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APHIS Native American Working Group (ANAWG)

Native American Working Group LogoANAWG advises APHIS' top management about ways to enhance program delivery and accessibility to tribes, intertribal committees, and related organizations, such as the Intertribal Agriculture Council. The group also facilitates the coordination of active partnerships with tribal governments by providing assistance and advice to the agency's programs.

History and Mission
APHIS is committed to building day-to-day working relationships with Native American governments and respecting tribal heritage and cultural values when planning and initiating its programs. Click above to learn more about the purpose and history of the ANAWG.

Publications of Interest

• American Indians and Alaska Natives: A Guide to USDA Programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives (Divided in sections for easy download)
• President Clinton's November 6, 2000, Executive Order (PDF)
• Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible To Receive Services From the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs (PDF)
• Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties Compiled and Edited by Charles J. Kappler
ANAWG Quarterly Newsletter (PDF)

Click here to view relevant links to ANAWG such as Government Links of Interest, Native American and Alaskan Native Organizations, and Tribal Contact Information, among others.

APHIS Directive 1040.1
Click to view the full directive 1040.1, which was created in 1995 and revised in 2006. It details the relationship between APHIS and Native Americans and Tribal Governments.




Last Modified: January 6, 2009

  • Overview
  • History and Mission
  • Program Offices
  • Leadership