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Spot the Block Using the Nutrition Facts Label to Make Healthy Food Choices -- A Program for Tweens

What is the Tween Program Theme?

Spot the Block - Get your food facts first

What is "The Block"?

It's the Nutrition Facts Label on the food package.

What are the goals of Spot the Block?

  • Urge tweens to look for the Nutrition Facts Label on the food package
  • Encourage tweens to read and think about the Nutrition Facts ("food facts") before making food choices

To reach tweens in an effective and engaging way, FDA is partnering with Time Warner's Cartoon Network to promote Spot the Block to tween audiences.

See Program Background and Campaign at a Glance.

What does the FDA/Cartoon Network initiative include?

The FDA/Cartoon Network initiative includes:

  • On-air public education campaign featuring Spot the Block messages and CartoonNetwork characters
  • A customized Web sitelet housed on CartoonNetwork, featuring the animated spots along with interactive nutrition messages and a nutrition label game
  • Integration of Spot the Block messages with Cartoon Network's nationwide Get Animated health and fitness initiative.

The creative materials use CN's popular animated characters to promote Spot the Block to tweens across the country, on line and on air. 

How Can Parents Get Involved?

Spot the Block includes a Parent Component that will launch in Spring of 2008. Check back for information on national roll-out of the Parent Component.

In the meantime, as a parent, you can:


Help your kids get their food facts first

  • Urge your tweens to look for the Nutrition Facts Panel on the Food Label.
  • Encourage tweens to read and think about the Nutrition Facts ("food facts") before making food choices.
  • Share the programs key messages with your tweens. See  Key Messages
  • Use mealtime and grocery shopping as a teachable talking time to read labels together and discuss healthy eating.

Food and Drug Administration home:  www.fda.gov

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: For tips and encouragement to help people learn how to eat better and live healthier lives, visit smallstep.gov.
