BJA Programs

Information for Federal Agencies and Lending Institutions

Individual Verification:

Check GSA's Debarment List for the Individual's Name
Federal agencies and lending institutions are required to check the GSA's Lists of Parties Excluded From Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement Programs prior to making an award or conferring a benefit.

Important Note: The clearinghouse does not determine who is placed on the list. It simply places people on the list as provided by the sentencing courts.

Check Agency and Cause and Treatment Codes
Agency and Cause and Treatment codes are listed immediately following the individual's data. Contact the clearinghouse if the agency listed is DOJ, and the Cause and Treatment code is AA. If the agency is not DOJ, refer to the Debarment List for further instruction.

Complete the Request Form and Fax It
Print a verification request form (PDF or ASCII), fill it out, and fax it to the clearinghouse at 301-937-1543. To reach a clearinghouse processor, call 301-937-1542.

More About the Debarment List:

Subscribing to the Debarment List
To subscribe to the Debarment List, contact the Government Printing Office and request stock number 722-002-00000-8:

Additional Information
For additional information regarding the Debarment List, contact the General Services Administration: