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STEO Table Browser
Date Published : August 11, 2009
Next Update : September 9, 2009
Frequency: Annual
Start Year: End Year:

Table 7b. U.S. Regional Electricity Retail Sales
Million Kilowatthours per Day
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Residential Sector


New England

View Chart for this Series 127 131 128 129 132

Middle Atlantic

View Chart for this Series 353 369 362 365 372

East North Central

View Chart for this Series 511 534 519 512 519

West North Central

View Chart for this Series 274 286 281 280 285

South Atlantic

View Chart for this Series 931 963 946 961 965

East South Central

View Chart for this Series 321 335 328 333 333

West South Central

View Chart for this Series 531 528 532 546 552


View Chart for this Series 248 260 257 255 262

Pacific contiguous

View Chart for this Series 392 394 402 399 408

Alaska and Hawaii

View Chart for this Series 15 15 14 14 14


View Chart for this Series 3703 3814 3769 3795 3843

Commercial Sector


New England

View Chart for this Series 148 156 155 133 134

Middle Atlantic

View Chart for this Series 441 446 451 449 457

East North Central

View Chart for this Series 500 516 562 549 561

West North Central

View Chart for this Series 262 271 268 269 270

South Atlantic

View Chart for this Series 815 846 835 834 837

East South Central

View Chart for this Series 228 236 231 231 233

West South Central

View Chart for this Series 446 449 451 470 481


View Chart for this Series 249 259 259 259 268

Pacific contiguous

View Chart for this Series 455 464 466 455 463

Alaska and Hawaii

View Chart for this Series 17 17 17 17 18


View Chart for this Series 3561 3661 3695 3666 3722

Industrial Sector


New England

View Chart for this Series 64 63 62 79 77

Middle Atlantic

View Chart for this Series 203 219 197 181 178

East North Central

View Chart for this Series 575 586 519 443 428

West North Central

View Chart for this Series 233 237 235 216 217

South Atlantic

View Chart for this Series 431 427 413 360 357

East South Central

View Chart for this Series 356 358 356 320 329

West South Central

View Chart for this Series 452 463 424 376 368


View Chart for this Series 207 217 224 214 224

Pacific contiguous

View Chart for this Series 236 231 239 213 208

Alaska and Hawaii

View Chart for this Series 14 14 14 14 14


View Chart for this Series 2771 2816 2683 2415 2400

Total All Sectorsa


New England

View Chart for this Series 341 351 346 343 344

Middle Atlantic

View Chart for this Series 1008 1046 1021 1006 1018

East North Central

View Chart for this Series 1587 1638 1601 1506 1510

West North Central

View Chart for this Series 768 794 785 765 772

South Atlantic

View Chart for this Series 2180 2240 2197 2158 2163

East South Central

View Chart for this Series 905 929 915 883 895

West South Central

View Chart for this Series 1429 1440 1407 1392 1402


View Chart for this Series 704 737 741 728 754

Pacific contiguous

View Chart for this Series 1085 1092 1110 1070 1081

Alaska and Hawaii

View Chart for this Series 46 46 46 45 46


View Chart for this Series 10055 10314 10168 9896 9985
a Total retail sales to all sectors includes residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation sector sales.
  - = no data available
  Notes: The approximate break between historical and forecast values is shown with historical data printed in bold; estimates and forecasts in italics.
  Retail Sales represents total retail electricity sales by electric utilities and power marketers.
  Regions refer to U.S. Census divisions.
  See "Census division" in EIA's Energy Glossary (http://www.eia.doe.gov/glossary/index.html) for a list of States in each region.
  Historical data: Latest data available from Energy Information Administration databases supporting the following reports: Electric Power Monthly, DOE/EIA-0226; and Electric Power Annual, DOE/EIA-0348.
  Minor discrepancies with published historical data are due to independent rounding.
  Projections: Generated by simulation of the EIA Regional Short-Term Energy Model.