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National Oceanographic Data Center

2009 OneNOAA Science Discussion Seminars

[Seminar Partner's contacts]

[Previous 2008 OneNOAA Science Seminars]

Web page last updated: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 7:00 AM ETZ
(550+ OneNOAA science seminars since 2004; Web-based summary statistics for 2008-2009)

Please join us for our upcoming OneNOAA science discussion seminars. This is a joint effort to help share science and management information and to promote constructive dialogue between scientists, educators, and resource managers across NOAA.

i-access to our seminar announcements:

1. Join our seminar weekly announcements e-mail list [nominally, sent on Mondays]. To join our email list contact Hernan Garcia or a seminar partner.
2. Online web public access: (Maintained by Hernan Garcia)
3. GoogleCalendar online public access: GoogleCalendar* (Maintained by Felix A. Martinez)
4. Archive of previous OneNOAA science discussion seminars (by calendar year): [2008], [2007], [2006], [2005], [2004].
5. Note: All seminars subject to title, location, date, and time changes.

Note: The contents of this web page do not reflect any position of the Government or NOAA

General notes about the OneNOAA science seminars:

  • Please check for seminar additions and changes (i.e., cancelations, etc.).
    rss feed Subscribe to RSS feed    [ What is RSS? - How do I use RSS? ]
  • Constructive suggestions for improving the content of the seminar series are welcome [Please contact Hernan Garcia or a seminar partner].
  • All NOAA offices/divisions are welcome to participate and/or join as seminar partners (Joining is easy, see seminar format).
  • Please share the seminar announcements with anyone interested. Please notify us of any errors that you find so that we can correct them.
  • Remote access to seminars is available when indicated via web/phone access. When available, seminar presentations will be available for download (see Notes for each seminar).

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* External link: You will be leaving the Federal Government by following an external link.

NODC theme International Polar Year seminar series in 2009:

NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008

In appreciation of the scientific advancements and fundamental role of the high latitude regions in global climate change, economics, and society, The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) is sponsoring a series of seminars by NOAA scientists, resource policy managers, educators, and other workers involved in Arctic and/or Antarctic as part of an upcoming NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series to be held starting March 2009 at various locations in the Silver Spring Metro Center Complex (SSMC), Silver Spring, MD). However, some seminars will take place at other locations via a combination of web and phone access. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. Please see details in the links below. All NOAA staff are welcome to present a seminar and participate.


List of invited speakers (final schedule is not yet final):

When: March 12: John Bortniak (NOAA NMFS). Title: Recollections on Wintering Over at The South Pole 1979 on The 30 Year Anniversary. Download presentation [PDF ; ~5 MB] and podcast audio [MP3; ~94 MB, WMA ~30 MB]. Seminar details:

When: March 18: Dr. Kathy Crane (NOAA Arctic Research Office): Title: Collaborative NOAA-Russia Ocean Observations in The Bering and Chukchi Seas. Download presentation [PDF ~5.2 MB] and podcast audio [MP3 ~57 MB; WMA ~17 MB]. Seminar details:

When: April 03: Dr. Yi Ming (NOAA GFDL). Title: Formation and Climate Impacts of Arctic Haze. Seminar details:

When: April 15: Dr. Igor Krupnik (Smithsonian Institution) - Title: IPY and Indigenous People: Local Knowledge Contributes to the Study of Arctic Change. Download presentation [PDF] and podcast audio [WMA]. Seminar details:

When: April 24: Dr. Rebecca A. Woodgate (University of Washington). Title: Changes In The Bering Strait - Pacific Gateway To The Arctic. Seminar available via webcast/phone. Download podcast audio [WMA]. Seminar details:

When: April 28: Dr. Susan Solomon (NOAA ESRL). Title: Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Gases, and the Special Case of Antarctic Climate Change. Download presentation [PDF ~16 MB] and audio podcast [WMA ~30.5 MB]. Where: SSMC-3 4th Floor, Room 4527. Seminar details:

When: April 30: Dr. Kelly K. Falkner (National Science Foundation). Title: The Antarctic Integrated System Science on the Antarctic Peninsula. Where: SSMC-3 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library. Download presentation [PDF]. Seminar details:

When: May 7 : Jon Kurland (NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Region) and Mike Sigler (NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center). Title: NOAA’s Role in the Science and Management of Arctic Fish and Marine Mammals. Where: SSMC-3 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library. Seminar details:

When: May 14: Dr. John Walsh (University Alaska Fairbanks). Title: Recent Arctic climate change: Observations and model simulations. Where: SSMC-3 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library. Seminar details:

When: May 21: Albert. E. Theberge Jr. (NOAA Central Library Silver Spring). Title: NOAA Ancestors In The Polar Regions 1860-1970. Where: SSMC-3 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library. Seminar details:

When: May 27: Dr. Taneil Uttal (NOAA ESRL). Title: The International Arctic System for Observing the Atmosphere. Where: SSMC-3 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library. Seminar details:

When: May 28: Dr. John Cloud (NOAA Central Library Silver Spring). Title: How NOAA got to High Latitudes in the First Place: George Davidson of the Coast Survey, and Koh-klux, and Alaska. Where: SSMC-3 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library. Seminar details:

When: May 29: Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colón (U.S. National/Naval Ice Center). Title: TBD. Where: SSMC-3 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library. Seminar details:

When: June 11: Dr. Jawed Hameedi (NOAA NOS/NCCOS). Title: Assessing human health impacts of environmental contamination in the U.S. Arctic. Where: SSMC-3 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library. Seminar details:

When: June 17: Dr. Jackie M. Grebmeier (Chesapeake Biological Laboratory). Title: TBD. SSMC-3 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library. Seminar details:


Pending confirmation/scheduling of seminar dates:

When: TBD: Julie Gourley (U.S. State Dept.). Title: The new US Arctic Policy
When: TBD: Jeremy Potter (NOAA Program Coordination Office). Title: TBD
When: TBD (~June): Dr. John A. Calder (NOAA Arctic Research, Climate Program Office). Title: TBD
When: TBD: Anna Fiolek (NOAA Central Library Silver Spring). Title: TBD.

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January 2009



Review of AMS Annual Meeting Abstracts 1-slide briefings by STAR Scientists

Friday, 09 January 2009, 11:30- 14:30 ETZ (World Weather Building, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; NESDIS-STAR seminar)
STAR Scientists presenting at the annual AMS Meeting
Come learn about the excellent work being performed at STAR and presented at the various symposia in Phoenix, Arizona: 89th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 11-15 January 2009.
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone Access: 1.866.541.9958; Passcode: 2531766. World Weather Building Science Center, 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746. For further information plase contact Bruce Ramsay (301) 405-9205
Download Presentation(s):
Download presentations [PDF, ~4.3 MB]
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, January 7, 2009 7:27 AM / Last modified Wednesday, January 14, 2009 12:21 PM


Alaska Climate In The Modern Era

Wednesday, 21 January 2009; 10:00-11:00am Alaska Daylight/Standard Time ( RISA/ACCAP seminar via teleconference only )
Rick Thoman (NOAA NWS)
What is the difference between climate and weather? How does the extent and limitation of instrument records in Alaska influence climate observations? What is the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and how does it influence climate variability in Alaska? Join us for this ACCAP teleconference to learn the answers to these questions and more.
Remote Access & Notes:

To Participate / Log-In to the Alaska Climate Teleconference: Teleconference: 1) Dial:1-800-893-8850; 2) When prompted, enter the PIN code: 7531823. To view the presentation during a teleconference: 1) Point your web browser to:; 2) Click on the blue *Join a Meeting* button on the left side bar. 3) For Presenter ID enter: To join us in person: If you are in Fairbanks, join us in person on the UAF campus in the Duckering Building Room 535. Map: (purple zone). For more information about the Alaska Climate Teleconferences and the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy, please contact Sarah Trainor ( (907) 474-7878, ) or visit our website:

Download Presentation(s):
Download presentation [PDF, ~1.5 MB]
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, January 7, 2009 7:16 AM / Last edited on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:50 AM


Progress in Climate Science: NOAA's Tropical Moored Buoy Array Program

Monday, 26 January 2009, 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library, NODC Seminar)
Dr. Michael J. McPhaden (NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, Washington)
NOAA's Tropical Moored Buoy Array Program is a coordinated, multi-national effort to implement a sustained moored buoy observing system in the global tropics for climate research and prediction. The array addresses NOAA Strategic Plan goal of "Understanding climate variability and change to enhance society's ability to plan and respond." This presentation will review the scientific background motivating development of the program, highlight progress in understanding and forecasting climate variability originating in the tropics, and describe plans for completing and sustaining the array.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#". Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Olga.Baranova (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Notes about the speaker(s):
Download Presentation(s):
Download power point presentation [PDF].
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:38 AM / Last updated Monday, February 2, 2009 8:48 AM


Vaquita Expedition 2008 Developing acoustic monitoring for the world’s most endangered marine mammal

Monday, 26 January 2009; 11:00-12:00 PTZ (SSMC-3, Room 14836; NOAA Fisheries Seminar)
Dr. Barbara Taylor (SWFSC Protected Resources Division)
Mexico has invested over $18 million dollars to save this species. Vaquita Expedition 2008 brought an international team of scientists together to help Mexico better monitor this species using the latest acoustic technologies. Dr. Taylor relates the many successes of the Expedition and explains why there is new cause for optimism. See
Remote Access & Notes:
For further information, please contact Dr. Lisa T. Ballance (Director Protected Resources Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries;; Phone: 858-546-7173) or Steven Swartz (
Download Presentation(s):
Download seminar flier announcement [PDF]
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday, January 22, 2009 6:37 AM


Comparative evaluation between Feng Yun 1D, NOAA AVHRR, MODIS and LandSat 5 TM images working as a satellite constellation for burned areas detection on Paraná Medio Flooding Valley in Argentina

Tuesday, 27 January 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Carlos Cotlier (University of Rosario, Argentina)
Bushes and natural vegetation are burned on the islands belonging to the Paraná River Flooding Valley to obtain soft grass for cattle raising, burning has been intensified in the last years, destruction of a wild wetlands with unique characteristic are done. Because of the unique characteristics, this flora and fauna reservation should be protected by monitoring against indiscriminate burning. The use of NDII (Normalized Difference Infrared Index) and BAI (Burned Area Index) indexes are applied for the analysis of the affected areas and images were created with infrared bands combinations.
Remote Access & Notes:
For further information please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
Download Presentation(s):
Download power point presentation [PPT]
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, January 21, 2009 6:28 AM


Oysters and Breast Cancer

Thursday, 29 January 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library, NOAA OAR Office of SeaGrant Seminar)
Dr. Jack Losso (LSU)
A compound in the fats found in Louisiana oysters could be a key ingredient in treating and preventing cancer according to LSU AgCenter food science researcher Dr. Jack Losso. Dr. Losso has found that ceramide found in oysters can restrict blood vessel growth and development of cancer cells in test tubes. It can also inhibit blood vessel growth in rats. By preventing the formation of blood vessels, called angiogenesis, the compound keeps cancer cells from multiplying because they can’t grow without nutrients from the blood. Ceramide works on human breast cancer cells both in test tubes and in laboratory rats. When breast cancer cells come in contact with ceramide, they begin dying within 48-hours. These findings and other significant human health findings related to oysters will be presented at this seminar.
Remote Access & Notes:
For further information please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:42 PM


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February 2009




Storm Surge Modeling and Forecasting using MIKE 21 and MIKE FLOOD

Tuesday 03 February 2009; 14:00-15:00 ETZ (SSMC-2, Room 8246, NWS/OHDRMS seminar)
Dr. Ole Petersen, (DHI, Denmark) and Mr. Dale Kerper (DHI, Inc., USA)
The talk will begin with a brief presentation of DHI (who they are, where they are and what they do), followed by a presentation of the MIKE 21 modeling system. The focus will be on forecasting and on storm surge and flood modeling in estuaries and rivers. The presentation will include a description of the MIKE FLOOD modeling system, a diverse modeling system where 1D and 2D models are dynamically coupled. The background and methods used for the models will be discussed, and some of the relevant features of the modeling system presented. The model has been applied in many different projects and a few relevant cases will be shown including flood warning in Venice, Italy and cyclone warning in Bangladesh.
Remote Access & Notes:
Seminar available via Webinar Reserve your Webinar seat now at: Remote participants must use this link to receive connection information. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. For further information please contact
About The Speaker(s):

Dr. Ole Petersen works for DHI in Denmark, and has nearly 25 years of comprehensive experience in modeling estuarine problems, both numerically and physically. The fields of interest comprise hydrodynamics, stratified flows, sediment transport and morphology with focus on cohesive sediments. He has coordinated and participated as a core member of development teams of hydrodynamic models with focus on two- and three-dimensional estuarine models of stratified flows and sediment transport. He has a substantial academic and research record, has coordinated international research projects, acted as lecturer and external examiner for Danish universities and as reviewer for several international journals and science foundations.

Mr. Dale Kerper works for DHI in Encinitas, CA and has nearly 20 years of modeling experiences in a wide variety of fields, including offshore, coastal, estuarine and riverine environments. Recent experience has focused on tides, storm surge, wave modeling, including overland flow for flood inundation studies. Mr. Kerper has performed and reviewed numerous flood studies for FEMA in coastal, riverine and alluvial environments, and is an acting reviewer for FEMA for the ongoing restudies of Louisiana and Texas coastlines. Relevant past experiences includes implementing a storm surge modeling system for the City of Venice Flood Warning System, and recently assisting LSU with implementing a Wave Forecast System for the Gulf of Mexico.

OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday January 21, 2009 9:05 AM / Last edited Monday February 2, 2009 12:58 PM


Endnote training for NOAA staff

Wednesday, 04 February 2009; Two sessions: 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Doug Nguygen (Thomson Reuters)
Endnote ( is a bibliographic management tool that allows researchers, students, and librarians to search online bibliographic databases, organize their references, images and PDFs, and create bibliographies and figure lists instantly. This class will cover all the basics of using Endnote, Endnote for Web, and using Endnote to insert and cite references as you type your paper. NOAA has a site-wide license for Endnote. To download Endnote, see NOAA NITES site ( Registration is required: Send an email to to reserve your spot in either the 10-12 session or the 1-3 session.
Remote Access & Notes:
Endnote training session is open only to NOAA employees or contractors working full-time at a NOAA facility. Remote access: The presentations will also be available remotely as a webinar. Registration is needed. Please send an email to to register for the webinar. Indicate if you will be attending the 10-12 session or the 1-3 session. Information on how to access the webinar will be mailed to you in advance of the February 4 date. For further information please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
About the speaker(s):
Doug Nguyen, Customer Education Specialist, ResearchSoft, Scientific Thomson Reuters, O: +1 415 344 3985.,
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, January 2, 2009 11:54 AM / Last updated Monday, February 2, 2009 8:51 AM


Ocean Surface Roughness Measurement from CALIPSO and its Application in Wind and Air-Sea Gas Exchange

Wednesday, 04 February 2009, 9:00-10:00 ETZ (NOAA Science Center, World Weather Building, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; NESDIS-STAR seminar)
Dr. Yongxiang Hu (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA)

Uncertainty associated with vertical gas exchange at ocean surface is a major contributor of uncertainty in global carbon budget assessment. The estimate of ocean carbon uptake varies from 1.1 PgC/yr (Liss and Merlivat (1986) to 3.3 PgC/yr (Wanninkhof and McGillis, 1999) as a result of difference in air-sea gas exchange estimates. High resolution lidar measurements of ocean surface roughness may lead to significant reduction in global air-sea gas exchange uncertainty. Air-sea exchange is linearly proportional to wave slopes at all wave scales (wave number ranging from 50 to 800 rad/m), especially the smaller scale waves such as capillary waves (Frew et al., 2003). The air-sea gas exchange is currently parameterized to wind information associated with microwave measurements (such as QuikScat and AMSR-E). Microwave measurement of ocean surface roughness is directly related to lower frequency surface waves (<50 rad/m). The link between microwave measurement and higher frequency waves is nonlinear. At shorter wavelengths (1 micron), lidar measures wave slope variance of all waves more directly. Thus it provides direct and accurate gas exchange information. High resolution near surface wind speed can also be derived from the lidar ocean surface roughness measurements (Hu et al. 2008). One of the shortcomings of satellite based lidar measurement (such as CALIPSO) is its limited spatial coverage (nadir or near nadir only). It is thus highly desirable to study global gas exchange and near surface wind with combine lidar/SAR measurements since SAR provides high spatial ocean surface backscatter at a wider swath. This talk intends to introduce the lidar ocean surface roughness measurements from CALIPSO, and to initiate discussions on potential collaborations between NOAA and NASA in the field of high resolution near surface wind and gas exchange studies with combined lidar/SAR measurements.

