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Investing in South Florida

As the elected representative of Florida’s 22nd Congressional District, one of my most important responsibilities is ensuring that the federal government is investing in critical priorities in our community, and that we in South Florida receive our fair share from Washington.

The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure has asked all members of Congress to submit their High Priority Projects for the Fiscal Year 2010 Surface Transportation Reauthorization. These projects are critical investments in transportation across South Florida, including roads, bridges and public transportation. Please click here to view my list of High Priority Projects. 

Over the last few months, I have worked closely with representatives of local governments, colleges and universities, law enforcement agencies and community leaders to determine their most urgent needs in these difficult economic times. Following these consultations, I have submitted requests for federal support of local projects to the House Appropriations Committee. My priorities in submitting these requests were creating jobs, protecting public safety, investing in alternative energy research and restoring the Everglades. 

This year, we have instituted wide-ranging and long-overdue reforms to the process by which federal support is requested. These reforms bring historic transparency and accountability to the process, and shine a light on an area that has been dark for far too long. By posting all requests for federal support online, Americans can see some of the priorities and commitments of their Member of Congress. I hope you will find this page useful, and I encourage you to email me with your feedback on this important development.

Please note, the projects listed below are requests my office has submitted to the House Appropriations Committee. Not all projects and funding levels will be approved. Please click here for a complete list of local investments that I have requested in each of the following categories:  

  • Education and Job Training
  • Law Enforcement and Public Safety
  • Everglades and Environmental Restoration
  • Health Care and Related Services
  • Transportation Infrastructure
  • Energy and Water Infrastructure


High Priority Transportation Projects ( 05/15/09 06:48 AM PST )
Investing in South Florida ( 04/03/09 08:26 AM PST )