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STEO Table Browser
Date Published : August 11, 2009
Next Update : September 9, 2009
Frequency: Annual
Start Year: End Year:

Table 4c. U.S. Regional Motor Gasoline Prices and Inventories

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

(cents per gallon)


Refiner Wholesale Price

View Chart for this Series 197 218 258 174 205

Gasoline Regular Grade Retail Prices Excluding Taxes


PADD 1 (East Coast)

View Chart for this Series 208 227 275 184 214

PADD 2 (Midwest)

View Chart for this Series 206 232 272 185 215

PADD 3 (Gulf Coast)

View Chart for this Series 206 226 271 181 213

PADD 4 (Rocky Mountain)

View Chart for this Series 210 235 274 183 217

PADD 5 (West Coast)

View Chart for this Series 223 243 286 201 231

U.S. Average

View Chart for this Series 210 231 275 187 217

Gasoline Regular Grade Retail Prices Including Taxes


PADD 1 (East Coast)

View Chart for this Series 258 277 326 232 264

PADD 2 (Midwest)

View Chart for this Series 252 280 320 230 261

PADD 3 (Gulf Coast)

View Chart for this Series 248 268 314 222 255

PADD 4 (Rocky Mountain)

View Chart for this Series 256 281 323 229 265

PADD 5 (West Coast)

View Chart for this Series 276 301 346 257 289

U.S. Average

View Chart for this Series 258 281 326 234 266

Gasoline All Grades U.S. Average Retail Price Including Taxes

View Chart for this Series 262 285 331 239 271



End-of-period Inventories
(million barrels)


Total Gasoline Inventories


PADD 1 (East Coast)

View Chart for this Series 54.3 59.9 62.6 61.3 61.6

PADD 2 (Midwest)

View Chart for this Series 53.7 52.7 48.2 51.9 51.5

PADD 3 (Gulf Coast)

View Chart for this Series 66.5 67.2 68.7 74.1 73.7

PADD 4 (Rocky Mountain)

View Chart for this Series 7.1 6.5 6.9 6.6 6.8

PADD 5 (West Coast)

View Chart for this Series 30.2 31.8 27.1 28.8 28.6

U.S. Total

View Chart for this Series 211.8 218.1 213.5 222.7 222.2

Finished Gasoline Inventories


PADD 1 (East Coast)

View Chart for this Series 29.3 29.1 25.7 23.7 24.5

PADD 2 (Midwest)

View Chart for this Series 37.2 35.6 29.5 31.3 32.3

PADD 3 (Gulf Coast)

View Chart for this Series 37.8 35.7 33.9 34.2 35.2

PADD 4 (Rocky Mountain)

View Chart for this Series 4.9 4.6 4.7 4.5 4.7

PADD 5 (West Coast)

View Chart for this Series 6.9 6.5 4.6 4.5 5.0

U.S. Total

View Chart for this Series 116.1 111.4 98.3 98.1 101.6

Gasoline Blending Components Inventories


PADD 1 (East Coast)

View Chart for this Series 24.9 30.8 37.0 37.6 37.1

PADD 2 (Midwest)

View Chart for this Series 16.4 17.1 18.7 20.7 19.2

PADD 3 (Gulf Coast)

View Chart for this Series 28.7 31.6 34.8 39.9 38.6

PADD 4 (Rocky Mountain)

View Chart for this Series 2.3 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.1

PADD 5 (West Coast)

View Chart for this Series 23.4 25.2 22.6 24.3 23.6

U.S. Total

View Chart for this Series 95.7 106.7 115.2 124.6 120.6
  - = no data available
  Notes: The approximate break between historical and forecast values is shown with historical data printed in bold; estimates and forecasts in italics.
  Regions refer to Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (PADD).
  See "Petroleum Administration for Defense District" in EIA's Energy Glossary (http://www.eia.doe.gov/glossary/index.html) for a list of States in each region.
  Historical data: Latest data available from Energy Information Administration databases supporting the following reports: Petroleum Marketing Monthly, DOE/EIA-0380;
  Petroleum Supply Monthly, DOE/EIA-0109; Petroleum Supply Annual, DOE/EIA-0340/2; and Weekly Petroleum Status Report, DOE/EIA-0208.
  Minor discrepancies with published historical data are due to independent rounding.
  Projections: Generated by simulation of the EIA Regional Short-Term Energy Model.