. Gold. 2001. Response to IWQP PEP recommendations. Document and presentation to AMWG, Phoenix, AZ. [Presentation]
  173. Hueftle S.J., L.E. Stevens. 2001. Experimental Flood Effects on the Limnology of Lake Powell Reservoir, Southwestern USA. Ecological Applications. Vol. 11(3) pp. 644-656. [Journal Article]
  174. Hueftle S.J. 2001. TCD implications for Lake Powell. Phoenix Greenway Middle School, Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  175. Hueftle S.J. 2001. Thermal Dynamics of Lake Powell and its Inflow: Patterns during the LSSF Experiment and Beyond. GCMRC Science Symposium. Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  176. Hueftle S.J. 2001. The Integrated Water Quality Program Application to a TCD. Temperature Control Device Workshop, Saguaro Lake, AZ. [Presentation]
  177. Hueftle S.J. 2001. Water Quality in Lake Powell. Colorado River Aquatic Biologists (CRAB) conference, Laughlin, NV. [Presentation]
  178. Pulwarty R.S., T.S. Melis. 2001. Climate extremes and adaptive management on the Colorado River: Lessons from the 1997-1998 ENSO event. Journal of Environmental Management, 63, p. 307-324. [Journal Article]
  179. Wyse Stephanie. 2001. "The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center Library.". Poster presented at the Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium, April 26-27, 2001, Flagstaff, Arizona. [Poster]
  180. Arundel S.T., T. Andrews. 2001. Northern Arizona University Course: GGR 437/537 Applications in GIS Programming. [Other]
  181. Hueftle S., L.E. Stevens. 2001. Exper5imental Flood Effects on the Limnology of Lake Powell Reservoir, Southwestern U.S.A. Ecological Applications 1(3): 635-643. [Journal Article]
  182. Sondossi H.A., J.C. Schmidt. 2001. GIS as a tool for studying the Geomorphology of Fine-Grained Deposits of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park. Submitted to Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. [Technical Report]
  183. Fritzinger C., M.J. Liszewski, T. Melis, S. Mietz, B. Ralston, M. Yard, B. Gold. 2000. Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center: A science plan for WY 2000 low summer steady flows. [Technical Report]
  184. Fairley H. 2000. Monitoring Visitor Impacts at Archeological and Other Non-renewal Resources in the National Parks: The Applicability of the VERP framework. Paper presented at the George Wright Northeast Region Resource Conference, Valley Forge, PA. January, 2000. [Presentation]
  185. Topping D.J., D.M Rubin, L.E. Vierra Jr. 2000. Colorado River sediment transport 1. Natural sediment supply limitation and the influence of Glen Canyon Dam. Water Resources Research, v. 36, p.515-542. [Journal Article]
  186. Vernieu W.S. 2000. Development and implementation of the Lake Powell water quality database. Grand Canyon Research and Monitoring Center, Flagstaff, AZ. (In progress) Poster presentation at Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium, Tucson, AZ. October 29, 2003 . [Presentation]
  187. Fritzinger C., M.Liszewski, T. Melis, S. Meitz, B.Ralston, M.D. Yard., B.Gold. 2000. A science plan for WY-2000 Low Summer Steady Flows. USGS-GCMRC 73 pp. [Technical Report]
  188. Yard M.D., D.W. Blinn. 2000. Factors influencing benthic algal standing mass in the Colorado River: light temperature and velocity. NAU CA:98-FC-40-0540, GCMRC 2000 Annual Report. 15 pp. [Technical Report]
  189. Topping D.J. 2000. Evaluating the relative importance to sediment transport of changes in the flow and the upstream sediment supply. invited lecture presented at the office of the USGS-WRD Kansas District, Lawrence, Kansas. [Presentation]
  190. Topping D.J., D.M. Rubin, J.C. Schmidt. 2000. New insights about sediment transport and the geomorphology of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. invited lecture at the 2000 Fall Gilbert Club at the University of California, Berkeley, California. [Presentation]
  191. Benenati P.L., D. Blinn, J.P. Shannon, K.P. Wilson, S.J. Hueftle. 2000. Reservoir-river linkages; Lake Powell and the Colorado River, AZ. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 19:742-755. [Journal Article]
  192. Hueftle S.J. 2000. The Integrated Water Quality Program Annual Report Water Year 2000. GCMRC publication. Flagstaff, AZ. [Publication]
  193. Hueftle S.J. 2000. Work Plan for Low Steady Summer flows and accompanying spikes. GCMRC IWQP publication Mar 2000. [Publication]
  194. Hueftle S.J. 2000. Recent Water Quality Trends in Lake Powell. Lake Powell Cooperators Annual Meeting. [Presentation]
  195. Hueftle S.J. 2000. A Review of Current Findings from the Lake Powell IWQP. presented to the IWQP PEP panel, Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  196. Hueftle S.J. 2000. A Review of the Findings from the 1998 Lake Powell Assessment. presented to the IWQP PEP panel, Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  197. Hueftle S.J. 2000. Water Quality Trends in Lake Powell with implications for conceptual modeling. Conceptual modeling integration meeting for Lake Powell, Phoenix AZ. [Presentation]
  198. Hueftle S.J. 2000. Water Quality Trends in Lake Powell and Downstream Influences. Tailwater Trout Symposium, Wahweap, AZ. [Presentation]
  199. Webb R.H., P.G. Griffiths, T.S. Melis, D.R. Hartley. 2000. Sediment Delivery by Ungaged Tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report # 00-4055, 67 p. [Technical Report]
