Intelligent Transportation Systems

Read-ahead Materials

March 5, 2008, Cover Memo from Shelley Row

Table of Contents

Tab A - ITSPAC 3-13-08 Meeting Agenda

Tab B - Message from the Secretary

Tab C - RITA Transportation Vision for 2030

Tab D - Report of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission: Transportation for Tomorrow, January 2008, Executive Summary

Tab E1 - Secretary Peters Rejects Call for Massive Gas Tax Increase and New Federal Transportation Bureaucracy, January 15, 2008

Tab E2 - Minority Views of Secreatary mary Peters, Commissiion Chair; Commissioner Maria Cino; and Commissioner Rick Geddes

Tab E3 - National Surface Transportation Commissioner Report and Chairman's Statement: Understanding the Differences

Tab F - ITS Strategic Planning PowerPoint Slides

Tab G - ITS Budget Update PowerPoint Slides

Tab H - JPO Program Status Reports Feb. 08 [DOC 258KB]

Tab I - ITSPAC Meeting Federal Register Notice

Tab J - ITSPAC Directory

Tab K - ITSPAC November 26-27, 2007, Meeting Minutes

Tab L - Directions to U.S. DOT