GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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FRE: FMS Runtime Environment


This is a howto document for the FRE (FMS Runtime Environment). The FRE is a tool to facilitate running FMS models. The user creates a model description file in xml format (or uses a preexisting file) and calls various FRE utilities which read it. The FRE utilities, written in perl, can acquire code, create and submit compile scripts, create and submit runscripts, and perform postprocessing, among other things.

Additional Documentation and Utilities Description A sample xml file which documents all the tags is available syntax-highlighted in HTML format.   FRE Version History and Feature Requests several wiki pages, including FRE FAQ's, Cubed Sphere Post-Processing Information, Frepp Out-Of-Memory Kills, Frepp Timing Statistics, Frepp Analysis Known Issues, Analysis Script Documentation, History Data Staging Information, FRE Version 3 Introduction FRE Post-processing lunchtime seminar slides from 2008-07-02 documentation of refrepp, tool to fill post-processing data holes PowerPoint slides from the FRE Workshop held on November 17, 2004 at GFDL. Balaji's document describes some goals, policies, and technical details of running regression tests with the FRE. Fanrong Zeng's documentation on how to run CM2 experiments. Fanrong Zeng's documentation on how to reproduce the IPCC-AR4 CM2.1 experiments.
http://cobweb/fjz-cgi-bin/analysis/analysis.cgi Fanrong Zeng's interface to viewing analysis figures for various experiments.

Note to external users: FRE is available for download at Paths in this document may be tailored to GFDL's site specifications, and links to the cobweb server are not accessible outside GFDL. Also note that the frepp utility is not currently available outside of GFDL.

Table of Contents

1. What is the FRE?
2. Quickstart Guide
3. Editing the XML
4. Inheritance
4.1. Special Case: Namelists
4.2. Special Case: Field Tables
4.3. Special Case: Executable
4.4. Special Case: mkmf template
5. Extending a run
6. Post-Processing
6.1. Interpolation to different vertical levels
6.2. Check for missing postprocessing files offline
6.3. Creating postprocessing data or figures offline
6.4. Automated creation of diagnostic figures
6.5. Creating monthly data by averaging daily data
6.6. Calculating long timeseries from existing timeseries
7. Using totalview within the FRE environment
8. Using SMA within the FRE environment
9. Tips and Hints
10. Version History
A. Usage Information: fremake
B. Usage Information: frerun
C. Usage Information: frepp
D. Usage Information: frecheck
E. Usage Information: frelist
F. Usage Information: frestatus
G. Usage Information: frepriority
H. Usage Information: frescrub
I. Usage Information: freppcheck
J. fredb: coming soon
K. Naming conventions
1. CVS, Compilation Naming Conventions
2. Runscript Naming Conventions
3. Runscript Output Naming Conventions

1. What is the FRE?

The FRE consists of:

  • An XML file which contains all experiment-specific variables such as the cvs commands used to check out the code, the path of the initial conditions file, namelists, and runtime specifications. The user needs to edit this file in order to customize the model configuration.
  • C-shell template scripts for compiling and running models. The user does not need to look at them to run the FRE.
  • Several conventions upon which defaults are based, such as the directory structure and naming conventions.
  • Several perl scripts which read the XML file and perform a specific function:
    • fremake: checks out the model's code if necessary. Creates and optionally submits compile scripts using a c-shell compile template.
    • frerun: creates and optionally submits runscripts based on a c-shell runscript template.
    • frepp: creates and optionally submits postprocessing scripts. Can be launched automatically during a run or launched offline.
    • frecheck: runs reproducibility tests on output from FRE regression runs. Also calculates timing and performance statistics.
    • frelist: lists the experiments in your xml file, optionally with descriptive information about each model as provided in the xml.
    • frestatus: reports on the status of your batch compiles and batch runs. This information is parsed from the batch stdout files.
    • frepriority: provides job and queue control for long-running jobs.
    • frescrub: deletes duplicate copies of postprocessing output from your archive directory.
    • freppcheck: checks for missing postprocessing files
    • fredb: coming soon. It will provide an interface to the experiment database; for example, you will be able to add an experiment to the database with a call to fredb.

2. Quickstart Guide

This section describes how to obtain an xml file (current as of the last city release), compile an executable, perform short (regression test) runs, monitor the progress of the runs, and test the reproducibility of the output.

  1. Acquire a FRE xml file. At GFDL, you can get the file containing experiments tested at the last city release by executing the following cvs checkout:

    setenv CVSROOT /home/fms/cvscvs co rts

    This will give you a directory called rts/ and a file inside called rts.xml, which contains the xml for several experiments from the FMS Model Development Database. For FMS code releases lima and later, you may get several xml files. The FRE utilities assume the default filename is rts.xml, and will use that file unless you specify otherwise with the command line argument -x xmlfile, which is available for all FRE utilties.

