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Klein Votes in Favor of Energy Independence

Legislation Includes Funding for Marine Renewable Energy Facilities

Washington, DC -- Today, Rep. Ron Klein (FL-22) joined Republicans and Democrats to pass the bipartisan Energy Independence and Security Act, legislation that will put our nation on the path to energy independence and aid consumers and families across Florida.  The legislation increases vehicles’ fuel efficiency (CAFE standards) for the first time in 32 years, makes an historic commitment to American-grown biofuels, and repeals tax breaks for oil companies so that Americans can invest those savings in clean renewable energy and new American technologies.

"We should never, ever have to make another foreign policy decision based on where the next drop of oil is coming from.  Importing 60% of our oil from unstable countries is a dangerous mistake, and today marks a huge first step to help get our country on the track to energy independence.  This bill will strengthen our national security, lower energy costs, create jobs, and reduce our impact on global warming," Klein said.  "Becoming energy independent is a goal I’ve been working on for over 20 years -- and that goal has never been more important than it is right now.  This is the calling for our generation."

Furthermore, the legislation would require more energy efficient appliances, such as dishwashers, clothes washers, refrigerators and freezers, and would speed up Energy Department action on new efficiency standards.  The bill also establishes a program to train workers for “green collar” jobs and helps working families afford fuel-efficient plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles with a $3,000 tax credit.

Finally, this legislation makes an unprecedented investment in marine renewable energy, which would tap the ocean's potential as a renewable energy resource.  The bill authorizes $50 million a year for ocean energy research and makes ocean energy facilities eligible for renewable energy production tax credits.  Klein has been a leader on highlighting the potential of marine renewable energy, hosting a briefing on ocean energy for Members of Congress in May, which featured scientists from Florida Atlantic University.

"This investment in marine renewable energy is very exciting for South Florida," said Klein.  "My district includes over 70 miles of coastline and will be at the forefront of this research.  Florida scientists have a plan to generate enough energy to power 1/3 of Florida -- all through the current of the Gulf Stream.  Harnessing ocean power is one of the best ways to help break our addiction to oil."