  200. Fritzinger C., M. Liszewski, T. Melis, S. Mietz, B. Ralston, M. Yard, B. Gold. 2000. A science plan for WY 2000 low summer steady flows. Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. April, 2000. [Technical Report]
  201. Hueftle S. 2000. Results of Lake Powell-Tailwater monitoring. . Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. Annual IWQP Report. [Technical Report]
  202. Kohl Keith. 2000. Comparison of Photogrammetrically Derived Topography to Conventional Survey Methods in Grand Canyon. [Technical Report]
  203. Vernieu W.S. 2000. Water Quality below Glen Canyon Dam. – Water Year 2000. Draft. [Technical Report]
  204. Topping, D.J. 2000. Sediment transport in bedrock and alluvial channels on the Colorado Plateau. Invited lecture in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, California, November 7, 2000. [Presentation]
  205. Fairley H. 1999. Measuring and Monitoring Visitor Impacts to Cultural Resources. Paper presented at the NPS Intermountain Region Resource Management Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas. January, 1999. [Presentation]
  206. Gushue T. 1999. Forest Leadership Team (FTL) GIS Demonstration and Training Session. Black Hills National Forest, Supervisor’s Office, Custer, SD 57730, October 1999 . [Presentation]
  207. Carlson S.R., L.G. Coggins Jr., C.O. Swanton. 1999. A Simple Stratified Design for Mark–Recapture Estimation of Salmon Smolt Runs. Alaska Fisheries Research Bulletin. [Technical Report]
  208. Coggins L.G. Jr., T.J. Quinn II. 1999. A Computer Simulation of the Effects of Sample Size and Ageing Error on Estimates of Sustained Yield. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fishery Stock Assessment Models for the 21st Century. AK Sea Grant, Fairbanks, AK. [Proceedings]
  209. Coggins L.G. 1999. Evaluating Population Viability of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout. Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Conservation Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. [Presentation]
  210. Coggins L.G. 1999. Detecting Changes in Rainbow Trout Population Structure Using Length- and Age-Based Information. Southwest Alaska Interagency Fisheries Management Meeting. King Salmon, AK. [Presentation]
  211. Topping D.J., D.M Rubin, J.M Nelson, P.J Kinzel III, J.P. Bennett. 1999. Linkage between grain-size evolution and sediment depletion during Colorado River floods. in Webb, R.H., Schmidt, J.C., Marzolf, G.R., and Valdez, R.A., eds., The 1996 controlled flood in Grand Canyon: Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph 110, p. 71-98. [Monograph]
  212. Marzolf R.M, C.D. Bowser, R.Hart, D.W. Stephens, W. S. Vernieu. 1999. Photosynthetic and Respriatory Processes: and Open-Stream Approach. In The Controlled Flood in Grand Canyon. R.H Webb, J.C. Schmidt, G.R Marzolf and R.A. Valdez eds. Geophysical Monograph 110. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. 1999. [Monograph]
  213. Yard M.D., D.W. Blinn. 1999. Reservoir and river linkages: physical, chemical and biological processes regulating the physics of underwater light availability. Fifth Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  214. Stevens L.E., M.D. Yard, G.E. Bennett. 1999. Distribution of solar radiation in the Colorado River ecosystem in Grand Canyon, Arizona. Ecological Society of America. Snow Bird, UT. [Presentation]
  215. Kinzel P.J., J.M. Nelson, R.S. Parker, J.P. Bennett, D.J. Topping. 1999. Grain-size evolution of the Platte River, 1931-1998. Proceedings of the 10th Platte River Ecosystem Symposium, p. 9-14. [Proceedings]
  216. Wright S.A., F.M. Holly, A.A. Gradley, W. Krajewski. 1999. Long-term simulation of the thermal regime of the Missouri River. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 125(3), 242-252. [Journal Article]
  217. Hueftly S.J. 1999. Water quality trends and long term trends in Lake Powell. Colorado College. Flagstaff, Arizona. [Presentation]
  218. Heuftle S.J. 1999. Reservoir water quality trends and downstream implications. SWCA native fisheries planning session. Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  219. Hueftle S.J. 1999. Water Quality Trends in Lake Powell and the Tailwaters 1998. Grand Canyon Monitoring & Research Center Science Symposium. Grand Canyon Arizona. [Presentation]
  220. Vernieu W., S.J. Hueftle. 1999. Integrated Water Quality Program. GCMRC IWQP Publication, Flatgstaff, AZ, June 24 1999. [Publication]
  221. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis, P.G. Griffiths, J.G. Elliott, T.E. Cerling, R.J. Poreda, T.W. Wise, J.E. Pizzuto. 1999. Lava Falls Rapid in Grand Canyon: Effects of Late Holocene Debris Flows on the Colorado River. USGS Professional Paper 1591, 90 p. [Technical Report]
  222. Grams P.E. 1999. Integration of photographic and topographic data to develop temporally and spatially rich records of sand bar change in the Point Hansbrough and Little Colorado River confluence study reaches: final report. . Logan: Dept. of Geography and Earth Resources, Utah State University. [Technical Report]
  223. Vernieu W.S., S.J. Hueftle. 1999. Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center Integrated Water Quality Program. [Technical Report]
  224. Topping, D.J. 1999. Sand supply limitation in the Colorado River. Invited presentation to the USGS Joint Geologic and Biological Resources Divisions Integrated Science Workshop held in Breckenridge, Colorado, on August 16-18, 1999. [Presentation]
