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NIST Postdoctoral Research Associateships Program

NIST/NRC Postdoctoral Research Associateships Program

NIST's Postdoctoral Program supports a nationwide competitive postdoctoral program administered in cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council. The postdoctoral program brings research scientists and engineers of unusual promise and ability to perform advanced research related to the NIST mission, introduces the latest university research results and techniques to NIST scientific programs , strengthens mutual communication with university researchers, shares NIST unique research facilities with the U.S. scientific and engineering communities, and provides a valuable mechanism for the transfer of research results from NIST to the scientific and engineering communities.

Detailed information on procedures and all necessary application materials and supporting documents are available from the NRC Research Associateship Program, which also includes NIST-specific information on the program.

For the most current list of opportunities, please refer to the NRC website page for the NIST NRC Postdoctoral Research program. In addition, a hard copy of the Research Opportunity Booklet (issued annually) is available; for a copy, please contact Anna Coleman at 301-975-3069.

To apply to be an adviser for this program, please complete the Research Adviser Nomination Form, which includes the proposed research opportunity, and return to Dr. Susan Heller-Zeisler at the Office of International and Academic Affairs. Prior to submission, the adviser must have sign-off of their nomination form, and their research opportunity description from their NIST Division Chief. Following review of the information, the nomination form will be submitted by OIAA to NRC for consideration.

Note to ALL NIST NRC postdocs: A final report is required at the end of your postdoc tenure. Please fill out the NIST NRC Final Report form and return to Dr. Susan Heller-Zeisler of OIAA.


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NIH/NIBIB NIST Joint NRC Postdoctoral Research Associateship Program

Quick Facts:

  • This is a congressionally-mandated program with a line item in the NIST budget.
  • There is currently a limit of 120 slots per year, with central funding available for approximately 40-45 associates.
  • The program provides for a excepted service appointments for outstanding scientists and engineers, of a maximum of 2 year duration.
  • Awardees must hold U.S. citizenship.
  • Awardees are chosen through a national competition administered by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Research opportunities include those in chemistry, physics, materials science, mathematics, computer sciences, and engineering.
  • Current stipend (2009) is $63,400 per year.
  • There are now two competitions per year, with application deadlines of February 1 and August 1.

For additional information on this program, please contact Dr. Susan Heller-Zeisler.

Last Modified: January 22, 2009
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