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Klein: House Override of Bush Veto on WRDA a Victory for Everglades Restoration

Washington, DC -- U.S. Rep. Ron Klein (FL-22) issued the following statement Tuesday evening following the House’s override of President Bush’s recent veto of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007. To override a veto, two-thirds of the Members in both Chambers of Congress must vote in favor of the override. The House voted to override Bush’s veto by a vote of 361 to 54.

“Earlier today I urged my colleagues in Congress to come together and vote to override President Bush’s veto of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007, which contains vital funding for Florida’s Everglades Restoration. And I am incredibly grateful that 361 Members of Congress came together tonight to generate the first veto override of the 110th Congress,” said Klein.

“Protecting and preserving the Everglades is not only critical to those of us in Florida, but is vitally important to millions of Americans across this country.  It is disappointing that President Bush neither supports nor understands this, but tonight, the House of Representatives proved that his rejection is irrelevant.

“When I came to Congress, I promised  the people of South Florida that I would continue to fight to restore and protect the Everglades, and restore our beaches. In the weeks ahead I will continue to urge my colleagues in the Senate to do as we did today in the House – reject President Bush’s veto, so that we can protect and preserve the Everglades for generations to come.”