    Info icon Note

    If you want your code to be checked out to a location other than $HOME/rts/experiment_name/ and want your output in an archive location other than $ARCHIVE/rts/, you will need to change the following lines accordingly in your xml file. Set the root directory, in which directories will be created for experiment code and scripts:


    Set the root location for your archive model output. Subdirectories will be created here for each experiment's data:

  2. Change to the directory containing rts.xml and run frelist to view available experiments. See Appendix E, Usage Information: frelist for usage information on frelist.

    Info icon Note

    You must either run the FRE utilities from the directory containing rts.xml, or else give them an -x argument with the path to your XML file.

    You may need to add /home/fms/bin, or the directory containing the FRE utilities, to your Unix $PATH.

  3. Run fremake only on the experiment(s) for which you want to check-out cvs code and/or compile. See Appendix A, Usage Information: fremake for usage information on fremake. For example, if you want to check-out code and create a compile script for the experiments am2p10 and mom4_test1, use: fremake am2p10 mom4_test1.

    Info icon Note

    The cvs source will be placed in $root/$name/src/. The compilation will be done in $root/$name/exec/ and the executable will be created as $root/$name/exec/fms_$name.x.

    Use the -s option to automatically qsub the compile script to the AC. The compile script's stdout will be placed in $root/$name/exec/stdout. You can monitor the progress of any FRE compile by monitoring the stdout file, or via frestatus experiment. Within GFDL, it is helpful to use the command qa -n -u $USER along with frestatus to see which jobs are running or waiting in the queue.

  4. Run frerun on the experiment(s) you want to run. See Appendix B, Usage Information: frerun for usage information on frerun. To run all currently available regression tests (basic, scaling, restarts) on am2p10 and mom4_test1, use: frerun -r suite am2p10 mom4_test1.

    Info icon Note

    Use the -s option to automatically qsub the scripts to the HPCS.

    The scripts' stdout files will be placed in $archive/$name/$RUNPARAMS/ascii/stdout, where $archive refers to the root archive location set in your xml file. In this example, $archive would be $ARCHIVE/rts. For details on the naming convention of $RUNPARAMS, see Appendix K, Naming conventions.

  5. Run frestatus to check the progress of the runs you've submitted as batch jobs. See Appendix F, Usage Information: frestatus for usage information on frestatus. To see how far your compiles or runs have gotten for am2p10 and mom4_test1, use frestatus am2p10 mom4_test1.

    Info icon Note

    Within GFDL, it is helpful to use the command qa -n -u $USER along with frestatus to see which jobs are running or waiting in the queue.

  6. When at least two regression test runs for a given experiment have completed (successfully), you can use frecheck to verify the reproducibility over pe-counts and restarts. See Appendix D, Usage Information: frecheck for usage information on frecheck. For example, to verify that the restart files for am2p10 and mom4_test1 have reproduced bit-for-bit across the scaling and restart regression tests, use: frecheck am2p10 mom4_test1.

3. Editing the XML

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language similar to HTML, but where we've defined tags appropriate for our use in the FRE. The xml file is called rts.xml by default. This is a text file which you can edit with your favorite text editor, however, some editors provide special features useful for editing xml. The suggested xml editor is /home/fms/bin/scite. SciTE is a general text editor that provides syntax highlighting similar to nedit, but SciTE also provides folding, which is very useful for editing xml. SciTE documentation is available at SourceForge.

VIM, emacs, and nedit can perform syntax highlighting automatically. VIM and emacs can be configured to do folding and tag completion. To find out how to set up VIM or emacs to do these things, see the editor links on (note: this page is only available inside GFDL.)

A sample xml file documents all the tags which are available. It is available syntax-highlighted in HTML format at Also, if you use mozilla, you can browse the tree structure of the xml at this link:

Several other tools are available for browsing an xml file. A tool called 'pollo' is available for browsing xml at /home/arl/bin/pollo. Pollo provides an interactive, graphical view of any xml file. Currently pollo can mess up your spacing if you save from it, so I recommend it only as an xml browser until a newer version is released. To use pollo to view a file, execute /home/arl/bin/pollo rts.xml. Another XML editor called 'xmloperator' is available. It is also good for browsing the structure of an XML file. To launch it, try /usr/xmloperator/ You can also browse xml files in Mozilla-based web browsers.

4. Inheritance

It is possible for an experiment to inherit parameters from another experiment in the same xml file. Sample XML illustrating inheritance is shown in Aside from a few special cases, the rules governing inheritance are as follows.

  • fremake and frerun will look inside the experiment for the data, such as , for example.
  • If the data is not found, fremake and frerun will look for an inherit attribute in the tag. If an inherit attribute is found, fremake and frerun will look inside the given experiment for the data. It will recurse in this manner until the data is found or until there are no more experiments from which to inherit.
  • If the data is not found in the inheritance tree, the value will be empty. If the value was required, an error message will be printed. If the value was optional, a warning message will be printed if you use the -v option on fremake and frerun.

