Thursday, May 21, 2009

[[Page D600]]

                              Daily Digest


      Senate passed H.R. 2346, Supplemental Appropriations Act.
      Senate agreed to H. Con. Res. 133, Adjournment Resolution.


Chamber Action
Routine Proceedings, pages S5767-S5889
Measures Introduced: Forty-five bills and ten resolutions were 
introduced, as follows: S. 1115-1159, S. Res. 155-163, and S. Con. Res. 
  Pages S5818-20
Measures Passed:
  Supplemental Appropriations Act: By 86 yeas to 3 nays (Vote No. 202), 
Senate passed H.R. 2346, making supplemental appropriations for the 
fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, as amended, after taking action 
on the following amendments proposed thereto:
  Pages S5770-S5804
  Leahy/Kerry Amendment No. 1191, to provide for consultation and 
reports to Congress regarding the International Monetary Fund. 
                                                     Pages S5771, S5798
  Brown Modified Amendment No. 1161, to require the United States 
Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund to oppose loans 
and other programs of the Fund that do not exempt certain spending by 
the governments of heavily indebted poor countries from certain budget 
caps and restraints.
Pages S5771, S5799
  Corker Modified Amendment No. 1173, to provide for the development of 
objectives for the United States with respect to Afghanistan and 
Pages S5770, S5799
  Kaufman Modified Amendment No. 1179, to ensure that civilian 
personnel assigned to serve in Afghanistan receive civilian-military 
coordination training that focuses on counterinsurgency and stability 
Page S5771
  McCain Modified Amendment No. 1188, to make available from funds 
appropriated by title XI an additional $42,500,000 for assistance for 
Pages S5771, S5799
  Graham (for Lieberman) Modified Amendment No. 1157, to provide that 
certain photographic records relating to the treatment of any 
individual engaged, captured, or detained after September 11, 2001, by 
the Armed Forces of the United States in operations outside the United 
States shall not be subject to disclosure under section 552 of title 5, 
United States Code (commonly referred to as the Freedom of Information 
Pages S5770-71, S5799
  Lincoln Modified Amendment No. 1181, to amend the Federal Deposit 
Insurance Act with respect to the extension of certain limitations. 
                                                             Page S5771
  Reid (for Hutchison) Modified Amendment No. 1176, to help communities 
impacted by Hurricane Ike.
Page S5799
  By 30 yeas to 64 nays (Vote No. 201), Merkley (for DeMint) Amendment 
No. 1138, to strike the provisions relating to increased funding for 
the International Monetary Fund.
Pages S5771, S5782-87
  During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the 
following action:
  By 94 yeas to 1 nay (Vote No. 200), three-fifths of those Senators 
duly chosen and sworn, having voted in the affirmative, Senate agreed 
to the motion to close further debate on the bill.
Page S5771
  Chair sustained a point of order that the following amendments were 
not germane post-cloture, and the amendments thus fell:
  Bennet/Casey Amendment No. 1167, to require the exclusion of combat 
pay from income for purposes of determining eligibility for child 
nutrition programs and the special supplemental nutrition program for 
women, infants, and children.
Page S5771
  Reid Amendment No. 1201 (to Amendment No. 1167), to change the 
enactment date.
Page S5771
  Hutchison Amendment No. 1189, to protect auto dealers. 
                                        Pages S5771, S5780-81, S5788-90

[[Page D601]]

  Risch Amendment No. 1143, to appropriate, with an offset, an 
additional $2,000,000,000 for National Guard and Reserve Equipment. 
                                                             Page S5771
  Kyl/Lieberman Amendment No. 1147, to prohibit funds made available 
for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to be made available to any person 
that has engaged in certain activities with respect to the Islamic 
Republic of Iran.
                                                             Page S5771
  Lieberman Amendment No. 1156, to increase the authorized end strength 
for active duty personnel of the Army.
                                                  Pages S5570, S5801-04
  Isakson Amendment No. 1164, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 
1986 to expand the application of the homebuyer credit.
                                                             Page S5770
  Chambliss Amendment No. 1144, to protect the national security of the 
United States by limiting the immigration rights of individuals 
detained by the Department of Defense at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. 
                                                             Page S5770
  Cornyn Amendment No. 1139, to express the sense of the Senate that 
the interrogators, attorneys, and lawmakers who tried in good faith to 
protect the United States and abide by the law should not be prosecuted 
or otherwise sanctioned.
                                      Pages S5770 S5775-77, S5799-S5801
  Chair sustained a point of order that the following amendment 
contains sense of the Senate language and therefore, is dilatory under 
cloture, and the amendment thus fell:
  Merkley/Whitehouse Amendment No. 1185, to express the sense of the 
Senate on the use by the Department of Defense of funds in the Act for 
operations in Iraq in a manner consistent with the United States-Iraq 
Status of Forces Agreement.
                                                             Page S5771
  Senate insisted on its amendment, requested a conference with the 
House thereon, and the Chair was authorized to appoint the following 
conferees on the part of the Senate: Senators Inouye, Byrd, Leahy, 
Harkin, Mikulski, Kohl, Murray, Dorgan, Feinstein, Durbin, Johnson, 
Landrieu, Reed, Lautenberg, Nelson (NE), Pryor, Tester, Specter, 
Cochran, Bond, McConnell, Shelby, Gregg, Bennett, Hutchison, Brownback, 
Alexander, Collins, Voinovich, and Murkowski.
                                                             Page S5804
  Shi'ite Personal Status Law in Afghanistan: Senate agreed to S. Con. 
Res. 19, expressing the sense of Congress that the Shi'ite Personal 
Status Law in Afghanistan violates the fundamental human rights of 
women and should be repealed, after agreeing to the committee amendment 
in the nature of a substitute, and the following amendment proposed 
  Page S5883
  Reid (for DeMint) Amendment No. 1224, to amend the preamble. 
                                                         Pages S5883-84
  Yvonne Ingram-Ephraim Post Office Building: Senate passed H.R. 663, 
to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located 
at 12877 Broad Street in Sparta, Georgia, as the ``Yvonne Ingram-
Ephraim Post Office Building'', clearing the measure for the President.
                                                             Page S5884
  Stan Lundine Post Office Building: Senate passed H.R. 918, to 
designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 
300 East 3rd Street in Jamestown, New York, as the ``Stan Lundine Post 
Office Building'', clearing the measure for the President.
  Page S5884
  Major Ed W. Freeman Post Office: Senate passed H.R. 1284, to 
designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 
103 West Main Street in McLain, Mississippi, as the ``Major Ed W. 
Freeman Post Office'', clearing the measure for the President. 
                                                             Page S5884
  Brian K. Schramm Post Office Building: Senate passed H.R. 1595, to 
designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 
3245 Latta Road in Rochester, New York, as the ``Brian K. Schramm Post 
Office Building'', clearing the measure for the President.
  Page S5884
  Condemning Burmese State Peace and Development Council Actions: 
Senate agreed to S. Res. 160, condemning the actions of the Burmese 
State Peace and Development Council against Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and 
calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Daw Aung San Suu 
  Pages S5884-85
  National Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiecstasia (HHT) Month: Senate 
agreed to S. Res. 161, recognizing June 2009 as the first National 
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiecstasia (HHT) month, established to 
increase awareness of HHT, which is a complex genetic blood vessel 
disorder that affects approximately 70,000 people in the United States.
                                                             Page S5885
  Langston Golf Course and African-American Golf History: Senate agreed 
to S. Res. 162, recommending the Langston Golf Course, located in 
northeast Washington, DC and owned by the National Park Service, be 
recognized for its important legacy and contributions to African-
American golf history.
  Pages S5885-86
  National Childhood Stroke Awareness Day: Senate agreed to S. Res. 
163, expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to childhood 
stroke and designating an appropriate date as ``National Childhood 
Stroke Awareness Day''.
  Page S5886

