Intelligent Transportation Systems

ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting
July 31 - August 1, 2008

Travel Process Instructions
06-26-2008 v3

1. General

a. The ITS Program Advisory Committee (ITSPAC) will meet July 31 – August 1, 2008, in the Admiral II & III meeting rooms of the Courtyard by Marriott Capitol Hill/Navy Yard Hotel at 140 L Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003.

b. For the convenience of ITSPAC members, not only airline travel, but also lodging (this is a change to previous travel process instructions) will be coordinated by and billed to Citizant, Inc. under contract with FHWA. If circumstances require that you coordinate your own travel and/or lodging arrangements, please obtain approval from the U.S. Department of Transportation ITS Joint Program Office by contacting Ms. Marcia Pincus, the Committee Management Officer at 202-366-9230 or at the address below. Car rental also must be approved.

U.S. Department of Transportation
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
ITS Joint Program Office
Attention: Marcia Pincus, Room E33-401
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

c. Please complete your airline travel and lodging arrangements as described below.

d. These instructions and the associated Travel Expenses Sheet, along with other meeting documents, will be available on the ITSPAC Webpage in the ITS Overview section of the ITSJPO Website at


2. Travel

a. Under the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) – Citizant, Inc. Mentor Protégé Agreement, the SAIC Travel Services Group will arrange ITSPAC airline and train travel. Please contact the SAIC Travel Services Group agent, Christa Cook, by e-mail (preferred method) at or by telephone at 703-676-2744. The SAIC Travel Services Group normal business hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; however, the above telephone number is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, so if you call outside normal business hours your needs will be addressed.

b. Identify yourself as an ITS Program Advisory Committee member, and provide the following information:

(1) Your name as it appears on identification documents (driver’s license, passport, etc.);
(2) The airports from and to which you will fly;
(3) Your desired travel dates and times; and
(4) Any travel preferences or requirements (seat preference, frequent flyer number, etc.).

c. Christa Cook will e-mail you a draft itinerary for your approval. Please e-mail or telephone her your approval, and she then will e-mail you the finalized itinerary.


3. Lodging  

a. Please contact the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel at 202-479-0027 not later than July 7, 2008, and inform the hotel reservation agent that you are making lodging arrangements for the ITS Program Advisory Committee meeting. At that time, you will be required to guarantee your guest room with a credit card. Rooms not reserved by July 7 will be released for general sale, and reservations made after July 7 will be subject to the hotel prevailing rate. Any changes or cancellations must be made not later than 72 hours prior to day of arrival. Failure to do so will result in the billing of one night’s room and tax charge to the guarantee credit card.

b. Upon arrival, you will be asked to leave a cash or credit card deposit to guarantee payment of incidental charges.


4. Expense Reporting Guidelines

a. Calculation of reimbursable expenses will follow the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR). In order to receive reimbursement, you agree to the following guidelines. You must sign the attached Travel Expenses Sheet and fax the sheet and, as appropriate, copies of receipts to 703-667-9421, Attention: Accounting, and then mail original receipts to:

5180 Parkstone Dr., Suite 100
Attention: Accounting
Chantilly, VA 20151

b. For the July 31 – August 1, 2008, ITSPAC meeting, the FTR allowable maximum expenses for Washington, DC are:

Lodging: $154.00 (not including tax)
Meals & Incidental Expenses (MI&E): $64.00

c. Expenses that exceed official per diem rates will not be reimbursed.

d. Following are descriptions of the reimbursement elements of the Travel Expenses Sheet. Note that the associated Microsoft Excel file (workbook) includes both “Expenses” and “Mileage” sheets.

Airline and train fare: If the SAIC Travel Services Group coordinated your travel, leave this row blank. If you coordinated your own airline or train travel, enter on this row under the departure date the total cost of your ticket. However, your claim and reimbursement cannot exceed the “coach” fare.
Mileage: The mileage to the airport from your home and back in your personal vehicle, less the distance of your daily commute is covered at the rate of $0.505/mile. Enter your mileage on the Mileage Sheet, and the mileage expense automatically will be calculated.
Lodging: Lodging: If you used one of the rooms reserved by Citizant, Inc. at the Courtyard by Marriott Capitol Hill/Navy Yard, leave this row blank. If you coordinated and paid your own lodging, enter on this row the cost of the room per night, not to exceed the allowable per diem and not including taxes. Extra expenses such as movies will not be reimbursed.
Lodging Taxes: If you used one of the rooms reserved by Citizant, Inc. at the Courtyard by Marriott Capitol Hill/Navy Yard, leave this row blank. If you coordinated and paid your own lodging, enter on this row the lodging taxes per night. Only lodging taxes on the allowable per diem rate will be reimbursed.
Meals & Incidentals: For July 31, enter $46.00 (the daily $64.00 MI&E rate less $18.00 for the lunch provided).


For August 1, if you did not attend the optional lunch, enter $52.00 (the daily $64.00 MI&E rate less $12.00 for the breakfast provided). If you attended the optional lunch, enter $34.00 (the daily $64.00 MI&E rate less $30.00 for both the breakfast and the lunch).


In addition, the following rules apply:
  • On your first and last travel days, your maximum allowance is 75% of the listed Per Diem rate of $64.00, or $48.00.
  • You must itemize and present receipts only for authorized expenses over $75.00.
Car Rental: Car rental must be approved as described in paragraph 1.b. above.
Parking and Tolls: If available, you should use long-term/economy parking at your home airport. Enter the total in the column of the day that you paid.
Taxi/Public Trans: If you choose to use taxi or other public transportation to and/or from airports, enter the cost on this row.
Mobile Telephone: Cellular business phone calls will be reimbursed at a standard rate of $0.12 per minute, including taxes and other surcharges, but not to exceed the cellular bill total for the month. An original invoice must support all business calls, with each business call highlighted, and the sum of the business minutes clearly identified on the invoice.
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous ITSPAC-related business expenses while on travel (office supplies, copying and faxing, courier, postage, etc.)

e. If you have specific questions about the completion of the Expenses Sheet, please call 703-667-9420, ext. 152.