4.1. Special Case: Namelists

Namelists are parsed and will be given priority as follows:

  1. Namelists directly in the xml of the experiment
    <experiment name="mom4_test1_static10" inherit="mom4_test1">
          <namelist name="ocean_model_nml">
          baroclinic_split = 4
          surface_height_split = 1
          barotropic_split = 60
          energy_diag_freq = 12
  2. Namelists in files, in the order the files are given in xml
    <experiment name="mom4_test1_static10" inherit="mom4_test1">
          <namelist file="/home/user/file1"/>
          <namelist file="/home/user/file2"/>
  3. Namelists that are directly in the xml of the parent experiment
  4. Namelist files from the parent experiment

A warning will be printed if you try to specify a namelist more than once in the inheritance tree, and an error will be printed if you try to give the same namelist twice directly in the xml tags for one experiment. It is currently not possible to inherit only some values from a given namelist.

4.2. Special Case: Field Tables

Field tables are currently not parsed and are inherited on the basis of their file names. If you specify at least one field table, no field tables will be inherited from the parent experiment.

4.3. Special Case: Executable

The name of the executable has a default value if not specified anywhere. The default location is $root/$name/exec/fms_$name.x.

The FRE scripts decide whether a child experiment should have its own executable based on whether you have specified new data in the or sections of the xml for your child experiment. If you intend for your experiment to inherit an executable, you should not re-specify anything in the or sections of your child experiment, because then fremake will think you wanted to recompile with the new data. Actually, you do not need to run fremake on experiments which inherit an executable since the purpose of fremake is to create an executable.

4.4. Special Case: mkmf template

The location of the mkmf template is a special case because it has a default value if not specified anywhere. The default location is /home/fms/bin/mkmf.template.$platform. That can be overridden by specifying the mkmf template in the setup section at the top of your xml file:

   <mkmfTemplate file="/path/to/template/file"/>

Or, the mkmf template can be specified directly in the xml:

 FC = f90
 CPPFLAGS = -macro_expand

That in turn can be overridden on an experiment-by-experiment basis. The location of the mkmf template can be specified for an individual experiment in the compile section of the xml.

<experiment name="mom4_test1_static10" inherit="mom4_test1">
      <mkmfTemplate file="/path/to/template/file"/>

Warning icon Warning

This requires a change in syntax from specifications of the mkmf template in versions prior to fremake023. One-word mkmf templates will cause fremake023 to print an error message, ie,
<mkmfTemplate> /home/fms/bin/mkmf.template.ia64_flt </mkmfTemplate>
ERROR: mkmfTemplate '/home/fms/bin/mkmf.template.ia64_flt' looks like a file.
ERROR: You must use the file attribute: <mkmfTemplate file=''>
you would need to change it to
<mkmfTemplate file="/home/fms/bin/mkmf.template.ia64_flt"/>

5. Extending a run

After a run has finished, take the following steps:

  1. Increase the length of the run in the xml to the full length of the run.
  2. Use frerun to generate and submit a runscript.
  3. Use frepriority to increase the number of queue allocations.

During a run,

  1. Increase the length of the run in the xml to the full length of the run.
  2. Use frerun to generate a runscript. frerun will overwrite the existing runscript. Do not use the -s option or submit the script again. The next time the script reloads, it will pick up the new version of the runscript.
  3. Use frepriority to increase the number of queue allocations.

6. Post-Processing

One can create time series and climatological averages with the utility frepp. This can be called from the runscript as the model runs, or offline. Please note that in order to take advantage of the postprocessing, your runs should start on January 1, otherwise monthly and seasonal averages will not be able to be properly calculated. If you want to start your model run on another date, please run from that date to January 1, then start a new run including the postprocessing. Also, the postprocessing can handle segment lengths of 1 month, 6 months, or 1 year. It does not currently support other segment lengths.

For details on the xml syntax for requesting postprocessing, see

6.1. Interpolation to different vertical levels

Several options are available for interpolating your data to different vertical levels.

Atmospheric Pressure Levels, uses /home/bw/bin/fms7/

Keyword Description
ncep 100000 92500 85000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 7000 5000 3000 2000 1000
era40 100000 92500 85000 77500 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 7000 5000 3000 2000 1000 700 500 300 200 100
hs20 2500 7500 12500 17500 22500 27500 32500 37500 42500 47500 52500 57500 62500 67500 72500 77500 82500 87500 92500 97500
am3 100000 92500 85000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 7000 5000 3000 2000 1000 500 300 200 100

Ocean Vertical Levels, uses /home/rwh/data/regrid_MESO/Resample_on_Z_new

Keyword Description
zgrid /home/rwh/data/regrid_MESO/

To interpolate to these vertical levels, add the attribute zInterp to the appropriate component node of your xml as follows.