[[Page D602]]

  Adjournment Resolution: Senate agreed to H. Con. Res. 133, providing 
for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a 
conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate.
  Pages S5886-87
Measures Considered:
Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act--Cloture Agreement: Senate began 
consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 146, to 
amend the Federal antitrust laws to provide expanded coverage and to 
eliminate exemptions from such laws that are contrary to the public 
interest with respect to railroads.
  Page S5887
   A motion was entered to close further debate on the motion to 
proceed to consideration of the bill, and, in accordance with the 
provisions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, and 
pursuant to the unanimous-consent agreement of Thursday, May 21, 2009, 
a vote on cloture will occur on Tuesday, June 2, 2009.
Page S5887
  Subsequently, the motion to proceed was withdrawn.
Page S5887
  A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that Senate 
resume consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of the 
bill at approximately 3:00 p.m., on Monday, June 1, 2009.
Page S5888
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act--Cloture Agreement: 
Senate began consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of 
H.R. 1256, to protect the public health by providing the Food and Drug 
Administration with certain authority to regulate tobacco products, to 
amend title 5, United States Code, to make certain modifications in the 
Thrift Savings Plan, the Civil Service Retirement System, and the 
Federal Employees' Retirement System.
  Page S5887
   A motion was entered to close further debate on the motion to 
proceed to consideration of the bill, and, in accordance with the 
provisions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, a vote on 
cloture will occur on Tuesday, June 2, 2009.
Page S5887
  Subsequently, the motion to proceed was withdrawn.
Page S5887
Signing Authority--Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached 
providing that on Thursday, May 21, 2009, the Majority Leader be 
authorized to sign duly enrolled bills or joint resolutions. 
                                                             Page S5768
Authorizing Leadership to Make Appointments--Agreement: A unanimous-
consent agreement was reached providing that, notwithstanding the 
adjournment of the Senate, the President of the Senate, the President 
Pro Tempore, and the Majority and Minority Leaders be authorized to 
make appointments to commissions, committees, boards, conferences, or 
interparliamentary conferences authorized by law, by concurrent action 
of the two Houses, or by order of the Senate.
  Page S5887
Authority for Committees--Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was 
reached providing that, notwithstanding the adjournment of the Senate, 
all committees be authorized to file legislative and executive reports 
on Friday, May 29, 2009, from 10 a.m. until 12 noon.
  Page S5887
Signing Authority--Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached 
providing that during this adjournment of the Senate, Senator Reed be 
authorized to sign duly enrolled bills or joint resolutions. 
                                                             Page S5887
Message from the President: Senate received the following message from 
the President of the United States:
  Transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a proposed 
Agreement for Cooperation Between the Government of the United States 
of America and the Government of the United Arab Emirates Concerning 
Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy; which was referred to the Committee on 
Foreign Relations. (PM-21)
Pages S5816-17
McCarthy Nomination--Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was 
reached providing that after a period of morning business, on Tuesday, 
June 2, 2009, Senate begin consideration of the nomination of Regina 
McCarthy, of Massachusetts, to be Assistant Administrator of the 
Environmental Protection Agency, and vote on confirmation of the 
  Page S5887
Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the following nominations:
  Seth David Harris, of New Jersey, to be Deputy Secretary of Labor.
  Florence Y. Pan, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate 
Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for the term of 
fifteen years.
  Linda A. Puchala, of Maryland, to be a Member of the National 
Mediation Board for a term expiring July 1, 2009.
  Linda A. Puchala, of Maryland, to be a Member of the National 
Mediation Board for a term expiring July 1, 2012.
  Cameron F. Kerry, of Massachusetts, to be General Counsel of the 
Department of Commerce.
  Sandra Brooks Henriquez, of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant 
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
  Michael L. Connor, of Maryland, to be Commissioner of Reclamation.

