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JGI Policy Board

The JGI Policy Board serves two primary functions:

  1. To serve as a visiting committee to provide advice on policy aspects of JGI/PGF operations and long-range plans for the program, including the research and development necessary to ensure the future capabilities that will meet DOE mission needs.
  2. To ensure that JGI/PGF resources are utilized in such a way as to maximize the technical productivity and scientific impact of the JGI now and in the future. The JGI Policy Board meets annually to review and evaluate the performance of the entire JGI, including its component tasks and leadership. It reports its findings and recommendations to the participating Laboratory Directors and to the DOE BER.


  • Gerry Rubin, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Chair)
  • Sallie W. (Penny) Chisholm, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Ed DeLong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • David Galas, Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, Washington, and Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio
  • Richard Gibbs, Baylor College of Medicine
  • Stephen Quake, Stanford University
  • Melvin Simon, California Institute of Technology
  • Chris Somerville. Stanford University
  • James Tiedje, Michigan State University
  • Susan Wessler, University of Georgia