  225. Brown, Kristin Michelle. 1999. The effect of the 1997-98 El Nino winter on beach morphology along the Santa Cruz County coast, . Thesis (M.S.)—University of California, Santa Cruz,. [Thesis/Dissertation]
  226. Brown, Kristin. 1999. Erosion and Accretion of Santa Cruz County beaches. Sand Rights ’99: Binging Back the Beaches Conference, presentation, Ventura, CA, September 23-26 1999. [Presentation with Abstract]
  227. Brown, Kristin, Richmond, Bruce. 1999. Beach Recovery After and El Nino Winter along the Santa Cruz County Coast,. Coastal Zone 99. Conference Abstracts. Town and Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, CA., July 27-29, 1999. [Poster with Abstract]
  228. Melis T., M.J. Liszewski, B. Gold, L. Stevens, F.M. Gonzales, R. Lambert, L.D. Garrett, W. Vernieu, B. Ralston. 1998. Prospectus for evaluating GCMRC monitoring protocols for the Colorado River Ecosystem. GCMRC Libary. [Technical Report]
  229. Ralston B.E., B.D. Gold. 1998. Playing Ball on running water: the adaptive management program on the Colorado River ecosystem. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, April 1998. [Presentation]
  230. Gushue T. 1998. Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Vegetation Dynamics in a Human Modified Landscape . Undergraduate/Graduate Research Showcase, Indiana State University, First Place in Graduate Poster Competition, April 1998. [Poster]
  231. Coggins L.G. Jr., N.H. Sagalkin. 1998. Akalura Lake Sockeye Salmon Restoration, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Final Report (Restoration Project 97251). Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Kodiak, Alaska. [Technical Report]
  232. Coggins L.G. 1998. A Computer Simulation of the Effects of Sample Size and Ageing Error on Estimates of Sustained Yield. International Symposium on Fishery Stock Assessment Models for the 21st Century. Anchorage, AK. [Presentation]
  233. Topping D.J., T.S. Melis, R.S. Pulwarty. 1998. ENSO and the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program: Eastern north Pacific forcing of Paria River floods in 1997. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Pacific Climate Workshop. [Proceedings]
  234. Rubin D.M., J.M. Nelson, D.J. Topping. 1998. Relation of inversely graded deposits to suspended-sediment grain-size evolution during the 1996 Flood Experiment in Grand Canyon. Geology, v. 26, p. 99-102. [Journal Article]
  235. Kaplinski M., J.E. Hazel, M.F. Manone, R.A. Parnell, A.R. Dale, D.J. Topping. 1998. Sediment storage changes following short-duration, high-flow releases from Glen Canyon Dam, Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, n. 6, p. 12. [Abstract]
  236. Nelson J.M., J.P. Bennett, D.J. Topping, R.S. Parker, J.P. Kinzel. 1998. Modeling flow and sediment transport to assess channel stability and evolution. Proceedings of the Ninth Platte River Basin Ecosystem Symposium, 24-25 February 1998, Kearney, Nebraska, p. 74-75. [Abstract]
  237. Bradley A.A., F.M. Holly, W.K. Walker, S.A. Wright. 1998. Estimation of water temperature exceedence probabilities using thermo-hydrodynamic modeling. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 34(3). [Journal Article]
  238. Neary V.S., S.A. Wright. 1998. Sediment model assessment of geomorphic channel, Napa River. In Engineering Approaches to Ecosystem Restoration, pp. 241-246, part of the proceedings of the ASCE Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration Conference, Denver, CO, 1998. [Proceedings]
  239. Topping D.J. 1998. Fluvial geomorphology, sediment transport, and sedimentology on the Colorado Plateau. invited lecture in the Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. [Presentation]
  240. Hueftle S.J. 1998. Water Quality Trends in Lake Powell and the Tailwaters. Lake Powell Interagency Cooperators Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah. [Presentation]
  241. Hueftle S.J., L.E. Stevens. 1998. Effects of an Experimental Flood on Grand Canyon and the Limnology of Lake Powell. North American Lake Management Association, Banff, Canada. [Presentation]
  242. Hueftle S.J. 1998. Water Quality Trends and Sedimentation in Lake Powell. Glen Canyon Institute Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah. [Presentation]
  243. Hueftle S.J. 1998. Water quality trends of the Lake Powell system. Adaptive Management Work Group, Phoenix, Arizona. [Presentation]
  244. Hueftle S.J. 1998. Lake Powell, What is a Reservoir? . Upward Bound College Prep Program, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. [Presentation]
  245. Benenati P.L., S.J. Hueftle, D.W. Blinn, J.P. Shannon, K.P. Wilson. 1998. Benthic Tailwater-Reservoir Linkages as Affected by Climatic Patterns in the Colorado River, Arizona & Utah. North American Benthological Society Annual Conference. Prince Edward Island, Canada. [Presentation]
  246. Hueftle S.J. 1998. Two Engines and a Caboose: The Lake Powell Winter Underflows. Lake Powell Interagency Cooperators Meeting. Page, AZ. [Presentation]
  247. Rubin, D.M., Nelson, J.M., and Topping, D.J. 1998. Relation of inversely graded deposits to suspended-sediment grain-size evolution during floods in Grand Canyon, Arizona. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, International Associaiton of Sedimentoligists, 15th International Sedimentological Congress, Abstracts, p. 678. [Abstract]
  248. Kristin M Brown, Bruce M Richmond, Deirdre C Scholar, . 1998. Oceanographic Influence on Beach Morphology During an El Niño Winter Along the Santa Cruz County Coast, . AGU 1998 fall meeting, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. [Poster with Abstract]
