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Sequencing Progress, Updated Hourly

Date(s) Total Q20* Bases Total Lanes** % Passed Ave. Read Length
8/26/2009: ABI3730 22.741 Million 32,352 96.19% 729.7
Current month (8/2009) .947 Billion 1,431,264 94.57% 698.4
Last month (7/2009) 1.236 Billion 1,940,448 93.11% 682.8
FY to Date (10/1/2008-8/26/2009) 19.312 Billion 28,932,096 94.97% 702.1
Total (3/1999-8/26/2009) 195.862 Billion 310,619,048 92.45% 681

*Q20 indicates good confidence in the assignment of a base.
**The number of lanes is the number of samples loaded into a sequencer.
The % passed is the percentage of lanes with more than 50 bases that meet the Q20 criteria.
Read length is the total number of Q20 bases in a read (i.e., in a lane with more than 50 Q20 bases.)

FY 2009 Overall Sequencing Progress, Updated Quarterly

Quarter Total Q20* Bases (Billions) Q20* Bases (Billions) by Platform Operating Hours**
Goal Actual Total Actual % of Goal Sanger 454 Illumina Goal Actual Total Actual % Goal
Q1 2009 39.9 124.21 311 6.02 23.01 95.18 2100 2088 99.4
Q2 2009 60.1 196.829 328 5.849 38.48 152.5 2100 2146 102
Q3 2009 71.2 236.566 332 5.251 63.127 168.188 2100 2184 104
Q4 2009 81.8           2100    
FY 2009 Total 253 557.605 220 17.12 124.617 415.868 8400 6418 76

*Q20 indicates good confidence in the assignment of a base.
**Number of hours a week that sequencing machines are producing data.

FY 2008 Summary

Quarter Total Q20* Bases (Billions) Q20* Bases (Billions) by Platform Operating Hours**
Goal Actual Total Actual % of Goal Sanger 454 Illumina Goal Actual Total Actual % Goal
Q1 2008 9.8 7.2 73.40% 4 3.2 - 2100 1512 72%
Q2 2008 10 9.2 91.19% 2.3 6.9 - 2100 1800 85.7%
Q3 2008 11 41.17 374.27% 5.99 8.28 26.9 2100 2184 104%
Q4 2008 12 67.94 566.17% 8.04 22.8 37.1 2100 2208 105%
FY 2008 Total 42.8 125.51 293% 20.3 41.17 64 8400 7704 92%

*Q20 indicates good confidence in the assignment of a base.
**Number of hours a week that sequencing machines are producing data.

FY05-07 Sequencing Goals and Results

Fiscal Year Sequence (GB) Operating Hours
Targets Actual* Targets Actual
2007 40 39.22 8400 8609
2006 30 32.74 8400 8734
2005 28 33.63 8400 8760

* Reflects actual data due to analysis beyond fiscal year-end close.

Sequencing Progress for Individual Organisms

See Sequencing Plans and Progress