Table 26. Mental health care and substance abuse treatment benefits: Coverage for selected services, private industry workers, National Compensation Survey, 2008 (All workers participating in medical care plans = 100 percent) Inpatient Outpatie- Inpatient Inpatient Outpatie- Inpatient Inpatient Outpatie- mental nt mental alcohol alcohol nt drug drug nt drug Characteristic health health detoxifi- rehabili- alcohol detoxifi- rehabili- rehabili- care care cation(1) tation(2) rehabili- cation(1) tation(2) tation(2) tation(2) All workers............................. 99 85 98 78 79 98 78 79 Worker characteristic Management, professional, and related... 99 85 99 79 80 99 79 80 Management, business, and financial... 99 85 99 79 81 98 79 81 Professional and related.............. 99 86 99 79 80 99 79 80 Service................................. 98 83 97 79 77 97 79 77 Sales and office........................ 98 81 98 76 77 98 76 77 Sales and related..................... 99 79 98 75 74 98 75 74 Office and administrative support..... 98 82 98 77 78 98 77 78 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance............................. 100 90 99 81 84 99 81 83 Construction, extraction, farming, fishing, and forestry................. 100 91 98 78 82 98 78 81 Installation, maintenance, and repair 99 89 100 84 86 100 84 85 Production, transportation, and material moving.................................. 99 86 98 76 80 97 76 79 Production............................ 99 83 97 74 77 97 74 76 Transportation and material moving.... 99 90 98 79 84 98 79 84 Full time............................... 99 85 98 79 80 98 79 80 Part time............................... 95 74 94 67 69 94 67 69 Union................................... 99 90 97 82 82 97 82 82 Nonunion................................ 99 84 98 77 79 98 77 79 Average wage within the following percentiles:(3) Less than 10.......................... 96 76 96 72 71 96 72 71 10 to under 25........................ 97 77 93 72 69 93 72 69 25 to under 50........................ 99 83 98 77 78 98 77 78 50 to under 75........................ 99 87 99 79 82 99 79 82 75 to under 90........................ 99 88 99 82 83 99 82 83 90 or greater......................... 99 84 99 76 78 99 76 77 Establishment characteristic Goods-producing industries.............. 99 88 98 77 80 97 77 80 Construction.......................... 99 93 99 80 85 99 80 85 Manufacturing......................... 99 85 98 76 78 97 76 78 Service-providing industries............ 99 84 98 78 79 98 78 79 Trade, transportation, and utilities.. 99 80 98 75 76 98 75 76 Wholesale trade..................... 100 80 100 78 77 100 77 76 Retail trade........................ 98 77 97 73 72 96 73 72 Transportation and warehousing...... 100 86 100 78 86 100 78 86 Utilities........................... 96 82 96 65 67 94 64 67 Information........................... 99 92 100 89 85 100 89 85 Financial activities.................. 99 76 100 74 75 99 74 75 Finance and insurance............... 100 77 100 73 73 99 73 73 Credit intermediation and related activities........................ 100 75 100 70 71 100 70 71 Insurance carriers and related activities........................ 100 77 100 73 73 100 73 73 Real estate and rental and leasing.. 97 76 100 77 80 100 77 80 Professional and business services.... 98 79 97 77 76 97 77 76 Professional and technical services 100 79 99 78 78 99 78 78 Administrative and waste services... 95 70 90 69 65 90 69 65 Education and health services......... 100 91 100 83 84 100 83 84 Educational services................ 100 88 100 80 83 100 80 84 Junior colleges, colleges, and universities...................... 99 91 99 80 84 99 80 84 Health care and social assistance... 99 91 100 84 84 100 84 84 Leisure and hospitality............... 97 94 100 87 88 100 87 88 Accommodation and food services..... 99 97 100 95 95 100 95 95 Other services........................ 94 93 94 70 89 94 70 89 1 to 99 workers......................... 99 84 98 76 79 98 76 79 1 to 49 workers....................... 99 85 99 77 81 99 77 81 50 to 99 workers...................... 99 84 97 75 76 97 75 76 100 workers or more..................... 98 85 98 79 79 98 79 79 100 to 499 workers.................... 99 85 99 79 80 98 79 80 500 workers or more................... 98 84 98 79 78 98 79 78 Geographic area New England............................. 100 87 100 84 83 100 84 83 Middle Atlantic......................... 98 86 98 80 85 98 80 85 East North Central...................... 99 81 99 78 78 98 78 78 West North Central...................... 99 83 99 81 81 99 81 81 South Atlantic.......................... 99 82 99 78 79 99 78 79 East South Central...................... 99 89 99 83 84 99 83 83 West South Central...................... 99 84 95 73 73 95 73 73 Mountain................................ 96 83 97 75 75 97 75 75 Pacific................................. 99 88 99 75 79 98 75 79 1 Detoxification is the systematic use of medication and other methods under medical supervision to reduce or eliminate the effects of substance abuse. 2 Rehabilitation is designed to alter abusive behavior in patients once they are free of acute physical and mental complications. 3 The percentile groupings are based on the average wage for each occupation surveyed, which may include workers both above and below the threshold. The percentile values are based on the estimates published in the "National Compensation Survey: Occupational Earnings in the United States, 2007." See Technical Note for more details. NOTE: For definitions of major plans, key provisions, and related terms, see the "Glossary of Employee Benefit Terms" at