Remote Access & Notes:
For questions about this seminar please contact Jerry Zhan, (301) 763-8042 x148 and Delshaun Adams, (301) 763-8044 x104. World Weather Building Science Center, 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746.
Notes about the speaker(s):
Download Presentation(s):
Download presentation [PDF]
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, February 2, 2009 8:58 AM / Last edited Wednesday, February 4, 2009 10:04 AM


Ecological Forecasting: Climate Change and Intertidal Biogeography

Wednesday, 04 February 2009; 12:00 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room 8150, NOS seminar)
David S. Wethey (Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina)
This talk will provide an overview of mechanistic links between climate, geography and population biology of dominant large estuarine species, in order to forecast the impact of climate change on the suitability of estuaries and rocky intertidal shores as nursery grounds for commercially and recreationally important marine species. We have developed models that are used to identify hot spots and cold spots on the coastlines that should be the most sensitive to environmental change, either from long term global warming, or from decadal scale processes like El Nino. The hot spots are locations where natural resource managers and planners should expect to see local mass die-offs, and shifts in population distributions. The ecological forecasts use the NOAH land surface model, NOAA operational models (GFS, NAM, Wavewatch III), sea surface temperature analyses (GHRSST), and tide models. Longer term forecasts are made using NOAA climate forecasts (CFS) and climate scenarios (GFDL). Nowcasts are made from temperature gradients measured by polar and geostationary satellite platforms.

Our forecasting and hindcasting models have been verified with observations from biomimetic data loggers in rocky and sedimentary habitats in the National Estuarine Research Reserves. Our forecasting tools have successfully predicted reproductive success and failure, and mass die-offs in important estuarine species. We have successfully modeled continental scale changes in the geographic limits of species on time scales of 100 years. These results have been verified with 100 years of biogeographic data and our own shore surveys. We will discuss the implications of these results for the establishment of monitoring sites in the Biodiversity Observation Network, proposed for inclusion in the Group on Earth Observations.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, January 30, 2009 18:35 PM


The Yukon River Basin Water Quality Monitoring Program: Partnership between Government and Grassroots at the National and International Levels

Thursday, 05 February 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #9153, NOS seminar)
Bryan Kahrohnyakdahdyeh Maracle (Lead Scientist, Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council)
Forging the largest international treaty between First Nations, sixty-six tribes and First Nations of Alaska and the Yukon Territory have joined to create the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC) to reinforce their collective interest and stewardship of the Yukon River. YRITWC’s mission is to monitor, preserve, and protect the health of the Yukon River Basin, a goal which is made complex by the four major jurisdictional factions in this area. First Nations of the Yukon Territory, Alaska Natives, the United States, and Canada all have a stake in the watershed. The tribe’s self-determination in conjunction with its control of human and natural resources offer unique advantages, and challenges, for successful monitoring. Issues include establishing primary jurisdiction, allocating resources to the monitoring effort, and setting protocols with a defined management standard of quality.

The Yukon River Basin consists of 330,000 square miles, with one-third in the Canadian Yukon Territory and two-thirds in Alaska. From 2000 to 2005, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a study of the Basin to establish baseline water quality conditions. The collaboration of the USGS and Environment Canada (EC) was essential for understanding variations in water quality as the Yukon flows from the Canadian headwaters to the Bering Sea.

In 2004, YRITWC and USGS began partnering to continue and extend water quality monitoring into a long-term database. YRITWC worked with USGS to develop sampling methods, protocols and a training structure modeled after USGS methods (USGS, TWRI, Book 9). In March 2006, YRITWC began monitoring the Yukon River Basin, funded by an Administration for Native Americans (ANA) grant for regulatory enhancement. Sample sites were established between Dawson City, Yukon Territory, and Pilot Station, Alaska. Discretionary funds were used to establish the Dawson City site. The scope of the Yukon Territory monitoring effort is determined, to a large degree, by available funding. In early 2007, YRITWC received a grant from EC to conduct a workshop with EC, USGS, Yukon Territory Government, and Water Survey of Canada. At the workshop, interested native tribes joined the YRITWC to assist in ongoing water quality monitoring efforts. In early 2008, YRITWC secured a grant through the Northern Strategies Trust of Canada and began a partnership with the Yukon Territory Government (YTG). This partnership extended the monitoring project to cover the Yukon Territory. The expansion of the project has lead to the first time in history that water quality will be seen in a single ‘snapshot’ at the large basin scale.

Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
Link To This Seminar
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, January 23, 2009 7:57 AM


Climate Change and Tourism in Alaska

Tuesday, 10 February 2009; 10:00-11:00am Alaska Daylight/Standard Time ( RISA/ACCAP seminar via teleconference only )
Dr. John Walsh (University of Alaska)
Recent research at the Universities of Illinois and Alaska has investigated the links between climate warming and tourism demand. A tourism climate index was created to capture weather information relevant to tourist activity at a particular location. Join us to learn about trends in the season length and frequency of weather conducive to sight seeing and skiing in southcentral and southwest Alaska and to learn how this climate index for tourism can be applied in other tourist activities and locations in Alaska.
Remote Access & Notes:

To Participate / Log-In to the Alaska Climate Teleconference: Teleconference: 1) Dial:1-800-893-8850; 2) When prompted, enter the PIN code: 7531823. To view the presentation during a teleconference: 1) Point your web browser to:; 2) Click on the blue *Join a Meeting* button on the left side bar. 3) For Presenter ID enter: To join us in person: If you are in Fairbanks, join us in person on the UAF campus in the Duckering Building Room 535. Map: (purple zone). For more information about the Alaska Climate Teleconferences and the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy, please contact Sarah Trainor ( (907) 474-7878, ) or visit our website:

Download Presentation(s):
Download presentation [PDF]
Link To This Seminar
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, January 7, 2009 7:18 AM / Last edited Wednesday, February 11, 2009 6:46 AM


Impact of Solid Wastes on the Atmosphere and on Coastal Areas of Developing Countries: Issues and Emerging Solutions

Wednesday, 11 February 2009; 11:00-12:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 4th Floor, Room 4817, NODC Seminar)
Martin Medina, Ph.D. (NESDIS, International Relations Specialist)
Human societies use a wide array of inputs in order to satisfy their needs: water, energy, wood, metals, plastics, glass, and so on. The processes of production and consumption generate large amounts of solid wastes. Solid wastes need to be collected, transported, and disposed of in order to prevent a negative environmental impact. Developed countries have in place the infrastructure and methods that minimize pollution and the risks to human health and the environment associated with wastes. Developing countries, however, often lack the resources to manage their wastes in an environmentally sound manner. Many developing countries are unable to collect all the wastes generated, and of these only a fraction receive final proper disposal. Insufficient collection and improper final disposal of wastes constitute a source of air, water, and land pollution, and pose risks to human health and the environment. This seminar examines the environmental impact of the improper management of solid wastes on the atmosphere and on coastal areas of developing countries. Recent evidence from Asia and Latin America will be briefly discussed, as well as the emergence of win-win efforts that improve waste management, create jobs, reduce poverty, diminish pollution and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#". Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Space in conference Room 4817 in SSMC-3 is limited to about 20-25 people. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (
Notes about the speaker(s):

Martin Medina received a Ph.D. in Environmental Studies from Yale University and a Master's in Ecology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has received several international awards for his work, including 4 consecutive from the Global Development Network, the world's largest competition in development research. Author of a book on waste management and recycling in developing countries and of a recent piece in Foreign Policy magazine.

Download Presentation(s):
Download presentation [PDF, ~10.5 MB]
Link To This Seminar
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, February 2, 2009 11:54 AM / Last edited Wednesday, February 11, 2009 12:16 PM


National Cancer Institute's Marine Collection Programs: Problems, pratfalls and lessons learned

Wednesday, 11 February 2009; 12:00-13:00 (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Dr. David J. Newman, D.Phil. (Chief, Natural Products Branch, National Cancer Institute)
The National Cancer Institute's Natural Products Branch ( located at Fort Detrick, Maryland, is a high-tech prospector for natural marine products which could help fight or cure cancer. Dr. Newman, a world leader in this line of investigation, will discuss the work of the Natural Products Branch which acquires crude natural materials from both terrestrial and marine environments, usually via competitive contracts world-wide, for extraction and screening of chemicals and compounds which could be of value in the fight against cancer. The responsibilities of his research branch include the selection and evaluation of the materials to be tested, and the procurement of large quantities of raw materials necessary to produce sufficient quantities of those active agents selected for preclinical and clinical evaluation.
Remote Access & Notes:
Telephone: 866-631-5469; passcode: 3958086. For further information about this seminar please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
Download Presentation(s):
Download power point presentation [PPT]
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, February 4, 2009 6:28 AM / Last edited Wednesday, February 11, 2009 12:16 PM


Sea-Level Rise and Wetland Design at Poplar Island, MD

Wednesday, 18 February 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
Justin Callahan (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Increases in relative sea-level may pose a significant risk to the success of constructed wetlands within the Chesapeake Bay. This presentation will examine current USACE design guidance, predicted scenarios for a constructed wetland at Poplar Island, and wetland design/development strategies that account for projected sea-level rise.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, February 6, 2009 6:58 AM


Regional Data Assimilation of AIRS Observations at the SPoRT Center

Wednesday, 18 February 2009, 14:00-15:00 ETZ (World Weather Building, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; JCSDA seminar)
Will McCarthy & Brad Zavodsky (NASA/MSFC Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center [SPoRT])
The hyperspectral nature of AIRS provides high-quality soundings that, along with their asynoptic observation time over North America, are attractive sources to fill the spatial and temporal data voids in upper air temperature and moisture measurements for use in data assimilation and numerical weather prediction. Observations from AIRS can be assimilated either as direct radiances or retrieved thermodynamic profiles, and the Short-Term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center has used both data types to improve short-term (0-48h), regional forecasts. Working with both types of data has its challenges and limitations. This presentation is aimed at sharing SPoRT's experiences using AIRS radiances and retrieved profiles in regional data assimilation activities by showing that proper handling of issues—including cloud contamination and land emissivity characterization—are necessary to produce optimal analyses and forecasts. Additionally, results of these data assimilation activities and future work will be shared.
Remote Access & Notes:
This seminar was originally scheduled for Wednesday, 21 January 2009. The new date is 18 February 2009. Phone Access: Domestic: 1.800.779.2712, International:; Passcode: 33748. For questions please contact Christina Bacon (301-763-8154 x 188;
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Notes about the speaker(s):
About Brad Zavodsky (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, December 8, 2008 10:14 AM / Last edited Monday, February 9, 2009 6:27 AM


Free Consulting Services – Resources and Solutions You Can Leverage to Enhance Your Organizational and Staff Effectiveness

Thursday, 19 February 2009; 12:00 - 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Steve Springer (Director of the Human Capital Planning Division, Corporate & Strategic Initiatives (CSI), of NOAA’s Office of Workforce Management)
There are numerous questions NOAA managers must face when it comes to managing their staff:

* How do I retain valuable employees?
* How do I find the right candidates for open positions, or what kinds of employment programs are available to help me fill those positions?
* What kind of employees, how many, and what skill sets will I need next year or perhaps in 5 to 10 years?
* How can I most effectively and efficiently train my staff especially when they are in different locations?

If you arent sure of the answers to these and other workforce-related questions, CSI can help. As part of its commitment to have the scientific, technical, and mission support expertise necessary to accomplish its mission, NOAAs Workforce Management Office established CSI. CSI employs internal consultants with a wide variety of specialized expertise areas like recruiting, workforce planning, competency modeling, instructor-led training, e-Learning, alternative dispute resolution, and instructional design. This presentation will provide an overview of the various services CSI provides and give NOAA managers the tools they need to develop, value and sustain a world-class workforce.

Remote Access & Notes:
For further information about this seminar please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
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Notes about the speaker(s):
Mr. Springer has over 20 years of experience in both the private and public sectors helping organizations use their most valuable resource, people, more effectively. He has worked as both an internal and an external consultant to a wide range of organizations including Fortune 100 companies, local and Federal public sector organizations, and national associations. His areas of expertise include performance management, competency modeling, career development, staffing, compensation/classification, and organizational development.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, January 2, 2009 11:16 AM / Last edited Wednesday, February 4, 2009 6:34 AM


The CERES S’COOL Project: Bringing Cloud Science and Satellite Data To The K-12 Classroom

Monday, 23 February 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Dr. Lin H. Chambers (NASA Langley Research Center)
This presentation will provide an introduction to the CERES S'COOL Project, a 12-year-old NASA K-12 education project which brings the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) project into schools to motivate authentic science experiences for students. The project emphasizes sky and weather observations, introduces remote sensing and validation, and involves students as part of the CERES research team.
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone/teleconference: 866-631-5469; passcode: 3958086. For further information about this seminar please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
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Notes about the speaker(s):
Dr. Chambers is a physical scientist in the Climate Science Branch at the NASA Langley Research Center. She received her Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from North Carolina State University in 1991. Dr. Chambers has worked in a variety of radiative transfer applications, including nonequilibrium flows and cloud inhomogeneity effects. She is a member of the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Science Team. Research activities have focussed on assessing the effect of inhomogenous clouds on satellite remote sensing and cloud/radiation parameterizations, as well as on better understanding the radiative properties of Tropical cloud systems. Dr. Chambers is also director of the outreach component of the CERES effort, the Students' Cloud Observations On-Line (S'COOL) Project, and she was the Contrail Scientist for the GLOBE program. She leads the MY NASA DATA project at the Langley Atmospheric Science Data Ceter to make real NASA earth-observing data accessible to the K-12 and citizen science community.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday February 18, 2009 6:56 AM / Last edited Monday, February 23, 2009 2:56 PM


Seminar 1: Conservation Action Plans in CNMI
Seminar 2: American Samoa Population Growth and its Impacts on Coastal Resources
Seminar 3: RARE Pride Environmental Campaign in Guam

Thursday, 26 February 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Kathleen M. Herrmann, Alyssa Edwards, and Elaina Todd

Seminar 1 (speaker: Kathleen M. Herrmann). Ms. Herrmann has facilitated the completion of a Conservation Action Plan for Laolao Bay and is working with agency staff to implement the plan. She is facilitating a capacity building training for local staff to design and implement socioeconomic monitoring in Laolao Bay. She has also facilitated the Talakhaya Watershed Restoration project; a multiagency partnership which in 2008 planted 31,473 seedlings, employed 25 community members through the Luta Livelihoods Initiative, and has documented statistically significant improvement on adjacent coral reefs.

Seminar 2 (speaker: Alyssa Edwards): An ecological treasure in the South Pacific, the U.S. Territory of American Samoa consists of five volcanic islands, plus two atolls, all of which are surrounded by fringes of coral reefs. American Samoa is the only jurisdiction to identify population pressure as a key threat to local coral reefs. NOAA Coral Reef Management Fellow Alyssa Edwards is currently working with the government's Coral Reef Advisory Group to identify ways of reducing rapid population growth and its impact on coastal resources.

Seminar 3 (speaker: Elaina Todd). Elaina works with the Guam Coastal Management Program where she coordinated the Guam Year of the Reef, planning a recreational user stewardship workshop, coral bleaching training, children’s snorkeling & educational fair and the grand finale event including a free screening of the 11th hour, a reef stewardship awards ceremony and movie in the park for kids! She is currently training at Georgetown University to launch a Rare Pride campaign focused on conserving Guam’s coral reefs.

Remote Access & Notes:
Phone/teleconference: 866-631-5469; passcode: 3958086. For further information about this seminar please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
Notes about the speaker(s):
Three of NOAA's Coral Management Fellows from the Pacific will be giving a lecture about their program-supported environmental work in the region.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, February 20, 2009 2:25 PM


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March 2009




Interactive Earth: Tools for Earth System Science program

Wednesday, 11 March 2009; 11:30-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Dr. Kirk Bergstrom (WordLink)
TBD. Dr. Kirk Bergstrom will present the NSF-funded "Interactive Earth: Tools for Earth System Science" program.
Remote Access & Notes:
For further information about this seminar please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
Notes about the speaker(s):
Dr. Kirk Bergstrom is founder and President of WorldLink, a media and education group based in San Francisco, California. In this capacity, he has directed special projects for the National Science Foundation, PBS, Walt Disney Imagineering, State of the World Forum, California Science Center, and Tech Museum of Innovation. Recently, Kirk completed production on a new PBS special entitled Nourish: Food + Community which explores the possibilities of a sustainable food system. He also directed the award-winning PBS program Power Shift: Energy + Sustainability and a companion traveling exhibit. Kirk received two national Emmy Awards for his film Spaceship Earth: Our Global Environment. Dr. Bergstrom also serves as principal investigator of a NSF-funded project entitled Interactive Earth: Tools for Earth System Science. A digital mapping tool, the program includes more than 100 global data sets and an interdisciplinary curriculum organized around real-world issues. He also designed the Eye on Earth multimedia exhibit that explores the art and science of remote sensing. Kirk’s work in interactive media originated in 1982 with the critically acclaimed Los Angeles TeleVote, one of the first large-scale experimentsin teledemocracy. In 1985, he was invited by Walt Disney Imagineering to participate in designing future interactive facilities and exhibits for the EPCOT theme park in Florida. From 1992-96, Kirk served as Executive Director of the Global Youth Summit, a week-long educational program that brings together young leaders from around the world. Convened in Rio de Janeiro during the 1992 Earth Summit and later in San Francisco as part of the State of the World Forum, the Global Youth Summit has served youth from over 40 nations. Kirk earned a B.A. degree in Cinema Production from the University of Southern California and a M.A. in Futures Studies from the University of Hawaii. He received his Doctorate in Education from the University of San Francisco.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, February 27, 2009 1:59 PM


The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission and Falling Snow Algorithm Development

Wednesday, 11 March 2009; 14:00-15:00 ETZ (World Weather Building, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; JCSDA seminar)
Gail Skofronick Jackson (Deputy Project Scientist for GPM) and Arthur Y. Hou (Project Scientist for GPM) [NASA/GSFC]

High spatial and temporal resolution global precipitation estimates are important for understanding the Earth’s energy and water cycles. Thus, the upcoming NASA/JAXA Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission seeks to estimate precipitation (falling snow as well as liquid rain) globally using physically-based retrieval approaches. The GPM concept centers on deploying a Core spacecraft carrying a dual-frequency precipitation radar and a microwave radiometric imager with channels from 10 to 183 GHz to serve as a precipitation physics observatory and a calibration reference to unify a constellation of dedicated and operational passive microwave sensors. A summary of the GPM mission, scientific objectives, and sensors will be provided. Next, progress and challenges associated with early development work for GPM snowfall detection and estimation will be presented. The focus is on NOAA’s AMSU-B (MHS) radiometer data and field campaign data collected during the Canadian CloudSat/CALIPSO Validation Project (C3VP) from Oct 2006 to March 2007. Approaches for detecting falling snow and obtaining surface emissivity will be reviewed. This seminar will show that surface emission contributions to the satellite observed brightness temperatures over land can add uncertainty in detecting and estimating falling snow. It will also discuss mitigation approaches for reducing these uncertainties. The above work and future work to incorporate knowledge about falling snow retrievals into the framework of the expected GPM Bayesian retrievals will be described during this presentation.

