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Office of Public Affairs

DOT 28-08
Friday, February 29, 2008

News Digest

U.S. Department of Transportation Seeks Technology Solutions to Improve Safety and Reduce Traffic Congestion.  The U.S. Department of Transportation�s Research and Innovative Technology Administration is making up to $3 million in initial funding available to private industry, research organizations, and state and local governments under its initiative to reduce congestion and improve the safety and performance of the nation�s transportation system through field testing of deployment-ready technologies.  SafeTrip-21 builds upon research into the use of electronic information, navigation, and communications technologies to prevent accidents and alleviate congestion by providing drivers with real-time safety warnings, traffic and transit information, and advanced navigational tools.  The selected test sites and technology applications will be evaluated in a year-long field test that will begin following an initial exhibition of capabilities during the November 2008 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress in New York City.  The Broad Agency Announcement is available at:  Contact: Paul Feenstra (202) 366-4792. 

FRA Announces Guide for Managing Gap Safety at Passenger Rail Platforms. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has issued a guidance document to help minimize accidents due to gaps between the edge of a passenger station platform and the threshold of a passenger train door. FRA Approach to Managing Gap Safety addresses the use of engineering evaluation and analysis to establish gap standards and the application of strategies to prevent and reduce gap accidents. While most gap incidents involving rail passengers result in relatively minor injuries, FRA believes the most effective way to address the potential risks is for railroads to develop and adopt a comprehensive program to manage gap hazards, and establish and maintain uniform gap and boarding conditions. A copy of the full document can be found at  Contact: Warren Flatau (202) 493-6024.



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