<component type="atmos" zInterp="era40" source="atmos_month">

If you want to get data both on the original model levels and interpolated to new vertical levels, you can use more than one component, for example

       <component type="atmos" source="atmos_month">
       <component type="atmos_era40" zInterp="era40" source="atmos_month">

will give you a directory called atmos with data on the original model levels, and a directory called atmos_era40 with data that has been interpolated to era40 levels.

6.2. Check for missing postprocessing files offline

Fanrong Zeng has written a utility to check for missing postprocessing files. Call it as follows. It will ask you for the start year and end year you want to check.

freppcheck -x xmlfile experimentname 

It is suggested to run freppcheck with the -A option to check all variables and cpio files before running frescrub, which will delete intermediate files:

freppcheck -A -x xmlfile experimentname 

6.3. Creating postprocessing data or figures offline

It is fairly straightforward to submit the postprocessing offline if you know which arguments are needed. Here are some useful options; to see the full list, see Appendix C, Usage Information: frepp.

          -t year      = the (first) year of data to process
          -p num       = "plus num years": additional years to process after the first year
          -d dir       = path to history directory [default $archive/$name/history]
          -A           = generate analysis figures only, based on existing pp data

To generate postprocessing data or figures based on someone else's experiment:

  1. Copy their xml file to a directory you own. This will be the root location for postprocessing scripts.
  2. Edit the section at the top of the xml file. The root directory should be the directory where you have placed the xml file, the archive directory should be the root location where you want postprocessing data to be placed, and the analysis directory should be the root location where you want analysis figures to be placed. Inside of the archive and analysis directories, a directory level with the experiment name will be created, and the pp directory will be created inside that.
  3. Call frepp, making sure to use the -d option to specify the location of the original history files you want to process, ie, -d /archive/user/cm2/cm2o_cmip/history. For example, you might use a command like frepp -d /archive/user/cm2/cm2o_cmip/history -t 0001 -p19 -x CM2.xml cm2o_cmip to create the postprocessing data and figures for years 1-20 for experiment cm2o_cmip.

6.4. Automated creation of diagnostic figures

Here is a list of analysis scripts currently available for use with FRE.


Analysis tags should be put inside of or tags for the data that the analysis script uses. Refer to /home/fjz/FREworkshop/CM2.1U_Control-1860_d4.xml for an example.

To automatically run your graphical scripts to create your own analysis with FRE, you need to convert your driver script to a template script by inserting the following lines at the begining of your driver script. You only need to insert the lines your script needs.

set in_data_dir
set in_data_file
set descriptor
set out_dir
set hist_dir
# plotting years
set yr1
set yr2
set specify_year
# data years, only used for making description file, only apply to ferret scripts using
# time series as input
set databegyr
set dataendyr
set datachunk
set MODEL_start_yr
set freq
# Specify batch mode "batch" or interactive mode "interactive"
set mode
# Specify mom's version, either om2 or om3 because some files depend on mom's grid
set mom_version
# used as mask file
set gridspecfile
# used as mask file
set staticfile

Then put the template script in the analysis tag in a xml file like this:

<analysis script="/home/user/bin/my_analysis_script.csh"/>

Then frepp will read your template script, specify the variables, create complete scripts, and submit them if the mode is set to batch. Here is a listing of the available attributes for the analysis tag.

<analysis switch="on" mode="batch" momGrid="om3" specify_year="4-digit year"
          startYear="4-digit year" endYear="4-digit year"
          outdir="where you want to save your figure and text outputs"
          script="your template script with full path"/>

Only the script attribute is required; all others are optional. Here is a description of available attributes. The first value shown for the attribute is the default setting, followed by other valid options in descending priority.

  • switch="on|off" signals frepp to run|not run the analysis
  • mode="batch|interactive" signals frepp to submit|not submit a script automatically
  • momGrid="om3|om2_173jrows|om2_174jrows" i specifies the mom grid if necessary,
  • specify_year="XXXX" specifies a single year required by user's scripts, usually for processing daily data.
  • startYear="XXXX" specifies a specific year to start producing figures. The default value is the first year for which postprocessing data is available.
  • endYear="XXXX" specifies a specific year to stop producing figures. The default value is the last year for which postprocessing data is available.
  • outdir="" specifies the output directory where you want to save your figure and text output. You can also specify a directory with the -O command line argument to frepp, or with the attribute in the setup section of your xml file. If none of the above methods are used, the figures will be placed in /net2/user/analysis/$expt
  • script="" specifies the template script that will be read by frepp.

If your analysis scripts work with more than one experiment, then you need to tell FRE what those additional experiments are with the tag as follows.