  249. Gary B. Griggs and Kristin M. Brown. 1998. Erosion and shoreline damage along the central California coast: A comparison between the 1997-98 and 1982-83 ENSO winters. Journal of the American Shore and Beach, VOLUME 66 JULY 1998 NUMBER 3. [Journal Article]
  250. USGS/UC Santa Cruz/NASA/NOAA Collaborative Research Group. 1998. A collaborative program to investigate the impacts of the 1997-98 El Nino winter along the Califoronia coast, . Journal of the American Shore and Beach, VOLUME 66 JULY 1998 NUMBER 3. [Journal Article]
  251. Fairley H. 1997. Cultural Boundary Dynamics on the Northwestern Kayenta Anasazi Frontier: A View from Glen Canyon and Eastern Grand Canyon. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Nashville, North Carolina. April, 1997. [Presentation]
  252. Fairley H. 1997. Grand Canyon Archaeology: Past, Present and Future. Paper presented at Archaeology in the Greater Grand Canyon Ecoregion Conference, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona. February 6, 1997. [Presentation]
  253. Wegner D.L., V.J. Meretsky, M.D. Yard. 1997. Restoration of dam impacted ecosystems: the use of a controlled flood on the Colorado River. Seventh International Symposium on Regulated Streams (SISORS III)., Chattanooga, TN. [Presentation]
  254. Topping D.J. 1997. Arroyo-type channel change within a stationary hydrologic and sediment-transport setting: 1872-1996 Paria River channel change. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, n. 6, p. 373. [Abstract]
  255. Topping D.J., J.D. Smith. 1997. A physically based model for downstream hydraulic geometry. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v 78, n. 46, p. 272. [Abstract]
  256. Wright S.A. 1997. Thermal regime of the Missouri River along its Iowa border. In John F. Kennedy Student Paper Competition and Specialty Seminar Summaries, pp. 49-54, part of the proceedings of the 27th Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, San Francisco CA, 1997. [Proceedings]
  257. Hueftle S.J., B.S. Vernieu. 1997. An Assessment of Dam Operations on Lake Powell. North American Lake Management Association, Houston Texas. [Presentation]
  258. Hueftle S.J., B.S. Vernieu. 1997. An Assessment of Dam Operations Effects on the Limnology of Lake Powell. Colorado Plateau Studies Biennial Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona. [Presentation]
  259. Hueftle S.J. 1997. Water Quality trends and effects of the Spike Flood on Lake Powell. 25th Reunion Meeting of the Lake Powell Research Project. Salt Lake City, Utah. [Presentation]
  260. Hueftle S.J. 1997. Release of the Lake Powell Assessment to the Adaptive Management Work Group. Adaptive Management Work Group, Phoenix, Arizona. [Presentation]
  261. Hueftle S.J. 1997. Release of the Lake Powell Assessment . External Review Panel, Flagstaff, Arizona and to the Technical Work Group, Phoenix, Arizona. [Presentation]
  262. Vernieu B.S., S.J. Hueftle. 1997. Effects of the 1996 Experimental Flood on Water Quality of Lake Powell and the Colorado River. Glen Canyon Dam Beach/Habitat Building Flow Symposium, Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  263. Hueftle S.J. 1997. Spike Flood and Water Quality Results for 1996 at Lake Powell. Lake Powell Interagency Cooperators Meeting. Page, AZ. [Presentation]
  264. Griffiths P.G., R.H. Webb, T.S. Melis. 1997. Initiation of Debris Flows in Tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. in Cheng-lung Chen (editor) Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, Proceedings of the First International Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 12-20. [Proceedings]
  265. Melis T.S., R.H. Webb, P.G. Griffiths. 1997. Debris flows in Grand Canyon National Park: peak discharges, flow transformations, and hydrographs. in Cheng-lung Chen (editor) Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, Proceedings of the First International Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 727-736. [Proceedings]
  266. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis, P.G. Griffiths, J.G. Elliott. 1997. Reworking of aggraded debris fans by the 1996 controlled flood on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 97-16, 36 p. [Technical Report]
  267. Topping D.J. 1997. Flow, sediment transport, and channel geometric adjustment in the Grand Canyon, Arizona gage reach of the Colorado River durring the 1996 Grand Canyon flood experiment. Proceedings of the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center's 1997 Symposium on the Glen Canyon Dam Beach / Habitat-building flow, p. 20-22. [Proceedings]
  268. Melis T.S. 1997. Influence of debris flows on habitats of the Colorado River ecosystem in Grand Canyon, Arizona. [Abstract]
  269. Topping, D.J. 1997. Flow, sediment transport, and channel geometric adjustment in the Gran Canyon, Arizona gage reach of the Colorado River during the 1996 Grand Canyon flood experiment. Proceedings of the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center's 1997 Symposium on the Glen Canyon Dam Beach/Habitat-buidling flow, p. 20-22. [Abstract]
  270. Gibbs, Ann E., Brown, Kristin, Coyne, Melanie, Mullane, Rob A. Richmond, Bruce M., Fletcher, Charles H., . 1997. Long term beach monitoring program in Hawaii, . Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, 93rd annual meeting, 29(5), p. 15 1997. [Poster with Abstract]
