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header image: Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program

The Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG), a Federal Advisory Committee, is chaired by a designee, appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. Membership is appointed by the Secretary of Interior with representation from each of the cooperating agencies, Colorado River basin states, environmental groups, recreation interests, and contractors for federal power from Glen Canyon Dam.

The formation of an advisory committee has provided a forum of discussion for bringing key issues to resolution. The Secretary of Interior has been mandated to operate the dam and regulate the river in such a manner as to meet the many and varied statutory goals mandated by congress. The AMWG makes it possible for the Secretary to bring all these varied interests to a consensus on how to protect downstream resources and strike a wise balance on river operations.

AMWG Meetings are held biannually, or more frequently as deemed appropriate by the designated federal official. In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), a written notice of each meeting of the AMWG shall be published in the Federal Register at least 15 days prior to the meeting, advising of the date, the place, and purpose of the meeting. In accordance with FACA, all meetings of the AMWG shall be open to the general public. Any organization, association, or individual may file a written statement, at the discretion of the AMWG, and provide verbal input regarding topics on the meeting agenda, in accordance with FACA. The first AMWG meeting was held September 10-11, 1997 in Phoenix, Arizona.


Last updated: December 6, 2006