Space Shuttle Atlantis presents a ghostlike image in the runway lights as it approaches touchdown on the KSC Shuttle Landing Facility Runway 33. At the controls are Commander Terrence W. Wilcutt and Pilot Scott D. Altman. Also on board the orbiter are Mission Specialists Edward T. Lu, Yuri I. Malenchenko, Boris V. Morukov, Richard A. Mastracchio and Daniel C. Burbank. Malenchenko and Morukov are with the Russian Aviation and Space Agency. Atlantis and crew traveled 4.9 million miles on the 11-day, 19-hour, 11-minute STS-106 mission. Main gear touchdown was at 3:56:48 a.m. EDT, landing on orbit 185 of the mission. Nose gear touchdown was at 3:56:57 a.m. EDT and wheel stop at 3:58:01 a.m. EDT. The crew has returned from the International Space Station where they transferred nearly 5,000 pounds of equipment and supplies for use by the first resident crew expected to arrive in November. This was the 99th flight in the Shuttle program and the 22nd for Atlantis. STS-106 also marked the 15th nighttime landing in Shuttle history and the 23rd consecutive landing at KSC. (Photo Release Date: 09/20/2000 )

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