   <addexpt xml="your-xml-file" name="your-expt-name">

Here is an example:

<analysis script="/home/fjz/rtspp_analysis/templates/atw_atmos_obsmodmod_ts_mon.csh">
   <addexpt xmlfile="/home/ccsp/fjz/ipcc_ar4/CM2.1U_Control-1990_E1.xml name="CM2.1U_Control-1990_E1"/>
   <addexpt xmlfile="/home/ccsp/fjz/ipcc_ar4/CM2.1U_Control-1860_D4.xml name="CM2.1U_Control-1860_D4"/>

In your analysis scripts, insert these lines at the beginning to refer to the additional experiments.

set descriptor
set in_data_dir
set in_data_file
set out_dir
set descriptor_2
set in_data_dir_2
set in_data_file_2
set out_dir_2
set descriptor_3
set in_data_dir_3
set in_data_file_3
set out_dir_3

6.5. Creating monthly data by averaging daily data

To average daily data into monthly data, you need to add a special monthly timeSeries with the averageOf attribute to your xml:

         <component type="atmos" zInterp="ncep" start="0001" source="atmos_month">
            <timeSeries freq="daily" source="atmos_daily" chunkLength="5yr"/>
            <timeSeries freq="monthly" chunkLength="5yr"/>
            <timeSeries freq="monthly" averageOf="daily" chunkLength="5yr">
               <variables> t_ref_min t_ref_max </variables>

There are several things to note about this functionality:

  1. You can either calculate this in the same postprocessing job with the or do it anytime after the daily timeSeries has been created. (ie, you can run just this piece of postprocessing offline.)

  2. The chunkLength requested for the averaged file must be the same as the chunkLength of the daily timeSeries file, ie, 5yrs. Longer chunks of pp should pick up the new variables and create 20yr timeSeries from the 5yr ones.

  3. This is specifically designed with the noleap calendar in mind and currently does not check the model calendar.

  4. The tag is required for this type of timeSeries calculation.

6.6. Calculating long timeseries from existing timeseries

The timeSeries and timeAverage attribute 'from' can override what chunklength or interval pp you want to calulate a timeSeries or timeAverage from, ie

<timeSeries freq="monthly" chunkLength="200yr" from="100yr"/>

So if you just want to create a 200yr timeSeries from existing 100yr timeSeries, your xml file should contain ONLY the timeSeries line above, with no other tags. Simply adding the line above to your existing XML file in this situation is a bad idea, because you will be wasting cpu cycles. The frepp utility will calculate each you list in your xml file, so by adding the 200yr timeSeries line above to an existing XML file, your frepp call will duplicate all of the other work that has already been done before creating the 200yr timeSeries.

7. Using totalview within the FRE environment

Better support for totalview is coming soon. Currently, to use totalview on the HPCS, you need to

  1. Make sure you have a debugging executable. Create one with

    fremake -t experimentname

    This will use /home/fms/bin/mkmf.debugtemplate.sgi for compiling.

  2. Generate a runscript with frerun. The khartoum and later rts.xml file provides a regression test case that is optimal for debugging. Create the runscript with

    frerun -tr trapnan experiment
  3. Edit one line in the runscript. Change

    mpirun -np $npes $executable:t > fms.out


    totalview mpirun -a -np $npes $executable:t > fms.out
  4. Run the script interactively.

8. Using SMA within the FRE environment

The tag specifies cppdefs to use on the mkmf command line. The FRE also parses this section to determine whether you are using libMPI or libSMA. This information is then used to set up the runscript. The section is required in your xml.

9. Tips and Hints

  • You may wish to make other directories inside your $root/$name experiment directories, such as
    `-- am2p11
        |-- src   #created by fremake for cvs checkouts
        |-- exec  #created by fremake for compilation.
        |-- dev   #for code files under development.  List in <srcList> in xml.
        `-- input #for input files like diag_table, etc.
  • qa -n 30 will give you a wider column for the experimentname.
  • and are used to construct the first cvs checkout command. The rest of the cvs commands go in , which can handle any csh commands.
  • You can use $root and $name in your xml elements. You will eventually also be able to set up other variables, but this has not yet been implemented.
  • frerun sets the values of $day and $month in coupler_nml.
  • om2 users: you can't just list the 'shared' directory currently in the srcList element because this list gets passed directly to mkmf, and mkmf doesn't search directories recursively. The optimal way to handle this is to check out mom4, rename the path_names file, and then check out the shared directory. The resulting path_names file will be used to compile shared code.
  • If you want to run several configurations of the same model (using the same executable but different namelists or other input files) you don't need to check out and compile the same code multiple times. Compile once and use the 'inherit' attribute on the remaining experiments.
  • For information on the naming of output directories, see Appendix K, Naming conventions.