  271. Fairley H. 1996. Tributary Debris Fans and the late Holocene Alluvial Chronology of the Colorado River, eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona. Geological Society of America Bulletin 108: 3-19. (With Richard Hereford, Kathryn S. Thompson, and Kelly J Burke). [Journal Article]
  272. Salas D.E., J.R. Carlson, B.E. Ralston, D.A. Martin, K.R. Blaney. 1996. Riparian Vegetation Mapping of the Lower Colorado River from the Davis Dam to the International Border. Technical Memorandum No. 8260-96-03. [Technical Report]
  273. Ralston B.E., D.L. Wegner. 1996. Effects of Habitat/Building Flows on Backwater Habitat along the Colorado River, below Glen Canyon Dam. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. [Presentation]
  274. Jaenicke M., D. Bosch, L. Coggins, L. Fair, R.E. Minard. 1996. Evaluation of a Thermal Habitat Volume Model for Estimation of Sustained Yield for Lake Trout in Selected Lakes of Southwest Alaska, 1994-95. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series No. 96-40. Anchorage. [Technical Report]
  275. Carpenter S.R., J.F. Kitchell, K.L. Cottingham, D.E. Schindler, D.L. Christensen, D.M. Post, N. Voichick . 1996. Chlorophyll Variability, Nutrient Input and Grazing: Evidence From Whole-Lake Experiments. Ecology 77(3): 725-735. . [Journal Article]
  276. Christensen, D.L., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, K.L. Cottingham, S.E. Knight, J.P. Lebouton, M.L. Pace, D.E. Schindler, N. Voichick. 1996. Pelagic Responses to Changes in Dissolved Organic Carbon Following Division of a Seepage Lake. Limnology and Oceanography 41(3):553-559. [Journal Article]
  277. Marzolf R.M., W. S. Vernieu. 1996. Effect of controlled flood on primary productivity in the Colorado River: Glen Canyon Dam to Lees Ferry. Poster presentation at 1996 Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA. December 15-19, 1996. . [Poster]
  278. Vernieu W.S. 1996. Effects of reservoir drawdown on resuspension of deltaic sediments in Lake Powell. Lake and Reserv. Management. Vol 12. No 3. 1996 . [Journal Article]
  279. Yard M.D., G.E. Bennett, L.E. Stevens, D.W. Blinn, J. Shannon. 1996. A mechanistic approach used to model gross primary production in the Colorado River. North American Benthological Society. Kalspell, MT. [Presentation]
  280. Yard M.D. 1996. Razorback suckers, Xyrauchen texanus: Physical habitat and geomorphic characteristics of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. USBR Razorback Sucker Workshop. Laughlin, NV. [Presentation]
  281. Topping D.J. 1996. The tectonic significance of the Greater Amargosa Chaos - Buckwheat - Sperry Hills basin. in Reynolds, R.E., and Reynolds, J., eds., Punctuated Chaos in the Northeastern Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County Museum Association Quarterly, v. 43(1,2): San Bernardino, California, San Bernardino County Museum Association, p. 143-146. [Technical Report]
  282. Topping D.J., R.S. Parker, J.M. Nelson, J.P. Bennett. 1996. The apparent mid-20th century sediment load decrease in the Colorado River basin: An investigation of the mechanics of the Colorado River Sampler. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, n. 7, p. 261. [Abstract]
  283. Hueftle S.J. 1996. 20th Anniversary Conference of the Lake Powell Research Project. 20th Anniversary Conference of the Lake Powell Research Project, Salt Lake City, UT. [Presentation]
  284. Hueftle S.J. 1996. Water Quality Results for 1995 and pre-Spike Conditions at Lake Powell. Lake Powell Interagency Cooperators Meeting. Page, AZ. [Presentation]
  285. Griffiths P.G., R.H. Webb, T.S. Melis. 1996. Initiation and frequency of debris flows in Grand Canyon, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-491, 35 p. [Technical Report]
  286. Melis T.S., W.M. Phillips, R.H. Webb, D.J. Bills. 1996. When the blue-green waters turnred: historical flooding in Havasu Creek, Arizona. US Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report #96-4115, 85 p. [Technical Report]
  287. Meretsky V.J., T.S. Melis. 1996. Integration of Grand Canyon physical and biological information: a progress report. Transactions and Proceedings of the Third-Biennial Conference on Colorado Plateau Research, /series NPS/NRNAU/NRTP-97/12, Department of Interior, National Park Service, p. 193-214. [Proceedings]
  288. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis, T.W. Wikse. 1996. The great cataract,¿ Effects of late Holocene debris flows on Lava Falls Rapid, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-460, 96 p. [Technical Report]
  289. Richmond, B., Brown, K., Fletcher, C., Gibbs, A., Grossman, E., Mullane, R., and Reiss, T., . 1996. GPS applications to surveying beach loss in Hawaii, . (Abs.), p.50, Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology. [Poster with Abstract]
  290. Fairley H., R. Hereford, K.S. Thompson, K.J. Burke. 1995. Late Holocene Debris Fans and Alluvial Chronology of the Colorado River, eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-517. [Technical Report]
  291. Carpenter S.R., D.L. Christensen, J.J. Cole, K.L. Cottingham, X. He, J.R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, S.E. Knight, M.L. Pace, D.M. Post, D.E. Schindler, N. Voichick. 1995. Biological Control of Eutrophication in Lakes. Biological Control of Eutrophication in Lakes. Envi. Sci. & Tech. 29:784-786. [Journal Article]
