Intelligent Transportation Systems

US Transportation Secretary Names ITS Advisory Committee Members

U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters has named the following candidates to serve on the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Advisory Committee, pursuant to Section 5305(h) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).   The ITS Advisory Committee is charged with reviewing areas of ITS research being considered for funding by the Department and advising the Secretary on ITS aspects of the Department's strategic plan.   The ITS Program is overseen by the Department’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA).  For more information, contact Marcia Pincus in the ITS Joint Program Office. 

  1. Randell H. Iwasaki.   Mr. Iwasaki is Chief Deputy Director of the California Department of Transportation.
  2. Alfred Foxx.   Mr. Foxx is Director of the Baltimore City Department of Transportation.
  3. John M. Inglish.   Mr. Inglish is General Manager on the Utah Transit Authority Board of Trustees.
  4. Ann Flemer.   Ms. Flemer is Deputy Director of Operations for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission of the San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.
  5. Dr. Lawrence D. Burns.   Dr. Burns is Vice President of General Motors for Research and Development and Strategic Planning.
  6. Tomiji  Sugimoto.   Mr. Sugimoto is Vice President of Honda Research and Development Americas, Inc.
  7. Robert Peter Denaro.   Mr. Denaro is Vice President of NAVTEQ.
  8. Iris Weinshall.  Ms. Weinshall is former Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation.
  9. Ronald Greer Woodruff.   Mr. Woodruff is Senior Vice President of Corporate Safety and Security for J.B. Hunt Transport.
  10. Bryan P. Mistele.   Mr. Mistele is Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Inrix Technologies.
  11. John Worthington.   Mr. Worthington is President of Transcore.
  12. Joseph Averkamp.   Mr. Averkamp is Director of Product Strategy for Sprint-Nextel.
  13. Dr. M. Granger Morgan.   Dr. Morgan is a Professor and Department Head of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University.
  14. Dr. Joseph M. Sussman.   Dr. Sussman is JR East Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering within the Engineering Systems Division at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  15. Dr. Kenneth J. Button.   Dr. Button is a Professor of Public Policy at the George Mason School of Public Policy and is Director of both the Center for Transportation Policy, Operations and Logistics, and the Center for Aerospace Policy Research.
  16. Dr. Adrian Lund.   Dr. Lund is President of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and affiliated Highway Loss Data Institute.
  17. Michael Replogle.  Mr. Replogle is the Transportation Director for Environmental Defense.
  18. Thomas C. Lambert.   Mr. Lambert is Vice President and Chief of Police of the Department of Police and Traffic Management at the Metropolitan Transit Authority in Houston, TX.
  19. Steve Albert.   Mr. Albert is Director of the Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University.