Remote Access & Notes:

Phone Access: Toll free 1-866-715-2479 Passcode: 9457557 ; International: 1-517-345-5260. For questions please contact Christina Bacon (301-763-8154 x 188;

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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, January 2, 2009 11:16 AM / Last edited Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:14 AM


High Resolution Radar Precipitation Evaluation

Wednesday 11 March, 2008, 13:30-14:30 Eastern Daylight Time (SSMC-2, room 8246, OHD/HSMB/HG Seminar)
Shaorong Wu, Feng Ding, Dave Riley, David Kitzmiller, and Dennis Miller
The Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) has recently been enhanced to process base reflectivity data at 8 times the spatial resolution of its legacy counterpart (250 m x ~0.5º vs. 1000 m x ~1.0 º). While this “super-resolution” will only be applied to some base products in the initial phase of implementation, there is a question as to whether radar-based precipitation estimates generated at these higher resolutions will yield improved accuracy in quantitative precipitation estimates and forecasts (QPE and QPF) at the surface. What may at first seem to be an intuitively logical finding may be offset by several factors that are known to cause discrepancies between QPE and the amounts and distribution of rainfall realized at the ground, including sub-beam advection, evaporation, and hydrometeor interactions. The relative impact of these factors may be exacerbated when QPEs are analyzed at finer spatial scales. In order to investigate this question prior to operational implementation of finer-resolution QPE products, we carried out a study to perform rain gauge-radar statistical comparisons over a span of discrete radar resolutions, ranging from approximately that of the legacy WSR 88D to nearly that of the new "super-resolution". Utilizing a methodology analogous to that of the WSR-88D Precipitation Processing System (PPS), we determined complementary datasets of both one-hourly radar and gauge-rainfall estimates, from data that was collected while a multi-sensor, experimental system was in place in central Florida during the summer of 1998 (the radar data was supplied by NCAR’s S-band, dual polar, Doppler radar, known as “S Pol”, while the rain gauge data was supplied by NASA’s dense, Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission-Ground Validation (TRMM-GV) network). After numerous quality control procedures were applied, a set of gauge-radar correlation and error measures were determined over 96 data hours at each of six, discrete radar-spatial resolutions, ranging from the highest available in the S-Pol system (i.e. 150m x 1.0º) to one close to that of the legacy WSR-88D (i.e. 900m x 1.0º). Three stages of analyses were performed: first, on a point-by-point basis utilizing the complete set of rain gauges; then on sub-sets of closely spaced clusters of gauges to determine if the radar is capable of reproducing fine-scale rainfall patterns over what could be considered multiple, small basins of stream networks; and finally on the same, closely spaced clusters with the gauge values averaged together as mean areal precipitation (MAP) amounts. Examination of these statistics indicates that there is generally little difference across the range of spatial resolutions analyzed; however, the better statistical results were predominantly found at the coarser resolutions. These results imply that, in the cases studied, sub-beam factors offset potential increases in informational content about 1-hour rainfall that might be realized from the determination of QPEs at smaller radar sampling volumes (at least within the constraints of current radar sampling strategies such as 5-minute volumetric scanning).
Remote Access & Notes:
Conference Call: 888-394-4822, Passcode 10048. GotoMeeting: For questions about this seminar please contact
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday March 9, 2009 6:42 AM /Last edited Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:12 AM


Recollections on Wintering Over at The South Pole 1979 on The 30 Year Anniversary

Thursday, 12 March 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:
John C. Bortniak [Commander NOAA Corps (Retired); NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service]
A pictorial recollection on wintering over at the South Pole in 1979 on the 30 year anniversary.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Notes about the speaker(s):
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Tuesday, February 17, 2009 11:19 AM / last edited Wednesday, March 18, 2009 7:04 AM


Commercial Open Ocean Fish Farming in The United States

Thursday, 12 March 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 14th Floor, Room 14836, NOAA Aquaculture Seminar)
Neil Sims (Kona Blue Water Farms, Hawaii)
Neil Sims of Kona Blue Water Farms in Hawaii will give a presentation and answer questions about commercial open ocean fish farming in the United States.
Remote Access & Notes:
For more information about this seminar please contact [(301) 713-9079, ext. 218].
Notes about the speaker(s):
As a marine biologist, Mr. Sims is keenly aware of the challenges facing our oceans and our ocean fisheries. As one of the few open ocean fish farmers in the U.S., he is also well aware of the benefits and challenges of farming the seas. He is one of the first U.S. fish farmers to fight for and earn the “green” designation for a farmed marine fish. Q&A will follow the presentation.
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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Tuesday March 10, 2009 10:17 AM


“MOBY” The Marine Optical Buoy

Friday, 13 March 2009; 10:00-11:00 ETZ (NOAA Science Center, World Weather Building, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; NESDIS-STAR seminar)
Mark Yarbrough (Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Honolulu, HI)
For over a decade the Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) has been the primary vicarious calibration facility for satellite ocean color observations. Approximately 5% of the ocean color signal that is measured by a satellite (Lt) originates from the sea surface. Thus, we must resolve small variations in a large signal to derive any meaningful information from ocean color satellite imagery. In order to measure ocean color with the accuracies necessary to meet NOAA’s mission goal requirements, vicarious calibration using highly calibrated and well characterized instrumentation is required. MOBY has provided this level of high quality measurements since the launch of SeaWiFS in 1997. MOBY is located in coastal Hawaiian waters near the island of Lanai, and has collected near continuous upwelled submarine light measurements that are used to calculate the water-leaving radiances that are measured by satellite. MOBY calibrations are NIST traceable and provide a vital climate quality data link between SeaWiFS, MODIS and foreign sensors and will continue that connection into the VIIRS NPP/NPOESS era. This talk will present the history and need for MOBY, provide details into the operations and calibrations of MOBY, and will give plans for a technology refresh in the near future.
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone Access: 1-888-606-5911; Passcode: 65845. For questions about this seminar please contact Jerry Zhan [(301) 763-8042 x148;], Delshaun Adams [(301) 763-8044 x104;], Mike Ondrusek []. World Weather Building Science Center, 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, February 27, 2009 10:52 AM / Last edited Monday, March 16, 2009 7:25 AM


Basin-scale Habitat Studies in The Eastern Bering Sea – Defining Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Through The Eyes of Fish

Tuesday, 17 March 2009; 14:00-15:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 13 Floor, Room 13836, IOCM Seminar)
Dr. Robert (Bob) A. McConnaughey (NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, Washington)
Essential fish habitat (EFH) mandates were added to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act in 1996. Included were requirements to define “those waters and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, feeding or growth to maturity” for all life stages of all federally managed species in the U.S. EEZ. The obvious importance and the broad scope of the mandate require an objective and efficient approach to the problem. A variety of methods have been used to define the habitats of marine species. Some rely on purely geophysical characterizations but these are overly simplistic and may ignore significant factors, such as temperature, that affect species distributions. Similarly, standardized habitat-classification schemes are too restrictive in that they do not adequately account for the continuous nature of environmental variability or the associated continuous biological responses. In the eastern Bering Sea (EBS), we are using abundance estimates from annual bottom trawl surveys combined with synoptic environmental data to develop basin-scale continuous-valued habitat models for groundfish and benthic invertebrates. The resulting habitat definitions are objective and have quantifiable uncertainty. Predictions are possible and useful performance metrics can be developed when considering new environmental inputs. Models are developed with an iterative process that first assembles existing data to build 1st generation models. Promising new predictors are then evaluated in limited-scale pilot studies, followed by a direct comparison of alternative sampling tools. Finally, the most cost-effective tool is used to map the new variable over the shelf and the existing model for each species is updated to complete the iteration. The team conducting this research consists of biologists, a hydrographer, a physical scientist, and a biometrician from the RACE Division, with significant technical support by other branches of NOAA, University of New Hampshire engineers, Navy technicians and various marine technology manufacturers. This talk will illustrate our methods and findings by presenting a series of recent projects investigating whether our habitat models for the EBS can be improved with quantitative information about seafloor characteristics.
Remote Access & Notes:
Webinar: To register After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. For questions about this seminar please contact or
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday, February 26, 2009 1:36 PM / Last edited Wednesday, March 4, 2009 10:16 AM


The Alaska Marine Information System Project Browser And Database

Tuesday, 17 March 2009; 10:00-11:00 am Alaska Local Time (RISA/ACCAP seminar via teleconference)
Dr. Mark Johnson (University of Alaska Fairbanks) and Dr. Molly McCammon (Alaska Ocean Observing System)
The Alaska Ocean Observing System and the North Pacific Research Board are collaborating to develop the Alaska Marine Information System (AMIS) to catalog and display project information and data. The AMIS Project Browser allows users to search for projects and data by geography, time, funding agency, principal investigator, and data types. AMIS also provides visualization tools for displaying past, current and future projects with their geographic areas and sampling locations displayed on a map. AMIS provides users with data and the project metadata to download. AMIS enhances coordination and efficient use of funding resources by linking visually and through text the status of projects across Alaska. Join us in this teleconference to learn how to use and contribute to the AMIS project.
Remote Access & Notes:
To Participate / Log-In to the Alaska Climate Teleconference: Teleconference: 1) Dial:1-800-893-8850; 2) When prompted, enter the PIN code: 7531823. To view the presentation during a teleconference: 1) Point your web browser to:; 2) Click on the blue *Join a Meeting* button on the left side bar. 3) For Presenter ID enter: To join us in person: If you are in Fairbanks, join us in person on the UAF campus in the Duckering Building Room 535. Map: (purple zone). For more information about the Alaska Climate Teleconferences and the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy, please contact Brook Gamble, Outreach and Education Specialist, (907) 474-7812,] or visit
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, February 6, 2009 6:58 AM / Last edited Wednesday, March 4, 2009 7:21 AM


Predicting Coral Bleaching From Satellite Retrievals of Sea Surface Light and Temperature

Wednesday, 18 March 2009; 09:00 – 10:00 ETZ (World Weather Building Room 209, 5200 Auth Rd, Camp Springs, MD 20746; NESDIS-STAR seminar)
Dr. William Skirving (NOAA-NESDIS-STAR-SOCD Coral Reef Watch)
Coral Reef Watch (CRW) has been widely praised for its coral bleaching product suite. It has been extensively used by US and international reef managers and lawmakers to predict and understand the onset and severity of mass coral bleaching. The current suite of algorithms is based solely on satellite sea surface temperature (SST) retrievals. While they accurately predict the onset of coral bleaching and give a good indication of the severity of the event, they do not accurately predict mortality and have no ability to distinguish differential responses among various coral species. What we know as thermal coral bleaching is caused by accumulated light stress, and the sensitivity of corals to light is modulated by temperature. As SST is a function of incoming solar radiation, the current CRW SST-based product suite indirectly includes light. Our knowledge of coral physiology has come a long way in the last decade and most of the processes causing coral bleaching are now much better understood. The international World Bank/GEF funded Coral Reef Targeted Research programme provided CRW with the opportunity to team up with the world’s foremost experts in coral physiology of coral bleaching and begin the development of a satellite product that combines light and temperature. At the same time, work at STAR has made satellite measures of surface light over the oceans possible. It is hoped that this product will improve our ability to predict the severity and mortality of coral bleaching and will also provide information on the levels of stress needed to bleach various species. This seminar will describe the algorithm, which is soon to be implemented as an experimental satellite product.
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone access: TBD. For questions please contact Tyler Christensen (301-713-2857 x 127;; Jerry Zhan (301-763-8042 x 148; World Weather Building Room 209, 5200 Auth Rd, Camp Springs, MD 20746.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, March 16, 2009 7:17 AM


Collaborative NOAA-Russia Ocean Observations in The Bering and Chukchi Seas

Wednesday, 18 March 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:
Dr. Kathy Crane (Program Manager NOAA Arctic Research office, Climate Program Office)
A discussion of the ongoing NOAA-Russia ocean observing system in the Arctic Basin.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Notes about the speaker(s):

Dr. Crane has worked in Arctic Research and Management since 1980. Her early research centered around the tectonic evolution of the Arctic Ocean Basin, and the study of Arctic methane hydrates. She participated in numerous expeditions with Norway, Sweden, Russia, Canada and the USA in this region. In 1992, Dr. Crane worked with the Environmental Defense Fund to develop the first "Arctic At Risk " program in the United States. As the Soviet Union transformed into the Russian Federation, she helped to facilitate many international collaborative efforts with Russian scientists leading to the present- day Russian American Long-term Census of the Arctic. Dr. Crane received her PhD in 1977 at the Scripps Institution Of Oceanography, carried out post-doctoral research at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and later was a researcher at the Lamont- Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. In 1985 - 2002 Dr. Crane became an Associate and then Full Professor of Geology at Hunter College of the City University of New York. In 2002 she accepted the position of Program Manager in NOAA's Arctic Research Office.

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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday February 18, 2009 3:08 PM / Last edited Monday, March 23, 2009 7:36 AM


Monitoring the Meridional Overturning Circulation

Wednesday, 18 March 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (World Weather Building, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; NESDIS-STAR seminar)
Dr. Molly Baringer (NOAA / OAR / Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory)
Climate models suggest that the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) in the Atlantic, and the accompanying oceanic heat flux, vary considerably on interannual time scales. In addition to abrupt climate change scenarios in which the MOC can virtually shut off (Manabe and Stouffer, 1993; Vellinga and Wood, 2002), the "normal" interdecadal variation may range from 20% to 30% of its long-term mean value, according to some models (e.g., Hakkinen, 1999). However, until recently no direct measurement system had been put in place that could provide regular estimates of the meridional overturning circulation to determine its natural variability or to assess these model predictions. Such a system is now deployed along 26.5°N in the Atlantic as part of the joint U.K./U.S. RAPID-MOCHA program, which has been continuously observing the MOC since March 2004. This presentation will describe this program and the scientific results achieved so far.
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone access: 1-866-541-9958; passcode: 2531766. For further information please contact Bruce Ramsay (301-405-9205;
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About he speaker(s):
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, March 4, 2009 6:52 AM / Last updated Wednesday, March 18, 2009 9:19 AM


Modeling Climate-to-Fish-to-Fishers: Yes We Can!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
Enrique Curchitser (Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University) and Thomas (Zack) Powell (University of California at Berkeley)
There are many challenges to developing Earth System, or end-to-end, models. Some of the challenges are technical: How to represent the widest possible range of relevant physical and biological scales and processes given limited computational resources. Some are conceptual: How many nutrients, phyto- and zoo-plankton functional groups are needed for a given application, how to account for species migration and adaptability and how to explore the relative roles of climate and fishing pressure on fish populations. In this talk we focus on two aspects of an emerging endto-end model: 1. Downscaling of the climate system to regional scales and 2. The development of a fully integrated ecosystem model that includes fish and fishers. The climate downscaling is based on a two-way coupled climate (NCAR-CCSM) and regional (ROMS) models. We will describe the strategies adopted for the coupling and the usefulness of the system for downscaled climate projections. The ecosystem model we present is based on the NEMURO family of ecosystem models. It includes a lower trophic level NPZD model tightly coupled to an individual based model, currently implemented for sardine and anchovy. The ecosystem model is being developed as a tightly coupled module of the regional physical model ROMS. We discuss the challenges that arise from this integration, and present some early results from the ongoing work.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday March 5, 2009 11:12 AM / Last edited: Friday, April 3, 2009 2:06 PM


Assessing Stock Structure and Movements in Relation to Naval Exercises and Fisheries: A Multi-species Satellite Tagging Effort with Hawaiian Odontocetes