  292. McGavock E. H., W.R. Victor, W.S. Vernieu. 1995. Projected hydrogeologic conditions in the Navajo Sandstone aquifer near Page, AZ after hydraulic equilibrium is reached with Lake Powell. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Tucson, AZ. September 14-15, 1995. [Poster]
  293. Ayers T.J., R.W. Scott, L.E. Stevens, K. Warren, A. Phillips III, M.D. Yard. . 1995. Additions to the flora of Grand Canyon National Park - I. J. Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. 28:70-75. [Journal Article]
  294. Yard M.D., G.E. Bennett, L.E. Stevens. 1995. A mechanistic model to predict PAR in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ. Ecological Society of America. Snow Bird, UT. [Presentation]
  295. Yard M.D., G.E. Bennett, L.E. Stevens. 1995. A mechanistic model: predicted gross primary production for the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ. NBS, Third Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  296. Protiva F., M.D. Yard. 1995. Modeling physical habitat features under fluctuating discharges at the confluence of the Little Colorado River, Grand Canyon. Desert Fishes Council. Reno, NV. [Poster]
  297. Protiva F., M.D. Yard. 1995. An integrated approach to modeling thermal and topographic features at tributary confluences. NBS, Third Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. Flagstaff, AZ. [Poster]
  298. Topping D.J. 1995. Transport and deposition of large rock avalanches on alluvial fans: A combined stratigraphic and physical perspective from Death Valley, California. In Blair, T.C., and McPherson, J.G., eds., Alluvial Fans: Processes, Forms, Controls, Facies Models, and Use in Basin Analysis: Death Valley, California, Proceedings of the 1995 SEPM International Research Conference on Alluvial Fans, p. 87. [Abstract]
  299. Hueftle S.J. 1995. Quarterly Report of the September 1995 Lake Powell survey. Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Report. Flagstaff, AZ. [Technical Report]
  300. Hueftle S.J., W.S. Vernieu. 1995. Quarterly Report of the June 1995 Lake Powell surve. Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Report. Flagstaff, AZ. [Technical Report]
  301. Hueftle S.J. 1995. Lake Powell; The Future of a Reservoir. Lakeline, 15: 1:20-23,4. [Technical Report]
  302. Hueftle S.J. 1995. Flow Patterns in a Large Southwestern Reservoir. North American Lake Management Association, Toronto, Canada. [Presentation]
  303. Hueftle S.J., D.L. Wegner. 1995. Transformation of Water Quality through Lake Powell. Colorado Plateau Studies Biennial Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona. [Presentation]
  304. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis. 1995. The 1995 debris flow at Lava Falls Rapid. Nature Notes, Grand Canyon National Park , fall, 1995, v. 11, no. 3, p. 1-4. [Newsletter]
  305. Hueftle S.J. 1995. Lake Powell Long-Term Monitoring Program, Fiscal Years 1996 and 1997. Glen Canyon Environmental Studies, Flagstaff AZ. [Technical Report]
  306. Melis T.S. 1995. A Draft Prospectus on Integration of Biological and Physical Data Below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona. Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Program 81 p. [Technical Report]
  307. Fairley H. 1994. The Grand Canyon River Corridor Survey Project: Archaeological Survey along the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Separation Canyon. Report prepared in cooperation with e Bureau of Reclamation, Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Office, Flagstaff. [Technical Report]
  308. Siemens D.H., B.E. Ralston, C.D. Johnson. 1994. Alternative seed defense mechanisms in a Palo Verde hybrid zone: effects on bruchid beetle performance and preference. Ecological Entomology. 19:381-391. [Technical Report]
  309. Coggins, L.G., Jr. . 1994. Precision of Ages Estimated from Scales for Rainbow Trout in Bristol Bay, Alaska. . Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series No. 94-26. Anchorage. [Technical Report]
  310. Vernieu W. S., S. J. Hueftle . 1994. Long term monitoring and data management on a large Colorado River reservoir. Oral presentation at the 14th Annual International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society, Orlando, FL. October 31 - November 5, 1994. [Presentation]
  311. Yard M.D., L.E. Stevens, A.G. Haden, D.W. Blinn, W.Verneiu. 1994. Light attenuation, sediment concentration and fluvial ecosystem responses in the regulated Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ. Ecological Society of America. Knoxville, TN. [Presentation]
  312. Yard M.D., L.E. Stevens, D.W. Blinn, J. Shannon. 1994. Limnology and lower trophic levels of the Colorado River: from Lake Powell through the Grand Canyon. American Fisheries Society, Western Division. Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  313. Holm D.K., T.L. Pavlis, D.J. Topping. 1994. Black Mountains crustal section, Death Valley, California. In McGill, S.F., and Ross, T.M., eds., Geological Investigations of an Active Margin, Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Guidebook: San Bernardino, California, San Bernardino County Museum Association, p. 31-54. [Book]
  314. Topping D.J. 1994. The Amargosa Chaos Basin: Implications for the evolution of the southern Death Valley region from 10.5 Ma to the present. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, n. 2, p. 99. [Abstract]
