NOAA ESRL Physical Sciences Division  
ETL Highlights
Searching for Ghostnets
Profilers Observe Coastal Blizzard

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ETL News

Research Highlights

SEARCH Arctic Cloud and Aerosol Observatory Deployed

The first observatory designed to make long-term climate measurements of Arctic clouds and aerosols has been established by NOAA's Environmental Technology Laboratory (ETL) in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin and the Canadian CANDAC program. As part of the NOAA Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) program, the observatory was deployed to improve atmospheric and sea ice observations. These observations will be combined with historical data to better understand Arctic change.

Globe showing locations of current field programs which links to the Programs page.

Finding the Source of Atmospheric Rivers

Scientists and forecasters have long understood that the continental United States looks to the Pacific Ocean for its rainfall. Part of a complex global cycle, water evaporated from the Pacific Ocean travels in clouds to produce rain and snow over land. To better explain and predict droughts and floods, scientists are examining the processes which govern these flows.

Picture of a scuba diver next to a ball of tangled fishing gear.

Searching for Ghostnets

Thousands of miles from any human habitation, fishing nets lost or abandoned foul huge swaths of the Pacific Ocean. These "ghostnets" continue to fish, untended, entangling and killing fish stocks, marine mammals and birds. While this problem has been known to fisheries managers and fishermen alike, the sheer mass of ghostnets has come as an unpleasant surprise to NOAA scientists. NOAA researchers are developing techniques to identify areas in the open ocean where debris is concentrated and can be cost effectively retrieved.

Animated image of profiler data showing the passage of a storm front.

Profilers Observe Coastal Blizzard

Profilers deployed in the North East observed the passage of the January 21 blizzard which brought heavy snows to the region. High resolution imagery from wind profilers is used to understand the dynamics of such storms. Networks of profilers are used to examine the structure and dynamics of the boundary layer, the lowest part of the atmosphere that is in contact with the surface of the earth. Gaining a better understanding of the boundary layer is important to improving weather prediction, air quality management and air traffic safety.

Earth System Research Laboratory
Physical Science Division (PSD)
Environmental Technology Laboratory

325 Broadway R/ETL
Boulder, Colorado 80305-3328

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