10. Version History

There is a version history for the FRE utilities at Please let me know if you have problems or suggestions (

A. Usage Information: fremake

Synopsis: fremake checks for the existence of the code directory for each experiment  
          (root/experiment_name/src), and if it is not found, executes                
          the cvs commands from your xml file.  It then creates a simple compile      
          script based on a c-shell template and variables from your xml file.        
Usage:    fremake [-Ffnsvthx:] experiment [ experiment2 ... ]                 
          -f         = force fremake to run cvs commands, even if src directory exists
          -F         = force delete of existing expt/src and expt/exec directories
          -m make    = specify make command, ie make or gmake
          -n         = don't run cvs commands, even if no src directory exists
          -p         = prevent fremake from generating a path_names file
          -t         = use trap_uninitialized and other debugging FFLAGS
          -h         = show this help message, then exit
          -s         = automatically submit the script with qsub                      
          -v         = verbose flag                                               
          -x xmlfile = use alternative xml file (default: rts.xml)                
          experiment = experiment to create scripts for; must be found in xml file

B. Usage Information: frerun

Synopsis: frerun creates a runscript based on a runscript template
          and variables from an xml file.  To perform regression tests,
          use the '-r' argument, otherwise frerun will look for a
          <production> tag for your experiment in your xml file.

Usage:    frerun [-Obhnop:stuvx:r:R:] experiment [ experiment2 ... ]

          -e         = extend an existing run; just overwrites the runscript
                       with updated values
          -o         = overwrite any existing output directories
          -u         = create unique output directory, to rerun & preserve old data
          -p args    = use lipfpm with the args given. The keyword 'default' gives
                     '-pf -eFP_OPS_RETIRED -eLOADS_RETIRED -eCPU_CYCLES'
                       This option will be ignored if histx is used for the run.

          -b         = back up this production run to /archive/fms/fre_backup
          -O         = back up only, creates a script which backs up a run

          -r name    = perform regression testing using the XML marked 'name'
                       The keyword "suite" will do: basic, restarts, scaling.
                         basic = one 8-day run
                         scaling = one 8-day run on various pe-counts
                         restarts = two 4-day runs and four 2-day runs on the
                                    same number of pes as the 'basic' run
          -R         = same as -r, but do not combine history files
          -t         = use the executable created with 'fremake -t' which uses
                       trap_unititialized and other debugging FFLAGS
          -o         = overwrite any existing output directories

          -n         = instead of creating a runscript, format and print a list of
                       namelists in xml tags for the experiment
          -l resource= qsub -l resource; submit to a specific node (for use with -s)

          -h         = show this help message, then exit
          -s         = automatically submit the runscript(s) with qsub -l cpuset
          -v         = verbose flag
          -x xmlfile = use alternative xml file (default: rts.xml)
          experiment = experiment to create scripts for; must be found in xml file

C. Usage Information: frepp

Synopsis: frepp is the FRE postprocessing utility.

Usage:    frepp [ -AB:C:O:RY:Z:c:d:f:hlmMp:oqr:S:st:u:vx:z ] experiment [ experiment2 ... ]

          -f filelist  = list of files in $archive/$name/history to nc_combine

          -t time      = beginning of model year to process.  To process 1982, use
                           '-t 1982' or '-t 19820101'.
          -p num       = "plus num years": additional years to process after the first year
          -c component = parallel pp; keyword 'split', or the component to be postprocessed
          -l           = limit static variable processing to the diag source file in the xml
          -m           = use month as base unit instead of year, for short runs, BETA
                         You can use "-t 19820301" to start from March 1982
          -d dir       = path to history data [default $archive/$name/history]

          -A           = run analysis only
          -R           = regenerate, submit analysis scripts regardless of whether they already exist
          -O dir       = where to put output figures. This argument is normally
                         used with -A (run analysis only) and must be used if the
                         xml file is not yours.
          -Y year      = specify a four digit year as your analysis's start year, ex -Y 1984
                         This year overrides the startYear specifed in the <analysis> tag.
          -Z year      = specify a four digit year as your analysis's end year, ex -Z 1985
                         This year overrides the endYear specifed in the <analysis> tag.

          -M           = send mail to user when job is complete, ie qsub -m e
          -q           = don't print the error checks into the script.  For evaluating csh.
          -v           = verbose flag

          -h           = show this help message, then exit
          -r runparams = regression test run.  Combine netcdf files, but no further processing
          -s           = automatically submit the script with qsub
          -x xmlfile   = specify xml file (default: ./rts.xml)
          experiment   = experiment to create scripts for; must be found in xml file

D. Usage Information: frecheck

Synopsis: frecheck runs the resdiff command to compare restart files on the 
          output produced by frerun-generated runs and prints a report.  It
          also generates a table listing of the runtime for different 
          processor counts by parsing the fms.out files.
Usage:    frecheck [hlLnsvx:] experiment [ experiment2 ... ]
          -c dir     = output a script to compare output to experiments in this dir
          -l         = just list all the output cpio files.  This is good for 
                       copying and pasting just the ones you want to test.
          -L         = just list all the output cpio files with dm status of files
          -n         = no dmgets
          -s         = save the tmp files created by resdiff
          -h         = show this help message, then exit
          -x xmlfile = use alternative xml file (default: rts.xml)
          -t         = print timings only; do not compare restart files
          -v         = verbose
          experiment = experiment to check; must be found in xml file

E. Usage Information: frelist

Synopsis: frelist lists the experiments in your xml file.

