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Calling all Filmmakers and Videographers

Create a video to help save gas! Win $5000!

August 17, 2009. Filmmakers and videographers with a yen to put their work on the map and on the Web: submit a two-minute video illustrating the Drive Smarter Challenge campaign’s gas- and money-saving tips for a chance to win $5,000 or a number of other prices.

Establish Your Programs as a Model for Policy-Makers and Companies Throughout the World

Submit your organization’s successful renewable energy and energy efficiency practices to be included in a new compendium of best practices, which is to be a key tool for deployment of renewable and efficient technologies in developing countries.

Policy Perspectives with Congressman Paul Tonko, New York

On August 4, Associates gathered for an "EE Policy Perspectives" luncheon in in Albany, N.Y., where Alliance Honorary Vice-Chair Congressman Paul Tonko (D) - offered his perspective on climate and energy policy. "We’re finding ourselves in the midst of a new race, a clean, green energy race," he told Associates. "This is our future, this is our opportunity, this is our energy, our economy and our destiny. We will prevail." (Above) Steve Cowell of CSG, Alliance Honorary Vice-Chair Rep. Tonko, Alliance President Kateri Callahan, Alliance Board Member Frank Murray of NYSERDA.

Energy-Efficiency Home and Vehicle Tax Credits

Tax FormsThe American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) extends, expands, and simplifies the federal income tax credits for homeowners who make energy efficiency home improvements.

For details on the 2009 and 2010 consumer tax credits, check out our frequently updated Energy-Efficiency Home and Vehicle Tax Credits web page.

EE Global Corner

E&ETV: Interview with Björn Stigson, President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development – WBCSD's Stigson discusses potential for energy efficiency to solve climate, energy issues.

E&ETV: Interview with Ms. Dian Grueneich, California Public Utilities Commissioner at EE Global 2009 – California Public Utilities Commissioner Dian Grueneich discusses prospects for national energy efficiency standard.

Closing Plenary Speakers Tell Delegates: Time to Scale it Up – If there was one message shared by all six speakers at EE Global's Closing Plenary Session, it was that the need as well as the opportunity to scale up energy efficiency has never been greater.

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