[[Page D603]]

  Judith A. McHale, of Maryland, to be Under Secretary of State for 
Public Diplomacy.
  Philip J. Crowley, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of State 
(Public Affairs).
  John Q. Easton, of Illinois, to be Director of the Institute of 
Education Science, Department of Education for a term of six years.
  Priscilla E. Guthrie, of Virginia, to be Chief Information Officer, 
Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
  John D. Porcari, of Maryland, to be Deputy Secretary of 
  Daniel Benjamin, of the District of Columbia, to be Coordinator for 
Counterterrorism, with the rank and status of Ambassador at Large.
  Robert Orris Blake, Jr., of Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary of 
State for South Asian Affairs.
  Rebecca M. Blank, of Maryland, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for 
Economic Affairs.
  Peter M. Rogoff, of Virginia, to be Federal Transit Administrator.
  Michael S. Barr, of Michigan, to be an Assistant Secretary of the 
  J. Randolph Babbitt, of Virginia, to be Administrator of the Federal 
Aviation Administration for the term of five years.
  Aneesh Chopra, of Virginia, to be an Associate Director of the Office 
of Science and Technology Policy.
  5 Air Force nominations in the rank of general.
  2 Marine Corps nominations in the rank of general.
  1 Navy nomination in the rank of admiral.
  Routine lists in the Air Force, National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration, and Navy.
Pages S5888-89
Nominations Received: Senate received the following nominations:
  Paul T. Anastas, of Connecticut, to be an Assistant Administrator of 
the Environmental Protection Agency.
  Nancy J. Powell, of Iowa, to be Director General of the Foreign 
  Cranston J. Mitchell, of Virginia, to be a Commissioner of the United 
States Parole Commission for a term of six years.
  Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, and Navy.
Page S5888
Messages from the House:
  Page S5817
Measures Referred:
  Page S5816
Enrolled Bills Presented:
  Page S5817
Executive Communications:
  Pages S5816-18
Petitions and Memorials:
  Page S5818
Executive Reports of Committees:
  Page S5818
Additional Cosponsors:
  Pages S5820-22
Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:
  Pages S5822-74
Additional Statements:
  Page S5813
Amendments Submitted:
  Pages S5879-81
Notices of Hearings/Meetings:
  Page S5881
Authorities for Committees to Meet:
  Pages S5881-82
Record Votes: Three record votes were taken today. (Total--202) 
                                              Pages S5771, S5787, S5804
Adjournment: Senate convened at 9 a.m. and adjourned, pursuant to the 
provisions of H. Con. Res. 133, at 9:51 p.m., until 2 p.m. on Monday, 
June 1, 2009. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Majority 
Leader in today's Record on page S5888.)

Committee Meetings
(Committees not listed did not meet)
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human 
Services, Education, and Related Agencies concluded a hearing to 
examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2010 for the National 
Institutes of Health, after receiving testimony from Raynard S. 
Kington, Acting Director, Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National 
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Elizabeth G. Nabel, 
Director, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and John E. 
Niederhuber, Director, National Cancer Institute, all of the National 
Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services.
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, 
Science, and Related Agencies concluded a hearing to examine proposed 
budget estimates for fiscal year 2010 for the National Aeronautics and 
Space Administration, after receiving testimony from Christopher J. 
Scolese, Acting Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space 
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural 
Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies 
concluded a hearing to examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal 
year 2010 for the Food and Drug Administration, after

[[Page D604]]

receiving testimony from Joshua M. Sharfstein, Acting Commissioner, and 
Patrick McGarey, Director, and Norris Cochran, Deputy Assistant 
Secretary, both of the Office of Budget, all of the Food and Drug 
Administration, Department of Health and Human Services.
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Legislative Branch 
concluded a hearing to examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal 
year 2010 for the Government Accountability Office, the Government 
Printing Office, and the Congressional Budget Office, after receiving 
testimony from Gene L. Dodaro, Acting Comptroller General, Government 
Accountability Office; Robert C. Tapella, Public Printer, Government 
Printing Office; and Douglas W. Elmendorf, Director, Congressional 
Budget Office.
Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a hearing to examine 
the Defense Authorization request for fiscal year 2010 and the Future 
Years Defense Program for the Department of the Air Force, after 
receiving testimony from Michael B. Donley, Secretary of the Air Force, 
and General Norton A. Schwartz, USAF, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, 
both of the Department of Defense.
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee ordered 
favorably reported the nominations of Peter M. Rogoff, of Virginia, to 
be Federal Transit Administrator, Department of Transportation, 
Francisco J. Sanchez, of Florida, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for 
International Trade, Sandra Brooks Henriquez, of Massachusetts, to be 
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public and 
Indian Housing, and Michael S. Barr, of Michigan, to be Assistant 
Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Institutions.
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Subcommittee on 
Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Insurance concluded a hearing 
to examine health and product safety issues associated with imported 
drywall, after receiving testimony from Senator Landrieu; Lori 
Saltzman, Director, Division of Health Sciences, United States Consumer 
Product Safety Commission; Michael McGeehin, Director, Division of 
Environmental Hazards and Health Effects, National Center for 
Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 
Department of Health and Human Services; Elizabeth Southerland, Acting 
Deputy Director, Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology 
Innovation, Environmental Protection Agency; David Krause, Florida 
Department of Health State Toxicologist, Tallahassee; Randy Noel, The 
National Association of Home Builders, LaPlace, Louisiana; and Richard 
J. Kampf, Cape Coral, Florida.
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Subcommittee on 
Science and Space concluded a hearing to examine the President's 
proposed budget request for fiscal year 2010 for the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration, after receiving testimony from 
Christopher J. Scolese, Acting Administrator, National Aeronautics and 
Space Administration.
Committee on Environment and Public Works: Committee concluded an 
oversight hearing to examine the Economic Development Administration, 
after receiving testimony from Sandra R. Walters, Chief Financial 
Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, Economic Development 
Administration, Department of Commerce; James Kennedy, Butler County 
Commissioner, Butler, Pennsylvania, on behalf of the National 
Association of Regional Councils; LaVern W. Phillips, Woodward 
Industrial Foundation, Woodward, Oklahoma; and Leanne Mazer, Tri-County 
Council for Western Maryland, Frostburg, on behalf of the National 
Association of Development Organizations.
Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing to examine The 
United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement, after receiving 
testimony from Everett Eissenstat, Assistant United States Trade 
Representative for the Americas; James Owens, Caterpillar, Inc., 
Peoria, Illinois, on behalf of the United States Chamber of Commerce 
Business Roundtable; Thea Mei Lee, AFL-CIO, Washington, D.C.; and Sam 
Carney, National Pork Producers Council, Adair, Iowa.
Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded a hearing to 
examine a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, after receiving 
testimony from Admiral Michael G. Mullen, USN, Chairman of the Joint 
Chiefs of Staff, Department of Defense.

[[Page D605]]

Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Committee 
concluded a hearing to examine financial regulatory lessons from 
abroad, after receiving testimony from David Green, former Head of 
International Policy, Financial Services Authority, London, United 
Kingdom; Jeffrey Carmichael, Promontory Financial Group Australasia, 
Republic of Singapore; W. Edmund Clark, TD Bank Financial Group, 
Toronto, Ontario; and David G. Nason, Promontory Financial Group LLC, 
Washington, D.C.
Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine 
executive branch authority to acquire trust lands for Indian tribes, 
after receiving testimony from Lawrence E. Long, South Dakota Attorney 
General, Sacramento, California, on behalf of the Conference of Western 
Attorneys General; Edward P. Lazarus, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld, 
LLP, Los Angeles, California; and W. Ron Allen, National Congress of 
American Indians, Washington, D.C.
Committee on the Judiciary: Committee announced the following 
subcommittee assignments:
  Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts: Senators 
Whitehouse (Chair), Feinstein, Feingold, Schumer, Cardin, Kaufman, 
Sessions, Grassley, Kyl, and Graham.
  Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights: 
Senators Kohl (Chair), Schumer, Whitehouse, Wyden, Klobuchar, Kaufman, 
Specter, Hatch, Grassley, and Cornyn.
  Subcommittee on the Constitution: Senators Feingold (Chair), 
Feinstein, Durbin, Cardin, Whitehouse, Specter, Coburn, Kyl, Cornyn, 
and Graham.
  Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs: Senators Specter (Chair), Kohl, 
Feinstein, Feingold, Schumer, Durbin, Cardin, Klobuchar, Kaufman, 
Graham, Hatch, Grassley, Sessions, and Coburn.
  Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security: Senators 
Schumer (Chair), Leahy, Feinstein, Durbin, Whitehouse, Wyden, Cornyn, 
Grassley, Kyl, and Sessions.
  Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security: Senators Cardin 
(Chair), Kohl, Feinstein, Schumer, Durbin, Wyden, Kaufman, Kyl, Hatch, 
Sessions, Cornyn, and Coburn.
  Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law: Senators Durbin (Chair), 
Feingold, Cardin, Kaufman, Specter, Coburn, Cornyn, and Graham.
  Senators Leahy and Sessions are ex-officio members of each of the 
Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Committee concluded a 
hearing to examine the role of small business in recovery act 
contracting, after receiving testimony from Joseph G. Jordan, Associate 
Administrator, Government Contracting and Business Development, Small 
Business Administration; Gerardo Franco, Chief, Procurement Assistance 
Division, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, 
Department of Transportation; Sharon Arnold, SSACC, Inc., Pontiac, 
Illinois; Joe Flynn, University of Tennessee Center for Industrial 
Services, Nashville, on behalf of the Association of Procurement 
Technical Assistance Centers; Sylvia Medina, North Wind, Inc., Idaho 
Falls, Idaho, on behalf of Women Impacting Public Policy; and Theresa 
Alfaro Daytner, Daytner Construction Group, Mt. Airy, Maryland.
Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Committee ordered favorably reported 
the following items:
  S. 252, to amend title 38, United States Code, to enhance the 
capacity of the Department of Veterans Affairs to recruit and retain 
nurses and other critical health-care professionals, to improve the 
provision of health care veterans;
  S. 407, to increase, effective as of December 1, 2009, the rates of 
compensation for veterans with service-connected disabilities and the 
rates of dependency and indemnity compensation for the survivors of 
certain disabled veterans;
  S. 423, to amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize advance 
appropriations for certain medical care accounts of the Department of 
Veterans Affairs by providing two-fiscal year budget authority;
  S. 475, to amend the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to guarantee the 
equity of spouses of military personnel with regard to matters of 
  S. 669, to amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify the 
conditions under which certain persons may be treated as adjudicated 
mentally incompetent for certain purposes;
  S. 728, to amend title 38, United States Code, to enhance veterans' 
insurance benefits, with an amendment; and
  S. 801, to amend title 38, United States Code, to waive charges for 
humanitarian care provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs to 
family members accompanying veterans severely injured after September 
11, 2001, as they receive medical care from the Department and to 
provide assistance to family caregivers.

[[Page D606]]

Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee concluded a hearing to 
examine the nominations of Stephen Woolman Preston, of the District of 
Columbia, to be General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency, and 
Robert S. Litt, of Maryland, to be General Counsel of the Office of the 
Director of National Intelligence, after the nominees testified and 
answered questions in their own behalf.

