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WTO Export Subsidy Notifications

wto export subsidy notifications
Overview section selected Jump to Documentation section Jump to Standard tables section Jump to Custom tables section Jump to More Info section

World Trade Organization (WTO) member countries are required to submit documents that detail their export subsidy expenditures and the quantities of subsidized exports—under the WTO Agreement on Agriculture, countries agreed to reduce the use of trade-distorting export subsidies. This database contains statistics on export subsidy notifications submitted to the WTO. The notifications, submitted annually, indicate the types of export subsidies, expenditures on export subsidies, and the quantity of subsidized exports during a given year (notification year). While countries are required to notify (i.e., submit the documents) each year, there may be a lag between the end of a specific year and that year's associated notification. For basic information on export subsidy policies and the WTO, see the export subsidy chapter in the Economic Research Service's WTO briefing room.

The data are presented according to:
— Expenditures on export subsidies—values in local currency of actual and permitted export subsidies.
— Quantity of subsidized exports—quantities of permitted subsidized exports and total exports.

Information may be incomplete in some cases, resulting in blank or zero fields in the database. The database includes only data submitted by specific countries in their notifications for a given year.

Users can access the data in two ways:
— A set of standard tables in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format (*.xls) that are designed for the convenience of most users.
— A searchable database for users familiar with WTO notifications, from which custom tables can be developed.

The data will be updated periodically; the date of the most recent update is noted within the Documentation, Standard, and Custom tabs. Users will need to visit the WTO site to obtain more recent country notifications (See More Info). While countries are supposed to submit notifying documents on export subsidies each year, there is a lag between the end of a specific year and that year's associated notification.

For instructions on obtaining notification documents from the WTO website, click the tab labeled More Info.

WTO Domestic Support Notifications
WTO Tariff Levels

Back to WTO Agricultural Trade Policy Commitments Database

For more information, contact: Birgit Meade

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Updated date: February 10, 2009