Wednesday, 18 March 2009; 13:00-14:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, Room 13836, NOAA Office of Protected Resources Seminar)
Dr. Robin W. Baird (Cascadia Research Collective)
Knowledge of movements and stock structure of most species of small and medium-sized cetaceans is limited due to biased survey coverage and/or the difficulty in detecting, approaching and identifying individuals. Assessing reactions of individual cetaceans in response to naval sonar use is equally problematic – individuals likely react at distances much greater than can be documented from vessels using sonar, and determining reactions requires information on the individuals prior to, during, and after sonar use. While this may be easier for some species, for cryptic, long-diving, or rarely encountered species, documenting observations from vessels, or deploying short-term tags immediately prior to a naval exercise, will be a long-term endeavor, to say the least. We are using recently developed remotely-deployed satellite tags on six species of small and medium-sized odontocetes in Hawaiian waters to examine movements in relation to stock structure, habitat use, and naval sonar use (in association with the 2008 Rim-of-the-Pacific naval exercise). Since 2006 satellite tags have been deployed on four Cuvier’s beaked whales, eight Blainville’s beaked whales, 12 false killer whales, 22 short-finned pilot whales, 12 melon-headed whales, and one pygmy killer whale. Re-sightings and photographs of previously tagged individuals indicate complete healing of the tag attachment sites and no disfigurements. Results on movements of false killer whales in association with long-line fishing effort and other species will be discussed.
Remote Access & Notes:
Webex access: Meeting ID: 487851132. Phone access: 1-888-935-0561; Participants code: 624212. For Webex access questions for this seminar please contact Amy Sloan ( For further information please contact Jaclyn Taylor ( and Helen Golde (
Notes about the speaker(s):
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, March 11, 2009 2:30 PM / Last edited: Thursday March 12, 2009 1:55 PM


Utilizing High Resolution Satellite-derived SST Analysis Products to Develop a New Satellite Based Air-Sea Heat Flux Climatology

Thursday, 19 March 2009; 11:00-12:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 4th Floor, Room 4817, NODC Seminar)
Dr. Christopher Jeffery (NODC)
Ocean-atmosphere heat exchange occurs via a number of processes – solar and longwave radiation, conductive and convective transfer (sensible heat) and by evaporation (latent heat). The resulting net heat flux is a key variable for climate studies. Since direct observations are sparse, we rely on bulk parameterization of the air-sea fluxes as functions of surface meteorological variables. Whilst sources for these flux-related variables include marine surface weather reports from voluntary observing ships collected and atmospheric reanalyses from numerical weather predication (NWP) centers, comprehensive global coverage is only possible from an analysis incorporating satellite measurements. With advances being made in the retrieval of air temperature and humidity from space, it is now possible to produce fluxes using only satellite-derived parameters. We aim to produce global air-sea heat fluxes using multiple GHRSST L4 products and other satellite derived meteorological parameters. Intercomparison of this SST data and subsequently calculated fluxes will feed back into processing and development, and provide the opportunity to improve the current state of knowledge. This talk will outline future work and present preliminary results consisting of daily latent and sensible heat fluxes for 2006 – calculated using the COARE 3.0 bulk flux algorithm. In addition to SST, satellite derived: wind speed, air humidity and air temperature are used as inputs. Surface radiation fluxes from the international satellite cloud climatology project (ISCCP) are also combined to estimate net heat input into the ocean. So far two GHRSST L4 datasets have been processed and fluxes calculated: AVHRR_AMSR_OI (NCDC) and MW_IR_OI (REMSS). Differences of up to 15% in certain areas are observed in annual average latent and sensible heat flux as a result of discrepancies between the global SST analysis products.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#". Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Space in conference Room 4817 in SSMC-3 is limited to about 20-25 people. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (
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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday, January 22, 2009 5:06 PM / Last updated Thursday, March 19, 2009 12:12 PM


International Fisheries Trade Trends

Thursday, 19 March 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Stephane Vrignaud and Tom Asakawa (NOAA Fisheries Service)
Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated - How these fishing practices can affect the seafood you consume NOAA Fisheries Service international trade experts speak on this and other U.S. seafood fisheries management issues.
Remote Access & Notes:
For further information about this seminar please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
Download Presentation(s):

Download: Exporting Seafood to the European Union Powerpoint slides [PPT]
Download: Us Exports to NE Asia Powerpoint slides [PPT]

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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, March 18, 2009 9:16 AM


The Nature Conservancy's Coral Triangle Program: Conservation priorities and strategies in Southeast Asia and the Melanesia

Monday, 23 March 2009; 11:30 – 12:30 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
Rili Djohani (Director, Coral Triangle Program, The Nature Conservancy)
The Nature Conservancy has been active in the Coral Triangle region since 1991, with well-established marine conservations program on the ground in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. The Conservancy more recently began to work with government and other partners in Timor-Leste. TNC’s Coral Triangle Program was launched in 2006, stimulated in large part by recognition that the region has been a global refuge for coral communities during periods of climate change. Please join Rili Djohani, TNC's Coral Triangle Program Director, to learn about the Conservancy's conservation efforts in the region, as well as strategies in place to achieve them.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
Notes about the speaker(s):
For nearly 20 years, Rili has worked to improve the management and finance of marine protected areas and reduce the use of destructive fishing practices in Southeast Asia. She joined The Nature Conservation in 1995 to help establish the Conservancy’s coastal and marine program in Indonesia. Under Rili’s direction, TNC’s Coral Triangle Center in Bali was opened in 2000. The Center’s goals are to strengthen the network of marine protected areas in Indonesia in the Lesser Sundas (Nusa Penida, Komodo, Savu Sea), the Bird’s Head in West Papua (Raja Ampat Islands), Derawan and Wakatobi and the Coral Triangle through public and private partnerships and an integrated approach based on science & policy, outreach & training. Rili also leads an innovative financing and collaborative management initiative in Komodo National Park with the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank. Rili has been TNC’s Country Director for Indonesia for five years and worked closely with TNCs Advisory Board to align and position the program with the national government and TNCs global priorities and helped mobilize resources from private and public resources. In this period, the program scaled up significantly by working with partners including local communities, district government and the private sector on large scale protected area networks embedded in land use planning processes and ecosystem approaches to fisheries using the state of the art science. She focused on strengthening supporting functions of the program such as HR, Finance, Operations and Legal Services as well as the Communications, Policy/Government Relations and Partnerships for TNC in Indonesia. Rili and her team developed succession strategies across the programs and has recruited Indonesians in all senior executive positions. She initiated a five year staff leadership development plan and sparkplug program, chartered the Indonesian Leadership Team and implemented an organizational culture survey to increase program efficiencies. Rili is the chair for the Southeast Asian marine working group of the World Commission of Protected Areas under the auspices of the World Conservation Union and continues to support the Coral Triangle Initiative in Indonesia and the region. She holds a Master of Science degree in tropical marine ecology form the University of Leiden in the Netherlands and a Master of Science in tropical coastal zone management from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne. She is currently enrolled in a PhD program (environmental policy and law) with the University of Leiden that builds upon her marine conservation work in Indonesia. Rili is a board member of the US-based Seacology Foundation.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday March 11, 2009 7:46 AM


Aquarius and Sea Surface Salinity

Monday, 23 March 2009; 14:00-15:00 ETZ (World Weather Building, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; JCSDA seminar)
Dr. Eric Lindstrom (Physical Oceanography Program, NASA Headquarters, Aquarius Program Scientist) and Dr. Gary Lagerloef (Earth and Space Research)
E-mail(s): &
NASA’s Aquarius Mission is now planned to launch in mid-2010 to begin a 3 year (baseline) mission to measure sea surface salinity (SSS) monthly, over the open ocean, with an accuracy of 0.2 on the practical salinity scale (pss), and 150 km spatial resolution. It is the primary component of the international partnership satellite Aquarius/SAC-D, including Argentina, Italy, Canada, France and Brazil. The satellite will be placed in a sun-synchronous polar orbit that repeats every seven days, and will carry several complimentary scientific instruments. The primary sensor is an L-band microwave radiometer/radar system to measure the surface microwave brightness to retrieve SSS and the radar backscatter to correct for surface wind and sea state. This presentation will review the science background, SSS remote sensing and how it works, the Aquarius/SAC-D Mission design, calibration and data validation, algorithms and simulators, ground system, science teams and data access to NOAA and the broader science community.
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone Access: Toll free 1-866-715-2479 Passcode: 9457557 ; International: 1-517-345-5260. For questions please contact Christina Bacon (301-763-8154 x 188;
About the speaker(s):

Dr. Eric Lindstrom:
Dr. Gary Lagerloef:

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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, January 2, 2009 11:16 AM / Last edited Friday, March 20, 2009 8:44 AM


Into the Abyss: Submarine Exploration of the World’s Largest Undersea Canyon

Tuesday, 24 March 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 15th Floor, Room 15836, NMFS Seminar)
Dr. Michelle Ridgway (Alaskan Marine Ecologist and Chair of the Alaska Deep Sea Science Institute)
In the summer of 2007, an international team completed the first ever in-situ exploration of seafloor geological features and biological habitats in Zhemchug and neighboring Pribilof Canyon. Submarine pilot/marine ecologist, Michelle Ridgway, will present highlights of scientific findings and underwater video imagery from the depths of Alaska’s magnificent Beringian canyons. Carved into the North American continental margin by the Yukon River during past Ice Ages, Zhemchug Canyon is the largest undersea canyon in the world. One of several massive undersea chasms along the submerged southern edge of the Bering Sea Land Bridge, the canyons serve as conduits for nutrients upwelling from the deep Aleutian Basin and foraging corridors for species such as crab, halibut, rockfish seabirds and marine mammals. Highly productive currents from the canyons bathe waters surrounding the “Galapagos of the North”, the Pribilof Islands, and nourish their diverse species and extraordinary productivity.
Remote Access & Notes:
For general questions about this seminar, please contact Kate Naughten [(240) 687-9811;]
Notes about the speaker(s):
A lifelong Alaskan, Michelle Ridgway has been exploring under Alaskan seas since 1982. Through over 2,000 scuba dives and piloting Remote Operated Vehicles and submarines, she has examined facets of our marine ecosystem from Chukchi Sea phytoplankton productivity and Aleutian nearshore foodwebs to Sitka Sound kelp beds and deep-sea phenomena of the Bering Sea shelf edge. She continues this work through the private sector, often in collaboration with state, federal, International and University colleagues. When not underwater, Ridgway sails the world’s oceans, serves on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Advisory Panel and serves as Chair of the Alaska Deep Sea Science Institute.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Tuesday, March 17, 2009 10:47 AM / Last edited Tuesday, March 17, 2009 12:06 PM


Institutional Legitimacy and Comanagement of Marine Protected Areas: The Case of Xcalak Reefs National Park, Mexico

Wednesday, 25 March 2001; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
Dr. David M. Hoffman (Department of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures, Mississippi State University)
This presentation will explore the relationships between a conservation intervention, the quest for local institutional legitimacy, and comanagement. More precisely, I will employ the case of Xcalak Reefs National Park, Mexico (PNAX) to illuminate the interaction between contextual and procedural elements of comanagement implementation, how these variables affect the production of legitimacy in the minds of local resource users, and how resultant attitudes can subvert both management devolution and resource conservation. The failure to produce comanagement will be related to the mismatch inherent in attempts to map comanagement onto a histories and institutions that do not align with the morality and practicalities necessary for its implementation. The case reiterates the necessity for conservation managers and practitioners to have an understanding of local history and context. Lastly, Xcalak demonstrates the dangers inherent in management processes that are inconsistent with built expectations. In so doing, I will highlight critical assumptions made in the real-world application of comanagement.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday, March 19, 2009 9:03 AM


The Hope for Integrated Management: Network governance in fisheries and watershed management.

Thursday, 26 March 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Dr. Troy W. Hartley (Virginia Sea Grant Director, Virginia Institute of Marine Science)
Increasingly, coastal and marine resource managers are asked to enhance communication, coordination and integration across ecological, jurisdictional, and sector boundaries. But was would such integrated, ecosystem-based management look like in operation? How do we implement integrated management across the watershed-estuary-ocean divide? This research employs communication network analysis methods to examine the governance networks underlying cases of collaborative watershed planning and Atlantic herring fisheries management. Specifically, the focus is on the extent of collaboration, roles of network leaders and managers, and the enhancement potential of the existing networks. Ramifications for integrated, ecosystem-based management are discussed.
Remote Access & Notes:
Remote access: Audio: 866-631-5469, passcode: 3958086. For further information about this seminar please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
About the speaker(s):
Dr. Troy Hartley is a Research Associate Professor in coastal and marine policy and the Director of Virginia Sea Grant at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS). Dr. Hartley's research interests are in coastal, marine and fisheries policy and management, specifically in the communication networks and stakeholder processes underlying integrated planning and management, adaptive management, collaborative management, ecosystem-based management, and other forms of governance networks.
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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, February 2, 2009 8:53 AM / Last edited Tuesday March 24, 2009 9:51 AM


Coupled Biophysical Modeling in the Northern California Current: GLOBEC Results and Future Directions

Thursday, 26 March 2008; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
Dr. Hal Batchelder (Oregon State University, COAS)
More than a decade of US GLOBEC funding of model and field investigations has improved knowledge on atmospherically-forced patterns of circulation and hydrography in the Northern California Current, and how physical processes interact with ecology to structure continental shelf pelagic ecosystem dynamics and function. Results of coupled biophysical models are highly dependent on having realistic simulations of the ocean physics. This talk will summarize some of the results of GLOBEC's modeling investigations in the Northeast Pacific. How the physical and ecosystem models may be used to answer climate- and conservation-related societal needs will be addressed. Directions for future coupled biophysical models of the Oregon shelf region, including real-time forecasts of the production and fate of shelf primary production and its effects on dissolved oxygen concentration and incipient hypoxic conditions will be outlined.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday March 12, 2009 1:42 PM


Global Climate Variability and its Impacts on North Pacific Ecosystems

Tuesday, 31 March 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
Frank Schwing (NOAA Fisheries Service/Southwest Fisheries Science Center)
One on the important legacies of the US GLOBEC program is that it has advanced our view of climate-ecosystem linkages from a simplistic correlative relationship to one that recognizes and understands the mechanisms by which global climate variability drives changes in regional ecosystem productivity and structure. This talk will describe the multiple approaches to and results of recent work by GLOBEC scientists and colleagues to decipher the patterns in time and space that characterize environmental variability and climate change. Spatial variability from global down to sub-ecosystem scales is important in driving ecosystem processes. Temporal variability includes not only natural interannual to centennial cycles and an apparent anthropogenic global climate change trend, but shifts in seasonal cycles that are critical for the life histories of many managed and protected populations. These analyses have helped us to understand the relationships between past climate and ecosystem variability, and allowed scientists to develop indicators that summarize and assess ecosystem state. Many of these indicators are now being implemented.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:07 AM


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April 2009




NOAA Restoration Day: Bay Grass Growing Workshop *Silver Spring, MD only*

Thursday, 02 April 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #1W611, NCBO workshop)
Allison Hammer and Peter Bergstrom (NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office)
Alison Hammer, NOS Special Projects and Peter Bergstrom, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office will explain the importance of underwater bay grasses in the Chesapeake Bay and distribute bay grass growing tanks for 22 NOAA offices. All 22 tanks have been assigned to offices for this year, but even if your office did not receive a tank you are welcome to come learn more about restoring underwater bay grasses. This informal presentation will include instructions on how to set-up the office tanks. After growing grasses in our offices for 2.5 months, the grasses will be planted during the* 2009 NOAA Restoration Day* event held on June 18 at Otter Point Creek, a component of the Chesapeake Bay MD National Estuarine Research Reserve (~1 hour from Silver Spring, MD).
Remote Access & Notes:
Due to limited space, you *MUST RSVP* by Tuesday, March 31. If your office is receiving a tank, plan on bringing a cart to the workshop to pick up your supplies. To RSVP and for more information about the upcoming NOAA Restoration Day event on June 18 at the Otter Point Creek NERR, contact: or
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, March 27, 2009 12:20 PM


Formation and Climate Impacts of Arctic Haze


Friday, 03 April 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:

Dr. Yi Ming (NOAA GFDL)
Arctic climate is changing at a pace faster than the global average in the recent decades. Arctic haze - an accumulation of long-range transported aerosols - exerts substantial surface warming in winter by interacting with clouds. The formation of Arctic haze and its influence on local climate are poorly understood. Here we find, with the help of a state-of-the-art global climate model, that the poleward transport of European air pollution is controlled strongly by the second climate mode of the North Atlantic - European region. This is supported by the strong correlation of measured surface aerosol concentrations and longwave downward radiative flux with the second mode. A shift of the mode from negative to positive phases doubles the abundance of Arctic haze. This finding is essential for understanding Arctic climate variability and change.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Notes about the speaker(s):

Dr. Ming is a research scientist at NOAA GFDL with interests in Aerosol physics and chemistry, Aerosol-cloud-climate interactions, Anthropogenic and natural climate forcings, and Global and regional climate change. For further information please see A short CV:

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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, March 2, 2009 1:26 PM / Last edited Tuesday, March 3, 2009 8:25 AM