                        House of Representatives

Chamber Action
Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 117 public bills, H.R. 2537-
2643; 2 private bills, H.R. 2644-2645; and 25 resolutions, H.J. Res. 
54-55; H. Con. Res. 133-136; and H. Res. 469-473, 475-488 were 
  Pages H6008-6014
Additional Cosponsors:
  Pages H6014-16
Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows:
  Supplemental report on H.R. 915, to amend title 49, United States 
Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation 
Administration for fiscal years 2009 through 2012, to improve aviation 
safety and capacity, and to provide stable funding for the national 
aviation system (H. Rept. 111-119, Pt. 2);
  H. Res. 474, providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2200) to 
authorize the Transportation Security Administration's programs 
relating to the provision of transportation security (H. Rept. 111-
127); and
  H.R. 1736, to provide for the establishment of a committee to 
identify and coordinate international science and technology 
cooperation that can strengthen the domestic science and technology 
enterprise and support United States foreign policy goals, with an 
amendment (H. Rept. 111-128).
Page H6008
Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the Guest Chaplain, Reverend Troy 
Ehlke, Christ Lutheran Church, Charlotte, North Carolina.
  Page H5895
Adjournment Resolution: The House agreed to H. Con. Res. 133, providing 
for a conditional adjournment of the House of Representatives and a 
conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate, by a yea-and-nay vote 
of 237 yeas to 184 nays, Roll No. 282.
  Page H5904
Privileged Resolution--Intent to Offer: Representative Bishop (UT) 
announced his intent to offer a privileged resolution.
  Pages H5904-05
Question of Privilege: The Chair ruled that the resolution offered by 
Representative Bishop (UT) did not constitute a question of the 
privileges of the House. Agreed to table the motion to appeal the 
ruling of the Chair by a yea-and-nay vote of 252 yeas to 172 nays, Roll 
No. 283.
  Pages H5905-06
Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009--Conference Report: The 
House agreed to the conference report to accompany S. 454, to improve 
the organization and procedures of the Department of Defense for the 
acquisition of major weapon systems, by a yea-and-nay vote of 411 yeas 
with none voting ``no'', Roll No. 286.
  Pages H5898-H5900, H5907-12
  H. Res. 463, the rule providing for consideration of the conference 
report, was agreed to by a voice vote, after agreeing to order the 
previous question without objection.
Page H5907
Suspension--Proceedings Resumed: The House agreed to suspend the rules 
and pass the following measure which was debated on Tuesday, May 19th:
  Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act of 2009: H.R. 1676, amended, to 
prevent tobacco smuggling and to ensure the collection of all tobacco 
taxes, by a \2/3\ yea-and-nay vote of 397 yeas to 11 nays, Roll No. 
  Pages H5912-13
FAA Reauthorization Act of 2009: The House passed H.R. 915, to amend 
title 49, United States Code, to authorize appropriations for the 
Federal Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2009 through 2012, to 
improve aviation safety and capacity, and to provide stable funding for 
the national aviation system, by a recorded vote of 277 ayes to 136 
noes, Roll No. 291.
  Pages H5901-04, 5906-07, 5913-81
  Rejected the Campbell motion to recommit the bill to the Committee on 
Transportation and Infrastructure with instructions to report the same 
back to the House forthwith with an amendment, by a recorded vote of 
154 ayes to 263 noes, Roll No. 290.
Pages H5978-80
  Pursuant to the rule, the amendment in the nature of a substitute 
printed in part A of H. Rept. 111-126, modified by the amendment 
printed in part B of such report, shall be considered as adopted in the 
House and in the Committee of the Whole,

[[Page D607]]

in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by 
the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure now printed in the 
bill. The bill, as amended, shall be considered as the original bill 
for the purpose of further amendment under the 5-minute rule. 
                                                             Page H5928
  Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ``To amend title 49, United 
States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation 
Administration for fiscal years 2010 through 2012, to improve aviation 
safety and capacity, to provide stable funding for the national 
aviation system, and for other purposes.''.
Page H5981
Agreed to:
  Oberstar manager's amendment (No. 1 printed in part C of H. Rept. 
111-126) that makes sundry changes to the bill;
Pages H5959-66
  Lee (NY) amendment (No. 2 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-126) that 
requires GAO, within 3 months of enactment, to initiate a study into 
commercial airline pilot training and certification programs. The GAO 
shall submit the report to Congress within 12 months of the study's 
Pages H5966-68
  Richardson amendment (No. 3 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-126) 
that requires the Transportation Secretary, within 180 days of 
enactment, to issue regulations to require each air carrier to provide 
each of its passengers an option to receive a text message (or other 
comparable electronic service), subject to any fees applicable under 
the contract of the passenger for the electronic service, from the air 
carrier consisting of a notification of any change in the status of the 
flight of such passenger prior to boarding. This would only apply to 
air carriers that earn at least one-percent of the domestic passenger 
service revenue;
Pages H5968-69
  Cuellar amendment (No. 5 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-126), as 
modified, that directs the FAA Administrator to study the FAA radar 
signal locations and their impact on the development of renewable 
energy technologies, and to make recommendations as necessary for 
relocation of FAA radars and testing and deployment as needed; 
                                                         Pages H5970-71
  Murphy (CT) amendment (No. 7 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-126) 
that provides that when conducting an appraisal for purchase or 
property under the Airport Improvement Program, the appraisal must not 
consider either the increased or decreased value of the property due to 
the property's inclusion in a potential project;
Page H5972
  Cassidy amendment (No. 8 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-126) that 
amends section 417 (review of air carrier flight delays, cancellations, 
and associated causes) so that the Inspector General study includes the 
effect that limited air carrier service operations on routes have on 
the frequency of delays and cancellations on such routes; 
                                                         Pages H5972-73
  Kilroy amendment (No. 9 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-126) that 
requires the GAO to study, within one year of enactment, the 
effectiveness of FAA oversight activities related to preventing or 
mitigating the effects of dense continuous smoke in the cockpit of 
commercial aircraft;
Page H5973
  Lowey amendment (No. 11 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-126) that 
directs the FAA to initiate a rulemaking process to determine the 
authorization of Westchester County Airport to reinstate limits on 
overnight aircraft operations;
Page H5975
  Ackerman amendment (No. 12 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-126) 
that provides that Congress finds the FAA did not follow FAA policy 
statements in determining whether the proposed College Point Marine 
Transfer Station in New York if constructed would constitute a hazard 
to air navigation. It also requires the FAA Administrator to take such 
actions as may be necessary to designate the proposed College Point 
Marine Transfer Station in New York City, New York, as a hazard to air 
Pages H5975-77
  Burgess amendment (No. 4 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-126) that 
expresses the sense of Congress that FAA whistleblowers be granted the 
full protection of the law (by a recorded vote of 420 ayes with none 
voting ``no'', Roll No. 288); and
Pages H5969-70, H5977
  McCaul amendment (No. 6 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-126) that 
prohibits authorized funds from being used to name a project or program 
for an individual then serving as a Member, Delegate, Resident 
Commissioner, or Senator of the United States Congress (by a recorded 
vote of 417 ayes to 2 noes, Roll No. 289).
Pages H5971-72, H5977-78
  Frelinghuysen amendment (No. 10 printed in part C of H. Rept. 111-
126) that was offered and subsequently withdrawn that would have 
required the FAA to study the proposed New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia 
Class B modification design change. The study would determine the 
effect of the change on the environment, with an emphasis on airplane 
noise. The study would state whether the change was considered in 
conjunction with the New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia Airspace 
Pages H5974-75
  Agreed that the Clerk be authorized to make technical and conforming 
changes to reflect the actions of the House.
Page H5981
  H. Res. 464, the rule providing for consideration of the bill, was 
agreed to by a yea-and-nay vote of 234 yeas to 178 nays, Roll No. 285, 
after agreeing