Usage:    frelist [e:hqvx:] 
          -e 'xpath' = xpath to information to retrieve for each experiment
                         example: -e 'input/gridSpec/@file'
                         note that this does not follow inherits.
          -h         = show this help message, then exit
          -v         = verbose (print experiment descriptions)
          -q         = quiet (do not print inheritance information)
          -x xmlfile = use alternative xml file (default: rts.xml)

F. Usage Information: frestatus

Synopsis: /home/fms/bin/frestatus parses batch script stdout to relay the status
          of your rtsmake and rtsrun shell scripts.  Note that if you ran
          the scripts interactively, no status information will be found
          since there will be no batch script stdout files.

Usage:    /home/fms/bin/frestatus [-acrhlmpqtx:v] experiment [ experiment2 ... ]

          -a         = show status of postprocessing jobs currently running
          -c         = show compile status only
          -p         = show production statistics only
          -r         = show run status only
          -l         = show runtime statistics from batch tailsheet
          -t         = show trapNAN executable information
          -h         = show this help message, then exit
          -x xmlfile = use alternative xml file (default: rts.xml)
          experiment = experiment to get status of; must be found in xml file

G. Usage Information: frepriority

Synopsis: frepriority implements job control for RTS production runs.
          Without arguments, it will report job state, priority, and remaining 
          queue allocations for the experiment.  
Usage:    frepriority [ -a queue=num -g -s -P proj -h -x xmlfile ] experiment
          -a queue=num = set [num] of job allocations for [queue], ie alloc=20
                         [queue] must be either 'alloc' or 'windf'.
                         CURRENTLY ONLY ONE -a argument per call to frepriority is parsed.
          -g           = go; restart if job is in stop state
          -s           = suspend; prevent the job from resubmitting itself
          -P proj      = change priority/project, ie, '-P cmd'
          -h           = show this help message, then exit
          -v           = verbose option shows extra queue and reload information
          -x xmlfile   = use alternative xml file (default: ./rts.xml)                    
          experiment   = experiment to create scripts for; must be found in xml file  

H. Usage Information: frescrub

Synopsis: frescrub writes a shell script to remove duplicate postprocessing data
          generated by FRE.  With no capitalized arguments, it will print a report of
          postprocessing cpio files, netcdf files, and their sizes.  You must choose one
          of the capitalized options to have frescrub write deletion commands into a
          shell script.  The shell script will not be executed automatically unless you
          use the -s option.  Also, frescrub will not delete any netcdf files if any
          errors were reported for their associated cpio file.  To override this, use the
          -f option.  You can specify year ranges between which to delete duplicate files
          with -i.
Usage:    frescrub [options] experiment [ experiment2 ... ]                 
          -A           = remove netcdf files when a cpio file exists
          -B           = remove redundant, uncombined 'raw' history files
          -C           = clean up $root by deleting excess old scripts
          -D           = all of the above cleanup options
          OTHER SCRUBBING OPTIONS                                                     
          -f           = force scrub, overriding warnings 
          -d dir       = path to history directory (default $archive/$name/history)
          -p dir       = path to pp directory (default $archive/$name/pp) 
          -i year-year = interval of dates to scrub: "-i 0001-0100" scrubs year 1-100
          -c component = delete files for one component only
          -h           = show this help message, then exit
          -s           = automatically submit the script with qsub                      
          -v           = verbose option
          -x xmlfile   = specify xml file (default: ./rts.xml)
          experiment   = experiment to create scripts for; must be found in xml file 

I. Usage Information: freppcheck

Synopsis: freppcheck checks for missing postprocessing files for an arbitary number of
          FRE experiments.

          By default, freppcheck will only check one time series variable and not check the
          time series cpio files.  Before running frescrub for the experiment, it is
          recommended to check all files with "freppcheck -A".  After running frescrub, use
          "freppcheck -M" to check the cpio files, and not require individual time series
          files to be present when a cpio exists.

