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Klein Communicates with Constituents on DTV Transition

Focuses on use of portable TVs for hurricane updates during power outages

 Washington, D.C.  – Congressman Ron Klein (FL-22) has worked closely with his constituents to ensure that all South Floridians are ready for the Digital TV transition on June 12.

This Friday, all television stations will switch to digital programming, meaning that analog television sets that are not connected to a converter box, cable, or satellite will stop working. The transition is critical because it will free up airwaves for enhanced emergency communications for our police officers, firefighters, and other first responders.

Congressman Klein has been raising awareness about the transition for several months, and he has especially focused on constituents who may use portable, analog TVs to receive news and weather updates during a hurricane or other severe storm. These battery-operated televisions, often kept in garages or closets, will not work after the transition. However, Klein has shared several solutions to ensure South Floridians continue to receive weather information even after the power goes out.

“This year, in addition to our regular hurricane preparedness steps such as stocking an emergency supply kit and putting together a 72 hour plan, there is one more thing we must do to be prepared for hurricane season – get ready for the Digital TV transition,” Klein said. “I encourage all of my constituents to take the time now to ensure that they will be able to access news and weather reports in case the power goes out during a hurricane or severe storm. If you currently rely on a battery-operated analog TV for such information, you have a variety of options to use following the switch, including a digital portable TV, a NOAA weather radio, or a standard AM/FM radio. By preparing now, before the first storm hits, we can all do our part to keep our families safe and healthy this hurricane season.”

For more information on hurricane preparedness and the DTV transition, constituents are encouraged to visit Klein’s website at www.klein.house.gov or call his office at 561-544-6910.