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APHIS Adopts International Standards On Wood Packaging Materials

Effective September 16, 2005, wooden packaging materials (e.g., pallets, crates, boxes, and dunnage) imported into the United States must be heat treated or fumigated with methyl bromide and marked with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) logo and appropriate country code designating the location of treatment. Additional paper certifications will not be required. Implementation of the new requirements has been delayed one year from their date of publication to give affected parties time to comply with the new requirements.

Effective July 5, 2006, APHIS and the Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection will require the immediate reexportation of any unmarked wood packaging material (WPM) that is not in compliance with the ISPM 15 treatment and marking standard. APHIS and CBP will also require the immediate reexportation of any marked WPM that is found to be infested with a live wood boring pest of the families Cerambycidae (longhorned beetle), Buprestidae (woodboring beetles), Siricidae (woodwasps), Cossidae (carpenter moth), Curculionidae (weevils), Platypodidae (ambrosia beetles), Sesiidae (clearwing moths) and Scolytidae (bark beetles) . Plant pests that attack live trees prior to being manufactured into WPM will not survive the treatments prescribed in the regulation. If a wood boring pest is found in marked WPM, it confirms that the WPM has not been treated and marked in accordance with the regulation and will be reexported. The importer will be responsible for any costs or charges associated with the reexportation. This policy is an explanation of the existing regulations and is consistent with the intent of the rule and the Plant Protection Act.

Sep 12, 2005 USDA Enforces New Wood Packaging Import Requirements

Sep 17, 2004 USDA Amends Wood Packaging Material Importation Regulations

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