Strengthening Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change Impacts

Monday, 06 April 2009; 14:00 – 15:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room 10153, NOS seminar)
Austin Bowden-Kerby (Project Scientist, Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre)
Climate change is a significant threat to the survival of coral reefs. Warmer waters are implicated in extensive coral bleaching and coral disease, as well increased hurricane activity. These factors have caused significant coral mortality throughout the Caribbean region, resulting in lower coral cover than at any time in recent geological history. Ocean acidification is another serious problem directly related to rising atmospheric CO2 levels, reducing coral growth rates at a time when sea level rise threatens coastlines. The most vulnerable corals appear to be the Acroporids (saghorn and elkhorn corals), with an estimated 99% reduction in abundance in the Caribbean over the past 30 years. These two species became the first reef building corals to be listed as threatened with extinction in 2006, and their decline is directly related to climate change. However, even for the Acroporids, a few widely scattered coral genotypes continue to survive and even to thrive in spite of all of the adversities. It is these “genetic treasures” that the project focuses on, firstly to locate the temperature tolerant genotypes, and then to work to unlock the secrets to their success: growing fragments of these coral genotypes in in-situ coral nurseries, for further testing to discover their upper limits to project their fate into the future, and for out-planting of second-generation coral fragments to create climate change adapted coral reef patches. This is an entirely new approach to climate change adaptation, as the only currently recognized adaptation option for coral reefs is to work to increase coral reef health, hoping that healthy corals will survive better during warm water bleaching episodes. The pilot project, presently taking place in Belize, moves beyond this management option and seeks to actively identify and propagate corals that have survived previous bleaching episodes, disease epidemics, and hurricanes that are directly or indirectly related to increasing water temperatures.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, March 25, 2009 9:23 AM


Population Dynamics of Pacific Salmon

Wednesday, 08 April 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room 8150, NOS seminar)
Louis W. Botsford (Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Population Dynamics, University of California, Davis)
The relative roles of the physical environment and fishing on fish populations is a question that has attracted scientific attention since the mid nineteenth century. Answering this question requires an understanding of the population dynamics of the species of interest. While we know that the direct effect of fishing is on mortality, the environment can affect growth and mortality rates at specific stages in their life history, and these points of action have different implications for expected population changes. In this talk I will trace our development of an understanding of salmon population dynamics from the beginning of the North East Pacific (NEP) GLOBEC program to the Pan Regional Synthesis beginning this year. In the NEP, coho salmon appeared to respond differently to the regime shift in the mid-1970s, offering the valuable opportunity for comparative research. Coho salmon catches showed a clear inverse relationship between Alaska and the California Current, while chinook salmon catches did not. The major population dynamic difference between species, a difference in spawning age distribution, was shown not to provide a clear explanation for this difference. More recent analysis of coho salmon survivals from coded wire tag data (1982-2004) showed a lack of inverse covariability between Alaska and the California Current, rather spatial covariability among survivals over 100 km scales, i.e., local regional scales rather than semi-basin scales. We are currently engaged in modeling studies showing how: (1) the life history point of action of environmental forcing (i.e., mortality or growth rate at age), (2) the variable observed (i.e., recruitment, abundance, catch), and (3) changes long-term survival (as caused by fishing or slow climate change) caused different population responses in Pacific salmon. The direct practical application of our work has been in: (1) assistance in debunking a publication that attempted to reduce the range of the ESA-listed southern coho salmon, and (2) reminding finger-pointing stakeholders in salmon disputes that it is the sum of all sources of mortality that cause declines, not a single cause (e.g., fishing, diversions, dams, etc.)
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Tuesday, April 7, 2009 6:58 AM


The ABI (Advanced Baseline Imager) on the GOES-R series

Wednesday, 08 April 2009; 14:00-15:00 ETZ (SSMC-2, Room 2358, NWS Science and Technology Seminars)
The next generation geostationary satellite series will offer a continuation of current products and services and enable improved and new capabilities. The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on the GOES-R series has been designed to meet user requirements covering a wide range of phenomena. This includes applications related to weather, oceanography, climate, and the environment. The ABI will improve upon the current GOES Imager with more spectral bands, faster imaging, higher spatial resolution, improved navigation and registration, and more accurate calibration. The ABI expands from five spectral bands on the current GOES imagers to a total of 16 spectral bands in the visible, near-infrared and infrared spectral regions. There will be an increase of the coverage rate leading to full disk scans at least every 15 minutes. ABI spatial resolution will be 2 km for the infrared bands and 0.5 km for the 0.64 micro-m visible band. ABI will improve every product from the current GOES Imager and will introduce a host of new products. The ABI will be used to generate “pseudo-soundings” to continue the sounder legacy products such as Total Precipitable Water and atmospheric stability parameters. To better prepare for the on-orbit ABI observations, simulations from a mix of synthetic (derived via advanced forward models) and actual satellite observations will be shown. This includes sample ABI images that are being used to develop a Weather Event Simulator (WES) case.
Remote Access & Notes:
For questions about this seminar please contact Bob Glahn (301-713-1768;
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, March 16, 2009 10:55 AM / Last edited Friday, April 3, 2009 2:49 PM


Climate Influence On Ice Breakup In Alaska

Tuesday, 14 April 2009; 10:00-11:00 am Alaska Local Time (RISA/ACCAP seminar via teleconference)
Larry A. Rundquist (NOAA National Weather Service)
The National Weather Service Alaska-Pacific River Forecast Center has monitored river ice breakup on major rivers in Alaska for decades. The breakup process for large rivers in Interior Alaska can range from dynamic to thermal. The timing and severity of breakup is controlled by both weather and climate. Climate variability influences each of the elements of breakup, but weather patterns control the process. Join us to learn about trends in ice breakup conditions over the past decades, to hear expectations for breakup in 2009, and to discuss implications of variability in breakup conditions.
Remote Access & Notes:
To Participate / Log-In to the Alaska Climate Teleconference: Teleconference: 1) Dial:1-800-893-8850; 2) When prompted, enter the PIN code: 7531823. To view the presentation during a teleconference: 1) Point your web browser to:; 2) Click on the blue *Join a Meeting* button on the left side bar. 3) For Presenter ID enter: To join us in person: If you are in Fairbanks, join us in person on the UAF campus in the Duckering Building Room 535. Map: (purple zone). For more information about the Alaska Climate Teleconferences and the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy, please contact Brook Gamble, Outreach and Education Specialist, (907) 474-7812,] or visit
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, February 27, 2009 7:28 AM /Last updated Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:06 AM


IPY and Indigenous People: Local Knowledge Contributes to the Study of Arctic Change

Wednesday, 15 April 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:
Dr. Igor Krupnik (Curator, Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution)
All previous IPY/IGY initiatives were primarily geophysical programs; they were also exemplary products of the long-established paradigm of ‘polar science.’ Under that paradigm, any data to be used in scholarly analysis and academic publications were to be collected by professional scientists and/or by specially trained observers. Arctic indigenous residents had hardly any documented voice in the early IPY/IGY ventures, except by serving as ‘subjects’ for museum collecting or while working as dog-drivers, guides, and unskilled assistants to research expeditions. Natural scientists and anthropologists with strong interest in Native cultures were the first to break that pattern and to seek polar residents as a valuable source of expertise on the Arctic environment. This presentation explores the new model established by IPY 2007-2008 in reaching out to indigenous people and polar residents in a deliberate effort to document their observations and their knowledge of Arctic climate change. The paper uses the experience of one IPY project, /SIKU/ – Sea Ice Knowledge and Use (IPY #166) and of the resulting collaboration with local indigenous experts in Alaska, Canada, Arctic Russia, and Greenland.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Notes about the speaker(s):
Dr. Igor Krupnik is the Curator, Arctic Studies Center at the Smithsonian Institution and member, Joint Committee for IPY 2007-2008. Dr. Igor Krupnik joined the ASC in September 1991, first as an 'international visiting scholar' under the SI Fellowship program (1991-94) and later as a staff Ethnologist/Research Anthropologist (since 1994). He was appointed Curator of the Arctic and Northern Ethnology collections in 2005, and he is currently in charge of some 30,000 ethnological objects at the NMNH coming from Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Siberia, and the southern portion of the NW Coast. Igor’s most recent contribution to Smithsonian science is his involvement in the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007–2008. He served on the U.S. National Planning Committee for IPY in 2003–2004, before being nominated to the main international steering body for IPY, the IPY Joint Committee, in 2004. On the Joint Committee, Igor serves as one of two social scientists representing the interests of social studies and Arctic residents. He was instrumental in bringing social/human research onto the IPY agenda for the first time in its history and he played a major role in developing a Smithsonian program for IPY, which culminated in a major international workshop, Smithsonian at the Poles: Contributions to IPY Sciences (May 2007) and the subsequent publication of its proceedings (Krupnik, Lang, and Miller, eds. 2009). Igor’s personal contribution to the IPY 2007–2008 science program is an international project called SIKU (Sea Ice Knowledge and Use in the North), on which he coordinates activities of several research teams from Canada, US, Russia, Greenland, and France working in some 20 Arctic communities from Bering Strait to Greenland.See
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday February 6, 2009 12:56 PM / Last updated Friday, April 17, 2009 9:13 AM


Doing Business in China

Wednesday, 15 April 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
LT Paul W. Kemp (Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA National Ocean Service)
In March, Paul Kemp participated in an MBA Study Trip to Beijing and Shanghai. This trip was a required component of University of Maryland University College's (UMUC) Executive MBA ( curriculum. During this trip, Paul kept a journal capturing cultural observations and lectures given at Peking University, Kodak, Inc subsidiary, National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, United Hospital Services (UHS), and Volkswagen. In addition, Paul's Executive MBA cohort visited the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Summer Palace, 2008 Olympics "Bird's Nest" Coliseum, and many other sites. One of the most interesting observations gained from this study trip was the stark contrasts observed between traditional Beijing and progressive Shanghai.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
Notes about the speaker(s):
LT Paul Kemp is the Acting Coordinator of the Commerce & Transportation Goal Team's Emergency Response Program. In addition to these duties, Paul is a watch officer at the NOAA Desk of the Dept. of Homeland Security's National Operations Center (NOC) where Paul briefs DHS's secretary-level leadership on high-impact atmospheric events. Paul also represents the USDA in his capacity as a Emergency Support Function 11 (Natural Resources & Agriculture) watchstander at FEMA's National Response Coordination Center (NRCC). Paul represents DOC as a member of the National Response Team's Training Subcommittee. Paul is enrolled in University of Maryland University College's (UMUC) Executive MBA program, and is expected to graduate in June. In December, Paul will transfer to Honolulu, HI to assume the position of Executive Officer onboard NOAA Ship /Hi'ialakai/ (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, March 23, 2009 1:25 PM / Last updated Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:02 AM


PSU Applied Research Laboratory Assimilation Projects

Wednesday, 15 April 2009; 12:00-13:00 P.M. (World Weather Building, Science Center, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; NESDIS-STAR seminar)
Dr. Sue Ellen Hauptthis (Pennsylvania State University, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics Computational Mechanics Division / Applied Research Lab and Associate Professor of Meteorology).
This talk will provide an overview of some current assimilation projects being accomplished in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics Department of the Applied Research Laboratory and the Meteorology Department of The Pennsylvania State University. In addition to using various standard assimilation techniques, including Newtonian relaxation, Extended Kalman Filter, Ensemble Kalman Filter, and 4DVAR, the group has developed a new GAVAR method that sets up an optimization problem and solves it using the robust Genetic Algorithm. Most of the research has been accomplished in the context of atmospheric transport and dispersion, emphasizing obtaining wind field variables given observations of pollutant concentrations. In spite of the one-way coupling, we have been able to consistently infer winds from concentration observation. Applications of this technique include back-calculating unknown source parameters and meteorological parameters. A current project is expanding the technique to larger scales by characterizing volcano emissions using satellite observations, modeling, and assimilation techniques. The team is also using assimilation techniques for downscaling. In addition, field studies are characterizing the variability in smoke plumes.
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone access: U.S. participants: 866-832-9297; International participants: 203-566-7610; Passcode: 6070416. Seminar takes place at: Center for Satellite Applications & Research (STAR), World Weather Building, Science Center, Room 707, 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746. For further information please conatct Bruce Ramsay (301-405-9205;
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, April 8, 2009 12:49 PM / Last updated Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:37 PM


Challenges in Using Advanced Infrared Sounders to Derive Useful Climate Products

Wednesday, 15 April 2009; 13:30-14:30 P.M. (SSMC-3, 3rd Floor, Room 3404, ARL Seminar)
Dr. Christopher Barnet (Physical Scientist, Integrated Observing System Science and Product Development Team, NOAA NESDIS STAR)
Hyper-spectral infrared sounders measure the thermal radiance at the top of Earth's atmosphere and are capable of deriving high accuracy temperature, moisture and trace gas products such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and methane, and carbon dioxide. The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) was launched on NASA's Aqua satellite in 2002 along with the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU). Similar instruments were launched by the European organization for exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) in Oct. 2007 and will be launched in the near future by both EUMETSAT and the USA National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). Together the existing and planned advanced infrared and microwave sounders will span over 20 years of global measurements. The AIRS sounding algorithm was designed to be a "1st principles" approach that maximized information coming from the 2378 infrared spectral channels and 15 microwave channels to derive geophysical products in cloudy scenes. At NOAA/NESDIS we have migrated the AIRS science team approach for use in operational products from the EUMETSAT and NPOESS instruments and are investigating the utility of these satellites to provide climate-quality products. This presentation will summarize the AIRS science team algorithm and discuss some of the challenges in using passive thermal instruments to derive useful climate products. Also, the potential use of these advanced instruments as a "transfer standard" between in situ sensors (such as radiosondes) and/or ground stations will be discussed.
Remote Access & Notes:
For further information please contact Betty Wells (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, April 1, 2009 7:03 AM


Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation Methodologies

Tuesday, 21 April 2009; 10:00-11:00 ETZ (World Weather Building, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; JCSDA seminar)
Dr. Steven J. Fletcher (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University)
In the current versions of both variational and ensemble data assimilation a very important assumption is made about how the errors are distributed. This assumption is that the errors are Gaussian (normally) distributed. However, this assumption is using the implicit property of the Gaussian distribution that the difference between two Gaussian random variables is also a Gaussian random variable. Therefore, this is implying that the state variables and the observations are also Gaussian distributed. This is not possible for the positive definite variables which can not go negative. There are some techniques to deal with variables which are lognormally distributed through using another property of the Gaussian distribution rather than assuming a Gaussian fit. This property, or rather its inverse, is that the logarithm of a lognormal random variable is a Gaussian distributed random variable. This approach introduces a bias into the analysis solution as we will demonstrate. In this paper we shall present the outline of the derivations for non-Gaussian data assimilation with respect to lognormal random variables. We shall present a 3D and 4D variational approach, and demonstrate these techniques with the Lorenz’63 model, which can assimilate Gaussian and lognormal random variables, both background errors and observations errors, simultaneously.
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone Access: Toll free 1-866-715-2479 Passcode: 9457557 ; International: 1-517-345-5260. For questions please contact Christina Bacon (301-763-8154 x 188;
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, January 2, 2009 11:16 AM / Last edited Tuesday, April 21, 2009 9:47 AM


Improving Stream Temperature Predictions for River Water Decision Support Systems

Tuesday, 21 April 2009; 12:00-13:00 (SSMC-3, Room 15836, OHC Seminar)
Eric M. Danner, Ph.D. (Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service)

When making decisions about water allocations, state and federal water project managers must consider the short-term and long-term needs of agriculture, urban users, hydroelectric production, and flood control. They are also required by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to make sure their decisions do not jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered or threatened species. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) evaluates water project impacts on threatened and endangered salmonids and provides a decision on these impacts by issuing a Biological Opinion (BiOp). For water projects across the United Sates the NMFS BiOps (or similar processes by other federal agencies) are the decision support systems (DSS) for water allocation decisions with respect to endangered species. The most recent BiOp for the Central Valley Project (CVP) in California was rejected by reviewers due to inadequate stream temperature and fish mortality models. These models are the current decisions support tools (DSTs) used in water allocation decisions, but are based on a monthly time step, which cannot take into account the fine scale temperature patterns that can be critical to salmonid survival. Thus NMFS is required to use models with finer spatiotemporal scales. Generating stream temperature estimates in near real time, at fine spatiotemporal scales, and over large geographic areas is problematic using existing modeling approaches. In a collaborative project with NASA, we are using high quality meteorological data coupled with ecosystem and statistical models to produce improved DTSs for stream temperature and fish mortality in the western U.S. The system will include nowcasting and forecasting capabilities that will provide stream temperature and fish mortality estimates for every 1km of stream reach at 15-minute intervals. These improvements to the existing DSS will allow for substantially improved water allocation decisions by fisheries managers and water project managers.

Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: goto For phone access: 1-877-909-6204; Participant code: 551159. For questions about this seminar please contact Lani Watson (; 301-713-2325 x158).
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday April 3, 2009 2:21 PM / Last updated Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:42 PM


Virtual Alaska

Tuesday, 21 April 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Eric Hackathorn (Virtual Program Manager, NOAA OAR/ESRL)
Fish for Alaska King Crab, climb to the top of Mt. McKinley, traverse a glacier, survive a winter Bering Sea storm - all of these are possibilities in the coming world of Virtual Alaska. Eric Hackathorn will discuss plans for Virtual Alaska, experiences that could be incorporated into such a site, how to enter this virtual world, and even how to create and build the landscape. Virtual Alaska and other virtual adventures such as flying through a hurricane on the wing of an aircraft and exploring underwater caves and reefs are attracting large numbers of "avatars" or virtual selves to one of the first government-sponsored Earth-science islands" in the rapidly growing online world of Second Life. To join in requires installing free software on your computer available at For further information see: and
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone access: dial 866-631-5469; passcode: 3958086. See abstract for additional instructions. For further information about this seminar please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, April 20, 2009 6:49 AM / last edited Monday, April 20, 2009 2:07 PM


Analysis of the Upper Ocean Response to Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico Using Satellite Observations and Model Simulations

Thursday, 23 April 2009; 10:00-11:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 4th Floor, Room 4817, NODC Seminar)
Dr. Michelle M. Gierach (Marine Science Program, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina)
Biophysical responses of the upper ocean to hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico were examined using satellite observations and model simulations. It was important that both satellite observations and model simulations were used, since satellite sensors were sensitive to cloud interference, heavy rainfall, and only provided measurements near the ocean surface during hurricane periods. This study utilized 1/25° nested HYCOM simulations, 1/20° biophysical model simulations, and various satellite observations including QuikSCAT scatterometer winds, SeaWiFS and MODIS chlorophyll-a concentrations, and AVHRR and TMI sea surface temperatures. Such data were used to (1) assess the ocean surface response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma of 2005 in the Gulf of Mexico, (2) examine the evolving three-dimensional (surface and subsurface) ocean response to Hurricane Katrina, and (3) analyze ecosystem dynamics, plankton biomass, and plankton distribution during Hurricane Katrina. Satellite observations of biophysical responses associated with Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma of 2005 illustrated sea surface temperature changes of 6-7°C, 4-5°C, and 5-6°C, and chlorophyll-a enhancement of 3 mg m-3, 2 mg m-3, and 4 mg m-3. The degree and orientation of the responses exhibited were greatly affected by the oceanic processes that occurred within the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the translation speed of each hurricane. Satellite-detected surface responses associated with Hurricane Katrina occurred within a region from 23.5°-25.5°N and 85°-83°W. Analysis of model surface and subsurface dynamics in this region revealed strong upwelling/downwelling, wind-driven currents dominating the surface circulation, and near-inertial oscillations following Hurricane Katrina. The storm generated sea surface temperature cooling of 3-4°C and salinity freshening of 0.1-0.2. Analysis of heat-budget terms in the mixed layer indicated that wind-driven mixing dominated net upper-ocean cooling during hurricane passage, whereas at the mixed layer base temperature changes were largely due to vertical advection. Biophysical model simulations revealed that large phytoplankton were most responsive to hurricane-induced turbulent mixing and nutrient injection, with increases in biomass along the hurricane track. Small phytoplankton, microzooplankton, and mesozooplankton biomass primarily shifted in location and increased in spatial extent as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane passage disrupted the distribution of plankton biomass associated with mesoscale eddies.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. For questions about this seminar please contact Ken Casey (
Notes about the speaker(s):
Dr. Michelle Gierach recently earned her PhD from the University of South Carolina, working with Subrahmanyam Bulusu and specializing in Physical/Satellite Oceanography. Her dissertation research focused on understanding hurricane-induced biophysical responses in the Gulf of Mexico through satellite observations and model simulations. Prior to her work in South Carolina, she earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in Meteorology from Florida State University. During the Masters program at Florida State University, she worked with Drs. James O’Brien and Mark Bourassa, and focused on developing a vorticity-based detection technique of tropical cyclogenesis.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, April 3, 2009 2:36 PM / Last updated Tuesday, April 21, 2009 9:15 AM


The Vertical Structure of Arctic Warming

Thursday, 23 April 2009, 10:00-11:00 ETZ (World Weather Building, Room 209, Camp Springs, MD; JCSDA seminar)
Erland Källén (Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University)
The Arctic area has undergone a significant surface warming over the last 30-40 years and simultaneously the sea ice cover has decreased significantly. The Arctic warming is about twice as large as the average global surface warming for the same time period. It is commonly conjectured that the retreat of the summer Arctic sea ice cover and the positive ice-albedo feedback is the main reason for the enhanced Arctic warming. We have analyzed the vertical structure of the Arctic warming over the past 30 years using re-analysis data. We find that the warming maximum is not at the surface but rather at about 3 km height. This leads us to look for other possible physical mechanisms responsible for the warming. We find that the warming maximum is linked to an increased baroclinic heat transport into the Arctic region. How this increased heat transport may be coupled to global warming remains an open question. We also discuss limitations of using re-analysis data to determine climate trends.
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone access details: U.S. participants: 1.866.715.2479, International : 1.517.345.5260; Passcode : 9457557. For questions please contact Christina Bacon (301-763-8154 x 188;
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:25 PM / Last updated Friday, April 24, 2009 7:01 AM


Changes In The Bering Strait - Pacific Gateway To The Arctic


Friday, 24 April 2009; 10:30-11:30 Seatle, Washington Local Time (13:30-14:30 Maryland Local Time) [Presentation available by teleconference from Seatle, WA in SSMC-3 Room 4817, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:

Dr. Rebecca A. Woodgate (Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington)
The Bering Strait is the only gateway between the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. The flow through this strait is an important source of nutrients, heat and freshwater for the Arctic, and is believed to have influence as far away the Atlantic. There have been challenges to gather the now nearly 2 decades of year-round measurements in the strait, but this record is now allowing us to quantify the changing influence of the Pacific waters on the Arctic system.
Remote Access & Notes:

This seminar is available by VideoTeleConferencing (VTC), webcast, and phone from Seatle, WA. If you are in Silver Spring (SSMC), you can watch this presentation via VideoTeleConferencing (VTC) in SSMC-3, 4th Floor, Room 4817 (NODC). Other remote users can access this seminar via a combination of webcast and phone. For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial (877) 916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be recorded and made available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia ( For questions about VideoTeleConferencing please contact Cheryl Ingram ( ; 301-713-3284 Ext. 155) and Dian L. Gay (

Notes about the speaker(s):
Dr Woodgate is a physical oceanographer, specialising in polar research, with special focus on the circulation of the Arctic Ocean, interactions between sea-ice and the ocean, and and the role of the polar oceans in climate. Her research (see High Latitude Dynamics website) concentrates on the collection and analysis of in-situ oceanographic data. She has worked for many years in the deployment and recovery of moored oceanographic instrumentation in ice-covered waters, and the analysis of both mooring and hydrographic data. She is involved in undergraduate teaching and graduate education. She has worked on British, German, Norwegian and American research vessels and led expeditions to Bering Strait and the Arctic Ocean. Her first degree is in Physics from the University of Cambridge and her PhD (University of Oxford) is in Data Assimilation in Ocean models. Her postdoc work was done at the Alfred-Wegener Institute in Germany. Her goal is to understand the physical processes in both Arctic and Antarctic regions, and to use her background to bridge the gap between theory, modelling and real observations of the oceans (See
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday February 12, 2009 6:25 AM / Last edited Tuesday, April 28, 2009 10:28 AM


Using Social Network Analysis to Address Coastal Management Issues

Friday, 24 April 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, Room #12836, NMFS/NOS seminar)
Chris Ellis (NOS Coastal Services Center)
Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a multidisciplinary research method that is increasingly being used to uncover relationships among individuals and groups in both personal and professional contexts. Understanding existing professional and social relationships and structures is vital to maximize communication, nurture supportive relationships, and build efficiencies in the workforce. This presentation will provide a general overview on the theory and practice of SNA, and it will highlight a number of SNA research projects that illustrate its practical use and application of data. Limitations of SNA will also be discussed.
Remote Access & Notes:
This presentation will not be available via Webcast. For more information contact Susan Abbott-Jamieson (NMFS) at or Theresa Goedeke (NOS) at
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Tuesday, April 7, 2009 7:04 AM


Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Gases, and the Special Case of Antarctic Climate Change

Tuesday, 28 April 2009; 13:00-14:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 4th Floor Large Conference Room #4527, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:
Dr. Susan Solomon (NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory)
A description of variability in ozone Depletion, greenhouse gases, and the special Case of Antarctic climate change.
Remote Access & Notes:
Because of technical difficulties, there is nowebcast access. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (
Notes about the speaker(s):

Dr. Susan Solomon is Co-Chair, Climate Science Group of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007) and Senior Scientist, NOAA/ERL, Chemical Sciences Division. See

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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday, February 5, 2009 6:31 AM / Last updated Wednesday, April 29, 2009 6:58 AM


Project FishSmart: A stakeholder-centered approach to improve fisheries conservation and management

Tuesday, 28 April 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Dr. Tom Miller and Dr. Mike Wilberg (Center for Environmental Science, University of Maryland)
Despite increasing dissatisfaction among many stakeholder groups, fisheries management often does not allow for a meaningful exchange of information and ideas between stakeholders and managers. Stakeholders in several prominent U.S. fisheries have been frustrated by a perceived lack of inclusion of their views in fishery management decisions, which has led to distrust of management and the potential for problems with compliance. Our objective was to develop a process that allowed stakeholders to develop recommendations to 1) improve the fishery through voluntary measures and 2) provide management recommendations that they supported. We developed a “stakeholder-centered” process that allowed stakeholders to evaluate how well alternative options could achieve their goals using a decision analysis model. The first application of this collaborative process was to the king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) fishery off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the U.S. The stakeholder workgroup developed objectives for the fishery, performance measures to guage whether objectives were reached, and options that could be used to reach the objectives. Objectives included traditional and non-traditional goals such as maintaining high and stable catches and retaining the ability to catch large fish, and options included both voluntary changes in fishing practices (e.g., adoption of techniques that reduce catch and release mortality) and mandatory regulations (e.g., size limits or bag limits). Through an iterative process, stakeholders assisted in developing a model to allow them to compare how well their options met their vision for a quality fishery. The workgroup developed a consensus suite of recommendations, including more conservative length and bag limits than those recommended by the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee, based on the results of the decision analysis. The immersion of stakeholders in the available science and model development and evaluation eventually led to recognition that more conservative management was necessary to achieve their objectives. This project demonstrated that stakeholders can be included in a meaningful participatory process that can improve fisheries management, but inclusion requires increased time and an effort to provide science without jargon or condescension.
Remote Access & Notes:
For general questions about this seminar, please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Notes about the speaker(s):
Tom Miller is a Professor of fisheries science at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Dr. Miller's research focuses on a range of fisheries topics including fisheries ecology with emphasis on early life history, population dynamics and stock assessment, and quantitative methods in ecology with emphasis on modeling, and experimental design and statistics. Mike Wilberg is a Professor of fisheries science at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Dr. Wilberg's research focuses on fisheries management, development and evaluation of stock assessment methods, fisheries population dynamics, decision analysis, survey design, and statistical estimation and modeling in ecology.
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Synthesis of Southern Ocean Food Webs

Wednesday, 29 April 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room 8150, NOS seminar)
Dr. Eileen Hofmann (Old Dominion University)
Some of the strongest regional expressions of global climate change have occurred in the Southern Ocean. Changes to the environment, including modifications in sea ice extent and concentration, have been associated with variations in ecosystems and biogeochemical processes. The region is characterized by unique food webs, is an important component of the global carbon cycle, and supports commercially harvested species. Understanding climate-induced changes and their consequences for food webs and biogeochemical cycling is integral to predicting the impacts and feedbacks of the Southern Ocean as part of the Earth System, and to developing sustainable management for the region. Fundamental to predicting how ecosystems respond to change is an understanding of food web structure and function. This requires synthesis of current knowledge of Southern Ocean food webs and modeling approaches. This presentation will review the status of Southern Ocean food web models and explore issues associated with developing these to the circumpolar scale. The gaps in knowledge that limit current food web models will be highlighted with particular emphasis on the importance of considering regional and trophic complexities. Multidisciplinary modeling approaches that bring together different scales and processes will be discussed with a particular focus on the development of end-to-end food web models for the Southern Ocean.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
Notes about the speaker(s):
Eileen Hofmann has been involved with the Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC) Program since the late 1980s and became Chair of the Southern Ocean GLOBEC program in the mid-1990s. She was involved in the US Southern Ocean GLOBEC field program, which took place along the western Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf in 2001 and 2002. Her other research interests are in the areas of physical-biological interactions in marine food webs, shellfish population dynamics and disease ecology, and data assimilation for marine ecosystem models.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, April 20, 2009 6:40 AM / Last edited Monday, April 27, 2009 10:24 AM


The Antarctic Integrated System Science on the Antarctic Peninsula

Thursday, 30 April 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:
Dr. Kelly K. Falkner (Program Director, Antarctic Integrated System Science, Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation)

The discoveries of disciplinary science increasingly highlight the need for integrative approaches to forge new understanding of the complex interactions that govern Antarctica and its past, present and future roles in the earth system. To respond to this need and foster progress on some of societies’ most pressing issues on a planet subject to potentially accelerated change, the Antarctic Integrated System Science (AISS) program was established in 2007. An initial vision for the AISS program is outlined in the executive committee synthesis of a June 2007 community-based workshop that is available at: The synthesis includes examples of cross-cutting integrated system science questions that are not meant to be exhaustive. Initial activities funded under the IPY call can be found on the IPY award list ( In general terms, the AISS program administers projects that transcend disciplinary boundaries, are highly integrated and address questions broader in scope than those typically supported by the disciplinary programs described above. AISS projects must have compelling intellectual merit, broad impact and expand the frontiers of our knowledge. AISS does not fund programs that recast disciplinary questions into a form requiring minimal expertise from other disciplines when progress is possible within a discipline. Projects must not be so broad in scope that tractable research strategies are not practical. It is recognized that integrated system proposals can be challenging to review. At this juncture in accordance with existing NSF guidelines, proposers may choose to submit single collaborative proposals or multiple related proposals that share some common text. Proposals will be reviewed by both ad-hoc mail reviews and a combination of panelists from the disciplinary panels as appropriate. Those considering submission to AISS are encouraged to contact the program director in advance. See

Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
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May 2009

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How Reducing Toxic Chemicals in Consumer Products Can Protect the Health of Cats, Kids, and Killer Whales

Monday, 04 May 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Dr. Arlene Blum (Green Science Policy Institute)

This seminar will discuss how toxic chemicals from consumer products can enter the terrestrial and marine environments and strategies for reducing their use to protect the health of marine mammals as well as humans and pets.If time permits, Arlene Blum will share also dramatic images and stories from her historic mountaineering expeditions and will relate how her climbing career led to her current work in environmental health and public policy.

Remote Access & Notes:
Audio conferencing: Telephone: 866-631-5469; Passcode: 3958086. For further information please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
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Notes about the speaker(s):
Arlene Blum is a Visiting Scholar in Chemistry at UC Berkeley and executive director of the Green Science Policy Institute (GSP). GSP coordinates scientific research and policy to reduce toxic chemicals in consumer products and help industries become more sustainable in their materials and processes for a healthier safer environment. Blum holds a doctorate in biophysical chemistry and has taught at Stanford University, Wellesley College, and UC Berkeley. Her research and policy have contributed to the regulation of a variety of toxic chemicals since the 1970's (See also
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, April 24, 2009 12:42 PM / Last edited Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:45 AM


High-resolution bathymetric mapping with the new broad-bandwidth, split-beam, scientific, multibeam sonar installed on the new NOAA FSVs

Tuesday, 05 May 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
George R. Cutter (NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center) and David A. Demer (IFREMER, France)
The Simrad ME70 is a new multibeam-echosounder system that was designed for quantitative fisheries research and is installed on each of the new, acoustically-quiet, NOAA Fisheries survey vessels (FSVs). The ME70 has configurable beams and transmits in the range of 70-120 kHz to provide calibrated, acoustic backscattering data throughout the detection range (Fisheries Mode). With hardware and software add-ons, the ME70 can also collect soundings that are expected to meet IHO S-44 Order 1 standards (Bathymetric Mode). Furthermore, with custom algorithms and software, bathymetric data can be obtained from the ME70 operating in Fisheries Mode, and volume backscatter can be sampled from the ME70 operating in Bathymetric Mode. This flexibility may allow data to be concurrently and efficiently collected on fish and their seabed habitat. Here, we describe a method to process the echo amplitude and phase data from multiple split-beams formed in Fisheries Mode to estimate seabed range, slope, roughness, and normalized surface scattering strength (a hardness metric). We compare the resulting bathymetry to that collected with the ME70 operating in Bathymetric Mode in the same area of the Bay of Biscay.
Remote Access & Notes:
Audio-Phone number: 866-631-5469; Passcode: 3958086. For further information please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, April 24, 2009 12:42 PM / Last updated Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Barents Sea Warming


Wednesday, 06 May 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:

Dr. Dan Seidov and Dr. Igor Smolyar (NOAA NODC)
E-mail(s): &
We present the results of a study of long-term thermohaline history of the Barents Sea (BS) using the World Ocean Database at NOAA NODC/Ocean Climate Laboratory. The database includes over 230,000 stations for the BS, with the time series beginning as early as 1900. The focus is on thermohaline regime shifts in the BS that may be instrumental for better understanding and prediction of possible future climate change in the Arctic Ocean. Area-averaged time series of temperature at various depth levels of the BS for the years 1900 through 2006 is discussed. The center of attention is on the half-century climate history of the BS since 1956. The ascertained ocean climate trends in the BS align closely with spectacular surface air temperature increase over the entire Arctic and/or with the rapid summer sea ice retreat since the end of the 1990s. Our analysis shows dramatic shifts of climate regimes in the BS since late sixties and strong warming in the subsurface layers since late eighties.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Tuesday, February 10, 2009 11:10 AM / Last edited Friday, April 24, 2009 12:35 PM