  315. Topping D.J., J.D. Smith. 1994. Development and testing of a reach-averaged flow and sediment-transport model of the Paria River, Arizona. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 75, n. 44, p. 268. [Abstract]
  316. Topping D.J., J. Pitlick. 1994. Geomorphic research on the Colorado Plateau 125 years after John Wesley Powell. 1994 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California. [Presentation]
  317. Voichick N., J.P. Lebouton (eds). 1994. Methods of the Cascading Trophic Interactions Project. Fourth Edition. Madison: Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin. [Technical Report]
  318. Hueftle S.J. 1994. Glen Canyon Environmental Studies. Glen Canyon Environmental Studies newsletter. [Newsletter]
  319. Hueftle S.J. 1994. Presentation to GCNRA Rangers, Page AZ. Presentation to GCNRA Rangers, Page AZ. [Presentation]
  320. O'Connor J.E., L. L. Ely, E.E. Wohl, L. E. Stevens, T.S. Melis,V.S. Kale, V.R. Baker. 1994. A 4,500-year record of large floods on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. Journal of Geology, vol. 102, pp. 1-12. [Journal Article]
  321. Melis T.S., R.H. Webb, P.G. Griffiths, T.W. Wise. 1994. Magnitude and Frequency Data for Historic debris Flows in Grand Canyon National Park and Vicinity. Arizona USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 94-4214, 285 p. [Technical Report]
  322. Topping, D.J., and Smith, J.D. 1994. Controls on hydraulic geometry in a floow-dominated, ephemeral river system: Examples from the Paria River, Utah and Arizona. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, n. 7, p. 235. [Abstract]
  323. Rubin, David M., Schmidt, John C., Anima, Roberto A., Brown, Kristin M., Hunter, Ralph E., Ikeda, Hiroshi, Jaffe, Bruce E., McDonald, Richard R., Nelson, Jonathan M., Reiss, Tom E., Sanders, Rex, Stanley, Richard G.,. 1994. Internal structure of bars in Grand Canyon, Arizona, and evaluation of proposed flow alternatives for Glen Canyon Dam. USGS Open File Report 94-0594. [Open-File Report]
  324. Fairley H., R. Hereford, K.S. Thompson, J.R. Balsom. 1993. Erosion of Archeologic Sites along the Colorado River, Inferred from Surficial Geology and Geomorphology, Eastern Grand Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-517, Flagstaff. [Technical Report]
  325. Ralston B.E. 1993. Phylogenetic systematics and the evolution of mating systems in Lithospermum (Boraginaceae). Dissertation. Department of Biology, Northern Arizona University. [Thesis/Dissertation]
  326. Ralston B.E. 1993. Using phylogenetic analysis and comparative resource allocation to test hypotheses of mating system evolution. Society for the Study of Evolution, Annual Meeting, Snowbird, UT. [Presentation]
  327. Ralston B.E. 1993. Herbivory, heterostyly and fecundity: mechanisms promoting selection on pin and thrum floral morphs of Lithospermum multiflorum. Amer. J. Bot. 80:280. [Journal Article]
  328. Ralston B.E. 1993. Comparative resource allocation of three heterostylous species of Lithospermum (Boraginaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 80:285. [Journal Article]
  329. Coggins Jr. L.G. . 1993. Stock Assessment of the Chinook Salmon Return to the Naknek River, Alaska, during 1992. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series No. 93-26. Anchorage. [Technical Report]
  330. Yard M.D., G.A. Haden, W.S. Vernieu. 1993. Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) in the Colorado river: Glen and Grand Canyons. USBR, GCES Phase II report. 66 pp. [Technical Report]
  331. Haden G.A., M.D. Yard, D.L. Wegner. 1993. Survival of the native fishes in the Grand Canyon: is it a losing proposal? . NPS, Second Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. Flagstaff, AZ. [Presentation]
  332. Topping D.J. 1993. Paleogeographic reconstruction of the Death Valley extended region: Evidence from Miocene large rock-avalanche deposits in the Amargosa Chaos Basin, California. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 105, p. 1190-1213. [Technical Report]
  333. Topping D.J, J.D. Smith. 1993. One hundred twenty three years of data on the Paria River: Implications for geomorphology and hydrology. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v 74, n. 43, p. 320. [Abstract]
  334. Hueftle S.J., D.L. Wegner, M.A. Matter. 1993. Physical Limnology and the Effects of Lake Powell on the Colorado River. Colorado Plateau Studies Biennial Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona. [Presentation]
  335. Melis T.S., R.H. Webb. 1993. Debris flows in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: Magnitude frequency and effects on the Colorado River. In American Society of Civil Engineers, Proceedings of the 1993 Conference, Hydraulic Engineering '93, vol. 2, pp. 1290-1295, H.W. Shen, S.T. Su and F. Wen (eds). [Proceedings]
  336. Anima, Roberto J., Tait, James, Griggs, Gary B., Brown, Kristin M.,. 1993. Nearshore morphology and sedimentation using side-scanning sonar and underwater video along the Central California coast, . AGU 1993 fall meeting, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74,p. 348,. [Poster with Abstract]
  337. Fairley H., P.R. Geib. 1992. Radiocarbon Dating of Fremont Anthropomorphic Rock Art in Glen Canyon, South-central Utah. Journal of Field Archaeology 19:155-168. [Journal Article]
  338. Fairley H. 1992. Grand Canyon Archaeology. Two 45-minute presentations to fifth and sixth grade classes at Christensen Elementary School. April, 1992. [Presentation]