[[Page D608]]

to order the previous question by a yea-and-nay vote of 246 yeas to 175 
nays, Roll No. 284.
Pages H5906-07
Public Interest Declassification Board--Appointment: Read a letter from 
Representative Boehner, Minority Leader, in which he reappointed 
Admiral William O. Studeman of Great Falls, Virginia to the Public 
Interest Declassification Board.
  Page H5983
  National Council on the Arts--Reappointment: Read a letter from 
Representative Boehner, Minority Leader, in which he reappointed 
Representative Tiberi to the National Council on the Arts.
Page H5993
  Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards--Appointment: The Chair 
announced the Speaker's appointment of the following Members of the 
House of Representatives to the Commission on Congressional Mailing 
Standards: Representatives Davis (CA), Sherman, and Edwards (MD). 
                                                             Page H5993
  Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group--Appointment: The Chair 
announced the Speaker's appointment of the following Members of the 
House of Representatives to the Mexico-United States Interparliamentary 
Group: Representatives McCaul, Dreier, Mack, Bilbray, and Nunes. 
                                                             Page H5993
Presidential Message: Read a message from the President wherein he 
transmitted the text of a proposed Agreement for Cooperation Between 
the Government of the United States of America and the Government of 
the United Arab Emirates Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy--
referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered printed (H. 
Doc. 111-43).
  Pages H5983-84
Senate Message: Message received from the Senate today appears on page 
Senate Referrals: S. 614 was referred to the Committees on Financial 
Services and House Administration.
  Page H6006
Quorum Calls--Votes: Six yea-and-nay votes and four recorded votes 
developed during the proceedings of today and appear on pages H5904, 
H5905-06, H5906-07, H5907, H5912, H5913, H5977, H5978, H5979-80, H5980-
81. There were no quorum calls.
Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and at 9.27 p.m., the House 
stands adjourned until 3 p.m. on Monday, May 25, 2009 unless it sooner 
has received a message from the Senate transmitting its concurrence in 
H. Con. Res. 133, in which case the House shall stand adjourned 
pursuant to that concurrent resolution.

Committee Meetings
Committee on Agriculture: Held a hearing to review low carbon fuel 
standard proposals. Testimony was heard from public witnesses.
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural 
Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies held a 
hearing on FDA. Testimony was heard from John M. Sharfstein, M.D., 
Acting Commissioner, FDA, Department of Health and Human Services.
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Defense held a hearing on 
Defense Health Program. Testimony was heard from the following 
officials of the Department of Defense: Ellen Embrey, Deputy Assistant 
Secretary, Force Health Readiness and Protection; LTG Eric Shoomaker, 
Army Surgeon General, and Commander, U.S. Army Medical Command; VADM 
Adam M. Robinson, Surgeon General, U.S. Navy; LTG James G. Roudebush, 
USAF, Surgeon General, U.S. Air Force; and the following officials of 
the Joint Task Force Capital Region Medicine: VADM John M. Mateczun, 
USN., and BG Philip Volope, Deputy Commander, USA.
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Energy and Water 
Development, and Related Agencies held a hearing on Nuclear Security 
Administration (NNSA): Nuclear Nonproliferation and Weapons. Testimony 
was heard from the following officials of the Department of Energy: 
Thomas P. A`Agostino, Under Secretary, Nuclear Security and 
Administrator of NNSA; A. Garrett Harencak, Principal Assistant Deputy 
Administrator, Military Application; and Kenneth Baker, Principal 
Assistant Deputy Administrator, Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation.
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Financial Services, 
General Government and Related Agencies held a hearing on Treasury 
Department. Testimony was heard from Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the 

[[Page D609]]

Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and 
Related Agencies held a hearing on the U.S. Geological Survey. 
Testimony was heard from Suzette Kimball, Acting Director, U.S. 
Geological Survey, Department of the Interior.
Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Air and Land Forces held a 
hearing on Fiscal Year 2010 National Defense Authorization Budget 
Request for Army Acquisition, Reset, and Modernization Programs. 
Testimony was heard from Department of Defense: David G. Ahern, 
Director, Portfolio Systems Acquisition, Office of the Under Secretary, 
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics; LTG N. Ross Thompson, III, USA, 
Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary, Acquisition, Logistics and 
Technology, U.S. Army; and LTG Stephen M. Speakes, USA, Deputy Chief of 
Staff , G-8, U.S. Army.
Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Military Personnel held a 
hearing on Fiscal Year 2010 National Defense Authorization Budget 
Request on Military Personnel Overview. Testimony was heard from the 
following officials of the Department of Defense: Gail H. McGinn, 
Acting Under Secretary, Personnel and Readiness; LTG Michael D. 
Rochelle, USA, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1; VADM Mark E. Ferguson, III, 
USN, Chief of Navel Personnel, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Total 
Force; LTG Ronald S. Coleman, USMC, Deputy Commandant, Manpower and 
Reserve Affairs, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps; and LTG Richard Y. 
Newton, III, USAF, Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower and Personnel, 
Headquarters, U.S. Air Force.
Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Strategic Forces held a 
hearing on Fiscal Year 2010 National Defense Authorization Budget 
Request for National Security Space and Missile Defense Programs. 
Testimony was heard from the following officials of the Department of 
Defense: GEN C. Robert Kehler, USAF, Commander, Air Force Space 
Command; and LTG Patrick J. O`Reilly, USA, Director, Missile Defense 
Committee on the Budget: Held a hearing on the State of the Economy. 
Testimony was heard from Douglas Elmendorf, Director, CBO.
Committee on Education and Labor: Held a hearing on Increasing Student 
Aid Through Loan Reform. Testimony was heard from Robert Shireman, 
Deputy Under Secretary, Department of Education; John F. Remondi, Vice 
Chairman and Chief Financial Officer Sallie Mae; and public witnesses.
Committee on Energy and Commerce: Ordered reported, as amended, H.R. 
2454, American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009.
Committee on Financial Services: Held a hearing entitled ``Legislative 
Proposals to Improve the Efficiency and Oversight of Municipal 
Finance.'' Testimony was heard from Martha Mahan Haines, Chief, Office 
of Municipal Securities, SEC; Bill Apgar, Senior Advisor to the 
Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development; David W. 
Wilcox, Deputy Director, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of 
Governors, Federal Reserve System; Thomas C. Leppert, Mayor, Dallas, 
Texas; and public witnesses.
Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Housing and Community 
Opportunity held a hearing entitled ``The Section 8 Voucher Reform 
Act.'' Testimony was heard from Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and 
Urban Development.
Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and 
Global Counterterrorism met in executive session to hold a briefing on 
piracy. Testimony was heard from departmental witnesses.
Committee on House Administration: Held a hearing on Military and 
Overseas Voting: Obstacles and Potential Solutions. Testimony was heard 
from the following officials of the Department of Defense: Gail McGinn, 
Acting Under Secretary, Personnel and Readiness; and CAPT Patricia 
Garcia, USAF, Voting Assistance Officer, U.S. Air Force; Rokey Suleman, 
General Registrar, Fairfax County, Virginia; and Jessie Jane Duff, 
Gunnery Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.).

[[Page D610]]

Committee on the Judiciary: Held a hearing on Ramifications of Auto 
Industry Bankruptcies. Testimony was heard from public witnesses.
Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and 
Homeland Security held a held a hearing on Unfairness in Federal 
Cocaine Sentencing: Is it time to Crack the 100 to 1 Disparity? 
including discussion of the following bills: H.R. 1459, Fairness in 
Cocaine Sentencing Act of 2009; H.R. 1466, Major Drug Trafficking 
Prosecution Act of 2009; H.R. 265, Drug Sentencing Reform and Cocaine 
Kingpin Trafficking Act of 2009; H.R. 2178, Crack-Cocaine Equitable 
Sentencing Act of 2009; and H.R. 18, Powder-Crack Cocaine Penalty 
Equalization Act of 2009. Testimony was heard from Representatives 
Rangel, Jackson-Lee of Texas; Bartlett and Waters; Lanny A. Breuer, 
Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice; 
Ricardo H. Hinojosa, U.S. District Court Judge, Southern District of 
Texas and Acting Chair, U.S. Sentencing Commission; and public 
Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests 
and Public Lands held an oversight hearing on the Future of the Forest 
Economy. Testimony was heard from Representative Herger; Randy Moore, 
Regional Forester, Forest Service, USDA; Steve Wilensky, Calaveras 
County District 2 Supervisor, San Andreas, California; and public 
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Subcommittee on 
Information Policy, Census, and National Archives held a hearing 
entitled ``Stakeholders' Views on the National Archives and Records 
Administration (NARA).'' Testimony was heard from public witnesses.
Committee on Rules: Granted, by a non-record vote, a structured rule 
providing for consideration of H.R. 2200, the ``Transportation Security 
Administration Authorization Act.'' The rule provides one hour of 
general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking 
minority member of the Committee on Homeland Security.
  The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill 
except those arising under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI. The rule 
provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended 
by the Committee on Homeland Security shall be considered as an 
original bill for the purpose of amendment and shall be considered as 
read. The rule waives all points of order against the amendment in the 
nature of a substitute except those arising under clause 10 of rule 
  The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in the report 
of the Committee on Rules. The amendments made in order may be offered 
only in the order printed in the Committee report, may be offered only 
by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, 
shall be debatable for the time specified in this report equally 
divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be 
subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for a 
division of the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole. 
All points of order against the amendments except those arising under 
clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI are waived. Finally, the rule provides one 
motion to recommit with or without instructions. Testimony was heard 
from Chairman Thompson of Mississippi and Representatives Snyder, 
Jackson-Lee of Texas, Dent, Souder, Daniel E. Lungren of California, 
Bachus, Mich and Hastings of Washington.
Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on Regulations and Healthcare 
held a hearing entitled ``Impacts of Outstanding Regulatory Policy on 
Small Biofuels Producers and Family Farmers.'' Testimony was heard from 
Cheryl Cook, Deputy Under Secretary, Rural Development, USDA; Margo 
Oge, Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Office of Air 
and Radiation, EPA; and public witnesses.
Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Subcommittee on Disability Assistance 
and Memorial Affairs held a hearing on the following bills: H.R. 1522, 
United States Cadet Nurse Corps Equity Act; H.R. 1982, Veterans 
Entitlement to Service (VETS) Act of 2009, and H.R. 2270, Benefits for 
Qualified World War II Veterans Act of 2009. Testimony was heard from 
Representatives Lowey and Kilpatrick, of Michigan; and Bradely G. 
Mayes, Director, Compensation and Pension Service, Veterans Benefits 
Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs.
Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity 
held a hearing on the following

