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Irradiated Fruit from Thailand

thai fruitAPHIS approved the importation of precleared, commercial shipments of litchi, longan, mango, mangosteen, pineapple and rambutan from Thailand effective July 23, 2007, provided certain conditions are met.

To ensure that plant pests of quarantine significance do not enter the United States through the importation of these fruits, they must be treated with specified doses of irradiation (minimum 400 gray) prior to export at an APHIS-certified facility.  Each shipment must also be accompanied by a phytosanitay certificate issued by the national plant protection organization of Thailand with an additional declaration certifying that the treatment and inspection of the fruit were made in accordance with APHIS regulations.  Additionally, cartons of litchi and longan must be stamped “Not for importation or distribution in Fl.”  Inspectors with the Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection may further inspect precleared commodities at the port of first arrival.

Irradiation became an approved phytosanitary treatment for fruits and vegetables entering the United States in 2002.  The use of irradiation provides an alternative to other pest control methods, such as fumigation, cold treatments, and heat treatment.

In the News

Jun 20, 2007 USDA Allows the Importation of Six Fruits from Thailand
dividing line

Related Documents


Thai Final Rule
Pest List for the 6 Thai fruits
Risk Management document

Informational Resources


Importing Irradiated Fruit from Thailand into the United States: Questions and Answers



Last Modified: November 15, 2007

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