BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Westchester, NY


Welcome to the web page of the working group developing Study New York.  The Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU), the State University of New York, the City University of New York, New York State's Department of Economic Development, and the U.S. Commercial Service are working with public and private colleges and universities to create a consortium of higher education institutions in New York State.

The mission of Study New York is to position New York State as the destination of choice for students from around the world, thereby improving the visibility and global competitiveness of the State’s institutions of higher learning, and expanding the State’s services exports. Specific goals include collective work to develop, promote, and distribute marketing materials that serve the common needs of all members, to collaborate on international student recruitment events and to deploy web-based tools to support and advance such activities.

A list of other state consortiums can be found at:

A listing of other state international education policy initatives can be found at:

For more information, please contact Joan Kanlian, Director, Westchester Export Assistance Center at .

Click Here  if you'd like to learn more about Study NY or sign up to receive regular updates!

See below for presentations from September 12, 2008 meeting in Albany, New York, and an invitation to the Study New York meeting on November 11, 2008: