Representative Henry A. Waxman 30th District of California

Health - Health Care

With tens of millions uninsured and the cost of health care consuming an increasingly large part of the economy and of government spending, Rep. Waxman continues to play a leading role in the urgent effort to reform our health care system. Throughout his career in Congress, Rep. Waxman has worked to expand health care coverage and improve quality for the most vulnerable members of our society -- children, seniors, persons with disabilities, and low-income families. As Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Waxman is working to make quality, affordable health care available to all Americans.

Nursing Home Reform

Rep. Waxman has been a champion of nursing home reform for more than two decades. He believes that our most vulnerable citizens -- the elderly and the disabled who live in nursing homes -- deserve to be treated with dignity and compassion and are entitled to high quality health care. Rep. Waxman has worked to enrich the quality of life for nursing home residents, to strengthen nursing home regulations, to protect against the impoverishment of spouses of nursing home residents, and to increase access to long-term care for all seniors.
Learn more about Rep. Waxman's work on nursing home reform