tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Green Power Switch
Generation Partners®

photo of solar panelsHomes and businesses that participate in Green Power Switch® (GPS), a green power pricing program, are doing something good for the environment. TVA and participating power companies offer consumers an additional opportunity to help protect the environment—a program called Green Power Switch Generation Partners. GPS Generation Partners provides technical support and incentives for the installation of renewable generation systems. The program makes more green power available for GPS subscribers, and it creates a market for green power generation by homeowners and businesses.

Program participants support the environment by helping keep the Tennessee Valley clean and green. They also benefit by defraying the costs of their renewable system installation and lowering their monthly energy bills through the revenue they receive from the sale of the green power.

Frequently Asked Questions

Participating Generation Partner Power Distributors

photo of wind millHow the program works

  • A renewable generation system is installed by a residential, commercial, or industrial power customer served by a participating power company of TVA power Eligible resources include solar, wind, low impact hydro, and biomass.
  • TVA will purchase all of the green energy output at a rate of 12 cents per kilowatt-hour for solar and 3 cents per kilowatt-hour for other renewable generation as a premium payment above the retail rate and any fuel cost adjustments. For example, if you pay your power company 10 cents per kWh for the electricity you use to your power your home each month, then TVA will pay you 22 cents (10 cents plus a 12 cent guaranteed premium) per kWh for 100% of the green energy generated from your solar photovoltaic system. Moreover, a 2 kW solar photovoltaic (PV) installation in the Valley averages 200 kWh per month or roughly $44 per month Generation Credit:
    200kWh X $0.22/kWh (average retail rate of $0.10 + solar premium $0.12) = $44
  • All new Generation Partners participants will receive a $1,000 incentive to help offset start-up costs.
  • The participating power company will provide monthly statements showing the energy used and any credit due.  Power bills will be reconciled either monthly or annually, at the discretion of the participating power company. Energy consumed at the home or business, whether it is generated at the site or delivered over the local power distribution system, is billed at the standard rate.
  • The  customer is guaranteed payments for 10 years from the start of the agreement  with the local power company.
  • Customers  should contact their local power company to apply for participation in the  program prior to purchasing a renewable generation system.

GPS Generation Partners support the environment by using renewable energy sources, and they reduce their monthly energy bills through the revenue they receive from the sale of the green power.

You do not have to subscribe to the Green Power Switch program to participate in GPS Generation Partners, nor does the power distributor have to be a participant in Green Power Switch.


Provisions and system requirements

Generation sources must fulfill the following requirements to qualify:

  • They must have a minimum total nameplate generation capacity of 500 watts and a maximum of less than 1 megawatt (MW).

  • They must not have previously generated power into the grid prior to January 2008 or must use new renewable resources in existing equipment

  • They must meet accreditation requirements, if applicable, set by the Center for Resource Solutions for Green Power Switch.

Following are the installation requirements:

Please note that the installation requirements are subject to differ depending on the participating local power company.

  • Submit a completed application form for interconnection to local power company prior to purchasing equipment.
  • Must comply with all requirements established by the local power company for interconnection to their distribution system including signing the Interconnection Agreement.
  • Interconnection and safety equipment must be listed by UL or ETL for continuous interactive operation with an electric distribution system.
  • All equipment must include a manual, lockable visible load break disconnect switch easily accessible by local power company.
  • Must be manufactured and installed in compliance with the National Electric Code.
  • Must be permitted and certified by a licensed electrician, and pass applicable code inspections.

Note: You must check with your local power distributor for program details and specific requirements for participation prior to purchasing a renewable generation system.

Other provisions

  • TVA retains sole rights to any renewable energy credits.
  • The purchase, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, or replacement of the system as well as interconnection and safety equipment are the responsibility of the participant.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a GPS Generation Partner, contact your local power company.


Partners Program Expands

Green Power Switch Generation Partners has expanded to include larger projects less than 1 megawatt. See Frequently Asked Questions for information.


Partner Update

Total generating
partners   71

Monthly kWh
generated   25,720

Generation Partner Installed Sites: 68

Generation Partner Distributors with Installed Sites: 33



Links to renewable energy resources


Tax Credit

Solar energy tax credit summaries (PDF, 902 kb)

Wind energy tax credit summaries (PDF, 892 kb)




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