Photo of Michael F. Duffy

Michael F. Duffy, Commissioner


MICHAEL F. DUFFY, Commissioner
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
601 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Suite 9500
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 434-9924


    National Law Center, George Washington University (J.D.) 1976
    Catholic University of America (B.A) 1971


    2002 to present Chairman (February 12, 2003-Present)
    Commissioner (December 2, 2002-February 12, 2003)
    Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
    1993 - 2002 Deputy General Counsel
    National Mining Association
    1987 - 1993 Counsel to the Chairman
    Federal Mine Safety and Health
    Review Commission
    1979 - 1987 Senior Counsel
    American Mining Congress
    1977 - 1979 Attorney-Advisor
    Federal Mine Safety and
    Health Review Commission


    Admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, and several U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals. American and D.C. Bar Associations


    "Resolution of MSHA Disputes The Need for Change and Suggestions for a More Productive Approach," Fourteenth Annual Institute, Eastern Mineral Law Foundation, 1993 (Mark N. Savit, co-author).

    "Safety and Health Beyond the Gates The Overlap of EPA and MSHA Standards on Explosives: A Case Study," Eastern Mineral Law Foundation Special Institute on Mine Safety and Health, Washington, D.C., 1994.

    "Prometheus Re-Bound: How Adoption of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change Would Devastate the Western U.S. Coal Industry." Denver University Law Review, Winter 1999.