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Pence - 'American Energy Act is Answer American People are Looking For'

Pence: "American Energy Act is Answer American People are Looking For"

JUNE 11, 2009

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives today regarding House Republicans' American Energy Act:

"The American economy is hurting. Gasoline prices are on the rise, utility rates threaten to go higher and pose an even greater hardship on working families. The American people are looking for answers to these times and the challenges we face in energy.
"The Democrat answer you just heard is a national energy tax that will lead to higher energy prices and massive job losses for the American people. The President said it best a year ago when he said if the cap and trade plan were to pass, utility rates would ‘necessarily skyrocket.' Some estimates suggest job losses between 1.8 million and 7 million.

"Well, Republicans have a better plan: The American Energy Act.
"It's an ‘all of the above' plan that offers energy independence, more jobs and a cleaner environment without imposing a national energy act.
"Our energy solution focuses more on domestic exploration for oil and natural gas, a renewed commitment to build 100 nuclear power plants in the next 20 years, investments in renewables, alternative energy technologies and creating incentives for conservation.
"You can read all about it on the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal today. The American people want energy independence and a cleaner environment without a national energy tax. The American Energy Act offered by House Republicans is the answer the American people are looking for."



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