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Klein Votes for Accountability In Iraq

Washington, DC -- Congressman Ron Klein (FL-22) voted to oppose the $39 billion in supplemental funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because it did not reflect a change in strategy in Iraq.  Klein voted for the overall spending package, which included for $43.1 billion for veterans’ healthcare and assistance and $400 million for port security.

Klein issued the following statement:

"I was profoundly disappointed that the President threatened to veto any legislation that would hold him accountable for changing direction in Iraq.  Through my leadership as the Vice-Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on the Middle East, it has been my consistent belief that the only common sense solution is for the President to work with Congress and the American people to change our strategy in Iraq.

"The Iraqi people must take responsibility for their own security and come up with a strategy for political co-existence.  I believe that it is my responsibility to the people of South Florida to oppose an indefinite commitment to policing Iraqi streets.  I support our fighting men and women because they are doing everything they are asked to do in Iraq, but it is not fair to them or to their families for the military to be operating under this open-ended plan.  We have more than a responsibility to support our troops -- we have a solemn obligation. And that obligation extends to asking the tough questions and getting our policy right."

"I will always fight for our troops, their families and our nation’s veterans.  I believe that we owe our nation’s military heroes a debt of gratitude, and their priorities must be our priorities.  That is why I voted last week to authorize $696.3 billion to improve services to wounded warriors and their families, strengthen troop readiness and increase troop protection.  I am committed to making sure that the members of our military receive the right training before they are deployed and the right support when they return home.

"Finally, this week, I voted for $43.1 billion, for veterans medical care, claims processing, and facility improvements, which is $3.7 billion over the President’s request.  I was proud to support this funding, the largest single increase in the 77-year history of the Veterans' Administration.  With over 50 veterans moving to Florida every day, the people of Florida will benefit immensely from the priorities of this Congress."