For Immediate Release:
May 26, 2009
Further Information:
Mark Forest/Rory Sheehan - 202-225-3111
  Panel To Hear Testimony From Academy Officials On Anti-Piracy Measures
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Rep. Bill Delahunt today announced that the House Foreign Affairs Oversight Subcommittee will meet Thursday May 28, 2009 at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Buzzards Bay, MA to hear testimony on efforts to fight the spread of maritime piracy.  

The recent wave of pirate hijackings has focused the world’s attention on the increased need to protect vessels from criminal activities on the sea.  Drawing on rich local expertise, this forum will be the third of a series of hearings and briefings that will explore how vessels can best protect themselves at sea and what the United States and international forces can do to assist in this effort.    

Congressman Bill Delahunt will call upon maritime experts to educate the Subcommittee on shipping best practices and their recommendations to reform and improve maritime safety.  Testifying at the briefing will be the Maersk Alabama’s second in command, Captain Shane Murphy.  Joining Captain Murphy will be his father and counter-piracy expert Joseph Murphy II along with Admiral Richard Gurnon, Paul F. Kelly and Captain Thomas L. Bushy from Massachusetts Maritime Academy.  Also joining the panel will be Douglas B. Stevenson, Director of the Center for Seafarers’ Rights.

DATE:                  Thursday May 28, 2009

TIME:                  10:00 am

LOCATION:     The Charleston Room, Baystate Conference Center, Massachusetts Maritime Academy

SUBJECT:           Combating Piracy:  Real World Solutions and Best Practices

WITNESSES:      Captain Shane Murphy, Second in Command on the Maersk Alabama

Professor Joseph Murphy, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Admiral Richard Gurnon, President, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Paul F. Kelly, Board of Trustees, Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Captain Thomas L. Bushy, Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Douglas B. Stevenson, Director, Center for Seafarers’ Rights at the Seamen’s Church Institute of New York & New Jersey