Usage:    freppcheck [ options ] experiment [ experiment2 ... ]

          -I           = only check the TimeAverage nodes
          -J           = only check the TimeSeries nodes;
          -G 'chunk1 chunk2 ..' = check the specified subchunks among the chunks specified in xmlfile
          -F 'freq1 freq2 ..' = check the specified subfreq among the freqs specified in xmlfile
          -A           = check all files before frescrub (requires all TS files + cpio files)
          -T           = check all TS variables (by default, check only the first TS variable)
          -V 'var1 var2 ..' = check specified variables only
          -M           = requires cpio files, does not require individual files
          -L           = print the file size, which can provide a clue to the correct number of
                         time steps in the TS variable files
          -c component = check only the specified component
          -d dir       = path to overwrite the default history directory
          -t time      = first year to check.  If omitted, freppcheck will prompt you for it
          -y time      = last year to check.  If omitted, freppcheck will prompt you for it
          -h           = show this help message, then exit
          -v           = verbose flag
          -x xmlfile   = specify xml file (default: ./rts.xml)
          experiment   = experiment to create scripts for, must be found in xml file


          freppcheck -x xmlfile experiment               # the default
          freppcheck -x xmlfile -I experiment            # just check the TimeAverage nodes
          freppcheck -x xmlfile -J experiment            # just check the TimeSeries nodes
          freppcheck -x xmlfile -G '1yr 5yr' experiment  # just check the 1yr and 5yr chunks
          freppcheck -x xmlfile -F 'monthly annual' experiment  # just check the monthly and
                                                                # annual frequencies
          freppcheck -x xmlfile -V 'u v' experiment      # just check the u and v variables

J. fredb: coming soon

K. Naming conventions

1. CVS, Compilation Naming Conventions

The program fremake creates a CVS checkout script in $root/scripts/cvs_$name where $root is defined at the top of your rts.xml file and $name is the experiment name. The CVS checkout script checks out source code into $root/$name/src.

The compilation script is then created and placed in $root/scripts/mk_$name. The executable created by the script will be $root/$name/exec/fms_$name.x.

2. Runscript Naming Conventions

The program frerun will create one or more runscripts. There are two methods of determining the name for a runscript based on whether you are running regression tests (frerun is invoked with the -r regression_name argument) or a production run (frerun is invoked without the -r regression_name argument).

For production runs, frerun will create the runscript as $root/scripts/$name, deriving the runtime information from the element(s) in your XML file. An example element is shown here.

      <production simTime="8" units="years" npes="45">
         <segment simTime="1" units="months" runTime="00:44:00"/>

The production runscript will run the full simulation time of 8 years in 1 month segments as denoted above, restarting itself as needed every 8 hours of run time. For explanation of how the production element XML is translated to runtime information in the runscript, see

For regression tests, frerun will derive the runtime information from the element(s) in your XML file. Example elements are shown here.

      <regression name="basic">
         <run days="8" npes="15" runTimePerJob="00:30:00"/>
      <regression name="restarts">
         <run days="4 4" npes="15" runTimePerJob="00:20:00"/>
         <run days="2 2 2 2" npes="15" runTimePerJob="00:20:00"/>
      <regression name="scaling">
         <run days="8" npes="1" atmos_layout="1,0" ice_layout="1,0" runTimePerJob="04:00:00"/>
         <run days="8" npes="3" runTimePerJob="02:00:00"/>
         <run days="8" npes="45" runTimePerJob="00:20:00"/>
         <run days="8" npes="60" runTimePerJob="00:20:00"/>

To run a regression test with the information in the regression element labeled "basic" above, use frerun -r basic $name. Then a runscript will be created at $root/scripts/$name_$runparams, where $runparams is a string determined by the length of the run, the number of times the executable is called within the script, and the number of processors used. In the "basic" example above, $runparams would be 1x0m8d_15pe, which translates to "one times zero months, eight days on 15 processors".

A single frerun command may create more than one runscript for a given experiment. The runscripts will have different $runparams strings. With the example XML above, frerun -r restarts $name would create two runscripts, and frerun -r scaling $name would create four runscripts. The program frerun also recognizes the keyword suite, which would create runscripts from each of the three regression elements basic, restarts and scaling.

3. Runscript Output Naming Conventions

Output directories are placed in $archive/$name/ where $archive is specified at the top of your rts.xml file and $name is the experiment name. Production output is placed in three directories directly in $archive/$name/. For example, if you specified the following in your rts.xml file:

   <directory type="archive">/archive/fms/fre</directory>

then production output would be as follows for experiment am2p10:

|-- ascii
|-- history
|-- restart

Regression test output utilizes another output directory level under $archive/$name/ named for the runtime information as described above. The example regression elements shown in the previous section would produce the following output structure:

|-- 1x0m8d_15pe
|   |-- ascii
|   |-- history
|   `-- restart
|-- 1x0m8d_1pe
|   |-- ascii
|   |-- history
|   `-- restart
|-- 1x0m8d_3pe
|   |-- ascii
|   |-- history
|   `-- restart
|-- 1x0m8d_45pe
|   |-- ascii
|   |-- history
|   `-- restart
|-- 1x0m8d_60pe
|   |-- ascii
|   |-- history
|   `-- restart
|-- 1x1m0d_45pe
|   |-- ascii
|   |-- history
|   `-- restart
|-- 2x0m4d_15pe
|   |-- ascii
|   |-- history
|   `-- restart
`-- 4x0m2d_15pe
    |-- ascii
    |-- history
    `-- restart