[[Page D611]]

bills: H.R. 1037, Pilot College Work Study Programs for Veterans Act of 
2009; H.R. 1098, Veterans Worker Retraining Act of 2009; H.R. 1168, 
Veterans Retraining Act of 2009; H.R. 1172, To direct the Secretary of 
Veterans Affairs to include on the Internet website of the Department 
of Veterans Affairs a list of organizations that provide scholarships 
to veterans and their survivors; H.R. 1821, Equity for Injured Veterans 
Act of 2009; H.R. 1879, National Guard Employment Protection Act of 
2009; and H.R. 2180, To amend title 38, United States Code, to waive 
housing loan fees for certain veterans with service-connected 
disabilities called to active service. Testimony was heard from 
Representative Coffman; Keith M. Wilson, Director, Office Education 
Service, Veterans Benefits Administration, Department of Veterans 
Affairs; and John C. McWilliam, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Veterans' 
Employment and Training Service, Department of Labor.
Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures 
held a hearing on issues involving tax-exempt and taxable government 
bonds. Testimony was heard from Alan Krueger, Assistant Secretary, 
Economic Policy, Department of the Treasury; Patrick McCoy, Director of 
Finance, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York State; and 
public witnesses.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Met in executive session to 
hold a briefing on Executive Overview. Testimony was heard from Michael 
Morrell, Director of Intelligence, CIA.

Joint Meetings
  No joint committee meetings were held.


                              MAY 22, 2009

        (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


  No meetings/hearings scheduled.


  Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on 
Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management, 
hearing on Still Post-Katrina: How FEMA Decides When Housing 
Responsibilities End, 10 a.m., 2167 Rayburn.


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[[Page D612]]


                       Next Meeting of the SENATE
                        2 p.m., Monday, June 1 

                             Senate Chamber
Program for Monday: After the transaction of any morning business (not 
to extend beyond 3 p.m.), Senate will resume consideration of the 
motion to proceed to consideration of S. 146, Railroad Antitrust 
Enforcement Act.

             Next Meeting of the  HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                         2 p.m., Tuesday, June 2

                             House Chamber
Program for Tuesday: To be announced.

            Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue
Ackerman, Gary L., N.Y., E1256
Adler, John H., N.J., E1246
Andrews, Robert E., N.J., E1239
Bachmann, Michele, Minn., E1233, E1249, E1253
Becerra, Xavier, Calif., E1226
Berman, Howard L., Calif., E1228, E1252
Bilbray, Brian P., Calif., E1255
Bishop, Timothy H., N.Y., E1235
Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E1236, E1245, E1255
Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E1245, E1248, E1253
Burgess, Michael C., Tex., E1243, E1245, E1247, E1249, E1251, E1252
Carney, Christopher P., Pa., E1239
Coffman, Mike, Colo., E1234
Conyers, John, Jr., Mich., E1240
Cooper, Jim, Tenn., E1226
Costello, Jerry F., Ill., E1230
Courtney, Joe, Conn., E1226
Cuellar, Henry, Tex., E1248
DeGette, Diana, Colo., E1246
DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E1246
Donnelly, Joe, Ind., E1235
Ehlers, Vernon J., Mich., E1250
Eshoo, Anna G., Calif., E1237
Fleming, John, La., E1233
Forbes, J. Randy, Va., E1249
Garrett, Scott, N.J., E1231
Gerlach, Jim, Pa., E1233, E1234
Giffords, Gabrielle, Ariz., E1241
Goodlatte, Bob, Va., E1248
Green, Al, Tex., E1230
Halvorson, Deborah L., Ill., E1232
Hare, Phil, Ill., E1230
Harman, Jane, Calif., E1250
Hensarling, Jeb, Tex., E1257
Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie, S.D., E1229
Higgins, Brian, N.Y., E1233
Hirono, Mazie K., Hawaii, E1231, E1243, E1252
Holt, Rush D., N.J., E1251
Honda, Michael M., Calif., E1238
Issa, Darrell E., Calif., E1235
Jackson-Lee, Sheila, Tex., E1257, E1258, E1259, E1260, E1261, E1261, 
E1262, E1263
Johnson, Timothy V., Ill., E1229
Kanjorski, Paul E., Pa., E1236
Kennedy, Patrick J., R.I., E1237, E1249
Kildee, Dale E., Mich., E1234
Kissell, Larry, N.C., E1227, E1252
Klein, Ron, Fla., E1225, E1229
Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, E1231, E1232, E1235, E1237
Larson, John B., Conn., E1243
LaTourette, Steven C., Ohio, E1246
Latta, Robert E., Ohio, E1248
Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1239
Lewis, John, Ga., E1228
Lofgren, Zoe, Calif., E1227
McCollum, Betty, Minn., E1254
Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E1226, E1227, E1240, E1243
Markey, Edward J., Mass., E1236
Matsui, Doris O., Calif., E1242, E1256
Miller, George, Calif., E1238
Miller, Jeff, Fla., E1232
Paul, Ron, Tex., E1239, E1242, E1247
Payne, Donald M., N.J., E1225, E1241
Pelosi, Nancy, Calif., E1225
Perriello, Thomas S.P., Va., E1254
Polis, Jared, Colo., E1257
Quigley, Mike, Ill., E1253
Reichert, David G., Wash., E1244, E1252
Roskam, Peter J., Ill., E1226
Rothman, Steven R., N.J., E1237
Roybal-Allard, Lucille, Calif., E1244
Ruppersberger, C.A. Dutch, Md., E1231, E1251
Space, Zachary T., Ohio, E1227, E1228, E1229, E1230
Speier, Jackie, Calif., E1258, E1259, E1260, E1261
Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E1240
Terry, Lee, Nebr., E1229
Thompson, Mike, Calif., E1241, E1254
Tsongas, Niki, Mass., E1234, E1251
Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E1244, E1246
Wamp, Zach, Tenn., E1246
Waxman, Henry A., Calif., E1262
Wolf, Frank R., Va., E1234
Woolsey, Lynn C., Calif., E1241, E1248, E1250, E1254
Wu, David, Ore., E1255
Young, Don, Alaska, E1232, E1257