Using Heat as a Tracer to Characterize Tidal Inundation of Wetlands in Delaware's Murderkill Estuary

Wednesday, 06 May 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
Thomas E. McKenna (Delaware Geological Survey & Department of Geological Sciences/University of Delaware)
A coupled hydrodynamic and water-quality model is currently being developed to investigate causes of low dissolved oxygen in the Murderkill River. A key component of the effort by the Murderkill Study Group is to incorporate the interaction of the river with an extensive fringing salt marsh into the model. However, it is rare to explicitly simulate wetland inundation and biogeochemical reactions in estuarine-scale models as it is computationally intensive and requires many input variables that are difficult to quantify. Therefore, a parameterization of river-marsh interaction is being developed including this characterization of tidal inundation. In general, the dynamic inundation of a salt marsh by tidal water is a simple concept, but the process remains poorly understood. This is partly due to the sampling requirements to fully describe a shallow flow system on a low relief surface having high temporal and spatial variability. This study integrates data from LiDAR elevation surveys and in-situ sensors (water level, salinity, temperature) to estimate the area and frequency of salt marsh inundation by tidal water. Given the low relief on the marsh platform, small changes in tide elevation (centimeters) result in large changes in inundated area, therefore it is critical to ensure that survey errors and/or bias are minimized and all elevation data are reduced to a common geodetic datum (NAVD88). Initial estimates of the frequency, duration, and potential depth of inundation are based on LiDAR elevations and tidal elevations from tide gages in the Murderkill River. In the initial estimate, inundation is based only on elevation with no explicit hydrodynamic component. Subsequent estimates incorporate information from tide gages in small tidal channels cutting through the salt marsh and tidal channel geometry. Aerial and ground-based thermal imaging is used along with data from in-situ temperature loggers on the marsh platform to test the accuracy of the estimates. Forward progress in understanding the complex hydrology of tidal wetlands requires collection of water level, salinity, and temperature at higher frequency than the major stressor on the system (tide). In-situ sensors and data loggers are essential; ground-based, time-lapse remote sensing may also be a viable option in some situations.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, May 1, 2009 9:43 AM


Coral Reef Conservation and Management in an Era of Global Climate Change

Wednesday, 06 May 2009; 14:30 – 15:30 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
Dr. William F. Precht (NOAA Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary)
Recent scientific papers have admonished the US Government for not doing enough to protect the valuable resources of the Florida reef tract. This implied lack of management is based on the hypothesis that the main causes of reef degradation are local, man-induced, and reversible. While there is consensus that these reefs are threatened, we argue that understanding the main causes of their decline (and recovery) are of paramount importance in devising science-based management and restoration strategies. The generally accepted model of coral reef decline is that the shift from a more desirable, coral-dominated state to a less desirable, macroalgae-dominated state was a consequence of overfishing and coastal eutrophication, making them more susceptible to other recent disturbances. While it is easy to take this view, evidence linking these causes remains elusive. Unfortunately, politicians, NGO’s, the media, and the public are receptive to such arguments because they have strong emotional appeal. In fact, many of the management strategies employed to date have been based on these models. However, the catastrophic decline in coral cover started in the late 1970s and was empirically observed to be driven proximally by pandemic disease outbreaks, and more recently by episodes of temperature-induced coral bleaching. Corals throughout the Caribbean (including Florida) have suffered the decline of essentially the same suite of species and at the same rates. Accordingly, we must combine local science-based management strategies with regional inter-governmental policies and ultimately global stewardship if we are to make progress in the fight to rescue Florida’s reefs.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, April 24, 2009 12:33 PM / Last updated Monday, April 27, 2009 2:50 PM


NOAA’s Role in the Science and Management of Arctic Fish and Marine Mammals


Thursday, 07 May 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:

Jon Kurland (Acting Deputy Regional Administrator, NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Region) and Mike Sigler (Program Leader, Habitat and Ecological Processes Research Program NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center)
E-mail(s): ;
NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service is actively involved in a variety of research and management activities related to the conservation of Arctic fish and marine mammal populations. NOAA Fisheries’ Alaska Regional Office and Alaska Fisheries Science Center have been involved in Arctic projects for many years, but the scope and breadth of our work in the Arctic has expanded substantially in the past few years and will continue to grow with climate change. This presentation will provide an overview of NOAA Fisheries’ current science and management activities in the Arctic as we begin addressing the consequences of climate change and the associated loss of sea ice, and as we prepare for the resource management challenges that lie ahead. The topics discussed will include:

• Development of a new Arctic Fishery Management Plan with precautionary fishery closures;
• Development of new habitat conservation measures for Bering Sea groundfish fisheries, including area closures and fishing gear modifications;
• Ice seal research and completion of status reviews for four species of ice seals to consider listing under the Endangered Species Act;
• Participation in the interagency North Slope Science Initiative to coordinate research and monitoring activities amongst federal, state, local, and private entities;
• Participation in the interagency Alaska Marine Ecosystem Forum to coordinate management activities amongst federal and state agencies that have jurisdiction over activities affecting the marine environment;
• Support for the U.S. delegation to the International Whaling Commission to ensure continued subsistence use of whales by Native Alaskan communities;
• Consultations on oil and gas development activities and related infrastructure to minimize adverse effects to fish, marine mammals, and their habitats;
• Completion of a Beaufort Sea offshore fish survey and planning for a similar survey in the Chukchi Sea;
• Continuation of nearshore fish habitat surveys near Point Barrow;
• Monitoring of fish, shellfish, and marine mammal species in the northern Bering Sea where northward expansion is expected; and
• Development of a research plan for the new Northern Bering Sea Research Area.

The presentation will also highlight the biggest needs for promoting the conservation and sustainable use of Arctic living marine resources as sea ice recedes and human activities continue to increase.

[Link to abstract]
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -note that the password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
About The Speaker(s):
Jon Kurland is the Acting Deputy Regional Administrator for NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region, based in Juneau. He has been filling that role for the past year. His real job is Assistant Regional Administrator for Habitat Conservation. In that capacity he oversees the Alaska Region’s Habitat Conservation Division, which carries out the agency’s legal mandates to conserve habitats that support commercially harvested fish and marine mammals. Before moving to Alaska in 2002 Jon was the national Essential Fish Habitat Coordinator for NOAA Fisheries here in Silver Spring. Previously he worked for nine years in the NOAA Fisheries Northeast Region in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday, February 12, 2009 7:42 AM / Last edited Wednesday, May 6, 2009 6:59 AM


Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems of the Au‘au Channel, Hawai‘i

Thursday, 07 May 09; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #11153, NOS seminar)
John Rooney (NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center)
Efforts to map coral reef ecosystems in the Hawaiian and Mariana Archipelagos and islands of American Samoa and Pacific Remote Island Area have revealed the presence of hitherto unknown scleractinian zoothanthellate coral reefs at depths of 30 – 150+ m in each of these island groups. Such coral reefs and their associated communities have been recently defined as mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs). In more than 700 linear km of seafloor videos collected at mesophotic depths from 48 islands and banks in these island groups, by far the most extensive complex of mesophotic reefs found to date is located in the Au‘au Channel between the islands of Maui and Lāna‘i. The seafloor here is composed of highly karstified fossil reef that was sub aerially exposed during late Quaternary period glacial lowstands of sea level. Elevated ridges, solution rims, and pinnacles that are relatively free of sediment are generally heavily colonized by often luxuriant expanses of predominantly Leptoseris hawaiiensis corals, although others are present as well. Results from an ongoing NCCOS-funded project, including three research cruises and 11 submersible dives to the area over the past year and a half, will be discussed.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, April 27, 2009 6:57 AM


Climate change, marine food webs and survival of juvenile salmon during the first summer at sea in the northern California Current

Wednesday, 13 May 2009; 12:00 – 13:00 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
Bill Peterson (NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center)
Long-term sampling of hydrography and zooplankton at biweekly intervals in the coastal upwelling zone off Oregon for the past 13 years has shown that variations in copepod biodiversity, species richness and community structure are highly-correlated with the PDO. When the PDO is in negative phase (as in 1999-2002), waters from the Gulf of Alaska feed the northern California Current (NCC) and transport large, lipid-rich copepods to the shelf waters of the NCC; when the PDO is positive (as in 2003-2006), waters from offshore and south feed the NCC and transport small, oceanic lipid-poor copepods to the coast. Thus the forces that drive the PDO, basin scale variations in wind, result in local food chains with vastly different bio-energetic content. These signals may be transmitted up the food chain to salmon since interannual variations in salmon returns are highly-correlated with biomass of “northern” lipid-rich zooplankton species. Thus, knowledge of source waters which feed the NCC is critical for understanding ecosystem dynamics in the shelf waters of the NCC. A comparison of hydrographic and zooplankton data from the 1960s and 1970s with recent data, shows that the Northern California Current ecosystem is becoming more subtropical in nature, likely due to climate change.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, March 27, 2009 6:48 AM / Last updated Wednesday, April 8, 2009 1:58 PM


Examination of Depth/Temperature Bias in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal: Implications for Climate Studies

Wednesday,13 May 2009; 10:30-11:30 ETZ (SSMC-3, 4th Floor, Room 4817, NODC Seminar)
Tim Boyer (NODC) and Vissa V. Gopalakrishna (National Institute of Oceanography, India)
Recently, it has been shown that XBTs (Expendable Bathythermographs) have a warm bias compared with other instrumentation used for measuring subsurface ocean temperatures. This bias is variable over depth and time and may be geographically variable as well. 3 recent cruises, 2 in the Arabian Sea, 1 in the Bay of Bengal dropped XBTs at the same time as CTDs (Conductivity-temperature-depth probes) to explore this bias. Results from these tests will be presented along with implications for studies of the oceans heat content, which is an important component in the Earth's heat balance.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (
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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, April 24, 2009 12:29 PM / Last edited Monday, May 4, 2009 1:48 PM


Recent Arctic climate change: Observations and model simulations


Thursday, 14 May 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:

Dr. John E. Walsh (International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks)
Observations of different parts of the Arctic system present a coherent picture of change over the past half century. The climate models used to project future changes capture the past variations to varying degrees Here we survey the performance of global climate models in simulating Arctic climate, with particular attention to simulations of the seasonal cycle, natural variations and greenhouse-driven changes. The role of low-frequency variations in confounding future projections will be given special attention, as will the impacts of deficiencies in model simulations of sea ice and the Arctic terrestrial surface. We will then address the downscaling of Arctic climate simulations by presenting the results of initial attempts to produce high-resolution scenarios of climate change for Alaska.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
About the speaker(s):

Dr. Walsh is Professor of Climate Change & Chief Scientist, International Arctic Research Center. See

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OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:57 AM / Last edited Tuesday, March 24, 2009 6:55 AM


Multispecies Tradeoffs Near Marine Reserves

Monday, 18 May 2009; 11:30 – 12:30 ETZ (SSMC-4, Room #8150, NOS seminar)
Julie B. Kellner (Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy, UC Davis)
No-take marine reserves are a rising trend in fisheries management and have been proposed as an alternative or complementary tool to conventional management which may help counteract multiple fishing impacts. Marine reserves typically lead to population abundances that are much more spatially heterogeneous relative to the patterns produced by conventional forms of fisheries regulations such as catch quotas, size limits, and gear regulations. High abundances inside marine reserves may sustain regional populations through spillover of larvae and adults, but this management-induced heterogeneity in fishing effort and population levels may also have unexpected consequences at the community level. Using a suite of ecological models, I will illustrate the types of multispecies tradeoffs that may arise due to marine reserve implementation. Three questions will be addressed: (1) Can marine reserves be effective tools in warding off invasion by exotics, (2)How will targeted fishing at reserve boundaries ("fishing the line") influence the distribution of fish populations inside and outside reserves, and (3) When do we expect to see trophic cascade effects inside reserves due to the recovery of higher trophic levels? This presentation will highlight the pressing need to transition from single-species analyses to examining community responses to fisheries management across broader biological and spatial scales, and consequently demonstrate the challenges involved in implementing ecosystem-based management.
Remote Access & Notes:
Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (
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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday, March 19, 2009 10:31 AM


Experimental Forecast of Area Burned For Interior Alaska

Tuesday, 19 May 2009; 10:00-11:00am Alaska Local Time (RISA/ACCAP seminar via teleconference)
Paul Duffy (Neptune Inc.)
2004 and 2005 were the largest fires years on record in Alaska. Climate change is expected to bring warmer temperatures and therefore greater drying and and more frequent extreme fire years in the future. The Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy is testing a new pilot website to forecast area burned for Interior Alaska, based on a gradient boosting model that takes advantage of strong linkages between teleconnection indices, weather, and fire in Alaska. Join us as we showcase this web-tool to learn more about how the forecasts are created and how you can stay up to date this summer on the fire forecast in Alaska.
Remote Access & Notes:
How to Participate / Log-In to the Alaska Climate Teleconference: 1) With a regular telephone dial: 1-800-893-8850. 2) When prompted, enter the PIN code: 7531823 . PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE DURING THE PRESENTATION. The audio is very sensitive and your external conversations and typing can be heard by other participants. Thank You. To view the presentation during a teleconference: 1) Point your web browser to: 2) Click on the blue Join a Meeting button on the left side bar. 3) For Presenter ID enter: . If you do not see anything on your screen, click on the refresh button on the top bar. For more information about the Alaska Climate Teleconferences and the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy, please contact Brook Gamble, Outreach and Education Specialist, (907) 474-7812,] or visit
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:08 AM


Measuring the Effects of Coastal Restoration on Coastal Uses

Tuesday 19 May 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library, NOAA Fisheries/Office of Habitat Conservation seminar)
Drs. Linwood Pendleton (Senior Fellow, The Ocean Foundation and Director of the Coastal Ocean Values Center ) and David K. Loomis (University of Massachusetts Amherst, Director of the Human Dimensions of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Program)
Many studies have used valuation techniques to predict the potential effect of coastal restoration on human uses, but few provide empirical evidence that restoration indeed affects the way people use and perceive the coast. We take two approaches to examining how coastal restoration affects uses and perception.
Remote Access & Notes:
For general questions about this seminar, please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, April 22, 2009 12:26 PM


A Sensitivity Study of the Operational NSSL WRF Using Unique NASA Assets

Wednesday, 20 May 2009 14:00-15:00 ETZ [Check time] (World Weather Building, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; JCSDA seminar)
Jonathan Case (NASA / MSFC / SPoRT)
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone Access: Toll free 1-866-715-2479 Passcode: 9457557 ; International: 1-517-345-5260. For questions please contact Christina Bacon (301-763-8154 x 188;
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, January 21, 2009 12:29 PM / Last edited Friday March 13, 2009 8:09 AM


NOAA Ancestors In The Polar Regions 1860-1970

Thursday, 21 May 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:
Albert E Theberge Jr (NOAA Central Library)
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Notes about the speaker(s):
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, March 2, 2009 1:06 PM


International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere: Challenges for a NOAA Climate Service

Wednesday, 27 May 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:
Dr. Taneil Uttal (NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory)

The International Polar Year was a designated period of world wide collaboration on polar research that started in March 2007 and just ended in March 2009. A number of legacy projects have resulted from the IPY that are expected to continue into the foreseeable future. One of these projects originated within NOAA; the International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA). The main mission of IASOA is coordination of atmospheric data collection at existing and newly established intensive Arctic atmospheric Observatories in the 7 Arctic countries with participation and support from additional non-Arctic countries. Data of interest to the IASOA consortium include measurements of standard meteorology, greenhouse gases, atmospheric radiation, clouds, pollutants, chemistry, aerosols, and surface energy balances that are collected continuously with instruments on the ground. These measurements support studies of Arctic climate change attribution (why things are changing), not just trends (how things are changing). IASOA is responsive to growing evidence that the earth system may be approaching environmentally critical thresholds within decadal time scales. The information from IASOA will not only enhance scientific understanding but will also support decisions by the global community regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.

IASOA is a potential building block for the atmospheric, Arctic component of a NOAA Climate Service and could potentially contribute significantly to the operations of all NOAA line offices and mission goals. However, there are significant challenges which can only be solved by NOAA acquiring the authorities and support protocols for operating with international partners in a timely manner. This talk will be specifically addressed to the NOAA staff offices including International Affairs, Acquisition and Grants, General Consul, Finance, Travel, Communications and Education and will address a shopping list of current “show stoppers and dampers” that hinder NOAA support of IASOA. Specific examples will be used for on-going activities in Canada, Russia and Finland.

Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Notes about the speaker(s):
Current research involves investigation of Arctic clouds and aerosol characteristics using radar, radiometers, and lidar. Observed cloud properties include water contents, phase, vertical distribution and optical properties which are considered to be important in determining how clouds will impact atmospheric radiation budgets, and how energy will be exchanged between the surface and the atmosphere. A primary objective is to collect long-time records of clouds to directly measure how they change over different seasons, and from year to year. These data sets will be important in determining the processes and mechanisms force climate change so we can answer not only "how" but "why" our environment is changing. An important component of this activity is to compare these surface data sets to satellite observations of cloud properties and to develop improved representation of Arctic clouds in climate models (See
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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:15 AM / Last edited Thursday, April 30, 2009 3:37 PM


How NOAA got to High Latitudes in the First Place: George Davidson of the Coast Survey, and Koh-klux, and Alaska

Thursday, 28 May 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information about the IPY seminars see:
Dr John Cloud (NOAA Central Library)
Through its legacy agencies, NOAA has participated in every one of the International Polar Years. But the real beginnings of high latitude research involve the US purchase of "Russian America" in 1867, and then a research expedition for a total solar eclipse in 1869. George Davidson, the head of the US Coast Survey on the Pacific coast, was at the center of both activities. During the eclipse expedition, Davidson met and befriended a major Tlingit chief, named Koh-klux. In response to the eclipse, and the complex politics of Alaska, Davidson and Koh-klux made an exchange of lasting significance. Davidson made a painting of the eclipse as seen through his telescope at totality; Koh-klux and 2 of his wives made a large and extremely detailed map of the series of routes and trails/portages between the Tlingit homelands in coastal Alaska along the Lynn Canal, across the Chilkhat Passes and down to the main stem of the Yukon River at Fort Selkirk. The areas and the routes were later thoroughly transformed by the discovery of gold in the Klondike region. The 19th century Koh-klux map, re-discovered in the late 20th century, is now seen as a major historical document in the cultural history of native descendants in three different language families in Alaska and the Yukon. IPY4 (2007-2008) was the first Polar Year effort to formally acknowledge indigenous culture and knowledge in polar and high latitudes research. But George Davidson had initiated that from the very beginnings of his work in Alaska.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, March 2, 2009 1:06 PM / Last edited Monday, April 13, 2009 11:32 AM



Friday, 29 May 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information see:
Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colón (Chief Scientist, U.S. National Ice Center)
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Link to this seminar Announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday February 18, 2009 3:28 PM \ Last edited Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:28 AM



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June 2009




Assessing Human Health Impacts of Environmental Contamination in the U.S. Arctic

Thursday, 11 June 2009 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information see:
Dr. Jawed Hameedi (NOAA NCCOS)
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Link to this seminar Announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, March 23, 2009 12:39 PM



Wednesday, 17 June 2009 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring, NODC Seminar)
A NODC seminar as part of the "NOAA work in the high latitudes and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 seminar series"
For further information see:
Dr. Jackie M. Grebmeier (Research Professor, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory)
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (, Mary Lou Cumberpatch ( or Skip Theberge (
Notes about the speaker(s):
Dr. Grebmeier is a research professor at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. Her research interests are related to pelagic-benthic coupling, benthic carbon cycling, and benthic faunal population structure in the marine environment. Over the last 20 years, her field research program in both the Arctic and Antarctic has focused on such topics as understanding how water column processes influence biological productivity in Arctic waters and sediments, how materials are exchanged between the sea bed and overlying waters, and documenting longer-term trends in ecosystem health of Arctic continental shelves (See
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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday February 18, 2009 3:28 PM


High-resolution MODIS / AMSR-E composite SST for diagnostic and regional weather prediction studies

Wednesday, 17 June 2009 14:00-15:00 ETZ [Check time] (World Weather Building, Room 707, Camp Springs, MD; JCSDA seminar)
JGary Jedlovik(NASA / MSFC / SPoRT)
Remote Access & Notes:
Phone Access: Toll free 1-866-715-2479 Passcode: 9457557 ; International: 1-517-345-5260. For questions please contact Christina Bacon (301-763-8154 x 188;
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, January 21, 2009 12:29 PM / Last edited Friday, March 13, 2009 8:09 AM


XBT lines in The Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal

Wednesday, 24 June 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 4th Floor, Room 4817, NODC Seminar)
Dr. Vissa Gopalakrishna (National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, India)
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Thursday April 9, 2009 9:28 AM


Development of the Fishing Ecosystem Analysis Tool (FEAT)

Wednesday, 24 June 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Matt Austin (NOS Office of Coast Survey Cartographic and Geospatial Technologies Program)
The Fishing Ecosystem Analysis Tool (FEAT) is a system for analyzing and spatially displaying commercial and recreational catch data in combination with the place-based approach to defining and measuring fishing communities envisioned by National Standard 8 of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Fishing communities in Hawaii are currently defined at the island level, which is overly broad for conducting social impact analysis. A suitable scale for many analyses is Zip Code Tabulation Area, which the U.S. Bureau of the Census developed by aggregating census blocks. We refer to these areas as Socioeconomic Zones because they can be characterized using Census socioeconomic variables such household income, poverty level, education, ethnicity and many others. Socioeconomic zones can be linked to commercial marine license catch data and recreational catch data using anglers’ zip codes. This allows for spatial analysis and reporting of catch variables such as species, pounds landed, port of landing, gear used, and fishing area location. We can then associate any of these variables with socioeconomic zones and characteristics. Data from 10 years of commercial marine license catch reports and 7 years of recreational catch data currently are entered into the database. We will provide a number of examples of possible analyses that can be conducted with FEAT, which has the capability to tie in with other Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) data systems and to be used for many purposes other than analysis of human dimensions data.
Remote Access & Notes:
For further information please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Tuesday, April 28, 2009 11:26 AM


Reducing Threats of Land-based Sources of Pollution to Human and Ecosystem Health: A case study for the Island of Dominica

Thursday, 25 June 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar)
Ed Kruse (International Affairs Specialist, NOS International Program Office)
Remote Access & Notes:
For further information please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Monday, May 4, 2009 7:05 AM


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July 2009



No seminars added

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August 2009




Flows and mixing in abyssal channels of the Atlantic (Vema Channel 31°S), Romanche Fracture Zone (equator), Vema Fracture Zone (11° N)

Monday, 17 August 2009; 11:00-12:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 4th Floor, Room 4817, NODC Seminar)
Dr. Eugene Morozov (Shirshov's Institute of Oceanology, Moscow, Russia)
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia ( For further information about the speaker, please contact
Notes about the speaker(s):
Dr. Eugene Morozov, is the director of Laboratory of Internal Waves at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia. He is also Vice President of IAPSO.
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:14 AM \ Last edited Monday March 16, 2009 12:01 PM

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September 2009



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October 2009




What Can Science Tell Us That Fishermen Don’t Already Know?

Monday, 26 October 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 4th Floor Large Conference Room 4527, NODC Seminar)
Dr. Elizabeth W. North (Assistant Professor, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science)
For millennia, fishermen have known that abundances of fish vary from year to year and that these variations could be associated with changes in weather. One hundred years ago, many scientists thought that man could not exhaust the sea’s bounty and that climate fluctuations were unpredictable and not related to human activities. Today, we see that fish populations may fluctuate due to fishing, natural weather and climate variability, and human-induced climate change. As our understanding of the earth’s system grows and our ability to predict (or at least forecast envelopes of future realities) expands with it, we need to ask, “What is the validity of the quantitative tools developed from this understanding, and how can we use these tools to better manage fish, fisheries, and ecosystems?”

Although empirical relationships between oceanographic conditions and fish and shellfish recruitment are notoriously ephemeral, I will make the case that a process-level understanding of recruitment for individual species is an achievable and important goal for fisheries science. The state of the ecosystem (both physical and biological components) can have profound influences on early-life dynamics, which in turn feed back to the ecosystem via proliferation or collapse of year classes that can shift community structure as they pulse through a system. Understanding the influence of environmental variability on both the ecosystem and single species is necessary for projecting how fished populations will respond to climate change, for developing decision-support tools for ecosystem-based management, and for science to tell us something that fishermen don’t already know. Supporting insights and examples will be drawn from the Global Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC) Program and from research on Chesapeake Bay and the Western Atlantic’s Middle Atlantic Bight. Perspectives on research needs and priorities will be offered.
Remote Access & Notes:
For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (
Notes about the speaker(s):
Elizabeth W. North is an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES). Located at Horn Point Laboratory, Dr. North works to advance basic principles of fisheries oceanography, support fisheries management, and enhance ecosystem restoration. Her research integrates field and numerical modeling approaches and focuses on physical-biological interactions during the early life of fish and shellfish. Dr. North received a B.A. from Swarthmore College in 1991, a M.S. in Interdisciplinary Science Studies from Johns Hopkins University in 1996, and a Ph.D. in Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Science with specialization in Fisheries Science from University of Maryland in 2001. In 2007, she received the Cronin Award for Early Career Achievement from the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. Currently she serves on the ICES Working Group on Modelling Physical-Biological Interactions and the US GLOBEC Standing Committee for Synthesis, and she will co-chair the ICES workshop on Understanding and quantifying mortality in fish early life stages: experiments, observations and models (WKMOR) in 2010. See also
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OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, April 10, 2009 10:49 AM


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November 2009



No seminars added

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December 2009



No seminars added

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Concept: The "OneNOAA" science seminar series are an opportunity to share and promote constructive discussion of the work conducted at NOAA, and elsewhere with colleagues and guests speakers in an informal setting.

OneNOAA Science Seminar Partner's contacts

NESDIS / National Oceanographic Data Center
(NODC) seminars:
Location: Unless otherwise indicated, NODC seminars are held in conference Room 4817 (SSMC-3, 4th Floor; 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910). NESDIS Seminars: Check locations. Information/questions? Please contact Hernan Garcia (; 301-713-3290 Ext 184). Notes: For Webcast access: 1) go to; 2) type in other required fields (i.e., your name, e-mail, organization; meeting number is 741283869; password is "nodc1315" -password is case sensitive- ); 3) indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy; 4) click on Proceed. For phone access: toll free dial 877-916-2513 using a touch-tone phone; when prompted enter participant code 5877174 followed by a "#" (Please mute your phone during the presentation or toggle *6 otherwise it produces a sound feedback). Please note that webcast & phone access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis. Webcast & phone access will start approximately 5 min before the seminar. If possible, seminar audio will be available via podcast together with the seminar slides following the seminar. For general questions about this seminar, please contact Hernan Garcia (

National Ocean Service (NOS) seminars:
Location:  Unless otherwise indicated, seminars are typically held in the NOS conference Room# 8150 (SSMC-4, 8th Floor)
Information/questions? Please contact Felix A. Martinez (; 301-713-3338 x153) NOS/NCCOS/Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research. Notes: Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Presentations are available remotely via a combination of phone & webcast. Please be aware that remote access is limited to 50 connections on a first-come-first served basis, so we cannot guarantee participation. To participate remotely you must: 1) Dial 866-541-1377, and then wait for instructions. When prompted enter passcode 142625 followed by the # sign. Please use your phone’s mute button (or toggle *6) during the presentation until you are ready to ask questions. 2) Go to the webcast site at 3) Enter meeting number 746752585 if needed. No passcode is required. 4) Enter other required fields. 5) Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy and click Proceed. For questions: contact Felix Martinez (

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) seminars:
  Check announcements
Information/questions? Please contact Gloria Thompson (301 713-2239)

Fisheries Service, Office of Habitat Conservation seminars:
Location: Check announcements
Information/questions? For more information or to suggest a speaker, contact Katherine Smith (

Air Resources Laboratory seminars:
Location: Check announcements
Information/questions? Please contact  Betty Wells (

National Weather Service - Office of Hydrologic Development
Location:  Check announcements
Information/questions? For more information or to suggest a speaker, contact

National Weather Service - Science and Technology Seminars
Location:  Check announcements
Information/questions? For more information or to suggest a speaker, contact Bob Glahn at (301-713-1768 ;

National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Policy Seminars
Location:  Check announcements
Information/questions? For more information or to suggest a speaker, please contact (301) 713-9070 ext 116).

NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office (NCBO): NCBO focuses multiple NOAA capabilities on Chesapeake Bay restoration through science, service, and stewardship of the Bay ecosystem.
Location:  Check announcements
Information/questions? For more information or to suggest a speaker, please contact (410) 267-5673.

NOAA Central Library:
Location: All NOAA central library brown bag seminars (unless otherwise noted) are held from 1200-1300h ET in SSMC-3, 2nd Floor (main floor), 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring. Information/Questions? Contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (301-713-2600 Ext.129; or Albert (Skip) Theberge (301-713-2600 Ext. 115; Subscribe to the RSS NOAA Central Library brown bag seminars.

NOAA NMFS Office of Protected Resources (OPR) seminars
Location:  Check announcements
Information/questions? For further information please contact Jaclyn Taylor [(301) 713-2322 ext 118] and Helen Golde (301-713-2332 x 108)

Office of Ocean Exploration (OE)
Location: Check announcements
Information/questions? For questions please contact: and/or

NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center
Location: Check announcements
Information/questions? For questions please contact Sharon LeDuc (828-271-4848)

Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) Seminars:
The Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation was established by NOAA and NASA to accelerate the use of satellite data in NWP models; US Air Force and Navy subsequently joined as affiliated partners. The seminar series of the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation includes presentations on satellite observing instruments, radiative transfer models for use in satellite data assimilation, algorithms for deriving information on the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, and land surface from satellite observations, advances in data assimilation techniques, preparations for assimilation of data from new satellite instruments, and impacts of satellite data on weather and climate predictions. The seminars are 1 hour in duration (including discussion period) and are held monthly, usually on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, at 2 PM at NOAA's World Weather Building, at 5200 Auth Road, in Camp Springs, MD, and are open to the public. The audience for the seminars generally consists of remote sensing researchers from NOAA/NESDIS, modelers from NOAA/NCEP and NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, and students/faculty from U. Maryland. You can view a list of previous seminar speakers and their presentations at
Location: Unless noted otherwise, all seminars take place at World Weather Building Science Center, 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746.
Seminar web?:
Information/questions? Phone Access: Toll free 1.866.715.2479 Passcode: 9457557 ; International: 1-517-345-5260. For questions please contact Christina Bacon (301-763-8154 x 188;

Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) Seminars:
Location: Unless noted otherwise, all seminars take place at Center for Satellite Applications and Research, World Weather Building, Science Center, Room 707, 5200 Auth Road,
Camp Springs, MD 20746.
Seminar web?:
Information/questions? For questions please contact Lori K. Brown (301-361-0637).

National/Naval Ice Center (NATICE) Seminars
Location: Unless noted otherwise, all seminars take place at NOAA Satellite Operations Facility (NSOF), 4251 Suitland Road, Washington, D.C. 20395.
Information/questions? Please contact Pablo Clemente-Colón

Northern Gulf Institute (NGI) seminars: The Northern Gulf Institute (NGI), a National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Cooperative Institute, develops, operates, and maintains an increasingly integrated research and transition program focused on filling priority gaps and reducing limitations in current Northern Gulf of Mexico awareness, understanding and decision support
Location: Check announcements
Information/questions? For questions please contact Sharon Hodge ( and Jay Ritchie (

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Seminar Locations (unless otherwise indicated)

NOAA Silver Spring Campus

  • SSMC-1 (Silver Spring Metro Center, Building 1): 1335 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD, 20910, USA.
  • SSMC-2 (Silver Spring Metro Center, Building 2): 1325 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD, 20910, USA.
  • SSMC-3 (Silver Spring Metro Center, Building 3): 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD, 20910, USA.
  • SSMC-4 (Silver Spring Metro Center, Building 4): 1305 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD, 20910, USA.
  • SSMC-5 (NOAA Science Center/Auditorium): 1301 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD, 20910, USA.

NOAA Camp Springs Campus

  • World Weather Building, Science Center, Room 707, 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746, USA.

NOAA Satellite Operations Facility (NSOF)

  • NOAA Satellite Operations Facility (NSOF), 4251 Suitland Road, Washington, D.C. 20395.



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Pending for seminar date Seminars:


Canceled Seminars


Understanding Lightning and Lightning Safety

* Canceled * Wednesday, 17 June 2009; 12:00-13:00 ETZ (SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, NOAA Central Library Silver Spring Seminar) * Canceled *
John Jens (NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologist)
Remote Access & Notes:
For further information about this seminar please contact Mary Lou Cumberpatch (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 129) or Skip Theberge (; 301-713-2600 Ext. 115).
Notes about the speaker(s):
John Jens has always had a keen interest in lightning and lightning safety. In 2000, he proposed the first "National" Lightning Safety Awareness Week which was conducted in 2001. This lightning safety effort has continued to grow since its inception. John has developed a considerable amount of educational material and has worked with numerous organizations such as Little League Baseball to promote lightning safety among their participants. John serves as a NOAA spokesperson on lightning safety and, in addition to numerous non-technical talks, interviews, and television and radio shows concerning lightning and lightning safety, John has made live appearances on network shows such as the Today Show and the CBS Early Show. For his work in lightning safety education, John was awarded the National Weather Association’s 2005 Public Education Award. In 2006, in recognition of John’s efforts to initiate NOAA’s lightning safety efforts and for his contributions to that effort, John was awarded a Department of Commerce Silver Medal, the Departments second highest honor.
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added Friday, March 13, 2009 7:17 AM / Last updated Monday, March 30, 2009 1:51 PM


Sample Seminar Format



Remote Access & Notes:
Notes about the speaker(s):
Download Presentation(s):
Link to this seminar announcement
OneNOAA Seminar Added:
OneNOAA Science Seminar added






Please check for seminar changes and cancelations. Remote access to seminars is available when indicated via a combination of web/phone access. When available, seminar presentations will be available for download (see Notes for each seminar).

A PDF version of this announcement is available [Download OneNOAASeminars_DDMM2008.pdf]

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Internal NOAA Locator

Dept. of Commerce - NOAA - NESDIS - NODC

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  Last modified:    Wed, 6-May-2009 11:00 UTC
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