  339. Fairley H. 1992. Recent Geoarchaeology Research along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Paper presented at the 65th Pecos Conference, Pecos, New Mexico. August, 1992. [Presentation]
  340. Ralston B.E., R.A. Hilsenbeck. 1992. Opuntia densispina: A new species of Opuntia (Cactaceae) from the Big Bend Regions of Texas. Madrono. 39:281-284. [Journal Article]
  341. Coggins Jr. L.G. 1992. Creel and Escapement Statistics for the Chinook and Coho Salmon Fisheries in the Lower Naknek River, Alaska, during 1991. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series No. 92-15. Anchorage. [Technical Report]
  342. Juul S.T.J., S.J. Hueftle. 1992. A Report on the Water Quality of Twin Lakes, Washington, Before and After Restoration Efforts. Washington Water Research Center Report No. 86. Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. [Technical Report]
  343. Hueftle S.J. 1992. Winter drawdown effects on macrophyte communities in Twin Lakes, Washington. Washington Lake Protection Association Annual Conference, Spokane, WA. [Presentation]
  344. Fairley H. 1991. Current Geoarchaeological Research in Eastern Grand Canyon. Paper presented at the First Biennial Conference on Research in Colorado Plateau National Parks, Flagstaff, AZ. October, 1991. [Presentation]
  345. Fairley H. 1991. The Grand Canyon River Corridor Survey Project. Paper presented at the annual Pecos Conference, Casas Grandes, Mexico. August 1991 and to Northern Arizona Chapter of the Arizona Archaeological Society, February 1991. [Presentation]
  346. Topping D.J. 1991. The transition from arc-volcanism to strike-slip driven extension in the southern Death Valley region as recorded in the Amargosa Chaos. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 23, n. 2, p. 104. [Abstract]
  347. Yard M.D., R.D. Williams, D.L. Wegner. 1990. Feasibility of employing radiotelemetry in the Grand Canyon on the endangered humpback chub. USBR, GCES Phase II Report. 49 pp. [Technical Report]
  348. Topping D.J. 1990. Large landslides and Miocene extension in the Amargosa Chaos Basin, southern Death Valley, California. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 71, n. 43, p. 1612. [Abstract]
  349. Fairley H., J.H. Altschul. 1989. Man, Models, and Management: An Overview of the Archaeology of the Arizona Strip and the Management of Its Cultural Resources. USDI Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District, and USFS Southwest Region, Albuquerque. [Technical Report]
  350. Fairley H. 1989. Anasazi Settlement Dynamics in Upper Paiute Canyon, Northeastern Arizona. Unpublished MA Thesis, Northern Arizona University, Department of Anthropology, Flagstaff. [Thesis/Dissertation]
  351. Fairley H. 1989. Ceramics of Northeastern Arizona. During a two-day workshop hosted by Edge of the Cedars Museum, Blanding, Utah, I lectured to 30 professional archaeologists on the identification and analysis of Kayenta Anasazi ceramics. November 16-17, 1989. [Presentation]
  352. Fairley H. 1989. Virgin Anasazi Ceramic Production and Exchange: A View from the Kanab Plateau. Paper presented at the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Sciences annual meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 15, 1989. [Presentation]
  353. Ralston B.E., G. Nesom, B.L. Turner. 1989. Documented plant chromosome numbers: I. Chromosome numbers in Mexican Asteraceae with special reference to the tribe Tageteae. Sida. 13:359-368. [Journal Article]
  354. Ralston B.E., R.A. Hilsenbeck. 1989. Taxonomy of the Opuntia schottii complex (Cactaceae) in Texas. Madrono. 36:221-231. . [Journal Article]
  355. Fairley H. 1988. Cultural Resource Management Priorities for the Arizona Strip. Paper presented to the BLM Arizona Strip Advisory Council, St. George, Utah, April, 1988. [Presentation]
  356. Fairley H. 1987. Archaeological Investigations at Four Sites on the Shonto Plateau near Inscription House, Arizona. Northern Arizona University Archaeological Report No. 378. [Technical Report]
  357. Fairley H., P. Geib, M. Davenport, P. Bungart. 1987. Archaeological Research in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area: Year II Report, 1985-1986. Northern Arizona University Archaeological Report No. 1002. [Technical Report]
  358. Fairley H., P. Geib, P. Bungart. 1986. Archaeological Survey in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area: Year I Descriptive Report, 1984-1985. Northern Arizona University Archaeological Report No. 999. [Technical Report]
  359. Anderson L.S., L.M. Lucas, M. McGee, M.D. Yard, G.A. Ruffner. 1986. Aquatic habitat analysis for low and high flows of the Colorado river in Grand Canyon. USBR, GCES Phase I report. 59 pp. [Technical Report]
  360. Fairley H., J.R. Ambler. 1985. Navajo National Monument: An Archaeological Assessment. National Park Service, Southwest Cultural Resource Center Professional Papers No. 9. [Technical Report]
  361. Fairley H. 1985. Archaeological Research Gaps in the Kayenta Anasazi Region. Paper presented at the Arizona Archaeological Council, Flagstaff, October 1985. [Presentation]
  362. Fairley H., P. Geib, J.R. Ambler. 1985. A Research Plan for the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Northern Arizona University Archaeological Research Report No. 998. [Technical Report]
  363. Fairley H., M.M. Callahan. 1983. Rainbow Gray: A Distinctive Utility Ware in the Northern Kayenta Region. Pottery Southwest 10(2):1-6. [Journal Article]

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